solved One of the goals of Health Service Managers is to

One of the goals of Health Service Managers is to achieve a basic level of competency in epidemiology to address issues such as population health and chronic disease.  Health Service Managers also research consumer spending to help contribute to the practice of Health Services Management research.  You will gain foundational skills by developing an Income and Expense Budget in Microsoft Excel to meet the annual financial goal of the department at a healthcare organization.  In this assignment, you will complete the income and expense budget, then write a one-page summary using the “Sample Paper” format to describe your data to your department head. 
You recently were hired at a high-performing medical center as a Health Service Manager in the Orthopedic Department.  One of your first tasks was to create an income and expense budget.  Your department head also said that within the next three months you will need to conduct research and use the income and expense budget to determine the Medicare and Medicaid patient populations (i. e. children, pregnant women, parents, seniors, and individuals with disabilities).  The department head also commented that initially, the government paid 100% under the ACA between 2014-2016.  The states will have to pay their percentage and manage the increasing costs by tapping into tax revenues, making hospitals help, and adding work requirements and premiums (the data showed the government payments in 2016:  100%, 2017:  95%, 2018:  94%, 2019:  93%, and 2020 and each year thereafter 90%).  The states began paying the difference in the percentage costs in 2017.Assignment

Download and use the format in the “Sample Paper.”
Review and Analyze the Video: Income and Expenditure Spreadsheet at
Use the data the table below to create your expense budget, create the date, and reference numbers.

Income  Expenditures
Procedure A, Hip Replacement                 10,000                Inventory                      5000
Procedure B, Back Surgery                        13,000                Supplies                        4000
Procedure C, Knee Replacement               15,500               Admin Salary                1000
Procedure D, Hip Fracture                            5,000               Physician Salary           3000                 
Procedure E, Pediatric Surgery                    5,000               Nurse Salary                 2000
            Procedure A, Hip Replacement                    5,000               Admin Salary                2000
            Procedure A, Hip Replacement                    2,000               Physician Salary           4000
            Procedure C, Knee Replacement               10,000               Nurse Salary                 3000
            Procedure C, Knee Replacement                 5,000

Use the three-table format provided in the video and create the Excel spreadsheet.
Create a thesis statement based on your findings from the Income less Expenditures.  

One of the goals of Health Service Managers is to achieve a basic level of competency in epidemiology to address issues such as population health and chronic disease.  Health Service Managers also research consumer spending to help contribute to the practice of Health Services Management research.  You will gain foundational skills by developing an Income and Expense Budget in Microsoft Excel to meet the annual financial goal of the department at a healthcare organization.  In this assignment, you will complete the income and expense budget, then write a one-page summary using the “Sample Paper” format to describe your data to your department head.BackgroundYou recently were hired at a high-performing medical center as a Health Service Manager in the Orthopedic Department.  One of your first tasks was to create an income and expense budget.  Your department head also said that within the next three months you will need to conduct research and use the income and expense budget to determine the Medicare and Medicaid patient populations (i. e. children, pregnant women, parents, seniors, and individuals with disabilities).  The department head also commented that initially, the government paid 100% under the ACA between 2014-2016.  The states will have to pay their percentage and manage the increasing costs by tapping into tax revenues, making hospitals help, and adding work requirements and premiums (the data showed the government payments in 2016:  100%, 2017:  95%, 2018:  94%, 2019:  93%, and 2020 and each year thereafter 90%).  The states began paying the difference in the percentage costs in 2017.AssignmentDownload and use the format in the “Sample Paper.”Review and Analyze the Video: Income and Expenditure Spreadsheet at the data the table below to create your expense budget, create the date, and reference numbers.Income                                                                                     ExpendituresProcedure A, Hip Replacement                 10,000                Inventory                      5000Procedure B, Back Surgery                        13,000                Supplies                        4000Procedure C, Knee Replacement               15,500               Admin Salary                1000Procedure D, Hip Fracture                            5,000               Physician Salary           3000                 Procedure E, Pediatric Surgery                    5,000               Nurse Salary                 2000             Procedure A, Hip Replacement                    5,000               Admin Salary                2000             Procedure A, Hip Replacement                    2,000               Physician Salary           4000             Procedure C, Knee Replacement               10,000               Nurse Salary                 3000             Procedure C, Knee Replacement                 5,000Use the three-table format provided in the video and create the Excel spreadsheet.Create a thesis statement based on your findings from the Income less Expenditures.  Write a 1-page paper in APA (2020) format.  Include a cover page, and attach your budget in MS Excel as Appendix A.  The paper should follow the SESC format of state, explain, support, and conclude, see the “Sample Paper.”  Hint:  Remember to describe Appendix A in your paper.Review the Rubric to maximize points.

solved Assessment 1 Instructions: Compliance Program Implementation and Ethical Decision-Making Prep

Assessment 1 Instructions: Compliance Program Implementation and Ethical Decision-Making
Prepare a workplace brief (8-10 double-spaced pages) to address a privacy breach that occurred in a health care organization. Include the consequences of failure to act and evidence-based recommendations for addressing the breach.
Health care is one of the most heavily regulated major industries in the United States. Leaders are challenged to stay current and to comply with federal, state, and local laws and their associated regulations. Health care organizations are also responsible to meet industry standards. In some cases, payers equate meeting industry standards with achieving and maintaining accreditation. In fact, many payers consider accreditation a minimum condition of participation. In addition, individual licensure and certification requirements establish basic expectations for health care leaders’ professional conduct.
In summary, health care leaders are responsible to:

Meet ethical personal, professional conduct, certification and licensure expectations.
Comply with local, state and federal health care and human resources laws.
Provide evidence of compliance with existing regulations and scan the field for emerging regulations.
Identify and meet appropriate accrediting body standards (Example: Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goal standards.)

As an individual’s health care leadership career advances, so does the corresponding level of accountability. Not knowing the laws or regulations is not an excuse for not complying with them.
This assessment allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of and skills relating to compliance concepts, governmental and regulatory agencies which oversee health care service delivery, billing, and general operations. You will also have the opportunity to apply the components necessary to initiate and maintain an effective compliance program. Finally, you will consider relevant human resources laws which may pertain to your compliance recommendations.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze health care laws and regulations from a local, state, and federal level.

Summarize the relevant health care compliance concepts that apply to a HIPAA privacy breach.

Competency 3: Assess the importance of continuous readiness in the health care organization.

Apply the seven essential elements of an effective compliance program to a HIPAA privacy breach.
Recommend evidence-based actions to address a HIPAA privacy breach.
Describe a health care, industry-approved, ethical decision-making framework.

Competency 4: Explain how governing body and regulatory agency standards exercise oversight authority within a health care organizational setting.

Provide a synopsis of the consequences to individual leaders and other internal stakeholders of not addressing a HIPAA privacy breach.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.

Write a clear, concise, well-organized, and generally error-free workplace brief addressing a HIPAA privacy breach that is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.

In this assessment, you are assuming the role of an early careerist in risk management and quality improvement at one of Vila Health’s community-based hospitals. Vila Health is a medium-sized system of health operating facilities in Minnesota and Wisconsin. You are working on a team-based initiative under the supervision of the Vila Health Chief Compliance Officer. Your role is to assist in addressing a specific compliance risk regarding a breach of privacy and potential HIPAA violation. A Vila Health employee has disclosed—without prior written authorization—a patient’s protected personal health information.
Here is the information the team has collected about the privacy breach and potential HIPAA violation to date. A Vila Health supervisor instructed an employee to obtain pre-authorization for an upcoming surgical procedure for a patient. The Vila Health employee submitted confidential, protected health care information about the patient to the insurance company. The Member Services Representative at the insurance company contacted the Vila Health supervisor. The insurance company representative indicated that further discussion of the matter without prior written consent from the patient is prohibited.
As part of the team exploring the privacy breach, you will prepare a workplace brief with authoritative, evidence-based references to support your work.
You are already familiar with HIPAA but may want to conduct independent research to enhance your knowledge. Consult this resource for additional guidance on how to conduct research using credible sources: Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.
This is a workplace brief rather than an academic paper. Download the Compliance Program Implementation and Ethical Decision-Making Template [DOCX]. Be sure to address all of the following in your brief:
Include a short paragraph of no more than five or six sentences describing the known details about the privacy breach and HIPAA violation.
Privacy Breach—HIPAA Violation
Summarize the relevant health care compliance concepts that apply to this privacy breach and HIPAA violation. Be sure to consider the following:

Federal, state, and local laws and associated regulations.
Human resource concepts and law(s).
Industry and accrediting body standards.

Seven Essential Elements of an Effective Compliance Program
Apply to this HIPAA breach the seven essential components of an effective health care compliance program, as determined within the Federal Register.
Privacy Breach Consequences
Provide a synopsis of the consequences for an individual leader and for other internal health care organization stakeholders for not taking immediate actions to address a privacy breach. At a minimum, be sure to consider all of the following in your synopsis:

Patient safety.
Financial losses.
Individual and organizational violations of the law.

Evidence-Based Recommendations
Construct evidence-based recommendations to resolve the HIPAA-related privacy breach. You may also want to include relevant information related to:

Human resource laws.
Professional codes of ethical conduct and standards.
Previous case precedents.
Current alleged health care legal violations.

For help in identifying appropriate evidence-based recommendations, you may want to visit some of the authoritative sources, such as the DOJ/OIG, CMS/HHS, et cetera, listed under the suggested resources for this assessment.
Ethical Decision-Making Framework for Health Care Leaders
Describe an ethical decision making framework as one of your concluding recommendations. Tip: You may want to use the ACHE’s ethical decision-making framework:

Nelson, W. (2015). Making ethical decisions. Healthcare Executive, 46–48.  Retrieved from…

Write a paragraph that summarizes the following:

Key concepts.
Importance of compliance.
Best practices to monitor for future quality improvements.
Short list of resources.

solved Part 1: Ethical Question Before writing the paper, you will

Part 1: Ethical Question
Before writing the paper, you will need to spend some time thinking about the specific ethical issue you want to focus on throughout this course.
Begin this task by viewing the list of approved ethical topics and questions provided in the Week 1 Announcement titled: “Written Assignment Ethical Topics and Questions List.” Take some time looking over the list and browsing through some of the material in the corresponding chapters of the textbook in which each topic is addressed and decide which to focus on.
Once you have done this, choose one of the ethical questions associated with that topic. If you wish to do so, you may formulate your own ethical question, but it must be on one of the topics listed in the announcement. Be sure to carefully study the provided questions and model your own question after them in terms of specificity and ethical focus.”
Place the ethical question under the Part 1: Ethical Question heading at the top of the paper.
Part 2: Introduction
In this section of your paper, you should introduce the topic and question at issue by doing the following (not necessarily in this exact order):
Explain its relevance and importance.
Define any key terms and concepts.
Provide any relevant context and background information.
Briefly reference an idea, quote, or analysis of the issue that you have found in one of the required resources on the topic.  Required resources include the textbook chapter focused on that topic (6, 7, 8, 9, or 10), the “Primary Sources” listed at the end of Chapters 6-9, and the “readings listed under “Further Reading” at the end of each section in Chapter 10.
The introduction will be the longest section of this assignment and should be at least 300 words in one or two paragraphs. Place the introduction material under the Part 2: Introduction.
Part 3: Position Statement
Your work on the introduction section has likely unearthed various positions one might take on the ethical question you have chosen. In this section, you will formulate a position statement.
A position statement is a one sentence statement that articulates your position on the issue and directly answers the question you have raised. For example, if the question was, “What is a physician’s obligation with respect to telling the truth to his or her patients?” a position statement might be “A physician may never directly lie to a patient, but it may be moral for a physician to withhold information if the physician reasonably believes doing so directly benefits the patient.” A different position statement might be: “A physician may use any means necessary, including lying to a patient, if the physician believes that will produce the best overall results.” However, the following statement would not be a sufficient position statement: “A physician must always respect the rights of his or her patients.” The reason this is not a sufficient position statement is that it does not directly answer the question concerning truth telling.
Think of the position statement as the strongest claim you would make if you were a prosecuting attorney making your opening statement to a jury, where you want to state precisely and directly the position you want them to believe.
Place the position statement under the Part 3: Position Statement heading.
Part 4: Reasons in Support of Your Position
Now that you have articulated a position on the issue, write a short paragraph—just a few sentences—that presents and explains one or two of the strongest reasons in support of your position statement.
You want your supporting reason to explain why someone should support the position you are taking on the ethical question. A supporting reason is a consideration that helps to show why your position is stronger than another position.
One way to approach this is to imagine yourself in friendly conversation with someone who does not necessarily agree with your position (perhaps they disagree, or perhaps they are undecided). When you state your position, they might ask why you think that; the kind of response you would give is a supporting reason.
Supporting reasons can include many things including, but not limited to: an appeal to moral principles such as duty, justice, fairness and equality; the positive or negative effects of certain actions on policies; or a summary of facts, statistics or evidence and an explanation of how they support your view.
Place the supporting reason(s) under the Part 4: Reasons in Support of Your Position heading.
Part 5: Opposing Position Statement
Now that you have provided reasons to support your position statement, in this section you will take a step back from all of that and articulate a statement that expresses an opposing or contrary statement.
Think of the opposing position statement as the strongest claim you would make if you were the defense attorney making your opening statement to the jury immediately after they have heard the prosecutor’s statement.
Place the opposing position statement under the Part 5: Opposing Position Statement heading.
Part 6: Reasons in Support of the Opposing Position
In this section, write a short paragraph—just a few sentences—that presents and explains one or two of the strongest reasons in support of the opposing position statement.
A strong opposing reason is a reason anyone would need to consider, even if they do not agree with the opposing position.
In other words, do not simply contradict claims that you make in Part 4, especially factual claims! You should strive to identify and articulate considerations in support of the opposing position that you think are accurate and true, or at least plausible, even if you still believe your own position has the most support overall.
If the reason(s) in support of the opposing position are ones you consider obviously false or indefensible, you should look for better reasons.
Put yourself in the position of a defense attorney who has to make the best possible case to the jury in defense of his or her client.
Place the opposing reasons under the Part 6: Reasons in Support of the Opposing Position heading.
In your paper,
Identify the ethical question.
Introduce the topic and question.
Formulate a position statement.
Explain the strongest reasons in support of the position statement.
Formulate an opposing position statement.
Explain the strongest reasons in support of the opposing position statement.
The Ethical Question paper
Must be 500 to 600 words in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
oTitle of paper
oStudent’s name
oCourse name and number
oInstructor’s name
oDate submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.).
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) guide.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

solved I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

There are 4 phases in the product life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity and decline (Okoye, 2015). In the introductory phase, a product or service is brought to market but typically requires a large volume of resources with a low demand (Okoye, 2015). The growth phase describes the period in which the demand for the volume begins to increase as more people become aware that is available (Okoye, 2015). Maturity is the period in which demand for the product or service peaks (Okoye, 2015). In the decline phase, demand is at the highest level allowing the organization to determine their next course of action: to decrease the price & subsequent reduce demand or to move in a different direction with updates or changes (Okoye, 2015).
It can be valuable from a business perspective to monitor the lifecycle of a service or product to determine when new products or services should be introduced as well as increasing revenue (Okoye, 2015). As an informaticist, understanding this lifecycle and considering volumes / supplies / demands and at what stage a certain product is in the lifecycle can be valuable for optimizing return on investment.
Informatics professionals are able to help with implementation by reviewing workflow and the flow of information to help improve efficiency (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, 2017). The informatics professional can help to map the flow of data, determining when and where data can be updated or entered and how the data is able to be retrieved or utilized later (Data Lifecycle Management, 2021). Mapping data can serve several purposes including reducing or recognizing “data bottlenecks,” minimizing duplication, reducing unwanted updates or content, improving accuracy of data, and improving management of data from a historical perspective (Data Lifecycle Management, 2021).
Data Lifecycle Management. (2021). Retrieved from The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology:…
Okoye, H. (2015, November 25). Product life cycle and how it relates to healthcare. Retrieved from Ausmed:…
Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management (4th ed.). San Franscisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from
Like everything else, databases have a finite lifespan. They are born in a flush of optimism and make their way through life achieving fame, fortune, and peaceful anonymity, or notoriety as the case may be, before fading out once more. Even the most successful database at some time is replaced by another, more flexible and up-to-date structure, and so begins life anew. Although exact definitions differ, there are generally six stages of the database lifecycle. The analysis phase is where the stakeholders are interviewed and any existing system is examined to identify problems, possibilities and constraints. The objectives and scope of the new system are determined. The design phase is where a conceptual design is created from the previously determined requirements, and a logical and physical design are created that will ready the database for implementation. The implementation phase is where the database management system (DBMS) is installed, the databases are created, and the data are loaded or imported. The testing phase is where the database is tested and fine-tuned, usually in conjunction with the associated applications (Berner, 2020). The operation phase is where the database is working normally, producing information for its users. The maintenance phase is where changes are made to the database in response to new requirements or changed operating conditions.
Health care informatics in managing health information throughout its life cycles. Health information managers are tasked with summarizing data into information that healthcare professionals can effectively use to provide quality services. They enhance data quality and increase its usefulness within the healthcare industry, leading to better care outcomes.
Aspevig, J., & Singletary, V. (2020). Project Management and Public Health Informatics. Health Informatics, 221–236.
Berner, E. S. (2020). Informatics Education in Healthcare: Lessons Learned. Health Informatics, 289–300.
Yen, P.-Y., McAlearney, A. S., Sieck, C. J., Hefner, J. L., & Huerta, T. R. (2017). Health Information Technology (HIT) Adaptation: Refocusing on the Journey to Successful HIT Implementation. JMIR Medical Informatics, 5(3).
According to Patricia McCartney, she explains the life cycle of health information applications is a “problem- solving framework that can be applied with any technology from an electronic medical record to a pediatric security device. The life cycle includes a series of logical and continually cycling steps similar to the nursing process…The life cycle is a dynamic open system, influencing and influenced by the healthcare environment. Events in any one step may reverberate through the system as intended or unintended outcomes” (McCartney, 2010; para 2). The role of a health informatics professional in managing health information consists of using their knowledge in healthcare to merge with their understanding of information systems, technology, and databases to maintain security, gather, store, and interpret data when caring for patients and managing their personal information. In addition, to evaluate the impact of IT on clinical outcomes and workflow.
According to authors Sittig, Wright, Coiera, Magrabi, Ratwani, Bates, and Singh, they explain challenges faced in protecting the integrity of health information consist of “developing models, methods, and tools to enable risk assessment; (2) developing standard user interface design features and functions; (3) ensuring the safety of software in an interfaced, network- enabled clinical environment; (4) implementing a method for unambiguous patient identification; (5) developing and implementing decision support which improves safety; (6) identifying practices to safely manage information technology systems transitions; (7) developing real- time methods to enable automated surveillance and monitoring of system performance and safety; (8) establishing the cultural and legal framework/ safe harbor to allow sharing information about hazards and adverse events; and (9) developing models and methods for consumers/ patients to improve health information technology safety. These challenges represent key “to-do’s” that must be completed before we can expect to have safe, reliable, and efficient health information technology–based systems required to care for patients” (Sittig et al., 2018; para 1).
McCartney, P. (2010). What Is the HIT Systems Life Cycle?. MCN: The American Journal Of Maternal/Child Nursing, 35(5), 301.
Sittig, D., Wright, A., Coiera, E., Magrabi, F., Ratwani, R., Bates, D., & Singh, H. (2018). Current challenges in health information technology–related patient safety. Health Informatics Journal, 26(1), 181-189.

solved Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation (20 minutes with 10 minutes

Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation (20 minutes with 10 minutes Q & A) on the Triple Aim model, HIM, and health care reform for an audience that constitutes the general public. Include voice-over narration and speaker notes with slides.IntroductionHealth care is an ever-changing field. One of the driving forces of change in health care is government policies and procedures, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and the Triple Aim model.These forces are attempting to improve the quality of patient care and the population’s health. They are also trying to reduce health care costs. For the purpose of this assessment, assume you are an active member in your regional health information management (HIM) association. Your association has agreed to present a series of health care lectures at a local community center. As the vice-president of the association, you have been asked to present on health care reform. The community center has asked you to specifically focus on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Triple Aim. The association would also like you to explain how the HIM field relates to these topics. Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 2: Identify market forces that affect health care systems. Explain the Triple Aim model’s goals.Identify HIM’s role in the Triple Aim.Identify ways the Affordable Care Act supports and hinders the Triple Aim’s goals. Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner.Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Create a clear, well organized, compelling presentation that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.PreparationThis assessment requires you to provide a slide presentation of 12 to 15 slides that explains how the Affordable Care Act supports and hinders the Triple Aim model. The audience for your presentation is the general public, not health care experts, so be sure to target your message appropriately. To be able to present your analysis, you may want to conduct independent research into the Affordable Care Act’s and the Triple Aim’s basic tenets in addition to consulting this assessment’s suggested resources. Consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Research Guide for help in beginning your research and identifying credible sources. As part of the assessment, you will also be required to provide narration along with your slide presentation. To prepare for the audio recording of your presentation:Set up and test your microphone or headset using the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.You only need to use the headset if your audio is not clear and high quality when captured by the microphone. Practice using the equipment to ensure the audio quality is sufficient.Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to record your narration with your slides. If you choose to record your presentation using this tool, simply submit your presentation to the appropriate area of the courseroom. Your narration will be included with your slides. Consult the Using Kaltura [PDF] for guidance in how to record your presentation and upload it in the courseroom if you select not to use Microsoft PowerPoint to submit your slides and narration.Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.InstructionsCreate a 12- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation on the Triple Aim model, HIM, and health care reform. Include voice-over narration and speaker notes with your presentation. Your presentation needs to be about 20 minutes in length with an additional 10 minutes for questions and answers. Be sure to address all of the following in your presentation: Introduction and Opening (1 slide) How can you open your presentation in a way that engages your audience? Consider some eye-opening statistics, a compelling quote, or a challenging question.The Triple Aim Model (2 to 3 slides)What is the Triple Aim?What are its goals?HIM and the Triple Aim (3 to 4 slides)Why is the Triple Aim model relevant to the health information management workforce?What is HIM’s role in the Triple Aim?How specifically can HIM contribute to the Triple Aim’s goals?The Affordable Care Act and the Triple Aim (3 to 4 slides)In what ways does the ACA support the achievement of the Triple Aim’s goals?In what ways does the ACA hinder the achievement of the Triple Aim’s goals? How effectively does the ACA address all parts of the Triple Aim?Closing (1 slide)What are the one or two main ideas you would like your audience to take away from your presentation? Q and AProvide two starter questions with responses.In your speaker notes, be sure to include specific examples to support the points you are making. You will also want to include citations and references to current, scholarly and/or authoritative sources. Additional RequirementsPowerPoint Presentation: 12 to 15 slides with speaker notes and voice-over narration. Balance visuals with text. Font: Use Times New Roman, 12 point font.APA: Provide APA-formatted citations and references for resources.Writing: Create a clear, well-organized, compelling document that is free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Resources: U.S. Health Care SystemCheromcha, K., M. L.I.S. (2015). The health care handbook: A clear and concise guide to the United States health care system. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 103(3), 159–160.Greer, S. L. (2015). Reinventing american health care: How the affordable care act will improve our terribly complex, blatantly unjust, outrageously expensive, grossly inefficient, error prone system. Journal of Social Policy, 44(4), 825–826.Health Resources & Services Administration. (n.d.). Introduction to strategic plan FY 2016-2018. Retrieved from…The U.S. Health Care Timeline | Transcript.This interactive Capella media piece enables you to browse information about major milestones in the U.S. health care system between 1847 and 2009.Resources: Health Care ReformDavis, J. (2017). Health care reform is just warming up. Physician Leadership Journal, 4(4),10–13. Gage, B., & Albaroudi, A. (2016). The triple aim and the movement toward quality measurement of family caregiving. Generations, 39(4), 28–33.Young, Q. D. (2016). A new public health movement. American Journal of Public Health,106(6),1023–1024.Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2018). Initiatives: IHI triple aim initiative. Retrieved from…Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2018). Triple aim for populations. Retrieved from….Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2018). Design of a triple aim enterprise [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from…Health Care Mandate Timeline | Transcript.This short, interactive, Capella-created media piece reviews major health care laws passed beginning in 1996 with the passage of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and ending in 2010 with the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).

solved Test ContentQuestion 12 PointsFind the class with the greatest number

Test ContentQuestion 12 PointsFind the class with the greatest number of data values. 55-6565-7575-8585-95Question 22 PointsWhat is the midpoint of the class 15–20 ?1.516.5317.5Question 32 PointsWhat is the midpoint of the class 7-11 ?9.5954Question 42 PointsGreg wants to construct a frequency distribution for the political affiliation of the employees at Owen’s Hardware Store. What type of distribution would be best?ungroupedgroupedcategoricalcumulativeQuestion 52 PointsThirty students recorded the colors of their eyes, choosing from the colors brown, blue, green, hazel, and black. This data can be appropriately summarized in a(n)______________ .open-ended distributioncategorical frequency distributiongrouped frequency distributionupper boundaryQuestion 62 PointsWhich of the following pairs of class limits would be appropriate for grouping the numbers 10, 13, 8, and 15 ?7-11 and 11-158-10 and 13-158-10 and 11-158-11 and 12-15Question 72 PointsFor the class 7 – 20, the upper class limit is6.572020.5Question 82 PointsFor the class 16.3–23.8, the width is 8.5.TrueFalseQuestion 92 PointsWhat are the boundaries of the class 12-16?11.5 and 16.510 and 1812 and 164Question 102 PointsWhich of the following does not need to be done when constructing a frequency distribution?select the number of classes desiredfind the rangemake the class width an even numberuse classes that are mutually exclusiveQuestion 112 PointsA histogram is a graph that represents the cumulative frequencies for the classes in a frequency distribution.TrueFalseQuestion 122 PointsFor a given data set, the ogive and the frequency polygon will have the same overall shape.TrueFalseQuestion 132 PointsWhich of the following is a histogram?Question 142 PointsHow many values are in the data set whose histogram is shown below ? 6227672Question 152 PointsThe frequency polygon is a graph that displays the data by using lines that connect points plotted for the frequencies at the midpoints of the classes.TrueFalseQuestion 162 PointsWhich of the following is a frequency polygon?Question 172 PointsThe frequency polygon and the histogram are two different ways to represent the same data set.TrueFalseQuestion 182 PointsA time series graph is useful for which of the following purposes?representing relative frequencies of categories at a specific timerepresenting the cumulative frequencies of the data at a specific timerepresenting the frequencies of the data, sorted from largest to smallestrepresenting the changing frequencies of a data category over a period timeQuestion 192 PointsWhich graph should be used to represent the frequencies with which certain courses are taken at Highlands Middle School?Pareto charttime series graphpie graphpictographQuestion 202 PointsWhen making Pareto charts, data should be arranged ________________________ according to frequency.from smallest to largestwith increasing timefrom largest to smallestclockwiseQuestion 212 PointsWhat type of graph is the figure below? Pareto chartpictographogivepie graphQuestion 222 PointsA weatherman records the amount of rain that fell in Portland, Oregon each day for a year. What type of graph should he use to show how rainfall changes during the year ?pie graphpictographtime series graphPareto chartQuestion 232 PointsIf a data set showing types of pizza ordered at a particular restaurant indicates 24 out of 72 orders were for pepperoni pizza, how many degrees would be needed to represent pepperoni pizza in a pie chart?90°120°60°150°Question 242 PointsThe two variables in a scatter plot are called theindependent variable and dependent variable.relative frequency and relative proportion.spread and pattern.lines and points.Question 252 PointsDetermine the type of relationship shown in the figure below. positivenegativemultipleThere is no relationship.Question 262 PointsWhat is the median of the following set of values? 6, 20, 18, 14, 18, 13, 14, 1812161418Question 272 PointsFind the mode for the following data? 5, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 5, 3, 43456Question 282 PointsThe number of police officers in selected city districts is listed below. Find the mode. 24, 26, 24, 30, 23, 28, 19, 31, 24, 26, 1923242628Question 292 PointsA weighted mean is used when the values of the data set are not all equally represented.TrueFalseQuestion 302 PointsWhat is the mode of the following data set? 8, 22, 20, 16, 20, 18, 1514181620Question 312 PointsFind the mean of the following data set? 8, 3, 6, 1, 322 PointsFind the mean of the following set of values.–1, 6, 4, 2, 4Blank 1Blank 1Question 332 PointsIf a distribution is negatively skewed as shown in the figure below, the mean will fall to the right of the median and the mode will fall to the left of the median. TrueFalseQuestion 342 PointsIf a data set has 9 values and a standard deviation 9.4, then the variance is ________. 352 PointsGiven that the mean of a set of data is 25 and the standard deviation is 3, what is the coefficient of variation?0.1212%8.33833%Question 362 PointsThe variance of a data set is the square root of the standard deviation.TrueFalseQuestion 372 PointsFind the range of the set of values 4, 15, 3, 10, and 5.315912Question 382 PointsWhat is the range of the set of values 4, 6, 2, 7, and 15.461713Question 392 PointsThe grades for the trigonometry exam are listed below. Find the range. 85, 76, 93, 82, 84, 90, 757691118Question 402 PointsFor a set of data with a mean of 30 and a variance of 25, approximately 68% of the values will fall between 25 to 35.TrueFalseQuestion 412 PointsGiven that the variance for a data set is 1.20, what is the standard deviation?1.101.441.200.60Question 422 PointsIf a student scored 78 points on a test where the mean score was 84.5 and the standard deviation was 3.1. The student’s z score is ________.27.260.68–0.68–2.10Question 432 PointsThe percentile corresponding to a given data value X is computed by adding the 0.5 to number of values less than X then dividing by the total number of values in the data set.TrueFalseQuestion 442 PointsIndicate which student has the higher z score. Art Major Theater Major The art major has a higher score than the theater major.The theater major has a higher score than the art major.Both students have the same score.Neither student received a positive score; therefore, the higher score cannot be determined.Question 452 PointsA baseball player has a batting average of 0.325 each week of the season, with a standard deviation of 0.065. What is the z score when he bats 0.410 one week?1.3080.4100.3251.275Question 462 Points______________ divide a distribution into four groups, and __________divide a distribution into ten groups.Blank 1Blank 1Question 472 PointsIdentify the five-number summary of the following data set. 7, 11, 21, 28, 32, 33, 37, 43.7, 16, 30, 35, 437, 21, 30, 33, 437, 11, 28, 33, 437, 21, 26.5, 33, 43 Question 482 PointsFind the 3 quartiels in the following data set: 88 89 94 97 98 100 99Q1= 87; Q2=97; Q3= 100Q1= 89; Q2=97; Q3= 99Q1= 88; Q2=97; Q3= 98Q1= 89.5; Q2=97.5; Q3= 99.5Question 492 PointsDetermine the mean and the median of the following data set: 56 56 57 60 59 60 62 61 Mean=52.9; Median=60Mean=60.0; Median=58.5Mean=59.3; Median=59.5Mean=57.3; Median=60Question 502 PointsDetermine the mean and the median of the following data set: 27 21 27 30 31 35 32 Mean=29.0; Median=30Mean=29.0; Median=30Mean=28.5; Median=33Mean=30.0; Median=29

solved undefinedRead the Chapter Case Study “The coffee Wars” from Chapter

undefinedRead the Chapter Case Study “The coffee Wars” from Chapter 2 “Global Marketing” Page: – 55 given in your textbook – “Marketing” (7th Edition) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael. Levy (2020) and answer the following Questions:THE COFFEE WARSundefinedIn the coffee and breakfast market, Starbucks vigorously competes with the likes of Dunkin’ Donuts and, more recently, McDonald’s. Independent coffeehouses and smaller regional chains, seen by many as more hip and less commercial, also continually nip at Starbucks’ heels. However, the “coffee war” between Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts is particularly fierce in the areas in which they compete head-to-head, even though each chain has its geo graphic strongholds—Dunkin’ in the East and Starbucks in the West.64 Part of the reason for this infamous battle might be the dominance of these two brands: Together, Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts control well over half of the coffee market in the United States.65 Moreover, Starbucks can claim some victories over Dunkin’ Donuts, considering that its net revenues and stock prices have risen continuously since 2009.66 By 2014, its global revenues had reached a record-setting $16.4 billion, and in 2015, its stock surged by more than 50 undefined percent for the year!’undefinedStarbucks’ ubiquitous stores—from long-standing locations in U.S. cities and towns to international expansion into a vast range of new nations—are easy to locate and visit. A re cent count showed that the chain maintains more than 22,000 stores, spanning 67 coun tries.” By making sure its stores, with their familiar siren logo, are easy to find, Starbucks guarantees that most people can readily find a place to get their coffee fix. For the vast ma jority of buyers, an addictive Salted Caramel Mocha, or just a great cup of black coffee, is undefined convenient to find and very familiar.undefinedThere are plenty of jokes about how Starbucks manages to charge upwards of $5 for a jolt of caffeine, but a quick glance at its marketing methods and strategies helps explain why it can do so. The products it sells are appealing to customers and fulfill their needs: They taste good, are available readily and conveniently, and offer the benefit of helping them wake up to start their day (or stay awake for a long night of studying). Thus, the exchange of money for coffee—or tea or juice or yogurt or a nice pastry—is a good value forconsumers. despite the relatively high cost.undefinedStarbucks also connects with fans through social marketing channels, including its pop ular My Starbucks idea site. The site is an innovative approach to developing new products. Customers share ideas about everything “Starbucks,” from store designs to new drink reci pes. They can also join one of the many discussions in the customer forums. The site con nects customers to its Twitter and Facebook sites too, and it also links users to its undefined mobile.undefinedSection One ASSESSING THE MARKETPLACEundefinedapps. New capabilities available through the apps allow consumers to order their undefinedpreferred beverage in advance and pay for their drinks or other products. then pop into to grab their purchases without ever having to wait in lineundefinedWhen it comes to Starbucks competition with Dunkin’ Donuts. history shows that the two early morning giants actually had coexisted nicely for many years: Dunkin’ Donuts made the donuts. and Starbucks brewed the coffee. Starting in 2000 though. Dunkin’ Donuts slowly started encroaching on the upscale coffee market with the Dunkaccino. It also joined the “espresso revolution” in 2003. before formally declaring in 2006 its explicit intent to.”enter a head-to-head competition with StarbucksundefinedAlong with expanding its menu to feature specialty espresso drinks. Dunkin’ Donuts launched a smartphone app that competes directly with Starbucks’ widely popular version. In particular. the new Dunkin’ Donuts app aims to extend the battle to the mobile field. It offers not just mobile ordering but also mobile delivery services, called DoorDash. The delivery undefined ser• vice began in Dallas. Toms: plans are in place to expand it to other major U.S. cities.7°undefinedAlthough Dunkin’ Donuts still trails Starbucks as a global company—with only 3.100 stores in 30 countries”—it uses this relatively small size and regional feel strategically, leveraging these attributes to adjust flexibly and integrate itself with local communities. undefinedAccordingly. it has ranked tops in the market for customer loyalty since 2007.” This focus on loyalty also resonates with the company’s chosen sponsorship efforts. It lends its support to professional sports teams with strong local and national followings. including all the major league Boston-area teams (Red Sox. Patriots. Celtics. and Bruins). the Dallas Cowboys, New York’s Yankees and Mets. and the Tampa Bay Rays. Expanding on the strategy. both abroad and to less famous leagues. Dunkin’ Donuts partners with the Liverpool Football Club and.the National Women’s Hockey LeagueundefinedThrough these partnerships with sports teams. Dunkin’ Donuts encourages consumers to interact more closely with it. For example. New England customers receive inducements to become DD Perks members and use its mobile app. With its “Pats Win, You WIC promotion. DID Perks members who pay through the app receive a free cup of coffee each time the New England Patriots win a game. The popular. vastly successful promotion has continued for several seasons. during which the Patriots continue winning lots of games, thus.”bringing lots of excited fans into Dunkin’ Donuts storesundefinedDEVELOPING MARKETING STRATEGIES AND A MARKETING PLAN CHAPTER undefinedTWO 65 undefinedThe competition between these two brands is well established and likely to continue. especially as Dunkin’ Donuts continues to move away from being exclusively a donut shop and toward becoming a more coffee-centered business. As big new competitors such as McDonald’s and Taco Bell enter the breakfast, coffee, and espresso markets. both Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts arc likely to continue coming up with new ways to maintain their existing customer base, then expand it in the United States and abroad. undefinedQuestions undefinedI. Perform a SWOT analysis for Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts. Based on your analysis. in which company would you invest? Justify your answer. undefined.2 Which growth strategies have been pursued by Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts in the past? Which strategics do you believe will be most successful for the two firms in the future? Why? undefined.3 Which marketing metrics would be most helpful for an executive in charge of developing new products for a coffee chain?Perform a SWOT analysis for Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. (2 Marks) (Minimum 200 Words)Which Growth strategies have been pursued by Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts in the past and which strategies do you believe will be most successful for the two firms in the future? Why? (1.5 Marks) (Minimum 150 Words)Which marketing metrics would be most helpful for an executive in charge of developing new products for a coffee Chain? (1.5 Marks) (Minimum 150 Words)undefinedNote: – Support your Answers with the course material concepts, principles, and live examples from the textbook and the Local market and also support with the scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles if available.

solved Write a 4-6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed

Write a 4-6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing.Before you begin to develop the assessment you are encouraged to complete the Annotated Bibliography Formative Assessment. Completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment and counts towards course engagement.Rapid changes in information technology go hand-in-hand with progress in quality health care delivery, nursing practice, and interdisciplinary team collaboration. The following are only a few examples of how the health care field uses technology to provide care to patients across multiple settings:

Patient monitoring devices.
Electronic medical records.
Data management resources.
Ready access to current science.
Technology is essential to the advancement of the nursing profession, maintaining quality care outcomes, patient safety, and research.This assessment will give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of how technology can enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. You will prepare an annotated bibliography on technology in nursing. A well-prepared annotated bibliography is a comprehensive commentary on the content of scholarly publications and other sources of evidence about a selected nursing-related technology. A bibliography of this type provides a vehicle for workplace discussion to address gaps in nursing practice and to improve patient care outcomes. As nurses become more accountable in their practice, they are being called upon to expand their role of caregiver and advocate to include fostering research and scholarship to advance nursing practice. An annotated bibliography stimulates innovative thinking to find solutions and approaches to effectively and efficiently address these issues.Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 3: Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes. 

Analyze current evidence on the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team.
Integrate current evidence about the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team into a recommendation.

Competency 4: Recommend the use of a technology to enhance quality and safety standards for patients. 

Describe organizational factors influencing the selection of a technology in the health care setting.
Justify the implementation and use of a selected technology in a health care setting.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies. 

Create a clear, well-organized, and professional annotated bibliography that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries.

To successfully complete this assessment, perform the following preparatory activities:
Select a single direct or indirect patient care technology that is relevant to your current practice or of interest to you. Direct patient care technologies require an interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. Nurses use direct patient care technologies every day when delivering care to patients. Electronic thermometers or pulse oximeters are examples of direct patient care technologies. Indirect patient care technologies, on the other hand, are those employed on behalf of the patient. They do not require interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. A handheld device for patient documentation is an example of an indirect patient care technology. Examples of topics to consider for your annotated bibliography include: 

Delivery robots.
Electronic medication administration with barcoding.
Electronic clinical documentation with clinical decision support.
Patient sensor devices/wireless communication solutions.
Real-time location systems.
Workflow management systems.

Conduct a library search using the various electronic databases available through the Capella University Library. 

Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
Access the NHS Learner Success Lab, linked in the courseroom navigation menu, for additional resources.

Scan the search results related to your chosen technology.
Select four peer-reviewed publications focused on your selected topic that are the most interesting to you.
Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes. 

Analyze current evidence on the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team.
Integrate current evidence about the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team into a recommendation.


Publications may be research studies or review articles from a professional source. Newspapers, magazines, and blogs are not considered professional sources.
Your selections need to be current—within the last five years.
Annotated Bibliography
Prepare a 4–6 page annotated bibliography in which you identify and describe peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of your selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Be sure that your annotated bibliography includes all of the following elements:
Introduction to the Selected Technology Topic

What is your rationale for selecting this particular technology topic? Why are you interested in this?
What research process did you employ? 

Which databases did you use?
Which search terms did you use?
Note: In this section of your bibliography, you may use first person since you are asked to describe your rationale for selecting the topic and the research strategies you employed. Use third person in the rest of the bibliography, however.

Annotation Elements

For each resource, include the full reference followed by the annotation.
Explain the focus of the research or review article you chose.
Provide a summary overview of the publication. 

According to this source, what is the impact of this technology on patient safety and quality of care?
According to this source, what is the relevance of this technology to nursing practice and the work of the interdisciplinary health care team?
Why did you select this publication to write about out of the many possible options? In other words, make the case as to why this resource is important for health care practitioners to read.


How would you tie together the key learnings from each of the four publications you examined?
What organizational factors influence the selection of a technology in a health care setting? Consider such factors as organizational policies, resources, culture/social norms, commitment, training programs, and/or employee empowerment.
How would you justify the implementation and use of the technology in a health care setting? Consider the impact of the technology on the health care organization, patient care/satisfaction, and interdisciplinary team productivity, satisfaction, and retention.

solved Write a 4-6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed

Write a 4-6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing.Before you begin to develop the assessment you are encouraged to complete the Annotated Bibliography Formative Assessment. Completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment and counts towards course engagement.Rapid changes in information technology go hand-in-hand with progress in quality health care delivery, nursing practice, and interdisciplinary team collaboration. The following are only a few examples of how the health care field uses technology to provide care to patients across multiple settings:

Patient monitoring devices.
Electronic medical records.
Data management resources.
Ready access to current science.
Technology is essential to the advancement of the nursing profession, maintaining quality care outcomes, patient safety, and research.This assessment will give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of how technology can enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. You will prepare an annotated bibliography on technology in nursing. A well-prepared annotated bibliography is a comprehensive commentary on the content of scholarly publications and other sources of evidence about a selected nursing-related technology. A bibliography of this type provides a vehicle for workplace discussion to address gaps in nursing practice and to improve patient care outcomes. As nurses become more accountable in their practice, they are being called upon to expand their role of caregiver and advocate to include fostering research and scholarship to advance nursing practice. An annotated bibliography stimulates innovative thinking to find solutions and approaches to effectively and efficiently address these issues.Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 3: Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes.

Analyze current evidence on the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team.
Integrate current evidence about the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team into a recommendation.

Competency 4: Recommend the use of a technology to enhance quality and safety standards for patients.

Describe organizational factors influencing the selection of a technology in the health care setting.
Justify the implementation and use of a selected technology in a health care setting.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.

Create a clear, well-organized, and professional annotated bibliography that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries.

To successfully complete this assessment, perform the following preparatory activities:
Select a single direct or indirect patient care technology that is relevant to your current practice or that is of interest to you. Direct patient care technologies require an interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. Nurses use direct patient care technologies every day when delivering care to patients. Electronic thermometers or pulse oximeters are examples of direct patient care technologies. Indirect patient care technologies, on the other hand, are those employed on behalf of the patient. They do not require interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. A handheld device for patient documentation is an example of an indirect patient care technology. Examples of topics to consider for your annotated bibliography include:

Delivery robots.
Electronic medication administration with barcoding.
Electronic clinical documentation with clinical decision support.
Patient sensor devices/wireless communication solutions.
Real-time location systems.
Workflow management systems.

Conduct a library search using the various electronic databases available through the Capella University Library.

Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
Access the NHS Learner Success Lab, linked in the courseroom navigation menu, for additional resources.

Scan the search results related to your chosen technology.
Select four peer-reviewed publications focused on your selected topic that are the most interesting to you.
Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes.

Analyze current evidence on the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team.
Integrate current evidence about the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team into a recommendation.


Publications may be research studies or review articles from a professional source. Newspapers, magazines, and blogs are not considered professional sources.
Your selections need to be current—within the last five years.
Annotated Bibliography
Prepare a 4–6 page annotated bibliography in which you identify and describe peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of your selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Be sure that your annotated bibliography includes all of the following elements:
Introduction to the Selected Technology Topic

What is your rationale for selecting this particular technology topic? Why are you interested in this?
What research process did you employ?

What databases did you use?
What search terms did you use?
Note: In this section of your bibliography, you may use first person since you are asked to describe your rationale for selecting the topic and the research strategies you employed. Use third person in the rest of the bibliography, however.

Annotation Elements

For each resource, include the full reference followed by the annotation.
Explain the focus of the research or review article you chose.
Provide a summary overview of the publication.

According to this source, what is the impact of this technology on patient safety and quality of care?
According to this source, what is the relevance of this technology to nursing practice and the work of the interdisciplinary health care team?
Why did you select this publication to write about out of the many possible options? In other words, make the case as to why this resource is important for health care practitioners to read.


How would you tie together the key learnings from each of the four publications you examined?
What organizational factors influence the selection of a technology in a health care setting? Consider such factors as organizational policies, resources, culture/social norms, commitment, training programs, and/or employee empowerment.
How would you justify the implementation and use of the technology in a health care setting? Consider the impact of the technology on the health care organization, patient care/satisfaction, and interdisciplinary team productivity, satisfaction, and retention.

solved PROJECT GOALS: The goals of this project are to help

PROJECT GOALS: The goals of this project are to help students:1. Gain a better understanding of how management is practiced in an actual business organization.2. Develop skills in interviewing, gathering, and organizing data, and preparing a written report.PROJECT SCOPE: This project involves interviewing a company manager and organizing the information into a professional report.COMPANY SELECTION: The Company selected for the project must be a for-profit business and cannot be a business owned by any of your family members or relatives. It cannot be a company that you currently work for or have worked for in the past. The manager selected must be a manager who has individuals reporting to them and has some actual management responsibilities. You are encouraged to select a company that you would like to learn more about, and perhaps one that you might consider working for or in an industry that you may want to work in.CONFIDENTIALITY: You must maintain the confidentiality of all the information provided by the manager. You cannot share any sensitive information with anyone regarding the individual manager or any information that the manager might consider ‘company confidential.’You must also advise the manager of the interview’s purpose and let him know that you will maintain the confidentiality of the information provided.INTERVIEWS: To complete the project, you will interview the manager to gather the information required for the final report. THE INTERVIEW SHOULD BE FACE-TO-FACE whenever possible.Interview the manager in sufficient time before the assignment is due to ensure that you have adequate time to complete the assignment on time.Remember that you are representing Arkansas State University to an outside business and expect to conduct yourself professionally at all times. To be most effective in the interview, prepare a list of questions to ensure that all points are covered adequately and that you are not wasting the manager’s time. Also, obtain from the manager examples and specifics for each of the topics covered in the interview. This will enhance your learning and help when you write your report to explain the various aspects of the manager’s job.INTERVIEW CONTENT: The following information is to be obtained from the manager during the interview:1. MANAGER AND MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES- who the manager is (job title and primary responsibilities). Explain them and give examples.2. BACKGROUND OF MANAGER- Education and training; include both formal education and on-the-job training. How many years have they been with the company- years in a current management position, prior background, etc.?3. MANAGEMENT SKILLS -which skills (technical, human, conceptual, and motivation to manage) does the manager feel are the most important for success as a manager in his job? Explain why and give examples of their use?4. MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS, which of the four management functions (Plan, Organize, Control, and Lead), is most important to his success. Explain why and give examples.5. LEADERSHIP-Describe the type of leadership that the manager practices with their employees (participative, directive, transactional, a blend, etc.) Give examples and explain why the manager feels this is the most effective way to manage.6. OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANY-company name, the industry the company is in, its Mission, major products or services, annual revenues, number of employees, etc.7. CULTURE AND VALUES-describe the culture and values of the company. What is important to the company? What are some of the norms and values that have been established in the company? How do the values and culture help the company in managing and attaining its goals? Give examples.8. MAJOR GOALS of the Company-what are the major goals that the company has set for the next year or two (e.g., increase sales, reduce expenses, improve customer service, increase market share, develop new products or services, etc.). Be specific and explain why these goals are important to the success of the company.9. MAJOR COMPETITORS-who are the major competitors of the company? The relative size of the competitors compared to this company (are they larger, smaller, or about the same?)10. THE STRATEGY OF THE COMPANY-is this company trying to be the low-cost provider of their products or services; or are they trying to differentiatethemselves from their competitors by offering better or different products or services; or are they trying to focus on a limited or narrow product line or services in their industry; or do they have a combination of several of these strategies? How is their strategy different from their major competitors? Explain and give examples.11. MAJOR CHALLENGES/BIGGEST PROBLEM- What are the significant issues that present obstacles or challenges to the company’s success (external environment, internal environment, technology, and competitive)? What is the biggest problem that the company faces? What if there were a solution found? Would it make a big difference in the business performance and financial results?12. CONTROLS-what are the main things that the manager has to control in the business to ensure that goals are met? How are they controlled? Give examples.13. MOTIVATION AND REWARDS-How are the managers and other employees motivated? What is the reward system in the company? Are employees rewarded for individual performance, team performance, or both? Are the rewards financial or non-financial, or a mixture? Give examples.14. DIVERSITY-Is there much diversity in the company (age, gender, ethnicity, education level, etc.)? Describe and give examples. Does the company try to foster diversity? If so, how? Does the manager see any advantages to diversity?15. GOOD EMPLOYEES-What does the manager say the most important characteristics of a good employee are? How does the manager recruit and select employees?16. SUGGESTED CHANGES-If, the manager, could change two things in the business, what would they be? What would be the benefit of the changes to the business?Format of Paper: follow all of the written assignments’ requirements as outlined in Course Guidelines posted on Blackboard. The paper must use APA format and have a minimum of four credible outside reference sources used in the paper.Paper is to have a Cover Page, Abstract, Introduction, content sections of Manager Background and Major Responsibilities; Management Skills; Management Functions; Leadership; Company Overview, Culture, and Values; Strategy and Major Goals; Major Competitors and Strategies; Major Challenges/Biggest Problem; Controls; Motivation and Rewards; Diversity; Characteristics of a Good Employee; Suggested Changes; and Summary and Conclusions. Use headings for each section.Grading: The grade is based on content accuracy and completeness, format (APA format required), and grammar.Submitting Assignment: Paper is to be submitted as an assignment in Blackboard by the due date. Submit only as a Microsoft Word or a PDF document.PARTNER OPTION:Students may select ONE other class member and do the project as a team. Both team members must conduct the interview together. The project is to be a cooperative effort of both team members. Both team members will receive the same grade and submit one paper with both names on it.Having a partner for the manager interview project is OPTIONAL, and students can choose to do the manager interview without a partner if desired.