solved 1. Review the mapping Note taking method 2. Then read

1. Review the mapping Note taking method 2. Then read “society and the sacred”3. Complete The “Mapping Note-taking” method on ” concepts of the divine” * See the attached The “Mapping Note-taking” method I have provided. Use the template word document E-Lecture: Society and The SacredE-Lecture: Society and The SacredSocial practices influence religion and religion influences society. In other words, society andreligion have a dynamic relationship. Religion can strengthen traditional society but it can alsobe an agent of change and reform of society.There are several types of religious communities:1. Natural religious communities are usually characterized by kin relations and there is not alarge difference between the religious and sociocultural life of the community. Natural religionsare maintained through blood, procreation, marriage, ancestor worship and rituals tend to link thefamily for generations.Natural religions can be linked by race or nationality because the people believe they share acommon ancestry, history or tradition. Often, natural religions trace their origins to a sacredhistory.2. Voluntary Religious Communities are religious communities that have a partial break with thenatural ties. The religious unity is based upon spiritual unity but also upon sacred or spiritualpower. Marriage to another believer is usually important within these communities. Instead ofrelying upon procreation for new members, voluntary religious communities rely on conversion andproselytizing. Rituals centered upon ancestors do not play a large role within these groups.2b. Founded Religions are a type of voluntary religious community but with distinctivecharacteristics. The community is usually established through a charismatic religious leader whois a witness to a new revelation or spiritual wisdom and then acts as a powerful reformer, buildingupon existing religious foundations in order to build upon his/her new revelation.Upon the death of the founder, many founded religions fail, but some survive. If the religion is tosurvive, the oral teachings must be recorded and transmitted into an established canon. Thefellowship of believers must organize themselves, establish a constitution, lines of authority,etc.The english word “church” has a Christian origin. Not all large voluntary religions haveorganizational structures similar to Christianity. What they do have in common is that they areeach concerned with doctrine, discipline, and cult, and can be called church-type organizations.All human institutions, including church-type organizations, experience stresses and strains aspeople believe and practice differently. This leads to protest, conflict and division. Protest,reform and renewal can be on an individual or collective scale.Some reforms occur and the reformer and his/her followers stay within the larger voluntarychurch-type community. Often, a smaller group within the larger group becomes concerned with thelaxity of the larger group. They do not wish to leave the larger church (ecclesia) but insteadform a small group [or little church (ecclesiola)] to be extra pious. If this protest is toopronounced or goes on too long, eventually the smaller group will probably leave and separate.Another response by someone who may need more piety within the larger church is to join a monasticorder. Within the Roman Catholic church, monasticism helped channel those who rejected the laxityof the larger group, as well as rejected the larger world, into spiritual leaders who could channeltheir gifts for the larger group.Some reformers separate altogether from the larger church, usually because 1) they have discoveredpractices and beliefs of the original church that are being overlooked now and want to go back tothe original ways, 2) they claim a new, independent revelation that stands as a challenge to boththe church and the larger society and culture. The new teachings (whether old and recovered, or anew revelation) become the new standard of the community. Often, once new teachings or revelationsare established, new teachings and revelations are forbidden.Once the reformer has gained a following, they encourage those who also believe him/her to leavethe larger community and establish and independent, separatist sect, or church.Scholars use the word “sect” to distinguish certain voluntary religious communities from others.Max Weber first noted the difference between church and sect. Since then, sociologists of religionhave worked on developing a typology of religious groups.Sects differ from churches and denominations in these ways: they tend to be exclusive• they claim to have a monopoly on religious truth• they tend to be lay-organizations that reject religious divisions of labor• rely heavily on voluntarism• demand total allegiance and membership in the sect is often the individual’s most importantmeans of personal identification.• exercises sanctions against the wayward, including expulsion• is a protest group, protesting against the larger church (that they left) but also againstthe wider culture.Some scholars have claimed that within one generation, sects turn into denominations. They citethe lack of zeal that second generation members have, the upward mobility of first generationmembers and believe that eventually sects turn into denominations.However, scholars such as Bryan Wilson, have critiqued this typology and stated that it is basedstrictly on American types of development. He points out that sometimes, sects remain sects, butdivides sects into four categories:1. conversionist sect- believe that an emotional conversion experience is needed in order totranscend the evil of the contemporary world. This is typical of fundamentalist and pentecostalgroups within Protestant Christianity, especially in America.2. revolutionist sect- believe that salvation will come soon but only with the destruction of thepresent social order. These operate mainly in less developed countries, according to Wilson.3. gnostic or manipulationist sect- sometimes called a cult, these sects fully accept what otherssee as worldly goals- health, money, success, status. New Age movements are an example of this, asis Scientology.4. utopian sect- believe that human reconstruction of the world is needed according to a divineplan. The Oneida Community in the 19th century is an example of this.The last type of religious communities is the cult, or more often called new religious movement(NRM).NRM do not conform to dominant characteristics of traditional sects, they are loose knit and amixture of beliefs and practices. They appear estranged or indifferent to older religioustraditions and many do not resemble the pattern of sectarian separation from an older church.NRM are characterized by private religious worship that is unconcerned with social issues andpublic affairs, the psychology driven culture we live in now, and an obsession for genuinecommunity.Many NRM offer therapies for believers and teach mind control, taking responsibility for one’s ownactions and promise their followers community and kinship.Be sure to read about the types of NRM in detail for the

solved PURPOSE In this assignment, you will assess the impact of

In this assignment, you will assess the impact of health legislation on nursing practice and communicate your analysis to your peers. provides a list of federal health bills that are currently in process in Congressional Committees.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO4: Integrates clinical nursing judgment using effective communication strategies with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare providers. (PO#4)
CO7: Integrates the professional role of leader, teacher, communicator, and manager of care to plan cost-effective, quality healthcare to consumers in structured and unstructured settings. (PO#7)
A short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment may be viewed here: Healthcare Policy(Links to an external site.)

This assignment will be in the format of a PowerPoint presentation (Bullet points may be used).
You are educating your peers through this presentation regarding a federal bill you believe may be of interest to nurses.
Go to (Links to an external site.)
Choose a health-related federal bill of interest. Read through the bill and develop a summary in your own words. Include the bill number and name.
Here is a link to our U.S. legislative process (bill to law) for review, if needed. (Links to an external site.)
Tutorial: For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint slideshow, the following link to the Microsoft website may be helpful – (Links to an external site.)
Include the following information in your presentation

Title slide (Your name, NR451, session, Healthcare Policy assignment)
Bill name and number (indicate either H.B. or S.B.)
Bill summary (in your own words)
Address how this bill might impact professional nursing practice standards if passed? If not passed?
How might the bill impact your own nursing practice?
How might you communicate your concerns about or support for this bill based on nursing practice, standards, or patient outcomes?
How might this bill impact your community?

Films: “Sherman’s March”, Ross McElwee; “The Thin Blue Line”, Erroll Morris; “Roger & Me”, Michael Moore; “Hoop Dreams”, Steve James; “Civil War; Episode 1”, Ken Burns; “Pandemic” (All episodes of this NetFlix documentary series.)

OPTION 1: Films from the ’80s & ‘90s
?I.) Write a synopsis for each film, siting key moments throughout the film. 1 page each.? ?II.) For each of the films, write a detailed discussion in response to the prompt that’s included:?A) Sherman’s March?1) Rewatch the opening scene of “Sherman’s March”. Per the discussion in class, create a written discussion about the change in documentary style that McElwee signals though the images and narration in this opening scene.? ? ?2) Then review this article about McElwee and discuss the ways that he has influenced later filmmakers who borrowed from his groundbreaking work in “Sherman’s March”:?… (Links to an external site.)? ?B) The Thin Blue Line?1) Based on what we watched in class, and this npr interview segment with director Erroll Morris, discuss his statements about truth and subjective truth and site a minimum of three examples in “The Thin Blue Line” in which Morris show us an individual’s subjective truth, and then he at least implies the actual truth.?… (Links to an external site.)?2) Do you agree with Morris’s assessment of truth and subjective truth and why or why not? (The more developed your opinion is in its discussion, the higher your grade is likely to be for this part of the paper.)
C) Roger & Me
1) Through online research, find an interview with Michael Moore in which he discusses seeing Ross McElwee’s “Sherman’s March”. Quote Moore’s impressions of the film, and describe how he put those impressions to work in Roger & Me.
2) In Roger & Me, there is a scene in which we see one abandoned house after another as the song, “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” plays. How does this scene relate to the overall story in the film, and what impressions did the scene give you?? ?D) Hoop Dreams?1) Discuss the approach taken by the filmmakers of following the two basketball players for six years. What do they show us about not only the huge challenge of making it into professional sports, but also the ways in which family and societal pressures play into that challenge. Within your discussion, note the reception that critics (not only these two) gave the film at the time (1994) (and you can also find some interesting facts related to the film within these reviews):?… (Links to an external site.)?… (Links to an external site.)?2) Write an update, since the film was released in 1994, on William Gates and Arthur Agee, and on the film itself. You can base the updates on what is mentioned on the Wikipedia page, but you can also get extra credit if you find additional updates through independent research.?
E) Civil War: Part1
1) Ken Burns’ series on the Civil War catapulted him into fame, as it was met with a very large viewership while it aired on PBS in 1990. In this course we discuss the stylistic development of the documentary film genre. We noted Ross McElwee’s signaling of what turned out to be a stylistic sea change with thanks to Michael Moore for popularizing McElwee’s different approach to documentary film storytelling. Ken Burns is sometimes referred to as a “traditionalist” in his style. If the expository mode had become the expected norm for documentaries produced for mainstream audiences prior to McElwee’s film, what does Burns bring to the table in terms of advancements, stylistic changes or additions, etc.? While he was not as revolutionary as McElwee, he does make some fairly subtle additions and changes to the expository mode.
OPTION 2: Six part Netflix series, “Pandemic”
I. Write a detailed one page synopsis for each episode, explaining the different angles on pandemics that are used throughout the films.
II. Choose one of the recurring themes that appear throughout the series, and compare it to what we see happening today with the US and worldwide response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Through independent online research, find authoritative sources and reliable stories about the current virus outbreak. Site the information and news stories you find, and also site specific moments from all six episodes of “Pandemic”. (Note that a paragraph or two in response to this prompt will not suffice. I am looking for a detailed response in which you discuss and compare in detail, one of the “threads” or sub issues that appears throughout the Pandemic series with current stories covered in the media about the COVID-19 virus.)

solved Project AssignmentFor this week we will log into the Changepoint

Project AssignmentFor
this week we will log into the Changepoint PPM tool (formally called
Daptiv), familiarize ourselves with navigating within the tool, and
begin building out a project. We will take the fictious (or real)
project that you identified during our prior discussion (where you
developed a first draft WBS). Continue to build upon that project for
this assignment and subsequent project assignments. Be sure that your
project is thorough and includes project team members (expand the
project further if you need so that way you gain all the benefit of
understanding these concepts).Watch the video in the Weeks folder on how to navigate the Changepoint PPM tool.Log into Daptiv: a workspace (project) for your project.Add team members to your projectAdd your project tasks into the toolAdd
durations for how long each work package will take (ignore the
start/finish dates for now) and assign all work packages to team members
(note you do not need to assign deliverables to team members)Watch the video within the Weeks folder on how to add in durations.Steps for adding duration and team members:Add
in Predecessors to the project; this will help show the sequence of how
work packages relate to each other (for example, task B comes after and
cannot be started until I finish task A; thus, task A is task B’s
predecessor).Set beginning date of the first non-summary task to current dateAdd in predecessors to non-summary tasks (work packages) to begin sequencing your tasks i. Steps for adding in predecessors:Set at least two tasks to be in parallelNote this is done by having at least two tasks with the same predecessorImplementation)
iii. Populate a project scope statement within the description field
(at least two sentences) iv. Put the planned start to today’s date and
populate the planned finish based on how long you estimated your project
might take.v. Populate your estimated budget. vi. Set the phase to Initiationvii.Click ‘Custom Fields’ tab on the topx. Click Finish. Your project will now be created and visible.v.Disregard the planned start and finishvi.If
this is a deliverable choose that field as applicable in the bottom
right (note I forgot to mention this in the video – if you don’t select
it you won’t be penalized).vii.Click Saveviii.Continue following that process to add in your 5+ deliverables ix. To add in work packages, click the ‘+Add’x.Enter the title of the work package and click save.xi.Next, drag the work package by clicking and holding down on the # column, so it falls under neat the correct deliverable.xii.Next,
click the indent button on the top to indent the work package under the
task xiii. Continue the process to add in at least 2-3 work packages
per deliverable.i.Click on the work package that you want to updateiii.Change
the duration field to the proper duration of the task. Note if your
task is less than a day, leave duration as 1, but populate in hours the
time the task will take in the planned work field. Daptiv will use
planned work if populated; if not it uses Duration to determine overall
project length and resource needs.iv.Next click under Assignees and choose ‘Add Assignee’ – this assigns the task to a team member to complete.Add in at least four (4) Project Risks and mitigation information.Go
back to your tasks, add another deliverable to your project called
“Risk Planning” and include two work packages: “Schedule Risk Planning
Session” (1 hr) and “Complete Risk PlanningAdd in Budget and Expenses to your project.Create MilestonesCreate a minimum of two milestones within your project.Steps:Modify the lengths of a couple of tasksDo this by changing the duration of at least two of your tasks.Flag the first two tasks as DoneDo this by either:Flag the third task as 50% completeDo this by either:Next, we’ll complete a project status update – which typically is performed weekly by ProjectSteps for creating the status report:a. Steps for adding a riskd. Click Save and add in an additional three risks (for a total of four)b.
Notice when looking at the data the system automatically populates a
risk magnitude score (likelihood x consequence) and an exposure score
(likelihood x $ impact)Session” (2 hrs)a. Steps for adding in expensesb. Note we won’t add in the ‘actual expense’ information until the expenses occur in the future(or)Managers8.Risk – how concerned are we in relation to the identified risks?As
a project goes through the execution phase, project control is critical
to ensure that a project stays within the constraints of time, cost,
and scope. A project manager will use different monitoring techniques to
help keep the project within these constraints. If a project incurs
changes, becomes delayed, or costs become higher, a project manager will
execute change control to document and determine how to handle the
a project is completed, the project team should complete a final
project report, which is the administrative record of the completed
project, which identifies all its functional and technical components as
well as other important project history. It includes all the strengths
and weaknesses of the project as it progressed and offers a final
assessment of what went right (or wrong) throughout the life of the
project. It is essentially a “lessons learned” document of the project.Log back into the Changepoint PPM (Daptiv) tool.Go to Issues on the left Menu, and create two issuesIn the Issues screen click ‘Add’Assign a topic (short summary – 4-5 words of the issue)Add a description (more lengthy information about the issue)Set the issue as 20% completeFeel free to adjust the start date and deadline if you wish.Add an assignee to the issue by browsing the member directory and choosing yourself.If
not already existing, add a deliverable related to Project Close in
your project with a work packages titled “Perform Lessons Learned
Workshop” and “Complete Project Close Report.”Flag all tasks as completeComplete
this by either selecting each task and setting the status as Done, or
you may use your shift key and select all tasks (first task -> hold
shift key -> last task). Then right click on Status and choose ‘Mark
as Complete’Close all risksComplete this by going to your Risk list, and updating the status for each to ‘Risk Resolved’Add in at least four (4) lessons learnedYou
will be creative with this assignment and make up some lessons learned
that you believe you may have learned from completing the project.Steps:Go to ‘Lessons Learned’ on the left menuClick ‘Add’ on the topComplete the fields: Lesson Type, Topic, Lesson, and Impact.Repeat to add in at least three different lessons learned.Update project status to completeUsing the ‘Status’ button in the top right.Update the ‘State” field to ‘Completed’Update the ‘Phase’ field to ‘Close Out’Within
the Update Notes add in 2-3 sentences on what you learned this week.
Also add in 1-2 sentences about your experience with Daptiv.8. Runs/save a project report and submit to the instructor for grading

solved Discussion 5: Read the attached power point or watch the

Discussion 5:

Read the attached power point or watch the zoom lecture: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Power point attached below

Read this article on topic of gender: (Links to an external site.)
Watch this video regarding intersection of race and gender and maternal/infant mortality: (43 minute video) (Links to an external site.)
Do the IAT test: (Links to an external site.)

Here’s a link to a video explanation of the test: (Links to an external site.)

Write about the following: Separate out your responses to each prompt into a separate paragraphs.

Do the IAT test: and select one test from the list (race, ethnic group, gender…). Which test did you do and what did you learn about yourself? (1 points)
Your reaction to the article (“Two spirits one heart, five genders…”).

Think about what you have learned from the powerpoint/zoom lecture (and chapters 9/10) and apply at least 2 terms/concepts/theories to demonstrate your informed perspective in how they relate to the article while adding in your personal perspective on the article. (2 point).

After watching Death by Delivery video write:

Using the linked powerpoint materials below, discuss the intersectionality of race, gender, SES, and location impact on material/infant health and mortality in the video. (2 point)
How do race and gender impact health outcomes due to COVID-19? Provide one link to a scientific/social sciences journal regarding to support your perspective. (1 point)

(S) Josh_Harlett:


Discussion 6:

Discussion 6 Topics Family and Education (Chapters 11 and 12
zoom lectures ( two parts) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Power point: attached below
The Atlantic article Stay at home Dads (Links to an external site.)
Polyamorous Relationship Legal Status Massachusetts. (Links to an external site.)
Tri-parenting (Links to an external site.)
Finland education system(about 8 minutes)Why Finland’s schools outperform most others across the developed world | 7.30 (Links to an external site.)

Listen to the interview and Read: (Links to an external site.)
Ask a family member, who identifies as male, if they would choose to be a stay at home parent. Why or why not? (If a male family member is, or was a stay at home parent, what was the reason and what is their perspective?)
Write: Separate out your responses to each prompt into a separate paragraphs.

Family topic: Share your findings on stay at home fathers and give your perspective given the article. What do you think about the topic? (2 point)
What is your perspective on the benefits and/or challenges of legal status of polyamorous relationships and tri-parenting in raising a family? (1 point)
Education topic: After watching the Finland video, watching the Looonnng zoom lecture (sorry!), and listening to and reading KQED Terry Gross’s interview with Nikole Hannah-Jones, what is your thinking regarding parental choice for schools in America (to get better schools for their kids) in comparison to children going to schools in Finland? Think about what Hannah Jones noted about her experiences and research in American schools regarding individual choices maintaining modern day segregation in schools. (3 points)


Discussion 7:

zoom lecture: (Links to an external site.)
Read: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Check out these stats: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Watch: videos (Links to an external site.)
work place violence in hospitals (Links to an external site.)

Write: Separate out your responses to each prompt into a separate paragraphs.
1. Chapter 15: Recall from the chapter the discussion of “emotional labor,” which sociologist Arlie Hochschild suggests is a characteristic of the modern service economy. Emotional labor is, in a sense, the new physical labor – sold for a wage, used for a company’s profit, and perhaps a source of alienation and exploitation. Think about jobs you have held or currently hold . Have any of you held jobs requiring “emotional labor?” Do you think that emotional labor has intensified in service economy since the reopening during the pandemic? Why or why not? Give an example of what that might look like so we can understand your experience. (2 points)
2. After reviewing the discussion power point material and chapters 15 and 16 think about the following issues:

growth of the service sector jobs, and gig economy, that may not offer health insurance.
About 30 million Americans do not have health insurance
African Americans and Hispanic Americans have persistently lower access to health care insurance and BIPOC are more likely to experience disparities in care.

Considering these issues, what kind of health care model (think about material from Chapter 16) would you implement to address this issue? Give a rationale for your choice using the material from the chapters and the readings/video. (2 points)
3. After watching the videos and the power point, how should the safety and mental health of health care workers be addressed? (2 points)
4. Pose a question to other students. (1 point)

solved General Directions: ·In preparing your answers, you can use you

General Directions: ·In preparing your answers, you can use you your texts or class notes. You are not allowed to confer with other students, with other individuals, or with faculty. ·You must use APA 7th edition formatting for all citations and references. Failure to appropriately cite information in responses may be considered academic dishonesty. ·For all questions, cite relevant legal and ethical codes/issues/case law and address issues of diversity where relevant. ——————————————————————————————————————————Area 1: School Psychology Practice (Assessment and Diagnosis). Select one question.1.Consider the following case study and answer the questions below:Maria is a 7-year-old Mexican American female student who is new to your district. Her family moved to the United States when she was four years old, and her parents speak Spanish exclusively in the home. She was previously evaluated with a WISC-V and WIAT-III and was found to have very low IQ (40-50 range) and was labeled as having an intellectual disability. Her parents would like her reevaluated.You are a pre-referral intervention team member and agree that Maria should be reevaluated. You will be conducting a psychological evaluation to determine the most appropriate disability category for Maria has an educational disability. Assume you have the full cooperation of Ruben’s teachers and parents and that he attends school regularly. ·Based on the case information provided, what data or types of interventions would you look for before recommending the evaluation?·Discuss all educational disabilities (as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) that you would attempt to rule out as part of your evaluation. Explain why you suspect each disorder.·Describe the psychometric tests and other evaluation methods you would use when performing Maria’s evaluation. Evaluate each test and method with regards to the following:oDiagnostic utility. Discuss evidence that each test or method differentiates students with the disabilities you suspect for Maria from typically developing students.oAppropriateness of each test or method for Maria given his ethnic/cultural/linguistic background. Be sure to discuss the evidence you are using as a basis for your determination.·Describe how you would ensure that disability determination is based on the most accurate information possible.2.Attention problems (e.g., distractibility, difficulty concentrating) and behavioral problems (e.g., noncompliance, tantrums) are among the most commonly reported symptoms of children with psychiatric disorders.·Discuss the presence of overlapping symptoms and comorbidity of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder. ·Describe how you would approach the evaluation of an 8-year-old male presenting with attention and behavioral problems to maximize your diagnostic accuracy and the likelihood of successful treatment. In your response, include the types of information, sources, and instruments you would utilize.·Discuss how you would integrate the DSM-5 into your differential diagnosisArea 2: School Psychology Practice (Intervention and Consultation). Select one question.1.Consider the following case study and answer the questions below:Yadira is an 11-year-old Salvadorian female who left her native country to escape political and gang violence; her parents are still living in El Salvador. Yadira entered the United States as an unaccompanied refugee three months ago and is currently living with her maternal aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gomez, in Maryland. They have enrolled Yadira in the neighborhood middle school. Mr. and Mrs. Gomez requested a meeting with the school’s principal, Ms. Smith, to plan for Yadira’s transition to the school. They shared that Yadira has not attended in school in over a year and that they were unable to retrieve any of Yadira’s school records. You are the school psychologist in the school and Ms. Smith asked you to work with Yadira’s teachers to develop a plan to address Yadira’s academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs. Describe how you would proceed with developing such a plan. Assume you have the full cooperation of Yadira’s caregivers.·Describe the factors, if any, predispose her to become more vulnerable to academic, psychiatric, behavioral, or social problems.·Based on the case information provided, what assessment data would you collect to prepare an appropriate educational plan?·Provide recommendations for her family, teachers, and other school personnel.2.Consider the following case study and answer the questions below:Ms. Doolittle has come to you discuss a special education referral for her student, Patrick. Patrick is an African American male in the fourth grade; he has been enrolled in this particular school since Kindergarten. Ms. Doolittle reports ongoing noncompliance and disruptive behaviors in the classroom. Per teacher report, Patrick refuses to follow directions, blurts out answers instead of raising his hand, and frequently talks to his peers during independent work time. Prior to this referral, Patrick has no history of academic or behavioral problems. Ms. Doolittle prides herself as running a “tight ship” in her classroom and she can no longer tolerate Patrick’s disrespectful behavior. She believes that he would be better served in a self-contained classroom for other students like him with these types of behavior problems. Ms. Doolittle has been a teacher at the school for 15 years. She has a history of above average number of referrals from her class.In addressing the referral question, describe how you would assess whether cultural variables are involved and how you would address these issues in your consultation. Describe the steps of implementing consultation for the case. Be sure to articulate the consultation model being followed (i.e., mental health or behavioral). Describe the questions, tasks, and strategies for each step, and explain the rationale for the decisions made based on the model. Area 3: Cognition, Human Learning, and Development. Select one question.1.Jessica is a 3-year-old girl whose parents are requesting an evaluation. Her parents are concerned that she has a short attention span and cannot complete chores without supervision. Jessica was also recently potty-trained, but she is still having accidents at night. Considering a developmental approach, how would you interpret Jessica’s issues and what would you say to her parents?2.What is developmental psychopathology? In your response, discuss the major underlying assumptions, focal points, and the extent to which culture affects our definition of psychopathology and attempts at assessment and diagnosis and describe three valid and useful methods of assessing psychopathology in children. In your opinion, do school psychologists need psychopathology classification systems to properly perform their jobs? Provide examples and citations as relevant to defend your opinion.

solved Discussion: Counseling Clients With HIV/AIDSSexually transmitted infections (STIs), and HIV/A

Discussion: Counseling Clients With HIV/AIDSSexually transmitted infections (STIs), and HIV/AIDS in particular, are physical health conditions that can have a profound impact on a client’s psychological and relationship functioning. For example, a psychological impact may be that the client feels shame or guilt for having acquired the infection. An example of a relationship impact may be that a client’s disclosing to his or her partner that he or she has the infection may lead to suspicion or mistrust within the couple’s relationship.Helping professionals also may hold certain biases and assumptions or have particular emotional responses to clients with STIs, specifically HIV/AIDS. These may relate to the client’s prognosis for meeting treatment goals, the helping professional’s level of hope for the client to have a satisfying life, and/or stereotypes about how these infections are acquired. Left unexamined, these biases, assumptions, and emotional reactions can impact a helping professional’s ability to work effectively with a client with an STI, including HIV/AIDS.By Day 4Post by Day 4 two potential helping professional reactions to a client who has HIV/AIDS. Explain how each reaction might influence the helping professional’s perceptions of the psychological and relational impact of HIV/AIDS when working with the client.Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.By Day 6Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.Respond by Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues’ postings, sharing or validating an insight gained from your reading using your professional experiences.Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you learned and/or any insights you gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.Colleague 1: TyrusTwo potential helping professional reactions to a client who has HIV/AIDSBefore conducting any screening, assessment, or treatment planning, counselors should reevaluate their personal attitudes, biases and experiences in working with HIV-infected clients. For instance, a service provider may feel comfortable working with a young Asian American male with a history of alcohol use, yet the same provider may not be at all comfortable with a pregnant Hispanic woman who is an active injection drug user and wishes to have her baby (SAMHSA, 2000). In addition, a provider may feel uncomfortable working with a homeless person who has HIV/AIDS versus a wealthy client who has the same disease.Explain how each reaction might influence the helping professional’s perceptions of the psychological and relational impact of HIV/AIDS when working with the client.It is vital that counselors be aware of any of their own attitudes or biases that might intervene with helping a client be successful. It is important the helping professionals show countertransference, which is a set of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs experienced by a service provider that occurs in response to the client. When a counselor can deal with a client in a sensitive, empathic manner, there is a much greater chance that both will have a positive and successful encounter (SAMHSA, 2000). If the professional gets to know each client that they serve, they can build the rapport that they need in order to get the client to open up and share how it has affected them emotionally, mentally and physically. Some professionals might need to seek additional specialized training, in order to work with a certain population of HIV/AIDS infected clients such as: drug users, homosexuals, or born infected clients. In addition, they must be aware of the different ethnic cultures and how to relate to them. References: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with HIV/AIDS. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2000. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 37.) Chapter 7—Counseling Clients With HIV And Substance Abuse Disorders. 2: Stephanie The Influence of Social Workers Reactions to HIV/AIDS in Helping these ClientsIndividuals with HIV/AIDS are apart of a population that has experienced being neglected and stigmatized by society. Social stigmas, homophobia, and lack of education have caused many People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) to feel like outcasts in their own families and communities (Perez, 2013). Social workers may have a false perception of what it means to be PLWHAs. For example, they may believe HIV/AIDS is always associated with death and begins end-of-life counseling and questions without understanding the issue. While there is no cure for the disease at this time, there are many medical advancements that prevent the disease from spreading as fast and have prolonged many lives (Britton, 2009). Social workers may also associate HIV/AIDS with some behaviors they don’t’ personally approve of, such as homosexuality, drug use, prostitutes, or infidelity.The Influence of Social Workers Perceptions of the Psychological and Relational Impact of HIV/AIDS Clients Social workers who are not competent with PLWHAs can cause serious harm to this already vulnerable population. The World Health Organization (WHO) cites fear of stigma and discrimination as the main reason people are reluctant to get tested, disclose their HIV status, and take antiretroviral drugs (Britton, 2009). Lacking competence in evoking discrimination sometimes unintentionally causes individuals to be hesitant to talk about the problems and get appropriate counseling and health care. According to standard 4.02 of the Code of Ethics, social workers should not practice, condone, facilitate, or collaborate with any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, or mental or physical disability (NASW, 2017). This standard includes discrimination based on a client’s HIV/AIDS status. Social workers should seek supervision as necessary to address any conflicts or concerns.ReferencesBritton, P. J., Ph.D. (2009). Teaching Tip Sheet: Counselor Attitude Bias., L. E., PH.D., LCSW, Murray, A., LICSW, & Tomaszewski, E. P., MSW. (2019). 8 Ethical Considerations for Working with People Affected by HIV/AIDS. NASW – National Association of Social Workers. (2017, August 4). Highlighted Revisions to the Code of Ethics. NASW – National Association of Social Workers., J. V., LMSW. (2013, September 29). Social Work in an HIV/AIDS Clinic. The New Social Worker: The Social Work Careers Magazine.

solved Your technical description described the problem that you will be

Your technical description described the problem that you will be researching.  Now that you understand the problem and its effects, you are ready to begin the next section of your report.  You will be researching solutions and making recommendations.  Your solutions need to be supported by research.  Look at what has been tried in the past and evaluate how well it worked.  The number of solutions you propose is up to you.  You might want to propose three solutions and then make a recommendation based on which solutions you think would work best. 
Recommendation reports usually begin with a description of the problem.  You have already completed this section when you wrote the technical description paper defining your problem.…
This report is going to focus on the solutions to the problem you presented in the technical description.  The recommendation report answers the question, “What is the best option?”
Your job is to do more than provide your client with a recommendation.  You need to provide data to support your conclusions.  The reader will check your research, your logic, and your conclusions before accepting your recommendation.  This means that you must provide research to support your recommendations. You will set up your recommendation report as follows:
Your purpose statement should indicate that the document is a recommendation report.  You should provide an overview of the main points to be presented in the paper. 
You need to decide which possible solutions you are going to present.  You should present more than one solution.  You might want to discuss solutions that have been tried in the past but have not been successful.
When you present the possible solutions, make sure you are very clear and have research to show that this solution is a viable and logical solution that has been tried in the past.  If the solution was successful, give data showing that it was a good choice. Clearly describe the solution as well as its advantages and disadvantages.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is the largest of the five offshore plastic accumulation zones in the world’s oceans. It is located halfway between Hawaii and California. To learn more about this environmental problem by clicking on the link below:
Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the marine debris collection in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine debris is trash collected in the oceans, seas, and other large water bodies. It spun the water from the West of North America to Japan. The patch is located between the United States of Hawaii and California. These areas of debris are looked at together by North Pacific Zone. Gyre bounds the whole patch, and its center is stable and calm. The circular motion of the gyre is responsible for drawing the debris into the stable center. For example, the plastic water bottle discarded off the coast and continues to travel through different regions and finally reaches the patch. The debris is not biodegradable, due to which it assembles and does not wash away. Some of the plastic breaks down into smaller pieces, due to which the debris increases in quantity. So. The statement problem is to discuss the environmental issues due to the debris accumulated. It has been seen that the issue is continuously increasing, and the debris is not getting washed away. There should be a solution to the problem, and strategies should be made to resolve the issue (Armstrong).
History of issue
The growing problem of plastic debris started in the late 1980s, and it has been seen that the problem did not decrease, but it continued to increase. The great pacific ocean patch problem came into the limelight after 1997, and it has become important afterward. The public issue in 2006 when the series about the garbage patch was written in New York Times and the government authorities were told of the issue. Marine life came at risk, and it has killed millions of fish till now. After the problem becomes severe, the experts and scientists have written considerable literature about the issue to convince the international authorities to look into it and to devise strategies against it. It is necessary to save marine life and different types of fish (MarinePollution).
Causes of issue
The foremost cause of the issue is the gyre located in North Pacific, and its center is stable and comforting, but it draws the bottles and other plastics to the center. The plastic gets accumulated and causes severe problems. It has been seen that many different causes need the attention of the authorities, and they need to be resolved as early as possible. For example, the plastic bottles and the other debris do not come to oceans by themselves, but people throw them. Humans are known as the most significant cause of the problem, and it has been seen that environmental and ocean pollution has been increased a lot due to the issue (L. Lebreton).
Effects of issue
The consequences of issues are drastic and adverse. They need to be resolved as early as possible, but it does not seem to be resolving in the coming years. the reason is its ancient history because it has been in the public light since the 19th century, but no solution has yet been presented. The issue has been discussed a lot, but there is a need to make several strategies. The international authorities should pay attention to the issue, and there should be a solid solution. The adverse effect is on the marine life where millions of fish have been killed because of the plastic sluts and other injuries. Marine life is at risk, and fragile creatures cannot survive because of the accumulation of debris. The environmental pollution has been increased, and the ocean water is getting dirty. The ocean water must be clean, and there should be actions to make it safe for use. It has further been seen that the issue has created the lives of the marine complex, which is sensitive to pollution. So, these effects are not to be ignored, and they should be solved (Sochell).
The problem of the pacific patch is not new, but it has been started since the 1980s, but yet no solution has been presented. The gyre of the North Pacific has been the cause of the problem, so it should be cleaned. There should be a restriction on throwing plastic in the oceans, and it should be taken into consideration to clean the accumulated plastic debris.
Works Cited
Armstrong, Hannah. Marine Pollution: A Look into the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 5 1 2015. .
L. Lebreton, B. Slat, F. Ferrari, B. Sainte-Rose, J. Aitken, R. Marthouse, S. Hajbane, S. Cunsolo, A. Schwarz, A. Levivier, K. Noble, P. Debeljak, H. Maral, R. Schoeneich-Argent, R. Brambini & J. Reisser. “Evidence that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is rapidly accumulating plastic.” Scientific Reports volume (2018).
MarinePollution. How can we destroy the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? 23 11 2018. .Sochell, Mary. Garbage Island: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 11 6 2019. . 

solved   Use Visio to create a data model that


Use Visio to create a data model that supports a health care clinic’s business practices. Include all data points provided by the clinic in the data model.Introduction
A data model shows the structure of a database, including the relationships that determine how the data is stored and accessed. Data models also determine which data management system will be used. Most data management systems are built for a specific data model. Among the numerous types of data models are relational, conceptual, logical, physical, and entity-relationship models. Data models are represented by diagrams. In this assessment, you will use Visio to develop a data model for a specific health care scenario.Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 3: Use data analysis skills to support health information integrity and data quality.

Construct a data model that supports the clinic’s business practices.
Group data under appropriately labeled category headings.
Use data modeling symbols and notations.
Apply knowledge of data modeling concepts.

Competency 5:  Communicate in a professional manner to support health care data analytics.

Create a clear, well-organized, professional document that is generally free of spelling errors.

Note: The software listed below is strongly recommended to support you in completing the course competencies. If you have access to other tools that you believe may still meet the requirements of this course, please discuss your selected alternatives with your faculty member.For this course, follow the instructions provided through the links below to download and install software or register for an account, as required.You will use Visio, available through MS Imagine, to create your data model. There is no additional cost for this software and technology. It will be made available to you through Capella’s subscription with Microsoft. Microsoft Software

If you have a Capella MS Imagine account, go to Step 2. Otherwise, see the instructions for registering an account at MS Imagine -? Registration.
Log in to the Capella Microsoft Imagine Webstore.
Identify the version of MS Visio that is compatible with your operating system.
Download and install.
If you encounter any difficulties in the download and installation process, post a detailed question in the Ask Your Faculty Discussion in the menu dropdown when you click the image of your faculty. Note: As a Capella learner, you have access to IT online resources through Capella’s Skillsoft subscription, where you can find helpful materials.Instructions
A Vila Health Clinic has provided you, a data analyst for Vila Health, with the data points listed below. From these data points, you are to apply your knowledge of data modeling concepts and develop a data model for the clinic. Please be sure to do all of the following as you develop your data model:

Structure the model to support the clinic’s business practices. 
Group the data points together under appropriate category headings.
Identify each category with a short descriptive title.
Use the symbols and notations found in entity-relationship diagrams.
Data Points

Consumer ID.
Last name.
First name.
Date of birth.
Sex or gender.
Street address.
ZIP code.
Telephone number.
Social Security number.
Type of radiological test.
Date ordered.
Physician last name.
Physician first name.
Physician specialty.
Physician ID.
Physician telephone number.
Insurance name.
Insurance group number.
Insurance type.
Effective date.
Expiration date.
Signs and symptoms.
Presenting problem.
Time of arrival.
Time of discharge.
Additional Requirements

Length and Format: Data model using all data points created in Visio.
Writing: Create a clear, well-organized data model that is generally free of spelling errors.
Resources: Data Governance

Buffone, P. N. (2016). The ‘cure’-all for 21st century data sharing. Pharmaceutical Executive, 36(8), 39, 50.
Capella University Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.

Please consult this guide as needed to conduct independent research on course topics. This resource will direct you to scholarly, peer-reviewed, and authoritative resources.

Kadlec, L. (2014). Coming soon to your healthcare facility: Information governance – A look at healthcare information governance trends through practical case studies. Journal of AHIMA, 85(8), 26–32.
Kersten, S. (2013).  Moving the needle toward a data-driven health care system: Optimizing the EHR through information governance. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 15(3), 45–46, 62.
Marbury, D. (2016). Interoperability: Dream vs. reality. Managed Healthcare Executive, 26(10), 29–31.
Simon, N. (2016). The dread of data sharing. Health Management Technology, 37(8), 25.esources: 
esources: Data Modeling
PRINT (n.d.). Data modeling – Conceptual, logical, and physical data models. Retrieved from…
Ambler, S. W. (n.d.). Data modeling 101. Retrieved from…

This article discusses the fundamentals of data modeling and how it is used in practice. Examine the sample data models.

Arunachalam, S., Page, T., & Thorsteinsson, G. (2017). Healthcare data warehousing. i-Manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 4(4), 1–13.
Lucidchart. (n.d.). What is a database model. Retrieved from…
Mazzali, C., & Duca, P. (2015). Use of administrative data in healthcare research. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 10(4), 517–524.
Rho, M. J., Kim, S. R., Park, S. H., Jang, K. S., Park, B. J., Hong, J. Y., & Choi, I. Y. (2016). Common data model for decision support system of adverse drug reaction to extract knowledge from multi-center database. Information Technology and Management, 17(1), 57–66.
Resources: Data Modeling (n.d.). Data modeling – Conceptual, logical, and physical data models. Retrieved from…
Ambler, S. W. (n.d.). Data modeling 101. Retrieved from…

This article discusses the fundamentals of data modeling and how it is used in practice. Examine the sample data models.

Arunachalam, S., Page, T., & Thorsteinsson, G. (2017). Healthcare data warehousing. i-Manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 4(4), 1–13.
Lucidchart. (n.d.). What is a database model. Retrieved from…
Mazzali, C., & Duca, P. (2015). Use of administrative data in healthcare research. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 10(4), 517–524.
Rho, M. J., Kim, S. R., Park, S. H., Jang, K. S., Park, B. J., Hong, J. Y., & Choi, I. Y. (2016). Common data model for decision support system of adverse drug reaction to extract knowledge from multi-center database. Information Technology and Management, 17(1), 57–66.

solved Learning Engagement # 2Â What is “big data”? Â What

Learning Engagement # 2 
What is “big data”?  What are the most important drivers of big data? What could happen if companies focus solely on the quantitative (i.e., “numbers”) aspects of big data?  Explain.
Big Data is no longer just a buzzword; it is a proven phenomenon and not likely to die away soon. A recent IDC report predicts that the digital universe will be 44 times bigger in 2020 than it was in 2009, totaling a staggering 35 zettabytes.
Two factors have combined to make Big Data especially appealing
now. One is that so many potentially valuable data resources have come into existence. These sources include the telemetry generated by today’s smart devices, the digital footprints left by people who are increasingly living their lives online, and the rich sources of information commercially available from specialized data vendors. Add to this the tremendous wealth of data — structured and unstructured, historical and real-time — that have come to reside in diverse systems across the enterprise, and it is clear that Big Data offers hugely appealing opportunities to those who can unlock its secrets.
The other factor contributing to Big Data’s appeal is the emergence of powerful technologies for effectively exploiting it. IT organizations can now take advantage of tools such as Hadoop, NoSQL, and Gephi to rationalize, analyze and visualize Big Data in ways that enable them to quickly separate the actionable insight from the massive chaff of raw input. As an added bonus, many of these tools are available free under open source licensing. This promises to help keep the cost of Big Data implementation under control.
Post 1
what is big data?
big data from recent releases that have emerged as a result of the recent trends in large
flow process knows the important data at the moment as it is working to produce
huge amount of digital data and data from social media and various puzzles and
tools in which we work or record or store it as many financial managers and providing
high-quality data services, modern organizations are trying to keep and store decision
big data
big data has been defined as a large variety of big data that has a great deal of diversity and speed generating the need to develop large-scale and fast-moving cell and big data to help make decisions in the possible valuable extraction and knowledge of a wide range of institutions
(Elgendy,n.and elragal,A,2014)
-the most important drivers of big data engines
1- leadership: the organization must have the ability and capabilities to manage and use data properly
2- technical: where there must be multiple devices amount of data and speed of
completion and of the most famous programs dealing with big data
3- people with high skills have the ability to handle huge amounts of big data and
present it in a scientific and documented way to decision making
( mc Afee and Brynjolfson,2012)
what are the important drivers of big data?
-for quality and credibility: so that high-quality information and data can be used and
utilized in serving the organization making the right decision the company in improving its work
– fast-growing: so that it is greatly inflated as a result of active interaction with the
situations by individuals customers and beneficiaries must be quickly responded
to in the service the organization and achieve its goals
-data variable value: meaning that the same information and data can change several things and benefit them in multiple things
(AL Shehhi,2017)
-there are catalysts and drivers of large information depends on its continuity and
-building information strategies on analysis platforms
-ensure the quality and suitability of data with digital analysis systems
– development of work quality measurement mechanisms
-review and evaluate data collection systems and make recommendations for
their development in alife that suits the data and is it engine
-what could happen if companies focus quantitative data and aspects of big data
-the heavy reliance on quantitative data only big data conflicts with real numbers are misleading and not heavily relied upon large amount data only unregulated and incorrect data spending a lot of money and inaccurate results
-https://www. terminology advantages and disadvantages of big data
-power,d,j (2016) data science supporting decision-making
journal of decision system
-Elgendy, big data analytics in support of decision-making process,2014
-Al Shehhi, Hafez (2017) online course: introduction of big data science 11/11/2017
-mc Afee, A, Bryn Jolfsson & davenport, T, H (2012) big data the management revolution
Harvard business review
-provost,f, Fawcett, T (2013) data science and relationship to big-data-driven decision making big data
– terminology advantages and disadvantages of big data 

Post 2
On the topic of Big Data, Oracle (n.d) had previously stated that, “The definition of big data is data that contains greater variety, arriving in increasing volumes and with more velocity. This is also known as the three Vs. Put simply, big data is larger, more complex data sets, especially from new data sources. These data sets are so voluminous that traditional data processing software just can’t manage them. But these massive volumes of data can be used to address business problems you wouldn’t have been able to tackle before”.
I personally am not surprised by the fact that experts have calculated and predict that the digital world is just going to become more and more popular amongst many companies and the general public. We can see it in our daily lives how important technology has become to us, more and more of our life revolves around technology and it is only possible that eventually life is going to revolve strictly around technology.
Smith T. (2018) had previously stated, “The most important element is getting the data from the application to a place to process it. This drove the adoption of the data lake but that didn’t solve the entire problem. Customers have many different data sources – it’s hard to maintain master data references and you end up with a lot of duplication. The master data management (MDM) problem is a context that you can apply to the rest of the data. It’s the building block to AI/ML with big data. Bridge the gaps of sifting through data to make scientists and analysts more effective”.
I personally believe that if companies solely put their concentration and focus on quantitative data then the companies will have a more accurate idea of the all that is going on in their company from marketing to sales to income and expenses but the only problem is that this practice can be very hard if you do not have someone who has an extensive statistical background.

T. Smith (2018, November 15). Big Data Success Drivers – dzone big data.
Oracle (n.d) What is big data? 

solved PART 1‘Justice’ (being just)The concept of justice, in general, is

PART 1‘Justice’ (being just)The concept of justice, in general, is complex and somewhat nebulous (and thus specified differently by the different aspects of it), and, of course, deeply philosophical, considering that every society has its own ideas of what is and isn’t just in the different spheres of life where the concept must be applicable, so after finding and accepting a definition, we should ask ourselves, what is justice to us, personally, when it is related to crime and punishment in the 21st century America, and how much of our own conviction (no pun intended) regarding those issues agrees with the way our society manages them, and also, if you consider the idea of social justice an integral part of the issue (dilemma?) of crime and punishment or separate from it? For starters, please see the dictionary definition of justice below.Please understand that such issues can lead to the conflict of opinion with other students who may see things very differently, so please refrain from name-calling, empty propaganda (use facts, instead), and assigning blame to certain groups of people or to one political party or another (there is plenty of blame to go around in every direction, in any case) and try to focus on facts and logic in support of your argument.Here is your discussion challenge:Before you start: Please watch the Movie Moments videos — they provide information you should know before you make your argument one way or another.1. Try to define ‘justice’ regarding ‘crime and punishment’ in our society. What is justice, in essence, within that framework? Punishment? Retribution? Deterrence? Correction? Protecting society from harm? Maintaining the status quo (a tradition and social order to be upheld and continued unchanged) and, if so, can it be separated from another concept, ‘social justice?’2. Is our justice system ‘just,’ according to the definition you find relevant, and also, is it so according to its moral definition in our society? What can be the reason for ‘injustice’ (if there is any) within our justice system?3. There are all kinds of talks about the need for prison reform — why? Is there anything wrong with it? And if so, how could the system be improved (in case it should be improved)? Why innocent people plead guilty? is not so simple: Why people keep returning to prison? difficulties of parole. Requirements:You are required to have 3 posts in each discussion, and these three posts must be made on three separate days. The first post is the initial response to the question that appropriately and completely addresses the topic. This must be completed by 11:59 p.m.(EST) Wednesday night. It is best to post it at the beginning of the week. The remaining two posts are responses to two different classmates. The first response to a classmate is due Saturday at 11:59 p.m.(EST) and the second response to a classmate is due on Sunday at 11:59 p.m.(EST). Responses to me do not count as a response to another student; however, I will interact with each of you throughout the course. I encourage you to respond back. If you do not post on three separate days; you will lose points (possible 15 point deduction). There will be a deduction of 5 points per day that the initial post is late. Posts are not accepted after the week closes on Sunday night.Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA PowerPoint in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and each response must be a minimum of 200 words. Please double-check your word count. Only posts that meet the word count requirements receive credit. PART 2Final Project Paper AssignmentDue by the end of Week Three — Graded by the end of Saturday of Week Four PowerPoint Presentation On Cognitive Errors and BiasesRead pages 113-133 of your text discussing cognitive and perceptual errors in thinking. Do research in other sources (at least 3 reliable, respectable, and trustworthy sources) to provide you with a more in-depth look at the stages that are discussed — I warn you that the information you find will have a dizzying array of methods of categorizations, but you do not have to go too deep into this issue (there could be a whole course about such errors).You will write about cognitive errors. All biases, prejudices, disproportionate fears, irrational expectations, etc. are cognitive errors. Children display much more of such errors and are less aware of them than adults, although adults also lack insight into such errors, mostly (that is, their own errors because we can often spot such issues in other people). In any case, most of us, as we grow up, start to discover/catch our cognitive errors and, in many cases, correct them to various degrees. Magical thinking, fallacies, self-fulfilling prophecies, ‘Irrational Beliefs’ (as well as irrational beliefs), religious and political extremism, sexism, ageism, racism (and other biases, including — very importantly — confirmation bias), anger, hatred, dread, panic, extreme suspicion, extreme greed, conspiracy theories, etc. are all cognitive errors. Even simple mistakes in logic (even without biases or emotions) are cognitive errors. Once again: cognitive errors are related to thinking/information processing. There are two parts to the project:Part I. Make a PowerPoint presentation consisting of at least 15 slides on cognitive biases. You will also submit a discussion page (Part II), explaining how your own judgment and decision making are reflected in the past and reflects now some of your biases you were able to recognize (you do not have to discuss those of your biases that you were unable to recognize : ). Part II. (essay) Answer the following questions about your own judgment and Cognitive and decision-making process in your discussion paper (using at least 500 words) after you have made your slide presentation. (1.) Discuss those of your biases of which you became aware through your intellectual development.(2.) Do you make judgments and decisions differently now than you did at an earlier point in your life? Explain and provide an example of how a bias (or biases) influenced a judgment/decision (or decisions) you made at an earlier point in your life. (3.) Discuss a recent judgment/decision that you made and explain how this judgment/decision is different from what you would have made at an earlier time based on the bias(es) you could not recognize at an earlier time.