solved Part 1 oHow important was establishing drug standards to the
Part 1 oHow important was establishing drug standards to the evolution of pharmacy as a profession?oThe USP is celebrating its bicentennial in 2020. How relevant is it today?oWhat made you curious about this week’s content?oAs the American pharmaceutical industry matured, what has been the primary positive things that have occurred? What have been the most negative things?oWhat impact has the maturation of the pharmaceutical industry had on health care in the United States?oAre there parallels between the late 1910s and today (100 + years later)?PharmacopeiaDr. Robert McCarthy PowerPointÖŽ Evolution of the Pharmacopeia ** attach*** Also review the following websites:oAdvancing Quality: (Links to an external site.)oTimeline: Don Vogt and Dr. Michael Montagne ArticlesÖŽ Process of Pharmaceutical Development: I available at the following URL: (Links to an external site.)ÖŽ Process of Pharmaceutical Development: II available at the following URL: Robert McCarthy PowerPoint**attach***AIHP PowerPoint***attach***Part 2Locate additional resources for the content of Week #4. Describe what you found.How effective were the PowerPoint materials in presenting this information?Select one pharmacy organization. Trace its history from inception to now. Why is it still important today?Why is it important for pharmacists to be a member of a professional organization?Does pharmacy have too many professional organizations? Why or why not?Dr. Robert McCarthy PowerPointÖŽ Professional Organizations *** attach***AIHP PowerPointÖŽ Pharmacy Associations