solved InstructionsAfter reviewing the materials in the lesson, summarize the criteria

InstructionsAfter reviewing the materials in the lesson, summarize the criteria for an “evidence-based” program. Discuss the “evidence-informed” approach of Strengthening Families as described in the lesson.The Strengthening Families approach is intentionally different than the traditional “evidence-based” approach to programming. Discuss these differences and make reference to the materials in the lesson to support your answer.Resources are the links below and attached documents:……

solved Reminder: Your research paper is to be written following APA

Reminder: Your research paper is to be written following APA (American  Psychological Association) guidelines. The paper must be typed,  double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5×11 inches) with margins of  one-inch on all sides. It should have a minimum of 1,250 words (usually  4-5 pages), excluding the title page, abstract, and the reference page.  While APA standards allow similar fonts, my requirement is Times Roman with size 12 font. The paper is to be typed in Microsoft Word. You cannot submit your paper using Microsoft Works, Corel Word Perfect, or as a “pdf” document. 

solved I need an explanation for this Social Science question to

I need an explanation for this Social Science question to help me study.

Chapter 5: Society as Insulation: The Origins of Control TheoryDiscussion Theory/Questions Directions: Please answer the following two questions.Why are people able to commit crime according to Sykes and Matza’s? Look in the crime news section of any news media and find examples of each of their techniques of neutralization. Describe the various types of control that are presented in this chapter. How are these controls similar? Different? Which do you believe is the most related to criminal behavior and why?

solved Responses to other students initial posts (Please check the uploaded

Responses to other students initial posts (Please check the uploaded document)Instructions:Total of 4 Responses (2 from Dig Data, two from Enterprise Risk Management)Minimum of 150 words for each responseMinimum of 2 APA References for each responseResponses should cover:oAsk an engaging, thoughtful question about the topic.oProvide extensive additional information on the topic.oExplain, define, or analyze the topic in detailoMake an argument concerning the topic.Please follow the format below:oResponse 1, ReferencesoResponse 2, ReferencesoResponse 3, ReferencesoResponse 4, References

solved Responses should be complete, full paragraphs/descriptions that answers the questions

Responses should be complete, full paragraphs/descriptions that answers the questions in its entirety. Type and submit a response to the following questions: Provide a brief summary of the documentary. What were the roles of the three main characters?2) In what way(s) does social policy affect the lives of groups of people seen in this film?3) What are the advantages of evaluation research? What are some critiques or limitations of evaluation research?4) How might evaluation research be beneficial for your own research interest/topic?

solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need an

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

1.  In chapter 9, the issues in focus are the feminization of poverty and women and negotiating for raises and pay at work. Many people are unaware of the wage gap. What factors cause the earnings disparity for pay difference between male and female workers? What can be done?
2.  Discuss one of the issues and what should have been done that you found in the Featured Case 9.1: Ann Hopkins v. Price Waterhouse: ‘Wear Makeup and Jewelry, Style Your Hair, and Carry a Purse! (Not a Briefcase!)’ ?

solved Content Write a  paper outlining the critical need for


Write a  paper outlining the critical need for public stewardship in budgeting.Detail the needs and methods for training public officials and staff members for ethical public budget preparation and maintenance strategies.Include the following:

Detail the need and importance of public stewardship in budgeting
Ethical requirements for leaders to consider for proper public stewardship
Consequences of unethical or poor public stewardship
Consider utilizing a recent current events article for reference to a recent incident of unethical public stewardship of budgetary monies.

solved Margins & Sales Volume Different industries have varied benchmarks for

Margins & Sales Volume
Different industries have varied benchmarks for margins. For example in restaurants alcohol margins are usually much higher than food margins. In other industries, margins are affected by seasonal demand.
Industry Research and Application
Research your product/service’s industry with regard to mark-ups and contribution margins.

Describe the industry
Discuss the margins and markups on goods or services
Discuss other economic factors that affect the mark-ups
What marketing techniques can companies use to support the pricing schemes that support their margins?

solved Critical research paper on either Edgar Allen Poe or Flannery

Critical research paper on either Edgar Allen Poe or Flannery O’ Conner: Write a researched interpretive essay on the stories of either Poe or O’Connor. Your paper shouldinclude quotes from the stories you’re discussing,paraphrases or quotes from three other sources, at least one of which should be from the articles in DiYanni about the author you’ve chosen.Keep in mind: not more than 10% and 15% of your paper should be words directly quoted from a source. The rest should be paraphrase or summary of a source in your own words, or your own writing. Between 1200 and 1500 words.

solved I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an

I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

please answer the following questions AT LEAST 10 SENTESE PER RESPONSE PLEASEWhy do you feel that you are well prepared for a career in the dental profession? Tell us about a time your integrity was challenged. Besides dentistry, what are you passionate about? Share obstacles that you may have overcome to achieve your goalsIn which type of community or setting would you like to practice? How do you plan to use your dental education after you graduate?Why the University of Iowa College of Dentistry?