solved A) Â Write a short paragraph (around 5 lines each)

A)  Write a short paragraph (around 5 lines each) outlining the significance of FOUR of the following themes we have discussed in class with regard to their relation to the course’s focus on art, politics, and nationalism. 
Avetik Isahakyan Abu-Lala-Mahari 2021 ppt week 6, Lec 2.

Both lectures from week 2?
group of writers embarked on the search for a new, hitherto unexpressed spiritual dimension through the vehicle of Symbolism
Only the artist, specifically the poet have understood the deeper meaning of life and understood it somewhat, not in all its fullness

As a result, they stammer it’s immortal sounds
The role of poetry and art are presented as the highest form of cognition and expression 

The scientist reifies and subdues nature
Even the poet and artist stammer bc their role is to present not truth but allusion, a suggestion/indication by means of symbols about some deeper truth which cannot be directly expressed in propositional logic

From lecture notes: Only poets have understood it somewhat and they stammer its immortal sounds . . . Role of poetry and art as the highest form of expression, above the politician, priest, philosopher, scientist (reifying and subduing nature). “stammer” because allusion, suggestion, indication, symbols about some deeper truth which cannot by definition be directly expressed in propositional logic. To do that would be inauthentic, word as a concept-cage. Yet in so doing to distort its true being, to draw into space and time that which is beyond it. Issue of transcendence. 

2)Socialism (in an Armenian context)

a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control. 
The working class versus capitalists in terms of a context of industrialization.
Gradual emergence of the socialist theory and practice.
Madras group in 1776, 1786. Their project was built on the sense of understanding the laws of  history on that basis to critique the failures of the past, to build a much more rational project for the achievement of nationalism in the present with a future goal. 
This develops as a result of the enlightenment. —> Communist Manifesto/USSR
Seeking values of social for greater autonomy within the structure of the Ottoman Empire
Armenian political parties (both socialist revolutionary parties)

Hnchakyan Party

Argued for a politically independent Armenia

Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF)

socialist party: seeks to attain their means, attain their ends by revolution.
Reforms for the Armenian community 

3) Dual Attachment (including as it pertains to the Armenian community in the USA) (Week 9 – Lecture A) POLITICS

Theme: Pursuing American Dream 
Major immigration to America from Armenia in the 90s

4)Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh)
-Week 9 “Born and Died” Ppt 
– Karabagh appears as Artsax, the original Armenian term for the territory. Karabagh (meaning “black orchard”) is a Turkish term.
– in 1923 Stalin apportioned Karabakh to Azerbaijan, separating it from the Armenian Republic by the 9 mile Lachin corridor as an example of Soviet divide and conquer policy in Transcaucasia).
– Armenian public opinion regards the enclave as an integral part of the homeland. “Nailing to the shaft” expresses the involuntary nature of Karabagh’s subordination to Baku.
–  In Karabakh by Gusan Igit  Karabakh was represented in an extremely interesting way. For example, in the poem “I” becomes the subject throughout the final verse (I mourn . . .  I call . . . I want . . . I long . . . I embrace . . .) Karabagh is personified as the addressee of the poet’s words, while the Armenians of the Republic are portrayed as a lover separated from his distant beloved,  the autonomous region of Karabakh, highlighting the partition of the original Armenian homeland.
B) (50 minutes) Passages for identification and comment 
Write notes on FOUR of the following passages citing the author and work and then dealing with such issues as context, speaker(s), addressee(s). Then elaborate the wider significance of the citation within the work as a whole in terms of thought, symbolism etc. with particular reference to the theoretical perspectives of Smith, Gellner, and Anderson, as appropriate. 
1) What is society but an enemy army, with each individual an unchained slave? When has it tolerated the flight of the soul and the soaring of sublime thought?
The Muse of Sheerak -“Fifth Canto” by Avetik Issahakian Reader: 317-334 

Society: “an enemy army” (its norms oppress)
“each individual an unchained slave”
law on the side of the upper class (officer class)
“When has society tolerated the flight of the soul?
“soaring sublime thought”: Overman, outstanding individual, artistic genius.
Society’s good and bad is a whip to turn everybody equally in the same way: Peer pressure and conformism regardless of the policies and political philosophy. No one state is better than another.

This quote comes from Avetik Issahakian’s The Muse of Sheerak, “Fifth Canto.” 
2)  Stop, stop. We’re Armenian. We need traditional theater. Brecht, Ionesco, Becket are for nations with full stomachs. But we, thank God, are not full yet.
From: Berj Zeytuntsyan: Born and Died (1995)
This quote comes from Berj Zeytuntsyan’s Born and Died.  
The speaker is the director and he is in conversation with the actor
The traditions of Armenian theater are contrasted with Brecht, Ionesco, Becket. The     latter are for well-fed nations. “we’re not well-fed yet, thank God!” Significance?
i.e. stuffed, satiated, jejune, déjà vu, bored with the ordinary, everyday.
In contrast Armenians have an enormously challenging lifestyle simply to make ends meet.
3) Custom and tradition are really strange things. A man works his head off, struggles to make a living while we three women are comfortably settled here at home, without a care, and sleep soundly at night. Why? That’s the custom! How absurd!
The Bride by Zabel Asadour PG. 229

Speaker: Arousiag

4)I used to smile. Oh, oh you should have seen me when I used to. Barefoot, I would run to the hills and I would sit under the cool summer sky . . . for it was cool on the hills in summer. I would smile at the sky and then my eyes would fill with tears.
—Smile like that again.
—No more. No more.
—No more for me, only for Agate.
—Her I knew when I was twenty-five and she was twelve. I was promised to her.
B)  (One hour)           Essay
Discuss its relevance to TWO or THREE of the works we have read with particular reference to the theoretical perspectives of Smith, Gellner, and Anderson. Try to provide a clear thesis, organize your essay carefully, and give particular examples to support your general assertions. 
Topic: Art (including literature) and politics have been juxtaposed, opposed, reconciled, subordinated to one another, and have undergone many other developments in Armenian society from the 18th to the 21st century. Explore a number of variations in the interaction of these two components in society as reflected in some of the texts we have read this term.
(week 7 – Taniel Varuzhan and Neopaganism)

solved Organization:Throughout your essay, be thorough, thoughtful, and detailed. Be organized

Organization:Throughout your essay, be thorough, thoughtful, and detailed. Be organized and coherent. Proofread your writing. This is not an informal freewriting, this is an essay; I expect the same level of polish/professionalism that your Eng 111 and other writing professors expect.Referencing work aside from your own:You may cite/quote from your own creative work, or from stories, poems, and articles/handouts we’ve read in our class to help support or illustrate your points. When you add quotes/paraphrases from these sources, use the “sandwich” technique:Introduce the piece you will quote. For example, “In Shirley Jackson’s short story ‘The Lottery’…..”.Add the quote or paraphrase.Add an MLA citation, which is usually the author’s last name and a page number in parentheses, like this: “quotequotequote” (Jackson 2).Explain how the quote fits into your essay’s thesis.DO NOT provide unnecessarily long quotes just to fill up the page. That’s bad writing.Please DO NOT quote from outside sources that we did not read in this class. You are not required to do outside research for this assignment, nor do I want you to. It will not give you extra points or help your grade.Answering the Reflective Essay Prompts:Prompt 1This is where you need to connect your ideas and your writing to what we did in class! Don’t just tell me where you got your ideas in general, find a way to show me how those assignments or exercises came into play. Make it clear, name them, discuss them! Find a way to connect what you learned to what you produced for your story/poetry in order to get credit here.Prompt 2For this section, think back to early in the semester, when we worked on “The Creator’s Subject”. You were asked to identify communities that you are a part of, and let that influence your work in some way. For example, if you consider yourself a feminist, how might your work address issues or topics that women face? Or, if you are part of an international college student community, your poems/story might seek to appeal to other international students in some way that you will define in your essay, or perhaps your creative writing works to enlighten domestic students when it comes to issues that their international classmates face. Everyone will define their communities in different ways, so I cannot give you specific advice here…it is up to you to determine your communities (or target audiences) and how your creative writing reaches out to other members of that specific community. This is a challenge, I know, but you’ve been given the tools to help you along. I suggest that you go back into your older assignments and any journals you may have kept for this class to help you.Write an essay that reflects on the writing process behind your creative work. I will use this essay to help me determine your grade on your “final” draft. The essay will be graded on how well you follow through on the requirements described below. In general, I’m looking for detailed answers to ALL of the prompts that clearly illustrate strong knowledge of the vocabulary terms and concepts we’ve learned throughout the semester. I’m also looking for an essay (not a freewriting exercise, or story, or poem, or Q&A) that is well-organized, focused, and free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.undefinedBe sure that:undefinedYour final product is focused, well-organized, and coherent.It addresses all of the prompts below. Please respond to the prompts in order! They’ve been purposefully ordered to assist you in writing with a logical progression of topics.You consistently illustrate and apply your knowledge of course vocabulary and concepts while addressing the prompts.Formatting:Include your MLA heading on the first page, your last name with page numbers in the top right corners, and a title for the Reflection essay. This essay must be least 3 full pages, double spaced. (This length minimum is counted before you include the heading, title, etc.)Click here for tips and advice for a successful Reflection essay.undefinedReflection Essay PromptsundefinedHow did the assignments and activities we did in the first half of the semester lead you to your story/poetry? What specific things did you use from your Alien Anthropology, Creator’s Subject, or other course writing to generate the idea or subject of your story/poetry? How did you move from those original snippets of writing to a story/poetry idea to the story/poetry itself? Hint: discuss how what you learned in those assignments impacted your story/poetry, even if you didn’t use something from those assignments directly. What discourse community does your work speak to, or for? Be as specific as possible, here; I’m looking for detail and insight into how your work speaks to or for an established discourse community. Hint: that discourse community is likely your target reading audience. Think about demographics, and be specific. “Everyone” or “all college students” is much too broad. Get specific! Who are they, and why are they your preferred readers?What message do you want to send to your target readers (members of the discourse community you identified above) through your story/poetry? What are you specifically trying to say, explore, or illuminate through your story/poetry? Why is this message or subject important to you and to the readers you want to reach? Hint: It’s okay if you didn’t originally write with a specific audience in mind, but by the time you write your “final” draft, you should have revised with a good idea of who your preferred readers are (their demographics). Name at least 1-2 craft elements in your work that give it the most impact, and explain in detail what you were trying to accomplish by using those craft elements the way you did. Name the aspects of these craft elements, and discuss why you chose to focus your revisions on these specific craft elements. How do they connect back to the message you want to send to your chosen discourse community/target audience? Elements of craft for fiction writers: Plot, setting, point of view, tense, imagery, dialogue, characterizationElements of craft for poets: Rhythm, meter, rhyme, form (also line breaks, enjambment, endstops, etc.), imagery, turns (a.k.a. “voltas”)undefinedIn general, how did the writing process work for you? What challenges did you face as you wrote and revised? What risks did you take? What did you learn from any “mistakes” you made along the way? How did our class’ focus on creativity and creative thinking help you to overcome the challenges you faced, take those risks, and finish your draft? undefinedDiscuss what creative thinking/innovation skills you learned in this class might be useful or necessary in your academic discipline or career field. What concepts or skills from ENG 226 can you apply in those situations to help you solve problems, answer complicated questions, or innovate new ideas or solutions? (Look through the readings and exercises from the early weeks of our class to find specific ideas, skills, activities, etc., that can help you address this question. This prompt asks you to use both critical and creative skills to apply what you’ve learned in our class to life outside of class. Creative Writing really does build skills beyond storytelling and poetry!)

solved Response to AAron: The text states that rehabilitation is the

Response to AAron:
The text states that rehabilitation is the planned correctional intervention that targets to change the internal and social criminogenic factors with the goal of reducing recidivism and where, possible, of improving other aspects of an offender’s life (Cullen & Jonson, 2017). The text goes on to state that there are five components to this definition. The intervention is undertaken by the correctional system. This means that any intervention or rehabilitation efforts are taken over by the correctional system and likely in a secure facility. Although it is important to clarify that secure correctional facilities may not be the best environment to undergo rehabilitation and treatment The intervention is also planned, meaning that it is designed to have specific features and will be administered by knowledgeable and experienced personnel who specialize in this particular field of study. This is because many correctional workers do not have the expertise or the resources to successfully fulfill intervention efforts. Intervention is meant to target for change the factors that are causing the offender’ criminality. In other words all the factors such as antisocial attitudes and features as well as antisocial relationships are analyzed and targeted as well. The interventions main goal is to reduce recidivism. By knowing what works in rehabilitation, recidivism can be decreased a significant amount among offenders. Reducing recidivism is also critical in protecting the public. Lastly, intervention may also help improve the lives of offenders by addressing some of the issues that caused them to be criminal in the first place such as behavioral and psychological issues (Cullen & Jonson, 2017). Important to note that some issues that offenders have that increase recidivism are not addressed until they enter the criminal justice system such as mental health issues (Cox et al, 2018). Rehabilitation is utilitarian with the purpose of reforming the offender. Its key correctional policies are treatment programs, probation and parole as well as the juvenile justice system. Rehabilitation is an important correctional theory because if society simply adheres to the incapacitation theory of crime without rehabilitation and treatment efforts, those offenders simply reenter society no better than when they went in. Rehabilitation has a number of challenges to overcome, namely cost and personnel as well as the desire from society to adhere more retribution and incapacitation efforts rather than rehabilitation. Part of the issue is knowing what works and what does not work. Firstly, evidence regarding research programs needs to be evaluated. There are four essential steps in reviewing the evidence. Firstly you must conduct all the evidence you can from studies, both published and unpublished. Failure to do so may bias your results and won’t encompass all the crucial information. Secondly, you would decide which of the studies should be included in your review. You would like to include program evaluation. Different types of experiments will yield different results that will give you a well-rounded view of the information you’ve chosen to study. Failing to fully research the experiments can lead to misleading information due to flawed experiments. Thirdly, how will you convey your information after it is compiled? Meta-analysis or narrative reviews are effective ways to show what you have found. The method in which you use is important because it can also change the overall conclusion. Lastly you must conclude your review and interpret what the studies mean (Cullen & Jonson, 2017). The text goes on to state that across numerous studies that one type if intervention is the most reliable in achieving high reductions in recidivism. That intervention program is cognitive behavioral programs. They focus on doing two things: they try to cognitively restructure the distorted thinking of an individual which are sometimes called “thinking errors”, they try to assist the person to learn new adaptive cognitive skills. These programs attempt to define the problems that led to conflict with law enforcement as well as criminal behavior. The program then sets goals and attempts to generate prosocial solutions and then implement new solutions (Cullen & Jonson, 2017). The text goes on to state that a cognitive behavioral program within corrections would follow a series of steps. The predominant antisocial beliefs of the offender in question are identified. The offender is then told that their beliefs are not socially acceptable. The offender is exposed to alternative prosocial ways of thinking and behaving. Courses in therapy or anger management are also encouraged. Eventually the offender’s behavior is shaped into an appropriate level. Just as there are more effective programs to reduce recidivism, there are also programs that would likely never work. Punishment-oriented programs that emphasize punishment and deterrence have been shown to have little effect on offenders. While these programs may have some value to conservatives who enjoy the retributive nature of these programs, they ultimately serve nor purpose just as retribution does. Character building programs are a subcategory of punitive approaches that try to break the offender’s identity down and rebuild them into something more socially acceptable. While the text does not clarify the actual meaning of this practice, it can be implied that it relates to a subject’s emotional identity and personality. Boosting of self-esteem can actually create more confident offenders and non-directive counseling can create an arena for manipulative offenders as they set the tone and agenda (Cullen & Jonson, 2017). Rehabilitation and treatment are not as common because they require a significant effort on the part of personnel to truly be effective. One thing in common between retribution and incapacitation is that it is “easy”. It is easy to punish criminals when society believes they deserve it and easy to simply place them in warehouse prisons away from society. The “away syndrome” does not simply exist in juvenile justice, but also in corrections in general (Cox et al, 2018). When society does not have to think about criminals, they care little about what happens to them including being rehabilitated. Another issue is that simply because a specialist or therapist believes someone to be rehabilitated does not mean society will accept them as so. What if the stigma of being a criminal, even a former offender, never leaves? Could the labeling theory or rather relabeling occur? Barriers that keep it from being more widely used is simply not knowing what works and what does work may be costly. Society can easily get behind incapacitation or retribution because it stimulates the away syndrome and the primal need for vengeance. Society is more resilient to scientific notions even though there is a clear line to progress. “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 (King James Bible, 1769/2017). This particular quote makes me think of therapy sessions and how they must be directed in order to obtain the best result possible. Offenders must be willing to be open and honest in t

solved Having the chance to interview people from an industry that

Having the chance to interview people from an industry that interest you will help broaden your network and further embed yourself in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This hands on learning experience may help open up new career avenues, win internships, access potential mentors, or even get hired!For this task, you are asked to interview three entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs or small business owners. That is, people who:are currently business owners, orhave previously run a business or,have currently been working within an organisation and has an active role in contributing to its vision and implementing its mission.It is your responsibility to find the entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs or small business owners to interview. The challenge of this assessment is for you to show initiative and find appropriate people to interview. The finding process starts during the first tutorial to get you get you finding appropriate interviewees and continues outside class during your own time if needed.Your tutors will give guidance on (1) how to approach your interviewees, (2) how build your interview questions, (3) how to run interviews, (4) how to follow-up after an interview, (5) how to code and analyse your interviews, and (6) how to write up your findings.These interviews are not for academic research purposes and will only be used as a point of reflection for you and assessment in this class. Ideally, you would want to make sure to run the three interviews no later than the end of week 7 to give yourself at least three weeks to write and submit your report by the end of week 10. If your find yourself running out of time (meaning by week 3 you still haven’t found any response from any potential interviewee) do let your tutor know in order to try and help you mitigate your situation. In exceptional situations where you were unable to identify the entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs or small business owners despite the help of your tutor, you may be given the green light to use secondary data to build and develop a response to your interview questions. In this case, the entrepreneurs that you are expected to research need to have been reported on from a variety of secondary data sources (articles, books, interviews, documentaries).The people you choose to interview could be:An entrepreneur or small business owner you know in Adelaide, Australia or from your home country.A friend or family member who runs their own business.Someone you know who runs a for-profit or not-for profit organisation.Someone you have tried approaching via email and is willing to help out. It is very crucial here to indicate to the interviewee that the interviews are not conducted for academic research purposes and will only be used as a point of reflection for you and assessment in this classYour report should have four sections:A brief explanation of each entrepreneur/intrapreneur you interview, the business they run and its history.How the characteristics of the entrepreneurs so far as you were able to observe them relate to the theories and concepts covered in the learning materials?Higher marks will be given for each additional relevant theory referred to and properly explored.Pick one of the three businesses to critique and analyse. How the characteristics of the relevant entrepreneur’s business relate to the theories and concepts covered in the learning materials, including whether the business remains entrepreneurial now. How do they fit theory? How do they differ?Higher marks will be given for each additional relevant theory referred to and properly explored.Reflection on what you have learned from the interview: entrepreneur’s tips about entrepreneurship or running a business? What they did right and what they would do differently? How have your ideas about entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mindset changed after talking to these entrepreneurs/intrapreneurs? How this shapes your behaviour going forward with respect to entrepreneurship?Guidelines on content for each section1. Brief explanation of the entrepreneurs, their business and its historyThis is where you set the scene for your report. Provide enough information on the entrepreneurs and their business for the rest of the report to make sense. Information you might include is the entrepreneurs’ background before they started the business, what led them to start the business, what previous work experience or entrepreneurial experience they had, when they started the business and a brief history of its launch and growth.2. Analysis of characteristics of the entrepreneursReview your observations of the entrepreneurs and the answers they gave to your questions. Compare them with the theories and models presented in the Learning materials. Look at both the recorded and written lectures and the learning materials. Explain how the entrepreneur you interviewed demonstrates (or does not demonstrate) these characteristics.3. Analysis of characteristics of the entrepreneur’s businessHaving picked one business to analyse, review what the entrepreneur told you about their business and their approach to identifying the opportunity and launching the business (or developing it if they bought the business as a going concern). Has the business remained entrepreneurial? Compare this with theories and concepts covered in class. Explain how the strategies of the entrepreneur in point demonstrate (or do not demonstrate) your chosen theories.Note: If the business failed or was sold, comment on what was done well and what could have been done better.4. Reflection on what you have learned from the interviewThis section must be in first person because it is about what you have learned from this assignment.Include what the entrepreneurs have learned and any tips they offered, but also explain what you learned from listening to their experience and their advice.Good reflection is specific.FormatIt is suggested that you write this assessment as a report rather than an essay. That is, use the five headings (above) and provide analysis under each. Include an Introduction. Use appendices to provide evidence of your preparation and results, such as your list of questions, your notes on the answers or even an interview transcript. Appendices, references and (optional) Executive Summary are not included in the word limit.It is recommended that you write the assignment in first person. Show your tutor what you have learned from the interview.You can sign up with (Links to an external site.) for free to download your transcript. You can get up to 600 transcription minutes (max 40 min/ recording) per month for free. Or, if have recorded your interview on the cloud through Zoom you will be able to access your transcript there.ReferencesDo not forget to cite your references in-text and include a list of references at the end of the report, but before any appendices. References are not included in the word limit.Marks will be deducted for incorrect citation and referencing format, but more marks will be deducted for not including references at all!AppendicesUse appendices for any additional detail – for example your list of questions and transcripts. Refer to each appendix within your report. Appendices are not included in the word limit.The report is 2000 words (excluding appendices).

solved Module 3 – CaseTHE POLITICAL FRAMEAssignment OverviewIn the Module 3

Module 3 – CaseTHE POLITICAL FRAMEAssignment OverviewIn the Module 3 Case, you will write Chapter 3 of your thesis-style paper – relating to the Political Frame. Using specific examples of “politics” (i.e., the “jungle”) as defined by Bolman and Deal, you will use the Political Frame as a lens through which you will analyze the downfall of Walt Disney Company CEO Michael Eisner.Begin the Module 3 Case by visiting the Walt Disney Company website:The Walt Disney Company. (2014). Retrieved on May 8, 2014 from following articles provide a good starting point concerning former CEO Eisner’s tenure with the Walt Disney Company: White, D. (2005, Oct 01). When Mickey finally turned on his master. Michael Eisner’s reign at Disney is over. Dominic White reports. The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved from Proquest. Consider Michael Karpeles’ article relating to politics in the Disney boardroom: Karpeles, M. D. (2005). Boardroom lessons from the Disney/Ovitz case. Corporate Board, 26(155), 6-10. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from EBSCO – Business Source Complete. Finally, read the following case study: Forbes, W., & Watson, R. (n.d.). Destructive corporate leadership and board loyalty bias: A case study of Michael Eisner’s long tenure at Disney Corporation. City University London. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from AssignmentAfter you have reviewed the contents of the Walt Disney Company website, completed the above readings and those provided at the Background page of Module 3, and performed additional research from the library and the internet, write a 6- to 7-page paper in which you do the following:Using the following five assumptions of the Political Frame, complete an in-depth assessment of the Walt Disney Company:Organizations are coalitions of diverse individuals and interest groups.There are enduring differences among coalition members in values, beliefs, information, interests, and perceptions of reality.Most important decisions involve allocating scarce resources—who gets what.Scarce resources and enduring differences make conflict central to organizational dynamics and underline power as the most important asset.Goals and decisions emerge from bargaining, negotiation, and jockeying for position among competing stakeholders.Keys to the AssignmentThe key aspects of this assignment that are to be covered in your 6- to 7-page paper include the following:Using Bolman and Deal’s Political Frame, analyze the political behaviors surrounding the departure of Disney CEO Michael Eisner. Specifically, address the following:Briefly identify and discuss the key political forces that led to Eisner’s downfall.How does the “Jungle” metaphor apply to the Eisner case?Describe the coalitions that formed at Disney. Then, identify those salient interests that caused the division between coalitions, and how these differences were ultimately resolved.Discuss the Eisner case study in the context of two or three of Bolman and Deal’s Political Frame assumptions included above. How do the assumptions you’ve chosen inform what happened in the Michael Eisner case? Briefly comment on the significance of the “Toxic Triangle” (see Figure 1 of Forbes & Watson’s case study about Eisner’s departure), and discuss how this model informs the Eisner case study.The background readings will not give you all the answers to the Case. Therefore, you are required to perform some research in the library, and use a minimum of 3-4 scholarly sources from the library to support and justify your understanding of the case.Your paper must demonstrate evidence of critical thinking (if you need tips on critical thinking, is an excellent resource). Don’t simply restate facts – instead, be sure to interpret the facts you have accumulated from your research.Remember that the Module 4 Case will also serve as Chapter 4 of your session-long thesis-style paper.Assignment Expectations Your paper will be evaluated using the following five (5) criteria:Assignment-Driven Criteria: Does the paper fully address all Keys to the Assignment? Are the concepts behind the Keys to the Assignment addressed accurately and precisely using sound logic? Does the paper meet minimum length requirements?Critical thinking: Does the paper demonstrate graduate-level analysis, in which information derived from multiple sources, expert opinions, and assumptions has been critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper address the topic with sufficient depth of discussion and analysis?Business Writing: Is the paper well-written (clear, developed logically, and well-organized)? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are section headings included in all papers? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the Keys to the Assignment, or is justification/support instead conveyed through excessive use of direct quotations?Effective Use of Information (Information Literacy): Does the paper demonstrate effective research, as evidenced by student’s use of relevant and quality sources? Do additional sources used in paper provide strong support for conclusions drawn, and do they help in shaping the overall paper?Citing Sources: Does the student demonstrate understanding of APA Style of referencing, by inclusion of proper end references and in-text citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Have all sources (e.g., references used from the Background page, the assignment readings, and outside research) been included, and are these properly cited? Have all end references been included within the body of the paper as in-text citations?Module 3Required resources: Bolman, L. G. & Deal, T. E. (2003). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (3rd ed.). San Francisco: John Wiley. Hogan, R. L. (n.d). Chapter 9: Power, conflict, and coalitions. Eastern Illinois University. Retrieved on May 12, 2014 from Jacobs, R. M. (n.d.). Theories of practice: The political frame. Villanova University. Retrieved on May 1, 2014 from, M. D. (2005). Boardroom lessons from the Disney/Ovitz case. Corporate Board, 26(155), 6-10. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from EBSCO – Business Source Complete. White, D. (2005, Oct 01). When Mickey finally turned on his master. Michael Eisner’s reign at Disney is over. Dominic White reports. The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from Proquest. Optional resources: Forbes, W., & Watson, R. (n.d.). Destructive corporate leadership and board loyalty bias: A case study of Michael Eisner’s long tenure at Disney Corporation. City University London. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from, L. M. (2005, September 26). A quiet departure for Eisner at Disney. The New York Times. Retrieved on June 10, 2014 from:

solved Having developed a definition of popular culture in the last

Having developed a definition of popular culture in the last module, this week we’re turning to how popular culture applies to you personally. This could be related to your personal experiences (such as your fandom) or things you’ve observed about those around you (for instance, how your family members interact with popular culture). Based on the module resources and your own research, write an initial post that addresses the following:

Describe a popular culture artifact that either you or someone around you finds especially interesting. What resonates with you about the artifact? How does experiencing that artifact help contribute to your understanding of society?
Share a current issue related to popular culture that you have found interesting or that has personally impacted you. Post an article from a news source. How does popular culture help you better understand this issue?

In responding to your peers, provide feedback about the examples utilized and the feedback loop being created. Are there other feedback loops being created through these examples (i.e., is there more than one message being presented)? Make sure you support your response with information from the readings, this module, and any additional resources as needed.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric PDF document.
1st classmate response needed 
Pop Culture Artifact & Connection To Society
Laura Mills posted Jul 4, 2021 10:26 PM
Hello Everyone!
       Welcome to the Module 2 discussion! I hope you all had a great first week in the course, getting to know what we will be covering, along with knowing what to expect for our final project. It was great reading some of your responses and getting to know some of you, which is one of my favorite things when starting a new course. In this discussion topic, we are looking at how personally and those around us use and interact with pop culture. I am excited to read responses to this because of how different it will be for us, and I am curious to read what subjects you are fans of in your personal lives. I hope you all enjoy this discussion, and I look forward to reading your responses!
       In this discussion, we are selecting a pop culture artifact that not only we love but that we have in common with other people. I am picked Taylor Swift as my pop culture artifact because I have been a big fan of her and her music since she came out with her first song on the TV channel CMT and her first album being in the country genre. Even today, it has not changed; I am still a huge Taylor Swift fan (or Swiftie) of her, her music, and how she wants to empower others. I also love that there is at least a song someone can relate to or connect to. It could be because of something that happened to them, or they love the song. She also seems to be a humble and wholesome person, which is why I have been a fan of hers all of these years later from when she first started.
Experiencing this artifact helps contribute to my understanding of society that Taylor talks about topics that I believe hold accountability in society and bring awareness and visibility to it. For example, in an interview she did with CBS Sunday Morning in 2019, she about how there is a difference between men and women being in the music business. Specifically, saying, “A man does something, it’s strategic. A woman does the same thing, it’s calculated. A man is allowed to react, a woman can only overreact” (CBS Sunday Morning, 2019, 2:06-2:15). This sexism that she brings up in the interview is something that I feel women can relate to in daily life or even their own professional life, whether in the music business or not. My overall point is that she opens up about topics that need to be visible in present-day society topics. Topics include support and equal rights for the LGBTQIA+ community, empowerment, politics, sexism, and hypocrisy.
A current news article I found that relates to pop culture that is interesting and useful is called “Pride Month is over. Here’s how to be an ally to the LGBTQ community the rest of the year” (Yasharoff, 2021). Here is the link: I chose this because Pride Month did just ended and the topic of the LGBTQIA+ community is a subject that Taylor Swift discusses. It is meaningful to me because I know people and being a fan of celebrities that are also a part of this community. They deserve visibility and all the love and support, so this article plays into that aspect. 
Pop culture helps me better understand this subject that, as I stated, Pride Month gives visibility to all of these different people. Whether they are public with how they identify or whom they love or not, it is a celebration for people being their unique selves. It also helps to learn how to be a better ally, supporter, and friend to the community. Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to choose how to identify with themselves and whom they choose to love, which is what I hope people gather from reading this linked article.
I want to hear your thoughts! Do you have a favorite Taylor Swift song? If so, which one is it and why? What is something you admire/like about Taylor Swift? Is there another celebrity that you feel possesses these same traits that Taylor Swift has? 
CBS Sunday Morning. (2019, August 25). Taylor Swift on “Lover” and haters [Video]. YouTube.
Yasharoff, H. U. T. (2021, July 2). Pride Month is over. Here’s how to be an ally to the LGBTQ community the rest of the year. USA TODAY.… 
2nd response needed
2-1 Discussion: Popular Culture and You
Michael Oglesby posted Jul 5, 2021 3:52 PM 
Hello Class,
The popular culture artifact that has really caught my interest is the television show Narcos on Netflix. Narcos is a television show on Netflix that shows the rise of the cocaine trade and stories of various drug kingpins, the biggest being Pablo Escobar. Narcos doesn’t glorify drug kingpins, it also shows all the innocent people who unfortunately get caught in the crossfire in the war on drugs. Watching this show helped give me a better understanding of the war on drugs and how many lives it has changed for the worst. One of my good friends is from Colombia and he’s told me some stories about the violence he experienced, watching the show gave me some insight as to what he was going through. 
On March 11, 2020, the NBA announced the suspension of the season because a player had caught coronavirus.  This is significant to me because I wasn’t didn’t think coronavirus was a huge issue until it actually affected something important to me. All the major sports leagues ended up shutting down and coming back a couple of months later, but sports were effectively shut down for about 3 months and sports are important to me so I was pretty disappointed. The shutdown gave me a better understanding of why I should take the coronavirus serious, and after I took the best precautions I could to protect myself.
Here is a link to an article talking more about the shutdown:

solved you must also post substantive responses to at least two

you must also post substantive responses to at least two of your classmates’ or instructor’s posts in this thread. Your response should include elements such as follow-up questions, further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made by your classmates.

Providing evidence or information from external sources in your posts will strengthen the points you are making and improve your overall score on the weekly Discussion Board activity.

Peers #1
Hello Everyone,

If we go based on Kotter’s perspective, no you can not be a leader and a manager because of the underlying theory that leaders want to change the world and managers want to maintain the current functions. Leaders want to build upon what is being currently done and drive forward change to benefit the entire company, while managers want to keep everything the status quo and maintain stability for the company (Northouse, 2018)
Zaleznik, however, sees that leaders and managers are distinct and different. Managers want to work to solve the problems of the company from a non-emotional standpoint, while leaders are still performing the same tasks with an emotional attachment to the problem solving (Northouse, 2018).
Personally, I feel that managers can be leaders, and vice versa, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that all leaders are managers, or all managers are leaders. There doesn’t always have to be an emotional connection to figuring out the best way to solve a problem, and there doesn’t always have to be a wish for status quo or a desire for change. Leading your staff, especially as a manager, means supporting them through the mission, vision, and values of the company. While most people don’t necessarily have an emotional attachment or desire to change these aspects, it does take secure leadership and management to create a cohesive workplace. Sometimes this means we are going to be implementing a new system in order to better serve our patients or staff, sometimes this means staying the course. But what is most important is acknowledging your manager is there for your team, in all the ups and downs, and is engaged in what needs to be done to either maintain or progress the teams current work environment.
I look forward to any feedback on this.
Peers # 2
Hello all. Happy week 1.

While leadership and management do have similarities, they both involve people working together to accomplish goals. Both leaders and managers have influence over the people they are working with. They do have distinct differences. Kotter believes that the principal function of a manager is to “provide order and consistency to organizations”. Kotter believes that the main function of a leader is to “produce change and movement”. Zaleznik argues that management and leadership not only serve different functions, but individuals who manage vs. lead are distinctly different types of people. Zaleznik goes so far as to suggest that as managers work to solve problems, they limit the choices of the people they work with. That they are reactive and act with little emotional involvement. In contrast, he describes leaders as people who are involved and emotionally active. He also describes leaders as individuals who “change the way people think about what is possible” (Northouse, 2021).
I think that a person can be both a leader and a manager. What sets leaders and managers apart is a leader’s ability to inspire and empower the people they are working with. I’ve often heard the two described as – managers tell their staff what to do, and leaders inspire their staff to take action. An effective leader can get people to work together, doing tasks they don’t necessarily want to do, in a way that is fulfilling and enjoyable.
It is important to consider because management is associated with establishing order and consistency and leadership is associated with change and movement. These seem like opposing purposes. But work needs to be done and goals need to be achieved. It is very advantageous to have a person that can function to plan, organize and problem-solve in a way that is motivating and inspiring.
Peers # 3

Hi everyone!

Project management provides people with a powerful set of tools that improves their ability to plan, implement, and manage activities to accomplish specific objectives (Larson & Gray, 2014). Project management is also a results-oriented management style that places a premium on building collaborative relationships among a diverse cast of characters (Larson & Gray, 2014). Project management zeros in on work with a defined end point and a specific goal, not the routine day-to-day operations of an organization (Eby, 2020). Healthcare project management concerns any projects that seek to improve the functioning of a healthcare organization. As the industry continues to evolve, there are increasing pressures to save money and be efficient while improving the quality of patient care (Eby, 2020).
In recent years, project management in healthcare has become even more important. With a wide range of issues affecting the evolving industry, project management has become increasingly vital. These issues include new and complicated systems for electronic health records need continual monitoring and improvement, new technologies need tracking and improvement, and new emerging regulations (Eby, 2020). An example of how project management is becoming increasingly more important is improving efficiency of operating room use and improving consistency in operating room start times. Say a hospital identified that it had delayed start times for daily operating room use, often 30 minutes or more after the scheduled start time. With proper project management, the hospital could institute a project that sets up processes to address the various reasons for the delays (Eby, 2020). These reasons could include how patients are prepped, how the operating rooms are staffed, or keeping surgeons on schedule.
Peers # 4

Good Evening Everyone,

According to Larson & Gray (2014), project management offers a set of tools to help plan, implement, and manage activities to achieve an objective. Project Management has a beginning and an ending. Typically, consisting of four phases: defining, planning, executing, and closing. During the project, “the project manager has the ability to plan, schedule, motivate, and control temporary processes (Larson & Gray, 2014).”
Project management is important to a healthcare organization (HCO) because it helps improve the facilities’ processes, helps control cost, manages risk, and improves patient satisfaction. Gordon & Pollack (2018) states that project management within an HCO can typically help align the organization with a smooth integration process, which could consist of management change, a complication in practice, and streamlined processes that may affect patients or potential patients. Meaning project management can help a facility adapt to changes to address the clinical and financial effects that a new process could hinder.
In my opinion, I do believe it has become more important in recent years. Healthcare is changing each day; therefore, policies are changing, allowing project managers to keep everyone on the same page.

solved PICOT, Search Strategy, and Articles Directions: (For Lit Review 1A)Use

PICOT, Search Strategy, and Articles Directions: (For Lit Review 1A)Use the Capstone Template and write the Lit Review in the correct format template attached in the Introduction Module and again here. (CapstoneTemplate.doc). PLEASE use the template!!! It contains APA format and headings which organize the papers in a consistent format and make it easier to find the next section to grade. You will be writing this paper in sections, adding more paragraphs in every module and receiving feedback as you go along. Select a problem you are interested in studying that has applications relevant to evidence-based nursing practice (for most of you, it will be the same one you wrote about in Discussion Forum). Start with a general or broad statement or question, then become more specific. Include at least two statistics about the nursing problem or issue and cite the sources in APA format (Author, Year).In a new paragraph, describe briefly a new approach to the problem, possible solution, or a bundle of interventions that is being used or proposed. Define terms if necessary. Cite at least one source for the intervention you want to research.Start a new paragraph and clearly state the purpose of your paper. Examples: The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on …. and to determine the best practices for ….. OR The focus of this paper is to search for the best evidence related to …… Explain why you chose this problem and how it is important to nursing.Avoid using personal pronouns (I, me, my) in a professional paper like this. Use passive tense and generalizations like “This topic was chosen because nurses play an important role in preventing …”. OR “This is an important topic to research because some nurses have seen….”Start reference list alphabetically in APA format. All citations in text should be in reference list and all items in reference list should be cited somewhere in the paper (including secondary sources). All citations in text should be in (Author, Year) format, per APA manual. Do NOT put the full article title or journal name in the sentences or paragraphs.APA format for this paper: Use the provided template. You may change name of headings to fit your paper, but keep the format of headings (centered, left flush, and indented subheadings). Start typing each paragraph indented 5 spaces. Every line is double spaced, including block quotes and reference list. Do NOT add extra spaces before headings or between paragraphs. Use this template or make sure word processing software so that line spacing is 2 lines (Word default is 1/1/2) and edit the page layout so that 0 spaces are placed before and after paragraphs (Word default adds spacing). Keep at least one inch margins.PICOT, Search Strategy, and Articles (major heading left flush) In the paper, state the PICOT Question which you will be using to guide your literature search, in this format (including the initials and parentheses (P) (I) (C) (O) (T) after each segment): In ___________ (P), how does ____________ (I) compared to __________(C) affect ___________ (O) within ______________ (T)?Search one or more professional databases from FSCJ Library and Learning Commons to find two nursing research articles, using some of the terms from your PICOT question.Select the two best articles, download the PDF files, and attach the files of both articles to this assignment in Blackboard (do not insert the files into your paper).In the paper: describe your search strategy. Include which databases you searched, what key words were used, and what limiters were added. State the approximate number of articles that came up on the first search and how you adjusted it down to find the most relevant and highest level of evidence available for your topic. Cite the two articles you selected in (Author, Year) format and add them to the reference list if not there already. Do NOT list the title of articles or journals. Do NOT describe them in this section because you will be critiquing them in detail in following sections (after instructor approves the articles).Include in your paper the paragraph and bulleted list of levels of evidence (LOE) scale you will be using to critique the studies (located below and in the template). Copy and paste it from this document or the template. Be sure you include the source at the end of the block quote.For Lit Review 1B:Then add the following:Select the nursing research article with the highest level of evidence and critique it by answering questions in the appropriate “Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists” in Appendix B of Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019, pp. 708-722). If needed, consult with instructor about the correct LOE and checklist before you write your critique.In the paper, write a concise summary of the most pertinent details about the article, organizing it with subheadings of Validity, Results, Applicability, Strengths, and Weaknesses. Include the type of study, purpose, methods and instruments, sample size and characteristics, results with statistical significance (if provided), key findings relevant to your PICOT, and your critique of its applicability, strengths, and weaknesses.Make sure article is in reference list. Cite sources in the paper using APA style with authors’ last names and year (in the first sentence and when needed). Do not type the complete title of article or journal in your paragraph because it is in the reference list.For Lit Review 1C:If you are using guidelines:Start a new section for Guideline Critique and Recommendations. Use the template and APA 7th edition guidelines (Credibility, Applicability, Recommendations).Cite the source in APA 7th edition format within the first sentence in (Author, Year) format.Critique the credibility and applicability of the guidelines (using the Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist from Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019, p. 722).Summarize the major recommendations for nursing practice from the guidelines (use a bulleted list if more than three).Correct or update reference list and previous sections as needed.Submit the PDF file of the Guidelines in Blackboard along with your paper (if not previously sent to instructor). The file is preferred, but if not available, then include the complete URL in the reference (double check that the link takes you directly to the document).If you are using a second research article or systematic review in place of guidelines:Start a new section for Article 2. Use the flush left bold and indented bold sub headings provided in the template (Validity, Results, Applicability, Strengths, and Weaknesses). Select the appropriate Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist from Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019, Appendix B) Cite the source in APA format within the first sentence in (Author, Year) format.In the paper, write a concise summary of the most pertinent details about the article. Include the type of study, purpose, methods and instruments, sample size and characteristics, results with statistical significance (if provided), key findings relevant to your PICOT, and your critique of its applicability, strengths, and weaknesses.Correct or update reference list and previous sections as needed.Submit the PDF file of the Guidelines in Blackboard along with your paper (if not previously sent to instructor).

solved Discussion: Biopsychosocial Holistic ApproachThe assessment and incorporation of a clientâ??

Discussion: Biopsychosocial Holistic ApproachThe assessment and incorporation of a client’s spirituality has become increasingly common in the field of social work. While historically social workers were trained to avoid discussions centered on religion, we now know that spirituality encompasses many ways of believing. “The Society for Spirituality and Social Work is a network of social workers and other helping professionals dedicated to spiritually sensitive practice and education” (Society for Spirituality and Social Work, n.d.). Addressing a client’s spirituality allows for a biopsychosocial holistic approach that can aid in the process of understanding illness, disability, and end-of-life issues.For this Discussion, review the required resources and locate one scholarly article addressing spirituality with the elderly. By Day 3Post your explanation of the significance of addressing spirituality with the elderly. Identify a spiritually based intervention for this population. Describe the effectiveness of the use of spirituality with the elderly as found in the literature. Then, describe your own thoughts on the use of spirituality in an intervention.Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.By Day 5Respond to at least two colleagues who chose a different intervention and provide insight and/or feedback. Colleague 1: Kristine Bush In my career as a certified nurse’s assistant, I have come across a lot of elderly who claim to not have a religious preference. The hospital where I work had been catholic in origin for the bigger part of my time there and most of the population we served were of that religious belief system. In the last ten years we have become a nondenominational hospital and have a spiritual care team from different religious backgrounds. When an elderly person tells you that they feel they will not make it through the night, I call on the spiritual care team because they can help ease them in their time of need. They pray with them if needed, call family if needed, or give them someone to talk to that will not judge them. The spiritual care team members are chaplains and have stayed with the person until they have passed so that they were not alone. Connecting elderly with their spiritual selves gives them a sense of calm understanding and acceptance of the natural order of their life.In the article titled Spiritual Well-Being, Spiritual Growth, and Spiritual Care for the Aged: A Cross-Faith and Interdisciplinary Effort, written by Amy L. Ai, PhD (2000) the definition of spiritual well-being is “the affirmation of life in a relationship with God, self, community, and environment that nurtures and celebrates wholeness”. We all want to know and feel that we have done right by our families and children, they are able to thrive, and that we have lasting meaningful relationships and will not be alone at our end, that someone will be with us. I personally have a Christian based faith, and I have found the elderly I interact to relate to that with ease. They talk about their childhood and how it was more community based than we are now, and how they could trust their neighbors and vice versa, and how they helped each other out when needed. A spiritually based intervention could be as simple as helping the elderly find their true self, listening to their concerns, and helping to enlighten them on the situation. I feel like the use of spirituality-based intervention with the elderly will help them justify their life and the path(s) they took. As part of the life span, growing old is a fact of life, how you go about it is what counts. I personally believe that spirituality is part of the development of who we become as older adults. What causes some to be grumpy, stand-offish elders, or sweet elders who will do anything to help and be around anyone who needs them to be there? I believe it is our underlying beliefs and spirituality that shapes the elder we become.ReferenceAi, A. L., PhD. (2000) Spiritual Well-Being, Spiritual Growth, and Spiritual Care for the Aged: A Cross-Faith and Interdisciplinary EffortColleague 2: Antoinette Davis Hello All, Working with clients, I have learned that some clients take their spirituality very seriously. When assessing clients is it always important to ask and see where their stand with spirituality. After reading the article by Monod (2012), I learned that it’s important to address spirituality with elderly clients in order to influence those who are trying to cope with an illness, disability or life-threatening event in their lives. The article also states that spirituality is considered an essential component of the multidimensional approach used in geriatric care of elderly persons. If spirituality is discussed with elderly clients, it can influence clients in a positive way. The article also states that negative manifestations of spirituality may be associated with poorer health outcomes (Monod et al., 2012). I would use a Spiritual Needs Model to find out a client’s spiritual needs. Monod (2012) states that clients in spiritual distress might have a potentially harmful effect on patient’s prognosis and quality of life. A Spiritual Needs Model will look at the client’s spiritual well-being, their behaviors, beliefs, values and attitudes towards spiritual behaviors. It would help because it will give knowledge on what the client needs to help them through the situation.An article I found by Mowat & O’Neil (2016) states that spirituality is a search for meaning with or without God; it recognizes the human need for ultimate meaning in life, whether it is fulfilled through a relationship with God or some sense of another, or whether some other sense of meaning becomes the guiding force within the individual’s life. This same article states that human spirituality can also involve relationships with other people (Mowat & O’Neil (2016).It would be important to assess a client’s spiritual needs in order to help them cope with whatever they are dealing with. When clients believe in high power and the afterlife, it gives them ease and gives them hope for the better. As social workers, it is our job to advocate for them snd provided them with whatever they need. For example, I would try and provide for someone to come in and speak with him/her in order to pray with them and help them cope. It is our job to learn and understand our client’s different religious and spiritual beliefs in order to understand the client and why they may act the way that they do. The more we know and understand the better involved we can be with the client and make sure we are respecting them and showing dignity. ReferencesMonod, S. M., Rochat, E., Büla, C. J., Jobin, G., Martin, E., & Spencer, B. (2010). The spiritual distress assessment tool: An instrument to assess spiritual distress in hospitalized elderly persons. BMC Geriatrics, 10, 88. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Mowat, H., & O’Neil, M. (2016, August 16). Spirituality and ageing: Implications for the care and support of older people. Retrieved August 08, 2017, from

solved In this project, you will gain an understanding of the

In this project, you will gain an understanding of the importance of the control function in a manufacturing business. You will compare actual performance with desired production standards, measure progress toward company goals, and address deviations in performance through corrective action.
Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment

develop measures and assess outcomes against plans and standards to improve organizational effectiveness

How to Set Up the Paper
Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced using 12-point font.  The final product will be 5-6 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page.   
Create a title page with a title, date, course number and section, your name, and the instructor’s name.
The following chart displays the results of the first year’s production of the, Lacks Tracks Cycles, an electric-powered chopper-style motorcycle being produced by Lacks Tracks Cycles to compete with Harley-Davidson’s Electra Glide. The metrics table below was created from data supplied by Lacks Tracks Cycles five (5) plants. The purpose of the table is to provide data for management to decide what controls and actions are needed to increase production efficiency.   
You recently joined the Lacks Tracks Cycles’ headquarters staff as a quality assurance associate. Your manager has requested you to do an analysis of the first year’s motorcycle production results.  This information will be used by management to evaluate and improve overall production efficiency.
Lacks Tracks Cycles is known for producing high-quality products at reasonable prices. They plan to compete against Harley’s top-end model by developing superior production efficiency that will allow them to price significantly below Harley Davidson’s Electra Glide model.   
The chart below lists the desired production standards and the actual production metrics for each stage of the electric motorcycle’s manufacturing process that needs to be completed to determine the overall production efficiency at each of Lacks Tracks Cycles’ five (5) production facilities.
A comparison of the production standard to the actual production outcomes using all the relevant metrics allows management to determine which of its facilities is the most efficient producer of the electric motorcycle. This knowledge will help Lacks Tracks Cycles’ management team to determine what controls need to be put into place at their various production plants to match the production efficiency of their most efficient plant. More efficiency means higher production at lower per unit (cycle) costs. 
MetricsStandardMarylandDelawareNew JerseyTexasAlaskaTotal Cost to Manufacture (per unit)13,50015,25014,10012,75016,00014,250Manufacturing Cycle Time (time to complete a single vehicle – in hours)151816121214Yield (percentage of cars produced to specifications first time without rework)98%99%97%96.50%97.50%95.15%Defective Rate/Recall Rate2%1%3%3.50%2.50%4.85%Scrap Rate2%3%4%2.50%2%1.90%Average Production Downtime0.50%1%1.50%0.75%0.50%0.75%Training Time (hours per month)863574Shipping Problems/Damage (per 10,000 units)124213Safety Incident per Employee1.50%2.25%0.75%3%2%1.90%Number of units manufactured per year45,00043,00027,00042,50048,00045,500Utilization Rate (Capacity rate facility is utilizing during available production time)81.82%78.18%49.09%77.27%87.27%82.73%
Use only the BOLDED centered and left-justified headings to write your paper. 

Write an Introduction paragraph.The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will be used to describe to the reader the intent of the paper explaining the main points covered in the paper.  This intent should be understood prior to reading the remainder of the paper so the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper.  The introduction is often written after the paper is completed.  (Use as needed appropriate in-text citation and include the references in the Reference section)

The body of the paper will cover the following:

Explain what control means in a business setting.  (Use heading below and in-text citation as required)
Explain why Lacks Tracks must be concerned with the actual production metrics at its plants. (Use headings below and in-text citation as required)

Control Defined 
Importance of Lacks Tracks Production Metrics
                                                                Standard Specifications

Compare the metrics table standards to the actual performance outcomes at each of the five (5) plants and explain your findings for each plant.  (Use the headings below and citations and references as appropriate.) 
Identify the four (4) most important and common deviations from the standards among the plants and explain why this data is important to Lacks Tracks management. (Use the headings below and citations and references as appropriate.) 
Using course materials identify and explain two (2) types of controls that could be used by Lacks Tracks management to attempt to correct the deviations from standards at its plants. (Use the headings below and citations and references as appropriate.) 

Metrics Table Plant Performance Comparisons 
Four Most Significant Deviations
Two Recommended Controls 
                                                             Total Quality Management

Explain why the implementation of a Total Quality Management (TQM) program could improve operational efficiency at Lacks Tracks.  (Use as needed appropriate in-text citation)

Create a concluding paragraph.  The conclusion paragraph highlights the major findings covered in the paper. (Use as needed appropriate in-text citation)
Review the Paper 
Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present.
The following are specific requirements that you will follow.  Use the checklist to mark off that you have followed each specific requirement.  
Specific Project Requirements
Proofread your paper
Read and use the grading rubric while completing the paper to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade. 
Third-person writing is required.  Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second-person writing).  If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: 
Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them. Â