solved Assignment Details The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of

Assignment Details
The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/ information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or internationally
The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and networking). Infrastructure Investigation, which is in a selected industry, should be carried out by using articles, websites, books and journal papers and /or interviews. In the report, you are expected to discuss:
Project Report Structure: Part 1
Submission: End of week 6 Saturday 16/10/2021               Marks: 10
1.Cover Page                                                                                                                  This must contain topic title, student names and Students ID, section number and course name. (you can find the cover page in the blackboard)
2.Table of Contents (0.5 mark).Make sure the table of contents contains and corresponds to the headings in the text, figures, and tables.
3.Executive Summary (1 marks).What does the assignment about, briefly explain the distinct features
4.Organizational Profile (1.5 marks).Brief background of the business including organization details, purpose, and organizational structure.
5.Strategies (3 marks).Discuss different types of strategies for competitive advantages and then select and discuss the most appropriate strategies to improve the performance of the organization.
Hint: You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization
6.Technology Involved (4 marks).How is the organization set up in terms of its IT infrastructure? Discuss the hardware, software, telecommunication, information security, networks, and other elements.
Hint: You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization
Project Report Structure: Part 2
Submission:  End of week 13 Saturday 11/12/2021Marks: 8
7.Analysis of Existing System (5 marks).Analyze the key problems of the existing system used by the company. Also discuss the Information Systems used within the company for example:
Transaction processing systems (TPS)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
Functional Area Information Systems
Business intelligence
Hint: You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization
8.Possible Solutions and Suggestions for the company (1 mark).What are your suggestions to help the organization in solving the key problems? 
9.Conclusion (1.5 mark).
Summarize your report
10.References (0.5 mark).
           Use APA referencing style format. 
Part 3: Presentation
Submission: Instructors will manage the date and time for presentation during week 13&14          Marks: 7
Make a power-point presentation of your Project work mentioning all the above contents and present in a group. There must be minimum 10 slides in the presentation with a good background design, readable font size and style with appropriate color.
Presentation must have the following format:
§First slide: Group members name and Student id & Title of the Project
§Company Profile
§Technology Involved                                                                                                  
§Analysis of Existing System                                                                                              
§Possible solutions and suggestions

solved OverviewThe United Nations has continued to retain you as a

OverviewThe United Nations has continued to retain you as a consultant for a project that deals with climate and the environment. Most developed countries see the dangers of releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and are committed to climate policies that attain a carbon-free future in the next 30 years. They already see the damaging effects that this gas alone is having on the living conditions of crops, wildlife, and humans. As a result, many member states are dissatisfied with the progress of the eight Millennium Development Goals for international development that they established in 2000. The member states see a substantial disconnect between several issues that developed and developing countries believe are priorities. For example, Burundi wants one of the goals to focus on food security, while Austria is adamant that a major global issue should be the negotiation of ceasefires in countries in the midst of civil wars. The UN wants you to work from the list below and prioritize two of the global community’s threats that it deems the most serious to environmental stability.InstructionsStep 1Select two threats. Listed below are eight issues that the UN feels pose the most significant threats to global security. Some of these apply to the Earth’s 7.7 billion people, while others are limited primarily to developing countries. Regardless of where these threats are concentrated, your job as a consultant is to identify two of them that you consider the most critical to the globe’s population.Issue OptionsThe use of fossil fuels as an energy source.Globalization.Insufficient educational opportunities in developing countries.A lack of access to technology.Civil war (NOT the U.S. Civil War).The rise in oceans’ levels.Covid-19 and the global pandemic.The dangers of poor countries remaining poor.Step 2Write a minimum of an 8 page persuasive paper about your two threats.Write an introduction paragraph of at least one-half page in length identifying the two threats you have selected and the purpose of the paper. Then, for the two threats you chose:Identify the factors that make it such a serious risk to the global environment that you would choose to present it to the UN.Analyze the role that humans have played in aggravating this threat to the Earth’s environment.Suggest initiatives that the global community can take to mitigate the worst effects of this environmental threat.Write a conclusion paragraph of at least one-half page in length that summarizes your impressions of these risks for global stability.GuidelinesThis course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the SWS link in the left-hand menu of your course and check with your professor for any additional instructions.In order to earn full credit, the answers to each of the three questions must be at least two full pages long, making six pages. You must also include the one-half page introduction and one-half page conclusion at the beginning and end of the paper, adding up to one page of content. Finally, you must include a graph or table (see 5, below) that will be at least one page in length. The entire paper will be a minimum of eight pages long.You must use at least seven credible sources (excluding Wikipedia, dictionaries and encyclopedias) that are appropriate for the subjects under discussion.You must use only double-spacing and not place extra spacing between paragraphs or section headings.As part of your answer to any one of the questions, you must include a graph, table or chart using quantifiable data that supports your argument. You need only one graph for the entire assignment, and although you may download this item from the Internet, it may be no longer than one page in length. You must comprehensively explain beneath the graph what the data means. Otherwise, it will be of no use to the reader.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:Propose suggestions for mitigation initiatives that address the threats to the stability of the global environment.

solved Discussion 1 Chapter #8 points out that scores from an

Discussion 1
Chapter #8 points out that scores from an instrument should be reliable ( that is the results would be similar over time, if the test were repeated) and valid, that is an accurate and specific measure of the variable.   How can reliability and validity be measured? 
Discussion 2
Name ONE way a researcher could minimize threats to internal validity.
Student 1 
(Question 1-Antoine)The common methods of measurements of reliability are internal consistency and test-retest.Internal consistency looks at the consistency of the score of individual items on an instrument. Using a survey to collect data on overall satisfaction should yield the same response for similar questions in your data collections. If the answers are not the same that may be an indication that the survey may be worded poorly. Test-retest is simply that of what it says, using an instrument and then testing again after an interval of time without administering any treatment or intervention.Common methods of testing validity are content validity and construct validity.Content validity means that the test measures appropriate content, while construct validity refers to the test measuring the skills/abilities that should be measured. An good example of content validity would be the administering of an EOY mathematics exam that properly asks questions on what students have been taught throughout the year. Construct validity example would be establishing a construct, such as depression, and developing a test that measures symptoms and indicators of depression.Student 2(Question 1-Tanya)Reliability can be measured several ways. The ones that stood out to me is the test-retest method. It is given to the same group of people after an appropriate time lapse. The higher the reliability coefficient, the more reliable  the tests are. The equivalent-forms method entails using two different forms that get to the heart of the same issue, given to the same group of individuals during the same time period. They are only constructed differently, everything else is the same. The idea is that we are measuring the same sort of performance but with different questions to the same group of people at the same time. Validity can be measured three ways. Content-related evidence of validity determines the appropriateness and how understandable the content of the instrument is. The questions should accurately represent the things that are being assessed in the study. Validity can be measured several ways. Criterion-related evidence of validity  is when there is a strong relationship between scores of more than one instrument. Construct-related evidence of validity deals with a characteristic that an instrument is measuring. I think of the MBTI as an example of this. It is a psychological test that is used to measure different personalities and temperaments. The questions are the same, but the results are specialized to each person identifying their temperament. 
Question 2 (Student 1-Lawrence)
Since I was in middle school, having a control group was required for a project to be considered for the science fair. Science is not really my jam, but I do know that, and it seems to be echoed in the text and scientific community as well. If control groups are compared to experimental ones, all observations and scores are more likely to be accepted if variables outside of anyone’s control begins to affect any group.
Question 2(Student2-Tundra)
Changing the experimental design is one method the researcher could reduce challenges to internal validity. This can help counteract a number of dangers to internal authenticity. Questionnaires or filler tasks can be used to conceal the study’s aim, hence reducing testing risks. Testing is also thwarted by having a big sample size. This is due to the fact that when the sample size is large, the results are considerably more sensitive to any variation in the outcomes. The lower the chances or threats, the shorter the maturation and history. Instrumentation hazards, on the other hand, can be mitigated through method control and even rigorous specification.

solved InstructionsCOVID-19 PandemicThe COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic,

InstructionsCOVID-19 PandemicThe COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is a pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern in January 2020 and a pandemic in March 2020. As of 14 December 2020, more than 72.5 million cases had been confirmed worldwide, with more than 1.61 million deaths attributed to COVID. As of December 14, 2020, the United States had more than 16, 000,000 positive COVID-19 cases with more than 300,000 deaths; these numbers are continuously updated; please see the STAT COVID-19 Tracker for the most current statistics.The pandemic has caused global social and economic disruption, including the largest global recession since the Great Depression. COVID-19 has led to the postponement or cancellation of events, widespread supply shortages exacerbated by panic buying, agricultural disruption, and food shortages, and decreased emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases.Educational institutions have been partially or fully closed. Misinformation has circulated through social media and mass media. There have been incidents of xenophobia and discrimination against Chinese people and against those perceived as being Chinese or as being from areas with high infection rates.The pandemic has affected the political systems of multiple countries, causing suspensions of legislative activities, isolations or deaths of multiple politicians, and rescheduling of elections due to fears of spreading the virus. Although they have broad support among epidemiologists, social distancing measures have been politically controversial in many countries. The pandemic has had many impacts on global health beyond those caused by COVID-19 disease.It has led to a reduction in hospital visits for other reasons. In several countries, there has been a marked reduction in the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, attributable to COVID-19 quarantines, social distancing measures, and recommendations to not engage in casual sex. Similarly, in some places, rates of transmission of influenza and other respiratory viruses significantly decreased during the pandemic. The pandemic has also negatively impacted mental health globally, including increased loneliness resulting from social distancing and depression and domestic violence from lockdowns. The pandemic has resulted in misinformation and conspiracy theories about the scale of the pandemic and the origin, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. Journalists have been arrested for allegedly spreading false information about the pandemic. It has also been propagated by celebrities, politicians, and other prominent public figures.As of December 14, 2020, in the United States, (a) California, (b) Texas, (c) Florida, and (d) Illinois led the nation in positive COVID-19 cases and deaths. Your assignment: You are the CEO / COO of the Regional Hospital in one (choose one) of the above-mentioned states and in 1000-1200 words, please discuss the following about the COVID-19 response as it pertains to the selected state your hospital is located:-What went well with the response?-What were the significant challenges with the response? In which ways could the response have been improved?-During Week One, we discussed Fayol’s Five Functions of Management: (a) Planning, (b) organizing, (c) coordinating, (d) commanding, and (e) controlling. As the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at the Regional Hospital, how would you augment your healthcare facility’s pandemic preparedness and response plan? Discuss which ways you would utilize Fayol’s Fifth Function of Management, controlling into enhancing your facilities’ pandemic preparedness and response plan.Make certain that your assignment is in the APA 7th edition format with a cover page, separating your sections by the appropriate APA Level Headings. Also, make sure you include a reference page and at least five references.

solved Discussion Question: discuss your reaction to the content in the

Discussion Question: discuss your reaction to the content in the lecture. Were you surprised? Happy? Uncomfortable? Horrified? Something else? Share two ideas/facts that you learned this week and why you think they are important for everyone to know. What questions do you have after reading/viewing the course materials this week? Discussion Answer : This
week lecture has added immense and valuable knowledge to me regarding
sexuality of the older people. Initially, I had the belief that the
older adults were lesser involved and were seldomly sexually active. i
was therefore surprised by the content In the lecture revealing the
verdict of many studies showing that older people still remain active
and do not differ significantly to their sexual relations compared to
their younger selves. Another significant fact that was of equal
significance in the lecture the sexual behavior of the LGBT individuals
at an older age. Knowing that there is consistency of a relatively high
satisfaction of the sexual lives of the LGBT individuals at an older age
changed my earlier perceptions. The issues and facts addressed in the
lecture of this week are essential as they change our view and
assumptions regarding sexual behavior of older people. We are able to
separate the myths and the facts of the issue and be more open and
comfortable towards older adults being sexually active.
QuestionsWhat are some of the main reasons for the decrease in sexual
activity of older adults?How does women sexual drive compare before and
after menopause? For your replies (click the reply button underneath a peer’s contribution),
how does the author’s post compare to yours? Can you answer their
question (use resources!)? How might these beliefs and values (i.e.
theirs and yours) do harm to sexuality and intimacy throughout the life
course? Feel free to ask questions to your classmates, too! Write about 6-7 sentences replies. 1- Ailin Martinez-Vela: After reading the lecture I realized that the sexuality and intimacy of older aged adults is rarely talked about. It was intriguing learning that intimacy is still possible and achievable even at an older age. The lesson stated that older people can still achieve sexual satisfaction even with chronic health issues, depression, and cognitive dysfunctions. This was an insightful idea because you rarely hear these types of statements made. I think it is assumed that for older adults’ sexuality and intimacy is nonexistent. In this week’s lesson I learned that in non-western cultures view menopause as a time of respect for women. In our society it is viewed negatively and used to insult women when they are acting out of character. After reading the treatments plans to ease sexuality for older adults I am wondering if facilities now offer any kind of treatments. REPLY,,, 2- Alison Abuhamad: This weeks lecture did not surprise me one bit. I took a human sexuality class a couple years ago, and we touched on the topic of older adults sexuality. It was nice to know though, that even though a woman’s physical body may be declining, but of she is sexually satisfied, she is still emotionally content. Another fact I found interesting was that men go through something like menopause, but it is called “Viropause”. I have never heard of that, but it makes sense that a man’s testosterone would lesson as they get older. Even though this lecture did not surprise me very much, but I am happy to know that having an active sex life in the older years is normal and common.One question I am curious about is the current STD rates among older adults. Since sex education has changed a lot over the years, as well as social acceptance compared to when they were younger, are they aware that of the issues with STDs. Especially since they do not have to worry about pregnancy. When I took the human sexuality class, we also discussed how high the rates are for STD’s in the older community, but curious to know if that has gone down over the years, due to more information out there. It would be interesting to know; something I will have to look into. rReply ..


IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS:Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.Review the topic materials and complete Exercise 19-5: Building Trust in Chapter 19 of the textbook. Discuss your strengths in building trust as a collaborative leader. Identify your most important areas for improvement in building trust. In your own words, discuss how trust determines relationships within the public health system. Provide an example to illustrate your ideas. In replies to peers, provide specific ideas or steps that can be taken to help your peers improve their trust-building skills and explain why the ideas and resources you have shared could be helpful to them. Include relevant links when possible. Try to select peers that have not already received replies to their initial posts.PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN PARAGRAPHS AND MAKE IT COHESIVE AND TRY TO INCORPORATE THE READINGS BELOWPLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.…Review Chapter 19 in Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles Into Practice.URL: View “Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe,” by Simon Sinek (2014), located on the TED website.URL: Read “Section 4. Building Teams: Broadening the Base for Leadership” of Chapter 13 of Leadership and Management, located on the Community Toolbox website. URL: Review “Section 3. Styles of Leadership” of Chapter 13 of Leadership and Management, located on the Community Toolbox website. URL: View “Leadership Expert Simon Sinek on Putting Others First,” by CBS This Morning (2014), located on the YouTube website. URL: MUST have at least three citations with the page numbers and three references in APA format and all questions clearly answered in paragraphs.(The List of References should not be older than 2017 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this classI am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them.To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLES AND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.References American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author

solved DQ 1Â Who would be the ideal candidate(s) from whom

DQ 1 
Who would be the ideal candidate(s) from whom to elicit information during the requirements gathering and analysis phase of the database project? Explain why.

DQ 2 
Typically, a patient staying in a hospital receives medications that have been ordered by a particular doctor. Because the patient often receives several medications per day, there is a 1:M relationship between patient and order. Similarly, each order can include several medications, creating a 1:M relationship between order and medication.

Identify different entities from this scenario.
Create an entity-relationship diagram illustrating 1:1 and 1: many relationships.
Compare your ERD with another classmate’s and discuss the differences each of you had.

Typically, a patient staying in a hospital receives medications that have been ordered by a particular doctor. Because the patient often receives several medications per day, there is a 1:M relationship between patient and order. Similarly, each order can include several medications, creating a 1:M relationship between order and medication.

Identify different entities from this scenario.
Create an entity-relationship diagram illustrating 1:1 and 1: many relationships.
Compare your ERD with another classmate’s and discuss the differences each of you had.

TIPs: You can create your entity relationship diagram by typing in your search engine: free entity relationship program. There are many free programs for creating these diagrams, but ALL of them take time to learn to use. (Microsoft Visio, OmniGraffle, LucidChart, and MySQL are few of these programs that will give free trials to create entity-relationship diagrams. In addition, you can simply create diagrams by utilizing Microsoft Word, PowerPoint Shapes, or SmartArt.) Please add a photo of your ERD to the post so that your classmates can discuss it. After students have added this information, you can create a reply to discuss your classmates ERD.
Please allow yourself time to learn to utilize whatever program that you use. You can also use PowerPoint, but this also takes time if you have never created an ERD before. There are many different kinds of ERD diagrams such as (Crow, Chen, UML) (pick one you would like to use, as there is not a specific diagram format for this DQ). You will be utilizing one of the programs again to create an ERD for your database design.
Please see Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.35 in Chapter 4 of your eBook for an example of an ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram).
Please see Chapter 13 of your eBook and see Figure 13.12 of an example of an ERD diagram.
Please note you can use a Snipping tool in Windows to take a picture of your diagrams and insert the picture(s) into a Word document. You will not be able to upload the diagram in the program you pick to make your ERD such as Visio or other diagram programs.
Please see section 2.3 in Chapter 2 of your eBook the discusses Data Model Basic Building Blocks as this will help to get you started with the cardinalities between your entity-attributes.
You can set-up a data dictionary so that you understand the concept– as you will be creating one down the road—so take the time to digest some of this now: You can set this up like a table in a word document and please see TABLE 8.2 in your eBook to see the required items in a data dictionary. (You will need a data dictionary just like TABLE 8.2 for Part 2 of your Proposal.
Have I mentioned how important TABLE 8.2 is to view in your e-text?????!!!!!!!!!
Naming conventions will be needed for your data dictionary and ERD (schema) diagram. Please see table 6.7 in your eBook and review the information related to naming conventions. The naming conventions will need to work in SQLfiddle. (I have added additional resources in files in the Topic 2 Resources).
Naming conventions will be needed for your data dictionary and ERD schema) diagram. Please see table 6.7 in your eBook and review the information related to naming conventions. The naming conventions will need to work in SQLfiddle. (I have added additional resources in files in the Topic 2 Resources). 

solved Discussion: Critical Thinking: Evaluating InformationAs you have noted throughout your

Discussion: Critical Thinking: Evaluating InformationAs you have noted throughout your master’s program, psychological knowledge stems mainly from research. Knowledge of the world, in addition to coming from direct experience and observation, comes from many sources, including journals, textbooks, experts, and various media resources (television, newspapers, and the internet). An important question regarding these resources is: Are they all credible? How do you distinguish fact from fiction in evaluating research information, regardless of its source? This Discussion addresses the importance of critical thinking in evaluating information obtained through various sources, including psychological research. Critical thinking is an invaluable skill in life as well as for completing your Capstone Project.For this Discussion, you will examine resources on critical thinking and the “Capstone Project Required Content Overview” to explain the importance of critical thinking and how you will apply this skill to completing the Capstone Project.To PrepareFrom the Learning Resources, review the “Capstone Project Required Content Overview” document.From the Learning Resources, review the “Critical Thinking Resources.”Review the course Syllabus.Post an explanation of the importance of critical thinking and the implications of not questioning information. Based on this week’s Learning Resources, describe how you will use critical thinking to complete the written assignments and develop the final paper. Learning ResourcesRequired ReadingsCapstone Project Required Content OverviewWalden University Academic Skills Center. (n.d.). Critical thinking skills. Walden University.…Required MediaWalden University Writing Center. (n.d.-l). Webinar transcripts. Walden University.…On this webpage, review the following webinar:
Demonstrating Critical Thinking in Writing AssignmentsNote: The approximate length of this webinar is 60 minutes.
Library Resource Skills ResourcesWalden University Library. (n.d.). Database search skills: Introduction. Walden University.…Walden University Library (Producer). (2019, November 25). Research for literature review assignments [Video]. YouTube. Note: The approximate length of this media program is 4 minutes.
Academic Writing ResourcesAmerican Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
Chapter 8, “Works Credited in the Text” (pp. 253–278)Chapter 9, “Reference List” (pp. 279–309)Chapter 10, “Reference Examples” (pp. 311–352)Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.-b). Citations: Overview. Walden University.…As you review this page, include a review of the following videos:
Methods to the Madness: Creating Citations From Reference EntriesUsing & Crediting Sources: Citing ParaphrasesUsing & Crediting Sources: Citing QuotationsWalden University Writing Center. (n.d.-g). Reference list: Common reference list examples. Walden University.…Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.-e). Master’s capstone writing: Home. Walden University.…Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.-a). About Grammarly: An automated writing feedback tool. Walden University.… Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.-k). Webinars: Scholarly writing. Walden University.…On this webpage, review the following webinar:
Improving Your Writing: Strategies for Revising, Proofreading, and Using FeedbackNote: The approximate length of this webinar is 60 minutes. Document: SafeAssign Student Tutorial
Note: This document can be found in the Course Information link in the Blackboard Classroom under the Academic Integrity section.

solved Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to show your understanding of peer-reviewed empirical articles through: 1) reviewing original research; 2) evaluating claims, methods, and conclusions; and 3) communicating your analysis in a way that translates scientific information into common terms for a general audience. In writing an article review, you gain skills in summarizing key points and findings, interpreting results, evaluating the validity of the methods used and results reported, and communicating information to an audience in ways they understand.
Step 1: Read the tips from the UMGC library on “Finding Experimental (Empirical) Research Articles.” Pay special attention to the sections on “Scholarly Research Articles” the “Structure of An Experimental Article”
Step 2: Using the UMGC Library electronic databases, find an article published in the last seven (7) years in an academic, peer-reviewed journal related to SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (e.g., Journal of Social Psychology). The article should describe, specifically, an experiment or empirical study by the researchers. This means that the researchers conducted a study that contains easily identifiable independent and dependent variables. (Do not select meta-analyses, summaries, editorials, or theoretical articles.  It is your responsibility to make sure that the journal article you select is appropriate. If you are unsure about the relevance of your article, contact your instructor for approval.).
Step 3: Read the article starting with the Title and Abstract, which will give you a quick preview of the purpose and results of the article.
Step 4: Read the Introduction. Highlight the purpose of the article and the author’s hypothesis (e.g., what was studied, what did the author predicted, and why did they find the topic worthy of study). Pay attention to the context provided for the research (i.e., what research has been done previously in the field? what issue or problem is this study trying to address?).
Step 5: Read the Methods section. Note the description of the participants and any tests, surveys, questionnaires, apparatus, or other materials that were used. Pay particular attention to the details involved in the experimental procedure. How were the variables manipulated or measured? Recall that the Independent Variable (IV) is the variable that is manipulated by the research (i.e., whether the room is hot or cold (if that is the variable of interest) or whether participants are given a placebo, shown any type of media or other stimuli, given talk therapy, or instructed to take medication (if that is the variable of interest). Remember that the Independent Variable is what was different about the experiences of the different groups. Recall also that the Dependent Variable (DV) is that variable that is measured, or, the outcome of the study.
Step 6: Read the Results. Try not to get intimidated by complex statistical analysis. Instead of focusing on the numbers, focus on the short descriptions that accompany the findings explaining what the researchers found (i.e., Did the researchers find evidence that supports their hypothesis?)
Step 7: Read the Discussion. Pay special attention here to what the authors say about the importance of their findings or the lack of findings. Think about other things you could do to look at this issue.
Step 8: Prepare a 1-2 page summary of the article in your own words.  Be sure to address the following questions in your summary:

What is the purpose of the research? (Address specifics regarding the overall purpose of the research in question.)
What hypothesis is tested? (Provide a clear statement of the researchers’ prediction.)
How did the researchers investigate their research question? (Provide details regarding the study methodology.)
What are the pertinent results of the manipulation? (What were the findings and conclusions drawn?)
What is your personal opinion of the study conducted? Should it be repeated?  What could be improved?
What is your overall impression of the work? What are the implications of the study?

solved InstructionsGeneral Instructions for Learning ActivitiesRead/watch all assigned materials lis

InstructionsGeneral Instructions for Learning ActivitiesRead/watch all assigned materials listed for the week in Overview.Refer to assigned course materials, cases, and/or statutes to support conclusions. Review the grading rubric.Put your name on your file.Save your work in Word (.doc or .docx), RTF, or PDF format.Submit your work to the correct week’s Learning Activity link in the Assignment Folder. Background: Martinez is preparing to write memorandums to several different clients discussing case law and making recommendations to those clients. He wants to ensure all the information in the memorandums is precisely correct. He asks you to complete the research to ensure the accuracy of the cases, case names, and citations.Instructions:Part A: Case NamesNumber each response below; do not copy/paste the questions.For questions 1 – 6: Cite the case names only, using Bluebook format Use information in this week’s Instructor’s Notes and relevant Tables in The Indigo Book, as neededExample: Case: William Lee, Plaintiff–Appellant, versus York County School Division, an opinion issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.Case name in Bluebook format: Lee v. York Cty. Sch. Div.Questions:1. Timothy F. Sullivan et ux. versus William F. Mosner et al., an opinion issued by the Maryland Court of Appeals.2. Darrayl John Wilson versus the State of Maryland, an opinion issued by the Maryland Court of Special Appeals.3. Kevin D. Gray versus the State of Maryland, an opinion issued by the U.S. Supreme Court.4. Ryder Truck Lines, Incorporated, versus Goren Equipment Company, Incorporated, an opinion issued by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.5. May Department Stores, Assignee, versus Montgomery County, Maryland, et al., an opinion issued by the Maryland Court of Special Appeals.6. Stanley Jeffrey Penley, Plaintiff-Appellant, versus McDowell County Board of Education; Gerri Martín, in her official and individual capacities; Natalie Gouge, in her official and individual capacities; Robert Gillespie, a/k/a Mitch Gillespie; H. Russell Neighbors, in his official and individual capacities, Defendants-Appellees, an opinion issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.Part B: Reporters Number each response below; do not copy/paste the questions. List the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. NOTE: There is only one correct answer per question.7. Opinions from the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland would be found in which reporter?a. Maryland Reportsb. Maryland Appellate Reportsc. District Court Decisionsd. Federal Supplement8. Opinions from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit would be found in which reporter?a. United States Reportsb. United States Appealsc. Circuit Court Decisionsd. Federal Reporter9. Opinions from the Maryland Court of Appeals would be found in which reporter?a. South Eastern Reporter b. Maryland Appellate Reportsc. Federal Reporterd. Atlantic Reporter10. Opinions from the Virginia Court of Appeals would be found in which reporter?a. Atlantic Reporterb. South Eastern Reporterc. Federal Reporterd. Virginia ReportsPart C: Citations11. The citation that follows is what’s known as a parallel citation:Anderson v. State, 282 Md. 701, 387 A.2d 281 (Md. 1978). This parallel citation describes where to find the same court opinion in multiple different reporters. Here, the first set of publication data is for the official reporter, Maryland Reports (Md.). The second set of data is for the unofficial, regional reporter, the Atlantic Reporter, Second Series (A.2d). Use the information given above to provide the correct, complete Bluebook citation to the unofficial, regional reporter only; omit the official reporter.12. The information provided below was copied from Westlaw:Florida v. JardinesSupreme Court of the United StatesMarch 26, 2013 569 U.S. 1, 133 S.Ct. 1409, 185 L.Ed.2d 495 (Approx. 20 pages)Use the information given above to provide the correct, complete Bluebook citation to the official reporter only; omit the two unofficial reporters.