solved Part 1: Watch one of the 8 YouTube videos from

Part 1: Watch one of the 8 YouTube videos from the list below. AND read one of the 4 readings listed below. Question: What is the main message you take away from your selected YouTube video and reading in terms of designing programs for SHFs which might propel them into banking systems and credit/loan programs to increase their incomes and welfare as well as address global hunger? Many of the poor are “unbanked” (excluded from financial services). Do you think that any of these programs you learned about from your readings and videos can address that challenge?Answer these questions in one or two meaningful paragraphs.VIDEOSWhy Jumia? CEOs Speak (Links to an external site.)4 minutes. Jumia Business Loans for Africa2. (Links to an external site.) 1.5 minutes. “Sounds of Change” CARE’s Village Savings and Loan Groups3. myAgro SMS Demo (Links to an external site.)4. (Links to an external site.) 2 min. Founder of My Agro. Scroll down to video.”It Starts with a Seed” – Self Help Africa (Links to an external site.)5. Malawi Warehouse Receipts 3 minutes Warehouse Receipt System will make the financing of Agric less risky for financial institutions 16 (Links to an external site.)6.2014 Global Hunger Index (Links to an external site.)5. 2.5 minutes – IFPRI “Global Hunger Index”7.. (Links to an external site.) 3 minutes. Scroll down to find the video8. Technology: “Flying Lab” (drones) 3 minutesFlying Labs: This Is the Power of Local (Links to an external site.) 3 minutes on Flying Labs READINGSMarket Information Systems in sub-Sahara Africa Challenges and Opportunities. Eric F. Tollens.… (Links to an external site.) Wharton University. 2018. “My Agro: Providing Access to Seeds From Cell Phones” (Links to an external site.) World Food Program. 2012. The Agricultural Commodity Exchange for Africa Mapping the Progress of Structured Trade Systems in Malawi. Valeria Morua Hernandez. (Links to an external site.) One Billion Hungry; Can We Feed the World? Gordon Conway. (One of your two text books) 2012. Chapter 8, “Creating Markets”, (pages 143-166)Part 2: Use Information From three of the Six Global Indexes below to rank your country’s status in terms of hunger, instability, corruption, economic freedom, prosperity and ease of doing businessMy selected country is Tanzania.This important information about your client country will help you immensely when you start your Team Supply Papers in your team conversations.Choose 3 of the 6 Global Indexes and discuss your country’s status. Based on your findings, which possible recommendations for your Term Project might be viable and which ones might have less likelihood of success?(1) (Links to an external site.) Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business (Links to an external site.). Scores on 10 topics. Covers 11 indicator sets and 189 economies. (2) Index of Economic Freedom (Links to an external site.), an annual guide for 20 years published by The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation (Washington’s No. 1 “Think Tank”). The Index covers 10 freedoms – from property rights to entrepreneurship – in 186 countries. (3) The African Prosperity Report (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)ranks 38 countries in terms of prosperity: measures GDP and eight sub-indices – economics, education, governance, heath, safety, security, personal freedom, entrepreneurship, & opportunity. (4) IFPRI’s Global Hunger Index (Links to an external site.) – hunger by country/region; failures and successes; insights into drivers of hunger. 132 countries(5) Political Instability (Links to an external site.) Index. (Links to an external site.) 195 countries rated for economic distress and underlying vulnerability to unrest.(6) Transparency International collects data to produce this Corruption Index

solved dFirst ReplyHello Class,The checkpoint is not a violation of due

dFirst ReplyHello Class,The checkpoint is not a violation of due process protections. The supreme court of the United States upheld using of checkpoints under particular situations with specific agendas. According to the United States Supreme court, the checkpoints do not violate the Fourth Amendment rights of drivers at the checkpoints (Vile, 2014). The Fourth Amendment to the constitution of the United States only allows searches and seizures that are reasonable. When police officers pull over a vehicle, it gets considered seizure for the Fourth Amendment’s purpose. A car will stop reasonably only if the officer has reasonably suspected that the driver has broken the law. Thus, this means that DUI checkpoints would violate the Fourth Amendment since they involve stop and investigating all drivers passing through the checkpoint (Grossman, 2009).However, the checkpoints are permissible if they adhere to tight guidelines on how the operations get conducted. Sometimes police stop every car that passes on the blocked road meaning they detain the vehicles’ drivers without having a reasonable reason that they did wrong, which is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. For a checkpoint not to violate Americans’ rights that they are entitled to in the Constitution, several requirements must be met (Grossman, 2009). There is a requirement of neutral selection when selecting what vehicle should get stopped to avoid biasness.Before implementing any action related to search and seizure at the checkpoint, the police should meet two essential conditions. First, they need to show their authority, and the person being seized should submit. When the checkpoints’ officers fail to strictly follow guidelines provided in the Fourth Amendment concerning search and seizure and the warrant’s issuing, they will violate the constitution laws (Grossman, 2009). Where checkpoint does not violate due process protection, police should not use authority, forceful language, and aggressive patrolling since this will be a violation of the Fourth Amendment.Second replyThe checkpoint is not a violation of due process protection as the fourth Amendment outlines. The police’s actions recently at the checkpoint violate the search and seizure requirements the Fourth Amendment provides. The fourth Amendment of the U.S Structure dictates that individuals’ privilege to be safe in their credentials, houses, personnel, and properties against arbitrary seizures and quests shall not be violated (Kerr, 2017). The fourth Amendment continues and provides that no Warranties shall issue, but upon credible reason evidenced by confirmation or Vow, and mainly unfolding the particular place the place can search and the specific things and persons the police can seize.However, the Fourth Amendment does not guarantee against all seizures and searches at the checkpoint, but only particular ones that are believed arbitrary under the law. There are two fundamental components of the search and attacks that the police have to meet before implementing any action relating to search and seizure at the checkpoint. The police officer must show authority, including weapons and handcuffs, and secondly, the person being seized should submit to the control (McGlynn, 2017). However, the police officers’ aggressive patrolling at the checkpoint indicates forceful language and physical contact, which are strong indicators of authority that are against the Fourth Amendment requirements.On the Warrant issue, it can be said that police validity at the checkpoint, the police officer must meet four primary requirements, including filing the warrant in good faith, reliable information on warranty indicating a probable cause to search. The other two requirements include that the warranty must be from a detached and neutral magistrate, and finally, the warrant should show the particular place and things the police officers can search and seize. Failure to follow the strict protocol outlined in the Fourth Amendment concerning search seizes and warrant issue is a severe violation of the law under the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

solved resbond on discussion 1 Saudi Debt Market The Government of

resbond on discussion 1
Saudi Debt Market
The Government of Saudi Arabia has the commitment not to the extent of commitment to spreading commitment and support market liquidity in many business sectors. Over the last decade SAMA and banks have frequently sought to see factors that hold. From the very beginning we considered increasing the scope of instruments that are similar to coupon characteristics and improvements, followed by making a large amount of extraordinary commitment in a single issue with “tap problems.” Evaluation of problems with formative changes that reflect market components The situation and the instrument system appear to have the characteristics necessary for the discretionary market Buying and selling The dispersion issue nevertheless contains discretionary market liquidity traffic. Clearly, the poor basis for theory and presentation were not helpful to assisting market trading, the failure to appear adventure Banks and SAMA’s unrelated role in open markets. Any discussion of corporate protection now might be inappropriate before adequately addressing the relevant concerns/needs affecting government protection.
How active is the Saudi Debt Market?
The presence of helpful optional business regions for government protections ensures that new issues are dispatched correctly. If open market works out/mediations can be facilitated in well-functioning optional business zones, different focal points of duty the board, such as smoothing security regard enhancements and confining the effect of recovery divides, may be comparatively enabled. Saudi Arabia has a precarious optional market. We would say that the associate market’s scarcity is a reflection of a limited student pool.The absence of hypothesis banks and a transient undertaking society The expansion of Saudi Arabia’s essential market size is due to the availability of adequate detainee wellsprings of assets, rather than a fluid assistant market.
What are the prospects of Debt Market in Saudi Arabia?
This objective entails covering the public force’s gross purchasing needs and ensuring its continued enlistment in money-related business territories. Financing a gap between use and payment in a set period, as well as requirements for limiting making responsibility, are examples of net purchasing fundamentals. Saudi Arabia’s acquiring requirements have remained limited to financing spending requirements or perhaps limiting making responsibility from local sources. The red instruments offered to the market as T-bills, GDBs, and FRNs have a large collection. The heads of duty have not been used to assist in the financial process, for increasing the likelihood of wiping out excess liquidity New money hasn’t been used to support the country’s new trade agreements.

respond on discussion 2

Saudi Arabia’s debt market has seen a dynamic change over the years. There have been large gains of wealth in few years. One of the popular debts in Saudi Arabia is known for is the Sukuk. It was introduced in the Islamic debt market and was able to be accepted in the whole market without much publicity. This is a government initiative to widen the investor base for the Saudi Arabia government. One of the key differentiators of the Saudi Debt Market is that you can trade in two types of currencies. The Capital Market Authority (CMA) ensures that you can trade either in government-related entities or in the US dollar market. Despite this initiative, the most prospective debt in the market is Sukuk, which takes around 90% of issuing corporates. Sukuk is also the most favored debt in the local market. Presently, Saudi relies heavily on the real estate and banking sectors to be the largest issuers. The government has plans to encourage companies to consider bonds as a way of investment rather than getting banking loans (Dhaidan & Ab, 2018). In recent years many Saudi companies have expressed interest in bonds. This is a good trend because the market becomes mature and stronger with the introduction of many players. With a wide range of investors demanding local bonds, the Saudi debt market gets stronger.

solved Assignment 3: Taking Charge of Your Financial Future Due: Week

Assignment 3: Taking Charge of Your Financial Future
Due: Week 10
Points: 105
Skill(s) Being Assessed: Technology
Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:

Create three monthly budgets using Microsoft Excel for a financial analysis. Include realistic expenditures and allocate expenditures in response to changes in income and expenses.
Present data visualizations showing the findings of a personal financial analysis using appropriate graphs or charts in Microsoft Excel.
Explain why the chosen graphs or charts help someone to understand the presented financial data better than other potential graphs or charts.
Discuss the results of a financial analysis, including progress toward savings goals, potential budget changes, and factors that could impact the budget.
Reflect on what a financial analysis might reasonably look like in a year, considering income growth and inflation of consumer prices.

What to submit/deliverables: Excel budget spreadsheet and Word document downloaded from the webtext and submitted in Week 10 via the Assignment 3 link in Blackboard.
What is the value of doing this assignment? One way to check your progress toward your financial goals is to conduct a personal financial analysis. This will help you see how well you have stayed on track with your finances over a period. Using technology can help you stay organized throughout your analysis, as well as help you visualize financial data. Displaying the data visually will allow you to observe general trends in your personal finances and to communicate the trends effectively.
For this assignment, you will be using Excel as your technology tool to analyze personal financial data and display that data visually. There are many other available personal or professional technologies that can be used for this type of analysis. The approach to learning and working with Excel software in this course is one you can apply to other technology tools in your life and career.
Your goal for this assignment is to: Build your confidence and practice your technology skill by conducting a personal financial analysis using a technology tool. You will use Excel to organize three monthly budgets and to visualize financial data using graphs or charts. You will use the assignment templates in the webtext to explain the results of your financial analysis, including progress toward your financial goal from Assignment 2.
Steps to complete: Follow these steps to complete your assignment. In Week 10, you will submit your assignment in Blackboard.In Week 10, submit your assignment in BlackBoard by following these steps:
STEP 1: Read the scenario.
Scenario: After creating your financial plan, you decide to create monthly budgets to track your spending and monitor your progress toward your savings goal. In planning out your budgets for the first three months, you document some extra income that you will have coming in during months two and three. You also know that you have a medical bill to pay during month two and a school-related fee to pay during month three, so you plan for those expenses in your monthly budgets. After completing your budgets, you show them to a friend who is studying to become a financial advisor. Your friend is excited that you are pursuing your financial goals and suggests that you consider using your technology skill to create charts and graphs to visualize the information in a way that helps you to understand your spending and track your progress toward meeting your goals.
STEP 2: Instructions in Chapter 8 of the webtext will guide you through the process of creating three monthly budgets in Excel using data from the financial plan you created in Assignment 2.
STEP 3: In Chapter 9 of the webtext, you will follow instructions to create charts to visualize your monthly spending and savings progress. And you will also use assignment templates to discuss your financial analysis.
STEP 4: In Chapter 10 of the webtext, you will review and revise your financial analysis and then download your Word document. You will then submit it and your Excel spreadsheet to Assignment 3 in Week 10 of Blackboard.

solved In this interview, you will be assessed based on the

In this interview, you will be assessed based on the following Outcome:MT435-5: Evaluate the purpose of forecasting and inventory management within operations management.This journal is different than many journals you may have encountered during your time at university. In fact, it is better to think of it as an interview than a journal.Part of learning about business is networking. This interview is to get you motivated and networking with business professionals in your local area. If you want, you can also set-up an online interview using Google Hangouts; however, you should make an effort in your local area if at all possible for this experiential learning opportunity to conduct a face-to-face interview.You will conduct a 30-minute interview with a business professional who has experience with forecasting and inventory management.During the interview, ask permission to submit their first name, last name, and email address as elements of your interview summary, in case your professor wants to check-in with them on their thoughts of the interview.As the person conducting the interview, you should dress professionally for the interview, and be prepared with some initial research of the person you are interviewing (review their LinkedIn profile) as well as, their organization (online research, corporate website, etc.). The point is to show up as a business professional, and to be properly prepared and engaged for the interview. You will be asking the questions, and you should be prepared to be an active listener and to ask pertinent follow-on questions.The three main question sets you are to ask, allowing about 10 minutes of discussion each, are:Question Set 1: (Forecasting)Does your organization use both qualitative and quantitative forecasting methods? What methods do you use to support your business with forecasting (examples: regression analysis, Delphi Method)? Is there a special team focused on forecasting, or is it a responsibility of each professional within your organization?Question Set 2: (Inventory Management)How does your organization implement inventory management? What types of information systems does your organization utilize to support effective inventory management? Does your organization implement JIT, Just-In-Time, or some other form of lean applied to inventory?Question Set 3: (Reflection on Operations Management)Take a moment to share and reflect, with the professional you interview, on what you have learned during our term, focused on operations management. After reflection, continue to discussion with the following questions. How does operations management ensure the “mission happens” for a successful organization? How does the “puzzle pieces” of various traditional areas of business connect within your organization? Does your organization have a vertical (mechanistic) or horizontal (organic) organizational structure? Do you have a top “lesson learned” related to effective operations for a business?To successfully complete this interview, review the rubric prior to the interview and ensure you complete all required elements. However, in general, you will be composing 2-pages of meeting minute format summary of the interview, highlighting who you selected to interview, their contact information, the three responses, any other follow-on questions or key points, and then close with a summary and your reflection on what you learned in relation to the course topics.Advice to Avoid Do not list the questions in the interview document you submitUse headers such as Question Set 1: to separate out your interview narrativeEnsure all writing is the direct words of the person you interviewed, using quotes on their responses, or your own original narrative as part of the interview process, or your own reflectionsEnsure your reflection is in your own wordsCheck your TII Report!Directions for Submitting Your Journal: InterviewCompose your meeting minute format summary of the interview in a Word document and save it in a location that includes your name and the title. Submit your interview summary to the Unit 10 Journal: Interview Dropbox.

solved Nonprofit OrganizationsDiscuss grant writing tips you have learned outside the

Nonprofit OrganizationsDiscuss grant writing tips you have learned outside the course textbook and lecturesInternet sources provide more insights into grant writing. One of the most emphasized phases is preparation. Before applying for any funding opportunity, the article suggests that a person should decide what the grant will be applied to and used for. This process helps form the application scope, and the information generated is useful during the application process. This step can determine the success or determine whether the project to be founded has already been covered. Another important insight created is on ensuring eligibility and research the funding body and previous grant recipients. Evaluation of eligibility helps ensure the application meets the criteria, while research helps to note the type of answers the funding provider is looking for. Therefore, the outside source helps in understanding the driving force behind the funding body.What additional suggestions might you offer to a novice grant writer?An additional suggestion is on being proactive about grants and setting realistic goals and ideas based on the research. A person should revise the grant application format using what the provider is asking for as the guideline. This approach helps in making the application stronger. Lastly is on realistic goals and ideas. The steps help in making the application achievable and clearly defined. The step helps the writer engage in a bit of research and support why the project should be funded. Research also helps in making an idea unique and fits the description provided by the funding opportunity. The element can also be noted in the budget section, which indicates that the application is well-planned, well-conceived, cost-effective, and feasible.Evaluate and explain what potential pitfalls are associated with restricted gifts.3There are cases where a donor may provide funds for specific programs that do not need to be founded, or the funding has already been discontinued. This is a challenge since the surplus fund cannot be used for other purposes. Another pitfall is when the restrictions imposed by the donor are ambiguous, leading to the use of funds in a way that the donor did not intend (Gary, 2017). Lastly is in case of an organization facing closure and transfers the assets. The challenge associated with this issue is associated with the new organization guideline and purpose.Discuss why or why not you would prefer restricted gifts if you were an executive director of a nonprofit organizationRestricted gifts mean that the company is restricted to funding only the areas the donor has highlighted. Therefore, the company will fund organization programs based on donor directions, conditions, restrictions, or other limitations on their gift, which constrains the use of the funds. Therefore, I would prefer unrestricted gifts since they do not fetter the organization’s discretion in deciding where the donated funds will be allocated. The company can face various financial constraints or lack of suitability and underfunding for some projects while others have a surplus. Unrestricted gifts will allow the company to fund programs based on the need and prioritization in society.According to you, what are the most important regulatory requirements for charitable contributions at the federal and state levels?The government regulates nonprofit organizations through tax exemption. This is achieved by writing the charter documents and bylaws. Public charities are subject to the excise tax on investment (Dietz et al., 2017). Nonprofit organizations are limited from engaging in lobbying and electioneering. There is also a regulation on the diversion of undue benefits such as excessive c4ompensation and inurement.ReferencesDietz, N., Barber, P., Lott, C., & Shelly, M. (2017, September). Exploring the relationship between state charitable solicitation regulations and fundraising performance. In Nonprofit Policy Forum (Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 183-204). De Gruyter.Gary, S. N. (2017). Restricted charitable gifts: Public benefit, public voice. Alb. L. Rev., 81, 565.

solved Introduction The purpose of this oral presentation is to inform

Introduction The purpose of this oral presentation is to inform a group of community stakeholders of a public health problem that exists in the community. Your goal is to gain funding to address the issue. Therefore, your presentation should use Standard English and have a highly developed and sustained viewpoint and purpose. Using college-level communication skills, your presentation should be logical, unified, and highly ordered with superior organization from beginning to end. In addition, be sure to use exceptional oral delivery techniques in your voice recordings, which includes proper word choice and oral expressiveness, and superior content, organization and style. You should be leading your audience toward a dynamic and supported conclusion that will gain funding to address your chosen health problem. Instructions Select a current public health issue from the following website: I CHOSE ADDICTION!!!Source: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from Once you have picked a public health issue, read through all areas of the topic page including the Overview, Objectives, and Interventions & Resources to have a thorough understanding of the health problem and what is being done to reduce its impact on communities. Create a 10-12 slide presentation with speaker notes and recorded audio using the following guidelines for creating your presentation: OR TWO SENTENCES IN THE NOTES OF EACH SLIDE TO SIMULATE YOU TALKING!!!!Title slide (1 slide)Introduction slide (1 slide)Provide a summary of the selected public health issue, including the affected population(s) (Overview tab). (1-2 slides)Discuss what local, state and/or federal government health programs are responsible for addressing the issue. (1 slide)Discuss what non-governmental agencies are assisting in addressing the issue. (1 slide)Give an explanation of the need for collaboration between government and non-governmental stakeholders. (1-2 slides)Propose a minimum of three (3) evidence-based solutions that could be used to address the health issue (use the Interventions & Resources tab to assist). (2-3 slides)Describe the challenges the stakeholders face when implementing evidence-based solutions, including but not limited to reaching the affected population(s) (target audience) and funding. (1 slide)Conclusion (1 slide)References are formatted in 6th edition APA style. (as many slides as needed) Requirements The oral presentation includes at least 10 slides.The slides for your oral presentation should have only 3-5 lines of text with 5-7 words per line. The fonts should be easy to read and backgrounds need to be easy on the eye. Avoid using colors that are too bright and backgrounds that make it difficult to read the text. Pictures and graphs are encouraged to support the information on your slides, but not required.Each slide should have a minimum 2-3 sentences of speaker notes in the “Notes” area at the bottom of each the slide. The speaker notes should be written as your script for the oral presentation. They should have a viewpoint and purpose that is clearly established and sustained throughout the oral presentation, and follow the conventions of Standard English, including correct grammar, punctuation and mechanics.The speaker notes will need to be recorded as voice audio files and added to each slide as if you are presenting to an audience. Be sure to use clear enunciation, professional tone, and record in a quite space with no background noise (no T.V., music, barking dogs, children or adult conversation, etc.).Use exceptional oral delivery techniques in your voice recordings, including proper word choice and oral expressiveness, and superior content, organization and style to lead your audience toward a dynamic and supported conclusion.Please visit the Microsoft Office tutorial on how to add audio to your slides:,_2016

solved *Attached below as a reference is week 4 assignment*The purpose

*Attached below as a reference is week 4 assignment*The purpose of this assignment is to create marketing communications recommendations for a marketing campaignThere are three steps to this assignment. Review all three steps before you begin.STEP 1: REFER TO THE SAME PRODUCT/SERVICE USED FOR WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENTS.The same product/service used for Weeks 4 will be the subject of this assignment.Follow the specific instructions outlined in Steps 2 and 3 below.STEP 2: COMPLETE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING TASKS AS THEY RELATE TO YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE. NOTE THE RESEARCH AND REFERENCES REQUIREMENT.I. The Marketing MessageYour client was persuaded that your new segment is a promising one to approach. The client has requested your firm to create a single message that can reflect your client’s brand value proposition and positioning. This message much reach consumers to create awareness and generate need with those potential customers.Define the Segment. Refer to your Market Segmentation Memo from Week 4.Describe the segment you recommended for this client in Week 4. You may refine the segment based on any feedback you have received. Present here the revised or updated segment description.Discuss the purpose of your client’s marketing communication with this segment.Define the Value Proposition. Refer to the value proposition from your Value Proposition Memo from Week 2.Refer to the value proposition you identified for this client in Week 2. Adapt that value proposition to your new segment. You also may refine the value proposition based on any feedback you have received. Present here the new value proposition that you will use to create the message for the new segment.Create the message.Create and provide here an example message that would be appropriate to resonate with your new market segment for the client’s purpose. See the “Integrated Marketing Strategies” learning resource. Use words and/or images.II. The Marketing Communication ToolsChoose the tools. You have determined the message. Now, you’ll consider the marketing communication mix. What are the best marketing communications or promotional tools for this message?Consider the promotion tools described in the “Tools of Promotion” learning resource. Begin by identifying for yourself which ones are not appropriate and why. Present two tools you recommend for communicating this message to this target segment. Choose and discuss at least two different tools described in the “Tools of Promotion” learning resource. Your choices must reflect the characteristics of your target segment.For the two promotional tools you recommended in this section, add additional detail. For example, if “events and experiences” was one of your recommendations, provide an example of an event that would be appropriate to communicate the message to your target segment.III. Recommendations (Summary and Conclusion)The right message and medium for the segment. What is the message and the medium you recommend to reach this new target consumer segment?The segment: Summarize the new segment you created. You are reminding the client of the goal.The message: Present the message appropriate for the segment. Use words and/or images.The promotion tool: Present at least two different promotional tools from the major modes of communication, along with an example for each.How to integrate the marketing communications? Make some specific recommendations for your client to best integrate the message and the marketing communications you have recommended.STEP 3: FORMAT YOUR SUBMISSION AS A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION TO COMPLY WITH THESE REQUIREMENTS. MEET THE RESEARCH AND REFERENCE REQUIREMENTS.Communicate your results in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. This is a presentation that would be effective in a professional marketing setting. See Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations for MarketingYour presentation will have a cover slide, an agenda slide (also known as index slide), three major content sections (see below), and references slide(s)It is reasonable to expect this assignment to be about 10 slides in length, not including cover and references slides.

solved CASE STUDY:Statewide Training Needs Analysis:DISABILITY SERVICES AGENCYThe clientA large stat

CASE STUDY:Statewide Training Needs Analysis:DISABILITY SERVICES AGENCYThe clientA large statewide public sector organisation providing support services throughout Queensland to persons with a disability. The briefA high level review of the agency had been undertaken (the Ford Review) resulting in wide ranging recommendations toimprove the quality of services provided by the agency to its clients. A key recommendation was to undertake acomprehensive training needs analysis of the 1400 staff throughout the state to determine critical skill gaps and develop astrategic training and development plan for the agency. My responseThe methodology had to assess the training needs of expert and support staff in corporate and branch or regional offices,but specifically identify the needs of the 1200 care workers throughout the state. These staff were shiftworkers with verylimited access to online information, poor computer literacy skills, and in some cases, poor literacy skills. They travelled tothe client directly from home and direct contact with them was difficult. Capacity for every staff member to participate in theanalysis was a critical factor. In addition, there were relatively high levels of anxiety resulting from the Ford Review and itwas important that the approach encouraged people to not only participate but to provide honest and accurate information. It was agreed that a hard copy survey which covered the skills for all key areas of the work of the care provider would be themost beneficial method of assessing skill gaps. A comprehensive distribution process was designed to ensure all careproviders received a copy and were able to complete and return their survey to the consultant at no cost. An extensivecommunication proves was undertaken during the project and a hotline to the consultant for questions and furtherinformation was provided. Survey data was validated with sample groupsMy approach involved:development of a survey instrument and methodology in consultation with a wide range of key staff, management, unionsand consultative groups that represented care providersone-on-one interviews with expert staffdistribution, collection, and analysis of hard copy collection of other data relevant to the job analysisconsultation with unionsconsultation with key managersanalysis of all data against a framework of key issues developed in consultation with the clientA detailed report was produced which provided qualitative and quantitative analysis, highlighting significant areas of overlapin responsibilities between two levels of management, duplication of activities, time spent on key activities, areas ofmisalignment with existing position descriptions and accountabilities that were not being addressed, identification of barriersand blockages, key skills and knowledge required for the job and gaps, and anomalies in reporting structures.The resultsThe findings were presented to the Branch management team and incorporated into a presentation to the DepartmentalSteering Group. Some areas of overlap and misalignment were able to be addressed immediately. The findings provided important data toSome areas of overlap and misalignment were able to be addressed immediately. The findings provided important data tosupport the introduction of refresher training in certain areas and provided significant information that helped the Branch inrealigning business processes and roles.Question 1 (10 Marks) In order for the client to adequately train their staff with the ability to provide support for the disabled, particularly in a COVID- 19 work context, critically discuss the levels of training and how these would apply to the training of this client’s staff. Introduction – Body – ConclusionNumber of words: Around 500-700 wordsQuestion 2 (20 Marks)Compare and contrast Nadler’s training model with Camp, Blanchard and Huszczo’s training model. Substantiate whichmodel you would choose to assist the client in training their staff to provide support for the disabled.Introduction – Body – ConclusionNumber of Words: Around 1300 words. All together minimum number of reference: 8

solved Each Question Must Be Answered Completely Separately. Each Answer Must

Each Question Must Be Answered Completely Separately. Each Answer Must Be 250 words in length, which is equal to about 1 page of double-spaced writing in Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman 12 point font in a Word document.
Week 1 Question: 
“There is this exceptionally beneficial and fruitful advantage to be derived from the study of the past, that you see, set in the clear light of historical truth, examples of every possible type. From these you may select for yourself and your country what to imitate, and also what, as being mischievous in its inception and disastrous in its issues, you are to avoid.” (Livy, History of Rome, preface)
What lesson did Livy expect the readers of his day to learn from the stories of the Sabine Women and Lucretia?  What virtues (or vices) did other women in Livy exhibit that made them exemplary heroines (or villains) for the Romans? Please answer all these inter-related questions.
Week 2 Question:
The Romans fought many wars in their bid to conquer the entire Italian peninsula. Perhaps the most important was the Tarentine or Pyrrhic War fought with Pyrrhus, King of Epirus. What was the political and military impact of the war on Rome’s position in Italy and the western Mediterranean. Why was the Pyrrhic War a turning point in Roman history?

Week 3 Question:
For this week’s discussion, read the article by Andreola Rossi, “Parallel Lives:
Hannibal and Scipio in Livy s Third Decade.” Rossi notes that “Livy’s parallel lives of Scipio and Hannibal simultaneously reflect issues critical to the political discourse of the late Republic and set up an exemplary antithesis between the tales of Rome’s past virtus and her present decline.” What does Rossi mean by this statement and how does she construct her argument?
Week 4 Question:
Why, according to the article by Sarolta Takacs, (“Politics and Religion in the Bacchanalian Affair of 186 B.C.E,”) did the Roman Senate feel the need to suppress and ultimately control the cult of Bacchus in Rome? Are there later parallels to the Roman treatment of the Christians? Are there contemporary parallels? Please answer all these inter-related questions.

Week 5 Question:
Scholars assert that the Gracchi played a pivotal at Rome because they exposed the weakness of the Roman constitution. Does this challenge what you know about the Roman constitution from Polybius? What weaknesses did the Gracchi reveal and how did they choose to use the common people to exploit those weaknesses? To answer these questions you will need to read Polybius’ analysis of the Roman constitution and Barry Strauss’ article, “Populares and populists.” Please answer all these inter-related questions.

Week 6 Question:
Rome saw many slave revolts, but none that so thoroughly threatened the state and captured the imaginations of later generation as the revolt led by Spartacus the gladiator. We will examine the reason for its continuing fascination even in modern America. Read Margaret Malamud, “Cold War Romans” and discuss the contemporary context of the filming of the story. What was the immediate source of the story? How did the film adapt its source? Why did this “sword and sandal” film become a landmark in American film history?

Week 7 Question:

In discussing Caesar’s description of Pompey’s camp after the Battle of Pharsalus, Andreola Rossi notes that “Caesar builds a network of correspondences with other events, thereby broadening and universalizing the significance of the narrated episode. It is through this device that he weaves efficaciously into his narrative an important ideological and political subtext that informs the narrative of BC [Bellum Civile/Civil War].” What does Rossi mean and what is Caesar up to?  Please answer both questions.

Week 8 Question:
Why did Thomas Jefferson  select classical models for his public architecture? Make particular reference to his use of the Maison Carrée as the model for the Virginia State Capitol and the Pantheon as the model for the Library of the University of Virginia. What symbolic value did Jefferson hope to achieve? Please answer both questions.