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solved Discussion 1- With the establishment in recent years of the

Discussion 1- With the establishment in recent years of the International Criminal Court and UN Conventions against Transnational Organized Crime and Corruption, it can be seen that international consensus is growing on global issues of criminal justice. Can cosmopolitanism help in bringing together countries on major issues of justice, while respecting individual differences? Discussion 2- […]

solved Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in children, adolescents, adults,

Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Primary care providers, not mental health professionals, treat the majority of patients with symptoms of depression. Persons who are depressed have feelings of sadness, loneliness, irritability, worthlessness, hopelessness, agitation, and guilt that may be accompanied by an array of physical symptoms as […]

solved Health insurance fraud is a problem globally, and Saudi Arabia

Health insurance fraud is a problem globally, and Saudi Arabia is not immune. Assume you have been tasked with presenting this problem to your company so employees can act appropriately when processing health insurance claims. Be sure to address:1-Actions that would be considered fraudulent;2-Key indicators that fraud is present;3-The impact of fraud on the medical […]

solved Choose one of the topics below and write 4-6 page

Choose one of the topics below and write 4-6 page paper about it. Must cite sources. Term Paper Topics 0. Legacy Please write a persuasive essay which identifies the three main reasons why a certain president may be the best and/or worst US president 1. Rulemaking Please identify a proposed rule or final rule and […]

solved I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. At the top of the page, write your research paper title and then research question in its current form .  List, alphabetically, by the author’s name (title if there is no author), all ten sources that you intend to […]

solved Respond in 3-6 sentences to at least two of your

Respond in 3-6 sentences to at least two of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:Ask a follow-up question relevant to your colleague’s post.Suggest an alternate method of communicating performance appraisal results.Further explain the benefits or pitfalls of communicating results in the way your colleague described.ReferencesBarr, M. A., & Raju, N. […]

solved Purpose There are two major classifications of carbohydrates: Â sugars

Purpose There are two major classifications of carbohydrates:  sugars and starches. The issue with simple sugars is we consume too many of them as added sugars in soft drinks, cakes, cookies, candies and desserts. These simple sugars add kcalories to the diet without many nutrients associated with them (low nutrient dense foods).  This exercise will […]

solved The questions look like this Example A patient in a

The questions look like this Example A patient in a clinical research study has given informed consent. This  means that the patient has certain rights. These rights include which of the following? Select all that apply. a) Free medical care b) Protection from harm c) Refusal to participate d) Guarantee of treatment e) Confidentiality 1. […]

solved I am working on a PICOT study: In teenagers and

I am working on a PICOT study: In teenagers and young adults with depression (Population) How does medication side effect impact on compliance. (intervention) Compare medication treatment complications with alternative methods such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). (comparison). Which treatment is more effective with less complication and side effect. (Outcome) within two months of […]

solved 2) Sophocles, Oedipus RexHere you can reflect on this masterpiece

2) Sophocles, Oedipus RexHere you can reflect on this masterpiece of Greek theater, with its rising action, constant use of irony, and fatalistic, naturalistic philosophical themes. First, give a clear summary that answers all of the following plot questions.How does Oedipus ascend to the throne of Thebes, and what happens at the crossroads where three […]