solved I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.

I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.

Listen to the Podcast with Jonathan Rodriguez from Bacardi (Links to an external site.). Go to the Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits career page (Links to an external site.) or Bacardi career page (Links to an external site.), choose a position and write a one page paper on why is that position important in your opinion to the Beverage industry and if you will be interested in a career opportunity within Beverage Management, if so, what position and why? If you aren’t, please state why not.

solved Please answer three questions. (Answers to each question should substantial

Please answer three questions. (Answers to each question should substantial and be minimum 1 paragraph for full points). 1- Identify one area (for children, adolescents and/or adults; you can choose) that you believe is in need of further study or intervention by developmental scientists. Why? 2- Watch the “Lessons from the Longest Human Study” video. Connect and explain what you learned in the video to the information in the powerpoint. 3- Out of all the life stages, which do you think is the most important? Why?

solved Hello so I missed about 3 weeks worth of whatsapp

Hello so I missed about 3 weeks worth of whatsapp participation points and I need these done as if you are texting a group on whatsapp. Question 1 Tell your group where you think you stand right now on the Great Aid Debate! Question 2Share one paragraph with your WhatsApp groups: Is Ngugi’s reframing new to you? Do you think it is an important perspective for people who want to give aid to Africa? Question 3Share with your WhatsApp group: What is the primary feature of missionary legacies in Africa in your view? I will send group members response as a reference.

solved For your POST, share a story about how a job

For your POST, share a story about how a job attitude, mood, or emotion affected your work or school behavior, for better or for worse. Job satisfactionOrganizational commitmentOccupational commitmentEngagementGood/bad moodSpecific emotion (joy, anger, etc.)To REPLY, I want you to do at least one of the following:What can a company leader learn from this story?What can an individual employee learn from this story?[and what I’m driving at by “learn” is really – how can our understanding of attitudes, moods, or emotions help us be better employees and/or leaders?]

solved Skull Candy Business Case.pdfPlease answer these questions along with the

Skull Candy Business Case.pdfPlease answer these questions along with the usual business case analysis:Was the headphone an attractive industry when Alden entered with Skullcandy?Does Skullcandy have a sustainable competitive advantage in the market? If so, what is it and why is it sustainable?How are Skullcandy’s products positioned? How is this positioning supported (or unsupported) by the company’s functional-level strategies?What are some of the features of Skullcandy’s product development strategy? Do you have any recommendations for how it is managed

solved I’m working on a management discussion question and need a

I’m working on a management discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Discussion: Change
Compare/contrast the traditional versus the contemporary views of change. Which approach do you prefer and why?
Discussion: Unions
After reading the assigned text chapter and links to articles, do you think that unions accomplish what they set out to do? Explain your answer and give examples.………

solved The following link will take you to Andrew Carnegie’s “Gospel

The following link will take you to Andrew Carnegie’s “Gospel of Wealth.” :
You are to write an argumentative paper using this material. Your introduction should include Carnegie’s argument, what is the point he is trying to make through his writing. You should end the introduction by answering this question “To what extent was Carnegie correct?” Your body paragraphs should provide direct examples from the text with your analysis. 

solved I’m working on a pharmacology writing question and need an

I’m working on a pharmacology writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Link to access scenario:…Complete the character role of the pharmacist Dr. Katrina Lee. You can work through this character more than once, making different decisions to alter the outcome. Once you have completed this role, answer the following:What decisions did you make? Did you change any of your answers? Did anything surprise you? As a public health professional, how can you work with pharmacists on the opioid crisis?

solved You are ready to write your reflection paper. It is

You are ready to write your reflection paper. It is very informal and requires no formatting. Consider answering the following questions from the ‘Hints and Tips’ document:(1) Submit a reflection paper about this experience. See scoring guide. Consider answering the following questions: (three paragraphs)o What did you arrive on as the unifying element (theme) for your 15 selections?o How did you decide what artworks to include in your exhibit?o What did you discover by looking at the other group presentations? In what ways did you benefit from this assignment?

solved Please give a great clinical experience for me for Adult

Please give a great clinical experience for me for Adult health. Second week of clinical. 
Clinical Experience Week 2
Describe your clinical experience for this week.

Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they?
Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and possible differential diagnosis.
What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?
Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.