solved Term project: Final Presentation and Write-UpThe term project will consist
Term project: Final Presentation and Write-UpThe term project will consist of a final presentation and a write-up and it will be aterm longgroup effort (unless you decided to work individually on the assignments). It will contribute significantly to the learning experience. Students will select a topic from the following list no later than 8/20 (please email me your decision): -Bayesian learning -Foundations of probability -Market basket analysis -Markov chains-Probability as a measure of risk -Bayesian networks-Probabilistic pricing stock options Students can also pursueanothertopic that is not in the above list and is relevant to the course coveragewith the instructor’s permission (this need be done no later than 9/2).The write-up andthepresentation will focus on four main chapters: definition and relevance of the topic(and mathematical details if needed), an extensive literature review (what has been done), a detailed overview of application areas (where has it been applied), and potential directions for current/future work (very speculative and subjective).There is no minimum or maximum number of pages for the write-ups. You need to write as much as you need in conveying your results. Simply summarizing someone else’s work is not sufficient. You need to add your own spin to the arguments that are synthesized in a manner easy to follow for the reader. Please be very careful in including citations and quotes from other sources. The presentation needs to be designed to be delivered within 20-25 minutes. The presentation grade will be based on how well the slides are crafted, your individual presentation skills, and time management. I do not expect the presentation to include technical details. Thepresentation should be put together as if it is being delivered to a professional audience who is not technically savvybut interested in learning more about the topic. Please keep in mind that this is a termlong project and requires a significant amount of work outside of the classroom. You should start as early as possible in the termto deliver both a well-craftedpresentation and a write-up.