solved PLEASE READ BEFORE BIDDING Topic: Cholera Visit the World Health

Topic: Cholera
Visit the World Health Organization (WHO)
Look under section: Health Topics. in the top menu from drop down menu select C the search for cholera
Cholera (

Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Look under Search for topic information.
Visit National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
Look under Infectious Diseases
Any professional “peer reviewed, evidence-based practice” Nursing Journal and any other relevant resources to provide additional up to date information.
Maintain all research presented within ‘5 years’ of publication. In other words, do not summit information that is older than 5 years.
Prepare a team approach to teach an at-risk group of your chosen population. 
You will first provide a general explanatory overview of the disorder for the class, then demonstrate an educational session for an affected group or population. 
The teaching should be presented at a basic and appropriate learning level for the at-risk population.
Prepare a minimum of ‘10’ informative slides in PowerPoint Presentation format to highlight the main points. No more than 10 minutes per presentation.
In your group presentation include and identify the following sections:

Identify the disease and explain pathophysiology.
Identify the mode and/or vector of infectious transmission.  
Identify the population presently that at health risk.
What area of the world it is most prevalent to exposure?
What are recent (within 5 years) statistics?

(example: occurrence percentage / cases per year, deaths per year, etc.) associated with this health specific health problem?
Prevention & Interventions

What are the methods of disease prevention?
What are the pharmacological interventions?
What are non-pharmacological interventions?
What are 3 nursing interventions ?


What is the prognosis for your chosen population?
What is the hope for the future?

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