solved… Lecture Questions What did we learn abo…
Lecture Questions

What did we learn about media representation as it relates to mental health disability?
What specific disability diagnoses did our guest presenters have? How did they manage their conditions? And what support did they get from their communities? Be specific.
Given the prevalence of mental health disabilities, common stigmas associated with mental health, and stressors that exist in our lives and communities, in the lecture, how would you connect mental health to other topics that have been covered in this course? 

solved Vietnam War & Presidential Policies (500 WORD WRITING) – Analyzing

Vietnam War & Presidential Policies (500 WORD WRITING)
– Analyzing the Documentary and Visual Evidence: Presidential Policies of Vietnam War 
– Must include specific examples from the sources
– Must include one quote from the source Tragedy of Vietnam
Questions must be answered:
1) Compare and Contrast: the policies of Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon and the speech of Johnson on the why the United States was fighting in the Vietnam War. 
2) How were they similar and how were they different?
3) In what ways do these policies and speeches reflect the cultural tensions of the era?

solved Just Mercy by Bryan StevensonAs you read Just Mercy, note

Just Mercy by Bryan StevensonAs you read Just Mercy, note that you will complete a 3-5 page written review of the book as follows:The criminal justice system is only as strong and just as its weakest component. Considering the seven components listed below, list examples of how each component failed or succeeded in the conviction of Walter McMillian.Components:(1) Police—Investigation(2) Prosecution and Witnesses(3) Defense counsel(4) Trial judge(5) Jury(6) State appellate courts(7) Federal courtsFinally, in a few paragraphs, describe your reactions to the events portrayed in the book.

solved CILO1 ( plan Mitigation an Response measures appropriate to specific

( plan Mitigation an Response measures appropriate to specific problems in Saudi Arabia )

Part1 (  khobar tower bombings you need to apply emergency mangment cycle – mitigation , preparedness,response , recovery for khobar tower bombings  )
Part 2 (You need to compare khobar tower bombings to Oklahoma City bombing – what lessons did you learn ? )
Read PDF -CRITIQUE – what do you like about ? what do agree or disagree on.. How can you improve ?
Write an emergancy mangment plan for saudi arabia – sandstorms hazard .

solved I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to

I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.

1) Please watch the 5 minutes video
2) Read a two-page history regarding “Brown v. Board of Education”

3) Write one page summary of what you learned from this documentary and the reading. Try to form critical thoughts and connect this history to racial disparities in America today. What role do you think the United States Supreme Court must have in shaping policies?  Do you think the right of all persons to equal protection of the laws under the Constitution is fully enforced?

solved Read the 2 cases under this Learning Module. Reading for

Read the 2 cases under this Learning Module. Reading for Discussion Board Sexual Orientation 2 cases.pdfFor the first case, please respond to at least Questions 1, 2, and 5. For the second case, please respond to at least Questions 1, 2, 7, 8. Please feel free to respond to additional questions or to add your own questions. Suggest new thoughts we should consider about sexual orientation in light of the readings, the supplemental powerpoints, and the videos you can watch under this learning module. What have you learned after reviewing all this content? What questions do you still have?

solved Attached is an article which discusses the crisis facing the

Attached is an article which discusses the crisis facing the Medicare Trust Fund.. Read the article and summarize the information to include the following:The information presented in the article.The possible solutions presented in the article.Utilize paraphrasing to summarize the information.While addressing the statements above, make sure to:Utilize paraphrasing to summarize the information.AND Use TWO direct phrases from the article following the guidelines for using direct quotes Link to Article:

solved I’m studying for my English class and need an explanation.

I’m studying for my English class and need an explanation.

After reading “Annoying Ways People Use Sources” by Kyle D. Stedman, complete the following prompt in a post of at least 250 words:

Choose one of the annoyances Stedman describes in his essay. Then, look through a number of different pieces of writing from different genres and collect two examples of writers who followed your chosen guideline perfectly and two who didn’t. For each source you found, jot a sentence or two describing the context of that source and why you think its writer did or did not follow the guideline.

solved (, Austin has a substantial homeless population. On May 1,

(, Austin has a substantial homeless population. On May 1, Austin’s citizens voted on Proposition B, which would reinstate a prior camping ban, and impose penalties for panhandling, sitting, and lying in public areas. How did (or would you have) voted on Proposition B and why? How should Austin handle its homeless population? What specific policies do you endorse and why? Background reading is available in an April 27 Texas Tribune article by Juan Pablo Garnham As Austin voters weigh camping ban proposition, Texas lawmakers consider bills to prohibit homeless encampments statewide. ) 

solved 1. Please read BOTH attached assignment 2. In this assignment

1. Please read BOTH attached assignment 2. In this assignment you will analyze and evaluate BOTH readings from this module. Using the concepts from this module’s Read to Learn, you will find at least FOUR (4) DIFFERENT Logical Fallacies the author used in EACH ARTICLE for a total of EIGHT separate paragraphs for this assignment.You need to quote the part of the text that pertains to the specific logical fallacy AND explain (in at least eight well-developed sentences for EACH logical fallacy) how that idea from the text fits the definition given to persuasive techniques in Read to Learn.