solved   Topic: Choose a favorite song of yours and

Choose a favorite song of yours and provide a short description/analysis by using the music terminology presented in the class.Instructions:The objective of this assignment is to make you/enable you use the music terminology that was presented in the introductory modules. Choose a favorite song of yours and: 1.Tell us the title/name of the piece, the name of the composer/singer/group and of the genre. Provide a link (preferable on youtube) so that we listen to the song and evaluate your description easier. 2. Why is this song important to you? Provide a couple of sentences explaining. 3. Analyze/describe the music according to the following list: Instruments: What kind of instruments you can recognize? Make sure you categorize them according to the Sachs-Hornbostel system. Melody: describe the melody according to the terminology presented in the lecture. Is the melody ascending, descending, arched? Are here any sequences? Are they step or large intervals? Does the melody sound to you legato or staccato? Texture: What would you say it is the dominant texture of the song? Is it monophony, heterophony, homophony, or polyphony? Explain why you think so. Does it combine more than one texture? Rhythm: Can you recognize the meter? Is it regular or irregular/asymmetrical? Does it change? How you would describe the tempo? Is the music piece slow or fast? Form: Can you recognize/describe the form? Does it have multiple parts like instrumental introductions and interludes or it focuses on singing from the very beginning? Can you recognize a specific form structure (strophic, binary, ternary, etc.)? Is the verse chorus? Explain and describe.
What is music? While it may seem easy to recognize music, trying to define it shows how determining what is and is not music is actually quite challenging. In this short module, you will read two definitions of music, then take a short quiz that will further illustrate how challenging defining music can be.The first definition comes from Webster’s New World Dictionary. It defines music as:The art of combining tones to form expressive compositionssuch compositionsany rhythmic sequence of pleasing sounds.Take note of the implied definitions of words such as “composition” in this definition, and the overall subjective nature of it. What makes something a composition, or a “work of art?” What makes something a “rhythmic sequence?” Do we all find the same sounds “pleasing?”As you take the quiz and read the explanations for the correct answers, consider whether this definition accurately defines music, and why or why not it may be useful to us when studying music.

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