Entries by admin

solved Instructions: You will watch the movie, “Tuesdays with Morrie” by

Instructions: You will watch the movie, “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom. Copy and paste the link into your web browser to access the movie: https://youtu.be/gGCYD_7taKA. Then compose a thoughtful (1 1/2 to 3 pages, 12 pt font) paper on your knowledge and insight gained from the perspective of the film. This papers must be […]

solved One portion of an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is writing

One portion of an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is writing goals for students to master within the year of the IEP, which you completed in Module/Week 3.  For this assignment, you will complete a partial IEP for a student with a disability, based on the present level of performance given to you in Module/Week 3. […]

solved 1- Plan MITIGATION and RESPONSE measures appropriate to Flooding in

1- Plan MITIGATION and RESPONSE measures appropriate to Flooding in KSA such as Jeddah floods. [CILO 1]2- Support KSA emergency management proposals and conclusions with theory and experience about Terrorism attack in KSA (Use Emergency Management Cycle ” mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery”, and compare it with Oklahoma City Bombing ). [CILO 2]3- Critique plans of […]

solved IntroductionIntermediate sanctions span a large gamut, and can be administered

IntroductionIntermediate sanctions span a large gamut, and can be administered primarily by the judiciary, in probation, in institutions, or in the community. There are many complexities associated with intermediate sanctions. Some challenges include determining who should operate intermediate sanctions, with options including probation, parole, institutional corrections, or new agencies (public and private). Selecting offenders is […]

solved Part A – Literature ReviewChoose from three of the four

Part A – Literature ReviewChoose from three of the four questions below to answer, for 5 marks per question. Delete the one question you will not answer. As a guide, each response to Part A should be approximately 200 words, for 600 words in total. Part B – Survey QuestionsInformed by the assigned topic readings […]

solved Write a letter or create a simple brochure/booklet, that would

Write a letter or create a simple brochure/booklet, that would provide valuable information for a woman that plans on becoming pregnant. The goal is to outline the basics of what she should and shouldn’t do. Make sure your tone is friendly, supportive, and not too scary sounding. Make sure you address:nutritionphysical activityanxiety and stressmaternal illnessoutside […]

solved I’m working on a writing presentation and need a sample

I’m working on a writing presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn. What is the causes the disorder? Describe the disorder. Which system or systems does the disorder affect? What are the symptoms of the disorder? How common is the disorder? Are individuals of a certain age at risk of developing this […]

solved Below is a link to the inauguration speech given by

Below is a link to the inauguration speech given by Donald Trump in 2017. Watch the speech and answer the questions below. The grade you receive will be based on how thoroughly you answer the questions. Note* The video below is of the full inauguration. This was the only version I was able to find […]

solved Your required reading by Mladenovic, Martinov-Bennie, and Bell (2019) provides

Your required reading by Mladenovic, Martinov-Bennie, and Bell (2019) provides business students’ insights into their development of ethical decision making. Examine ethical decision-making processes and provide research on that information. Next, describe your beliefs and assumptions about ethics. Suggest areas for improvement in student education relative to ethical decision making.Embed course material concepts, principles, and […]

solved My general paper topic is going to be regarding black

My general paper topic is going to be regarding black women and health disparities in the United States.  I narrowed my topic choice down by  1. Asking myself what is my target group I want to focus my paper on — in this case it is going to be Black women.  2. My second question […]