solved Write a summary of the case as introduction of your

Write a summary of the case as introduction of your paper
Why offshore drilling?
Offshore drilling typically used three types, what are the three types of offshore drilling?
What was the reason for the fall of the company’s stock in 2014? Was the fall of the company’s stock related to the movement of Global Oil prices?
Was collaboration with Chevron a wise move for the company?
What were the challenges:

Competition in the market including the supply of shale oil, 
Technological challenges, and 
Dealing with fluctuations in the international oil prices 

solved Psychology Type of service: Personal Code of Ethics Think about

Psychology Type of service:
Personal Code of Ethics
Think about the concepts of code of ethics and informed consent. Then create your own
personal code of ethics and summarize them in a 800 -1200 word paper using the following
? Introduction
? Literature review of “code of ethics”
? Literature review of “informed consent”
? Describe your personal code of ethics.
? How will your code of ethics be used in a counseling environment?
? Conclusion
This paper must:
? have a thesis statement (statement of purpose/intent), must indicate the topics to be

solved A one to two-page paper with the following components (typed,

A one to two-page paper with the following components (typed, double-spaced 12 point font):Begin with a summary of what your cause is, and why it is a social issue.Identify why this cause is important to you.Describe how your photos highlight the issue, and what message you’re trying to get across with it.Identify what you see as a possible solution to the problem.What can other people do to help?https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com……use the links please

solved I’m working on a english writing question and need a

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Navigate to Westlaw Next and search for “630 F.2d 446, 8 O.S.H. Cas. (BNA) 1980, 1980 O.S.H.D. (CCH) P 24,745”. Review the Continental Oil Case document you find.Your assignment is to read the case and answer the following questions:What was the basic set of facts or the story of what happened?When must a company update to more advanced technology or controls?about one page……

solved Please watch this informative video: “A Day in Glass”.* Innovation

Please watch this informative video: “A Day in Glass”.* Innovation by Corning: A Day Made Of Glass! (Links to an external site.)What caught your attention?What are your thoughts on the technology presented: advantages and disadvantages, and its effects on society-at-large ??Do you see such a technology coming into fruition during our life time ….. and if so in what time period do you expect that to occur?What roles do you anticipate that women scientists AND end-users will play in this innovative domain??Offer your rich insights!Input required: 425-450 words

solved Discussion Question of your choice! Of the Discussion Questions included

Discussion Question of your choice! Of the Discussion Questions included at the end of the four assigned Noba Reading chapters, choose one question and and provide your own, original answer in at least TWO complete sentences below. Please be specific and provide EXAMPLES to illustrate your response.Please begin by specifying (copy/paste) which question you are answering.Gershon, A. & Thompson, R. (2020). Mood disorders. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from

solved Do the writing and address all the parts of the

Do the writing and address all the parts of the question and please use your own wordsTask1/ Read the presentation and answer the question.Why is the security of embedded systems neglected?What are the current difficulties in keeping up the security of the security of embedded systems? Tas2/ Do your own research and identify two of the most unusual IOT devices created or being created. Explain what they are, what they do, and what security risks they could be. –What type of security would you recommend be incorporated into the IOT devices based upon the ppt?

solved Is this empirical evidence to prove that stereotypes exist when

Is this empirical evidence to prove that stereotypes exist when it comes to prosecutors charging acquaintance rape? Because this claim is institutional in nature, what precautions or policy changes would you suggest reducing this stereotype? How would you enforce this policy?
Spohn, C., & Holleran, D. (2001). Prosecuting sexual assault: A comparison of charging decisions in sexual assault cases involving strangers, acquaintances, and intimate partners. Justice Quarterly : JQ, 18(3), 651-688. Retrieved from

solved Strengths and Weaknesses of eco-tourism in Virginia More information, more

Strengths and Weaknesses of eco-tourism in Virginia
More information, more detailed research for the existing S+W. And finding other potential S+W.

Strengths and Weaknesses should have separate headings and paragraphs
S+W – are internal factors that can either benefit or harm the eco-tourism, anything the eco-place could control or divert. There are few examples in this link, please review it…
There should be clear analysis of each topic, this assignment is meant to research and understand only, NOT solve.

solved Objective:  While on a mission to Perú with your

Objective:  While on a mission to Perú with your youth group, you are asked by one of your hosts, who teaches high school, to come and speak to some of her classes. She would like her students to know what a typical day is like for the average American high school student.  She wants to know the following:

when you wake up;
how you get ready for school;
how and when you get to school;
what courses you take;
when and what meals you eat;
activities after school;
when you return home and what you do there;
your nightly routine;
when you normally go to bed.