solved This is a creative project drawn from the embedded questions
This is a creative project drawn from the embedded questions and background of this module, as well as your own insights into the poets. It is meant to be both fun and instructive. In other words, you should:
demonstrate what you have learned about these Modern poems and poets, and…
you should have a bit of fun writing a fictional dialogue to do so.
To demonstrate that you have read, studied, and understood poems by all of the assigned authors, make sure you do a bit of explication or analysis in your discussion. Use citation. In other words, make sure there is substance here, not just style. Creative projects are fun, but they can also be a way to demonstrate (better than, say, a text or essay) what you have absorbed and learned. There is a subtle art to good dialogue. Keep the focus on the poetical rather than the biographical, or create a sense of balance there. Feel free to work with friends in class to draft your piece and get some feedback from them or me anytime.
Warning: I may be a little more rigorous in my evaluation than I have been so far.
Prompt: You are sitting in a coffee house somewhere, eavesdropping on a conversation held at another table. Poets are discussing their craft and their concerns. Recreate this conversation. Choose THREE of your favorite poets from this module and create a dialogue between them. Use a script format so it is clear who says what. (Aim for a few pages or more. Do not be too brief)
Choose one of the topics below or invent your own focus point:
Why these poets write the way they do
What modern poetry should do
Why these poets’ techniques or themes are important
Wallace Stevens Introduction, “The Snowman,” “Anecdote of a Jar,” “Of Modern Poetry,” and “Of Mere Being”
Genevieve Taggard, Introduction and all poems
Tillie Olsen, Introduction and “I Want You Women Up North to Know”
Carved On the Walls–Poetry by Early Chinese Immigrants (pages 2662+) Introduction and all poems