solved AimThe purpose of the phase 1 report is to find

AimThe purpose of the phase 1 report is to find a medical condition for which you want to conduct data analyses and to have a basic understanding of the medical condition, such as the background, causes of the disease, treatments, status, and influential factors. You need data to conduct data analyses. Therefore, you need to find a dataset with which you can conduct your project. I strongly encourage you to use the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data in this class, while I provide a list of potential datasets below. It should be noted that I will provide sample codes only for the MEPS data. For the data analysis, you should have at least 500 data instances. Therefore, please find a medical condition of interest and then check whether there are 500 data instances. More details will be explained below.DatasetMEPS is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers, and employers across the United States. MEPS is a complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage in the US. For more details, please visit the official website (Links to an external site.) and Github repository (Links to an external site.) and read the attached appendix document Download attached appendix document(p.1 – 13). MEPS data consists of various variables such as medical condition, socioeconomic factors (e.g., gender, region, race, and family income), and medical expenditure. MEPS data also consist of various files such as person-level (e.g., health status, demographics, and total $$ of care), event-level (e.g., healthcare service use), and condition-level (e.g., medical condition). For the full review of those variables, please look at codebooks (person-level (Links to an external site.)) and condition-level (Links to an external site.)). I also coded those variables regarding usefulness for analysis (included vs. excluded, Heejun_Inclusion field) and variable type (independent vs. dependent, Heejun_Variable_Type field). You can find my version of the codebook from this link (Links to an external site.). In particular there are some dependent variables you can utilize:Total health expendituresTotal inpatient expendituresTotal emergency care expendituresSeverity of Illness (attacks/year)Number of School Days Missed (Children)Number of Work Days Missed (Adult)You should explore the dataset in depth to understand what you can do and to decide what you will do. It is a complex dataset, and you need to merge a number of files into one for your project. Do not feel overwhelmed. I will introduce all procedures step by step. Depending on the medical condition (e.g., allergic rhinitis), research goals you can set will include but are not limited to:Predict the yearly medical expenditure of persons with allergic rhinitisCompare healthcare costs in different social determinant factors (e.g., sex, region, family income, and race)Find relationships between allergic rhinitis and environmental factorsIf you are skilled in Python and want to use other datasets, then it is up to your group. However, please be noted that I cannot fully support your group, and my sample codes should be tweaked a lot to reflect the difference between the dataset you choose and the MEPS dataset. The following datasets are publicly available and free:National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (Links to an external site.)Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies Program (Links to an external site.)Add Health (Links to an external site.)FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) (Links to an external site.) What to Do for the Phase 1 ReportPlease find a medical condition that interests your group and find an ICD-9 code of the condition from the FINDACODE.COM (Links to an external site.)If your group decides to use the MEPS data, go to #3. If not, go to #5Download a condition-level file (h128.csv Download h128.csv), open the file with MS Excel, and apply a filter to the “ICD9CODX” field. Select the ICD-9 code of your condition (e.g., 493 for asthma) and check the number of records (i.e., number of rows selected) related to your condition. This number would include duplicated recordsTo remove duplicated records and count the number of unique records, Select the “DUPERSID” field and copy all selected DUPERSIDs. While copying, you should copy visible cells only. If not, you are going to copy all DUPERSIDs in the column. To copy “visible cells only”, please follow the instruction found at the Microsoft Support (Links to an external site.)The DUPERSID uniquely identifies each person represented on the file. In other words, DUPERSID is a sample person identifierThen, paste copied DUPERSIDs to another sheet (+ menu in the bottom)Remove duplicates (“Data” -> “Remove Duplicates”) and count the number of records (i.e., DUPERSIDs). If the number of DUPERSIDs is larger than 500, you are good. Congratulations! Your medical condition meets the requirement of the project. If not, you do not have enough data for the project. Unfortunately, you need to find another medical condition and iterate the steps from 3 to 4.D until you can find a condition with more than 500 recordsIf you selected another dataset, it’s your responsibility to conduct steps from 3 to 4.D by yourself. Your workflow should do the same procedures as my suggested workflow doesHow to writePlease write a report in 600-800 (12 point font, double-spaced) words and cite appropriately. You need to have references to introduce the background of your condition. In-text citations and the list of references should follow APA 7th edition style. The report should consist of 4 to 5 paragraphs: introduction, two or three paragraphs of the main body, and conclusion. The topics can include but are not limited to background, causes of the disease, treatments, status, influential factors, and a particular reason of your interest. What to includeYour submission of the report should include:Names of students in your project group (up to three students)EUIDs of group membersTitle of the projectMedical conditionData sourceNumber of data recordsWhat I asked you in the “How to Write”The order of contributions (i.e., work distribution) like authorship (e.g., first author, second author, third author, and so on.)If you believe that some of you or all of you contributed equally, then you need to state itHere, contributions include all phases you worked to submit this project reportPlease attach a .docx file. All group members should submit the same copy of the report.Grading CriteriaYour reports will be evaluated on both the quality and quantity of entries. By quality, I do not mean mechanics (e.g., spelling, grammar), but rather content. Your entries should demonstrate reflective and critical thinking, integration of materials and experiences, development of your own research questions, and general intellectual growth. As to length or quantity, 600-800 words as well as 4 to 5 paragraphs are required. The list of references will not be included in the word count.PreviousNext

solved Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group

Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and record a 10-15 minute video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.Introduction
Baccalaureate-prepared nurses have many opportunities to reflect on their contributions to patient care outcomes during clinical experiences. Research suggests that creating and sharing video reflections may enhance learning (Speed, Lucarelli, & Macaulay, 2018).For this assessment, you’ll present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and reflect on various aspects of your capstone practicum experience. Such reflection will give you a chance to discuss elements of the project of which you are most proud and aspects of the experience that will help you grow in your personal practice and nursing career.Reference
Speed, C. J., Lucarelli, G. A., & Macaulay, J. O. (2018). Student produced videos—An innovative and creative approach to assessment. Sciedu International Journal of Higher Education, 7(4).Instructions
Complete this assessment in two parts: (a) present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and (b) record a video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program.PART 1
Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group. Plan to spend at least 3 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also consult with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. Be sure you’ve logged all of your practicum hours in CORE ELMS.Use the Intervention Feedback Form: Assessment 5 [PDF] as a guide to capturing patient, family, or group feedback about your intervention. You’ll include the feedback as part of your capstone reflection video.Part 2
Record a 10–15 minute video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program. A transcript of your video is not required.You’re welcome to use any tools and software with which you are comfortable, but make sure you’re able to submit the deliverable to your faculty. Capella offers Kaltura, a program that records audio and video. Refer to Using Kaltura for more information about this courseroom tool.Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities, please contact Disability Services to request accommodations. If you’re unable to record a video, please contact your faculty as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.Requirements
The assessment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for supporting evidence.

Assess the contribution of your intervention to patient or family satisfaction and quality of life.

Describe feedback received from the patient, family, or group on your intervention as a solution to the problem.
Explain how your intervention enhances the patient, family, or group experience.

Describe your use of evidence and peer-reviewed literature to plan and implement your capstone project.

Explain how the principles of evidence-based practice informed this aspect of your project.

Assess the degree to which you successfully leveraged health care technology in your capstone project to improve outcomes or communication with the patient, family, or group.

Identify opportunities to improve health care technology use in future practice.

Explain how health policy influenced the planning and implementation of your capstone project, as well as any contributions your project made to policy development.

Note specific observations related to the baccalaureate-prepared nurse’s role in policy implementation and development.

Explain whether capstone project outcomes matched your initial predictions.

Discuss the aspects of the project that met, exceeded, or fell short of your expectations.
Discuss whether your intervention can, or will be, adopted as a best practice.
Describe the generalizability of your intervention outside this particular setting.
Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.

Assess your personal and professional growth throughout your capstone project and the RN-to-BSN program.

Address your provision of ethical care and demonstration of professional standards.
Identify specific growth areas of which you are most proud or in which you have taken particular satisfaction.

Communicate professionally in a clear, audible, and well-organized video.
Additional Requirements
Cite at least three scholarly or authoritative sources to support your assertions. In addition to your reflection video, submit a separate APA-formatted reference list of your sources.Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Make clinical and operational decisions based upon the best available evidence.

Describe one’s use of evidence and peer-reviewed literature to plan and implement a capstone project.

Competency 3: Transform processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care.

Explain whether capstone project outcomes matched one’s initial predictions and document the practicum hours spent with these individuals or group in the Core Elms Volunteer Experience Form.

Competency 4: Apply health information and patient care technology to improve patient and systems outcomes.

Assess the degree to which one successfully leveraged health care technology in a capstone project to improve outcomes or communication with a patient, family, or group.

Competency 5: Analyze the impact of health policy on quality and cost of care.

Explain how health policy influenced the planning and implementation of one’s capstone project, as well as any contributions the project made to policy development.

Competency 7: Implement patient-centered care to improve quality of care and the patient experience.

Assess the contribution of an intervention (capstone project) to patient, family, or group satisfaction and quality of life.

Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice.

Assess one’s personal and professional growth throughout a capstone project and the RN-to-BSN program.
Communicate professionally in a clear and well-organized video.

solved SQL Assignment 1Purpose: To provide you an opportunity to apply

SQL Assignment 1Purpose: To provide you an opportunity to apply (SQL) in the data processing cycle.Database : Northwind_original (on Canvas)Tools: SQLiteStudio (See Instruction for Downloading SQLiteStudio on Canvas). undefinedBefore starting the assignment, install SQLiteStudio on your computer and download the above database in your computer. To be submitted:Submit each SQL assignment in ONE file. The file should include everything required to be submitted for that assignment.SQL query statements (21 statements)Screenshots of partial output for questions that require screenshots of output (total 4 screenshots, 8 points). I also recommend copying and pasting your SQL statements into a word or notepad file and saving the file in multiple places (e.g., on a computer, email, cloud, external hard drive, etc.).If you have already experienced losing your hard work at some point then you know how important having a backup is…at all times.Note that you should execute (run) the query for each question only once and do not need to store your queries in SQLiteStudio.undefinedTo complete these exercises, you need to consult the textbook (chapter 4) and online help are included in the assignment to help you locate the related online help for each exercise.When the questions for this assignment do not specify which rows to show in the results, assume that all rows should be shown.Similarly, when the questions do not specify which columns to show in the results, assume that all columns should be shown.When the questions specify that only certain columns should be included in the results, this does not imply that other columns cannot be used in the query (they should simply not be part of the output).SQL #1 QuestionSelect specific rows: ALIASES and CASE.Create new columns (fields) in the results.Create VIEWS. GROUP and AGGREGATE (e.g., COUNT, AVG, SUM):1-Select all data in a table:-Use the OrderDetails table and create a query that displays all the data in this table.2-Select specific columns: -Use the OrderDetails table and create a query that displays ProductID and Quantity only.3-Select specific rows:3.1) WHERE. Use the OrderDetails table and create a query that displays order line items: a) with OrderID 10251. b) that are not for product 38. c) with unit prices more than $50 and quantity more than 25. d) with quantity more than 100 or unit price more than 200. 3.2) WHERE. Use the OrderHeaders table and create a query that displays all orders (rows): a) placed in 2019 (you can assume that there is no later orders). b) that were shipped after they were required. c) that have not yet been shipped (Hint: statement “shipped date is null”).3.3) DISTINCT.Use the OrderDetails table and create a query that displays: a) all unique products sold (only show Product IDs in the results). b) all unique products sold with a unit price of more than $50.3.4) ORDER BY. Use the products table and create a query that shows: a) products sorted by UnitsInStock in descending order.3.5) LIKE and WILDCARDS.Use the Customers table and create a query that shows all customers with: a) “manager” in the ContactTitle. b) company names that start with F. 4-ALIASES and CASE.Create new columns (fields) in the results.Note that aliases are temporary…and not stored for reuse in a query.a) Use the Products table and create a query that shows Product Name, Units In Stock, Units On Order, Reorder Level, and a calculated field named Units Available defined as Units In Stock + Units On Order. b) Use the Products table and create a query that shows Product Name, Units In Stock, Units On Order, Reorder Level, the calculated field Units Available (copy and paste the query you created in 4a), and a new calculated field named Reorder Needed that displays “Yes” if UnitsAvailable < ReorderLevel and otherwise “No”. 5- Create VIEWS. Note that views are virtual tables.If you need to troubleshoot a view at some point you can simply delete it and recreate it. a)Copy and paste the query in 4a and create a view called ProductAvailability based on this query. b.Using the ProductAvailability view that you created in 5a, create a query that only shows products that need to be ordered (that have UnitsAvailable less than the ReorderLevel).6-GROUP and AGGREGATE (e.g., COUNT, AVG, SUM):a) Using the Products table, create a query that shows for each supplier:the SupplierID and the number of products associated with the supplier (name this field NumberOfItems). b) Using the OrderDetails table, create a query that shows for each order the OrderID and the total quantity sold (name this field TotalQuantity).c) Using the OrderDetails table show for each product:(i) the ProductID, (ii) the average sales unit price (name this field AverageUnitPrice; you can simply calculate the average for each product across the different order detail rows and you do not need to adjust the average for the quantity sold in each order), (iii) the total quantity sold (name this field SumOfQuantitySold), and (iv) the number of times it has been sold (name this field NumberOfSales; you can simply calculate the number of sales orders). 7-INNER JOIN:a) Using the OrderHeaders and OrderDetails tables, show OrderID, OrderDate (from the OrderHeaders table), ProductID, and Quantity (from the orderdetails). You can assume that all OrderHeaders have OrderDetails and that all OrderDetails have OrderHeaders. b) Copy and paste query 1.a and only show orders placed in 2019. 8-INNER JOIN, WHERE, GROUP, and HAVING: a) Copy and paste query 1.b, but only show one record for each ProductID. For each product show a new calculated field named SumOfQuantitySoldIn2019 defined as the total quantity sold in 2019. Store this query as a view called ProductSales2019. b) Copy and paste query 1.b, but only show products with SumOfQuantitySoldIn2019 greater than 100. c) Create the same output you did in 2.b, but use the ProductSales2019 view (that you created in 2.a) instead of the OrderHeaders and OrderDetails tables.9- LEFT JOIN (same as LEFT OUTER JOIN):a) Using the Products table and ProductSales2019 view, show for all products, the quantity sold in 2019.Display the (i) ProductID and (ii) ProductName for all products in the Products table, and (iii) SumOfQuantitySoldIn2019 (include null values for products not sold in 2019). 10-INNER JOINS: Join three tablesUsing the OrderDetails, OrderHeaders, and Products tables, determine for each product the average price received in 2019 and compare this amount to the list price (the unit price in the Products table).In your output display (i) ProductID, (ii) AveragePriceReceived (i.e., average sales unit price in 2019 for each product where sales unit price is UnitPrice*(1-Discount) from the OrderDetails table), (iii) UnitPrice from the products table, and (iv) a new calculated field that calculates the percentage difference between AveragePriceReceived and the UnitPrice in the products table.Name this field PercentPriceDifference.

solved Assignment 1: Supporting Opinions in Public HealthIntroductionPublic health, especially in

Assignment 1: Supporting Opinions in Public HealthIntroductionPublic health, especially in the media and on the internet, is full of opinions, some true, some false, some contradictory (1). “Masks don’t work to stop Covid”, “Vaccines cause autism”, “Gun violence relates to mental health”. True? False? We can only confirm/refute these opinions by using research.Read below ( or this CNN article (Links to an external site.) link) on what the Surgeon General feels is the biggest Covid-19 vaccination threat. (Remember, this is your textbook! This all counts as reading. )Surgeon General warns misinformation is the greatest threat to Covid-19 vaccination effortsBy Madeline Holcombe, CNNUpdated 1:35 PM ET, Fri June 25, 2021(CNN)With a dangerous Covid-19 variant on the rise, health experts are urging people who are still hesitant to get their vaccinations. But the US surgeon general warns a big obstacle stands in their way: Misinformation.”There is so much misinformation out there about the vaccine, coming through so many channels — a lot of it being spread on social media,” Dr. Vivek Murthy told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “It’s inducing a lot of fear among people.” (Links to an external site.)These are the two key groups now being hit hardest by Covid-19″Two-thirds of those who are unvaccinated in polls say that they either believe the myths about Covid-19 or think that they might be true,” he added.Experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have estimated that (Links to an external site.)70 to 85% of people in the US will need to become immune to the virus through vaccination or infection in order to control community spread. But after initial surges, vaccination rates have slowed, and only 53.7% of the population has received at least one dose.In addition, more than 1 in 10 people who have received one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine have missed their second dose, according to data shared with CNN by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.That statistic is especially concerning to experts because studies have shown that the vaccines are much more effective against the Delta variant after the two-dose series is completed.And the Delta variant is believed to be more transmissible and cause more severe disease than other strains.Murthy said he is worried for those who are unvaccinated as the variant spreads.In Los Angeles County, the impact is already clear. Nearly all of the Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in Los Angeles County are occurring among people who are unvaccinated, county health officials said Thursday.Out of nearly 437,000 positive coronavirus cases reported in L.A. County since December 2020, 99.6% of those were among individuals who were unvaccinated, health officials said in a press release.”The virus is still with us,” Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said at a press conference. “Even now, we need to be careful to mask and maintain distance from people outside of our households, especially if they’re not yet vaccinated.”ENDIntro continued…This article reinforces that it is important to be able to support your opinions, viewpoints and positions with research and then clearly communicate your findings. This can be accomplished by using literature to support your viewpoint. This will help you to challenge biases you may have as well as prove that your point is not just an opinion. This assignment will help you to learn to PROVE your opinions (or change your mind) by using research and literature.**This assignment is meant to show you how all other discussions should be constructed. From this assignment forward, you will be expected to have a source to support any health facts or conclusions.Preparation For this discussion, prepare first by reading the following document, watching the video and reading my postWRITTEN: How to Support a Thesis Statement HED BROOKSActions We are only going to do a short version of this handout. SHORT VIDEO. This this simple and silly video really does a good job of how to write a topic sentence and how to support it. Its 6 minutes but a good review!Link to Writing a Supporting Paragraph with a Topic Sentence (Links to an external site.)EXAMPLE: READ my post below!! Yours should resemble it. I am researching the claim that “recreational” or gateway drugs contribute to more drug use. Many think this is true, many think it is false. I am picking a side and using literature to support my argument:My Post:Gateway drugs contribute to more powerful drugs but other factors may be involved. Marijuana, a gateway recreational drug, is legal but can serve to sensitize the developing brain to dopamine receptors and cravings (Panlilio et al). Interestingly, research shows that early adolescent drug use contributes to increased later adolescent drug use but, in adulthood, the correlation can adjust. At that point, mental health issues cloud the relationship (Nkansah-Amankra). Research shows that gateway drugs do contribute to later drug use but it is only one factor in the complex relationships in addiction.1.Panlilio LV, Zanettini C, Barnes C, Solinas M, Goldberg SR. Prior exposure to THC increases the addictive effects of nicotine in rats. Neuropsychopharmacol Off Publ Am Coll Neuropsychopharmacol.2.Nkansah-Amankra, Stephen, and Mark Minelli. “”Gateway hypothesis” and early drug use: Additional findings from tracking a population-based sample of adolescents to adulthood.” Preventive medicine reports vol. 4 134-41. 28 May. 2016,Assignment InstructionsSummary: Write a paragraph using the prompts below. It must have a topic sentence, two (2) supporting facts with references and then one closing sentence. There should be 4-6 sentences total. More is not always better.Steps:Pick ONE of the following topics to write a sentence about. An opinion on one of these topics MUST be part of your first sentence.
Do gateway drugs contribute to the use of more powerful drugs?Do vaccines cause autism?Is Covid really worse than the flu?Are eggs bad for you?Does the California “one year” rule not allowing teens to drive with friends until they have their license for one year have any benefit?Does sugar cause hyperactivity in children?Do masks really help stop the spread of disease?D seatbelts really matter?Write a topic sentence that answers the question. (This is easier than the video since I gave you the topic). Support it with TWO facts that are supported. (That means look up two articles or sources that support your opinion. If there are not two (author) in your post, something is wrong.)Feel free to clarify any complexity like I did above (Yes, gateways leads to more drugs early on but later it is not clear)You MUST have your references in the text in (author) like my post above.Repeat your conclusion.Have the two references at the end.Your post should have the format: thesis>support>conclusion. It should look similar to my PostYOU MUST Include two properly written references (APA style). There are examples of this How to Reference Actions

solved Differentiate between the terms Stress, anxiety, and arousal. Describe how

Differentiate between the terms Stress, anxiety, and arousal. Describe how you could use Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Systematic Desensitization to assist an individual’s learning and performance. In your description, apply the terms detachment, learned helplessness, Composure, and explain how these concepts are relevant to this discussion.

Energy Control
Audio PowerPoint introduction to key Module 2 information
Students, as we continue through the Education Phase of psychological Skills Training, this week our focus is on the energy issues of an athlete’s performance, that is, helping athletes and other performers overcome challenges with stress, anxiety, and arousal. Review the top right of our Systematic Achievement Motivation Model. Remember, Personality Information:
all experiences during life, including early experiences in, will influence the expression of:

Learned helplessness

You are the essence of your reactions and your responses.
We will review these concepts, but more importantly, we will look at strategies to help individuals reduce their effects.

“We are, perhaps, uniquely among the earth’s creatures, the worrying animal. We worry away our lives.” Lewis Thomas

When creating a program that helps athletes, we need to be able to differentiate between Arousal, Anxiety and Stress.

Arousal is a blend of psychological and psychological activation, varying in intensity along a continuum (Weinberg & Gould, 2015).
Anxiety is a negative emotional state with feelings of worry, nervousness, and apprehension associated with activation or arousal of the body (Weinberg & Gould, 2015).
Stress is a substantial imbalance between physical and psychological demands placed on an individual and his or her response capability under conditions in which failure to meet demands has important consequences (Weinberg & Gould, 2015).

Now we are ready to apply this information to a learning and performance situation.

First, an environmental demand happens. This could be a bear runs out in front of you, or in my world, an alligator “trots” out onto the green. In the world of sport, It could be coming to bat with runners in scoring position, maybe in the last inning, and the score is tied or behind by one run. These examples all represent possible demands placed on an individual.
Second, the individual’s perception of these demands, including the threat perceived. A bear or alligator is a serious threat over which normal, self-controlled people would experience great stress. If this same level of stress and anxiety is felt by our batter, you can see this could be a performance problem.
Third, a stress response happens. Arousal increases, muscle tension increases, state anxiety kicks in, and corresponding attentional focus issues result.
Lastly, there are behavioral consequences. Does the level of stress and anxiety prevent attending to the important environmental information, processing this information, and selecting the best movement choice?
Individuals differ in their response to stress. The category of responses includes: affective, behavioral, physiological, and cognitive. Each category has its own unique signs and symptoms. In the Affective category, anger, anxiety, depression, shame and feeling sorry for oneself are frequent examples. Behavioral signs and symptoms often include, restlessness, aggression and sleeping disturbances, drug and possible skipping practice. The physiological symptoms include muscle tension, increased heart rate, indigestion, and headaches. Lastly, Cognitive symptoms are worry, exaggeration, and unrealistic expectations

“Panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination.” Christian Nevell Bovee
Drive Theory and Inverted U-hypothesis
Drive Theory
As arousal or activation increases, there will be a corresponding increase in performance
Inverted U-hypothesis
As arousal increase, so too will performance, but point to a point. If the athlete experiences too much arousal, their performance will decrease. Essentially, there is an “optimal” level of arousal. This optimal level of arousal depends on the individual, situation, ability, and type of skill.

“I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan
According to Weinberg and Gould………

Arousal and state anxiety do not always have negative effects on performance.
They can be facilitative or debilitative depending on the interpretation. Self-confidence and enhanced perceptions of control are critical to perceiving anxiety as facilitative.
Some optimal level of arousal leads to peak performance, but optimal levels of physiological activation and arousal-related thoughts (worry) are not the same.
Interaction of physiological activation and arousal interpretation is more important than actual levels of each.
It is doubtful that the optimal level of arousal is always at the midpoint of the arousal scale.
“Psyching-up” strategies should be employed with caution because it is difficult to recover from a catastrophe.
Athletes should have well-practiced self-talk, imagery, and goal-setting skills for coping with anxiety (Weinberg & Gould, 2007, pp.92-93).

“If you feel anxiety or depression, you are not in the present. You are either anxiously projecting the future or depressed and stuck in the past. The only thing you have any control over is the present moment; simple breathing exercises can make us calm and present instantly.”
Tobe Hanson

Tools for Coping and Techniques for Increasing Intensity
Tools for coping and techniques for increasing intensity include:
Progressive muscle relaxation
Strategies to help release and control tension, breath control, bio-feedback, stress inoculation training.
Systematic desensitization
Assist in overcoming stress and anxiety, stress reduction techniques to help overcome anxiety producing situations and/or events.
A technique for placing an individual in a heightened state of concentration with an increase in susceptibility to suggestions.
An individual forms a mental representation of an object, movement, or experience.
Often used in chronic pain situations where the individual gains a greater awareness of when the physiological functions are beginning to generate that pain. A corresponding relaxation and pain blocking strategy is then activated.
Autogenic training
Daily practice sessions of relaxation that usually includes visualization as a tool for initiating relaxation.
Negative thought stoppage
When stress and negative thoughts begin, a conscious effort is made, saying “stop”, or imaging a stop sign that then blocks the negative thought and stress.
Redirecting energy, stress, anger etc. to body center, behind the belly button. Thus detaching and clearing the mind of stress and negative thoughts.
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” William James

solved Discussion question: Since the 1960’s, our country has seen a

Discussion question: Since the 1960’s, our country has seen a shift in the treatment of the
mentally ill. In an effort to reduce the number of patients in mental
hospitals, the federal government deinstitutionalized this population
and directed them back into the community. Fifty years later, many who
were once directed to mental hospitals are now being “treated” in our
prisons and jails. Discuss the societal impact of such a shift and how
this happened. What are the pros and cons of deinstitutionalizing our
mentally ill? Answer here: How safe is it for mentally ill people to freely interact with people? Over the years, the government has opted for deinstitutionalization to enhance the lives of mentally ill patients and decongest hospitals. However, this shift has impacted various effects in societies, some positive and others negative. Some pros of the movement include better quality of life for the disabled people (Bredewold et al., 2020). This happens because of better changes in life conditions, routines, accommodation, and facilities. Also, the change impacts improved skills and better quality care. The mentally ill people develop restrictive and self-control behavior amid ordinary people, enhancing their general skills (Bredewold et al., 2020). Additionally, when sent back to the community, members take a broader initiative to offer personalized care to psychologically disturbed people, which offers better care than that generally received in public facilities (Bredewold et al., 2020).Deinstitutionalization does not always yield positive results as it is associated with cons like negative health impacts, criminal behavior, and victimization, burden to families and societies, and redistribution (Bredewold et al., 2020). The negative health impacts happen through physical attacks and the inability for continuous supervision of self-care and healthcare. When isolated, mentally ill people are prone to substance abuse and suicide (Bredewold et al., 2020). The connection between crime and deinstitutionalization explains that mentally ill people are more violent and often engage in substance abuse activities, making them perfect criminals. Also, most of them are vulnerable and voiceless, making them excellent targets and victims of criminal activities in societies. When mentally ill people are sent back to the society they became huge responsibilities to the community and their families which can be tiresome and a burden financially, emotionally, physically and psychologically. Finally, redistribution is a negative impact because critical psychological cases cannot be effectively treated in societies as easily as mild cases. Deinstitutionalization has multiple effects on society, some beneficial, some negative, and some have mixed effects. 1- Adrian: That’s
a very difficult question to answer. If someone who is extremely
dangerous and has mental issues, there’s not much we can do with
considering our safety. I think the best thing to do is to call the
authorities and try to explain the situation as best we can so they know
this person might hurt themselves or others. With more training on how
to deal with mental illness, the police will know how to handle
individuals that have special needs. They will be able to defuse the
situation better than we can. We as a community need to start taking
mental illness more seriously for the safety of ourselves and others. Write a reply here…. 2- Cassidy : Society felt that the mentally ill would receive a higher standard of
care if they were no longer placed in government run mental health
facilities. The facilities were often run similar ot prisons which did
not offer effective treatment for their patients. Additionally, the
patients had their rights as individuals revoked since they were not
able to make decisions on their healthcare. The shift had good
intentions by releasing the mentally ill back into society and giving
them the right to decide if seeking treatment was right for them,
however this created a huge influx of homeless who were now being
jailed. This put them into yet another institution where they would not
receive adequate treatment for their mental health. Furthermore, the
individuals being realsed to come to a facility by their own will are
missing out on additional medical treatment that they may need for their
physical well-being such as diabetes management. “The importance of
individualized care must become the emphasis of future efforts. If
families are unwilling to go to the treatment provider, then the service
planning tasks must go to the individual if this effort is to be
successful” (Regoli). Write a reply here…. 3- Kathryn : Deinstitutionalization started in the 1960s, as a way to treat the
mentally ill by moving them out of state-run institutions and into
federally funded community health centers. According to The Balance,
this shift was done over the course of several years through the
implementation of acts such as the Community Mental Health Centers
Construction Act in 1963, the Mental Health Systems Act in 1980, along
with movements and movies that brought attention to how mental health
patients were mistreated. Pros about deinstitutionalization included
providing mental health patients with the proper treatment they needed,
while destigmatizing mental health as a whole. Cons were that there was
not enough funding for the federally funded community health centers,
and “the courts made it almost impossible to commit anyone against their
will”. I understand why the government does not allow committing people
against their will, however, I see the dilemma as we ask ourselves,
“how can we treat/help this person without violating their rights?”.
This is a prime example of how and why change is constant in terms of
how our government views and treats its people. Write a reply here…. 4- Leslie : Ignoring proper treatment for individuals who are mentally ill can lead
to severe societal consequences and their individual growth leading to
more cons than pros. In an article by Curtice Flory MBA and Rose Marie
Friedrich they state “Evidence of system failure is apparent in the
increase in homelessness (1), suicide (2), and acts of violence among
those with severe mental illness (3). Those for whom
deinstitutionalization has failed are increasingly re-admitted to
hospitals. It is common to find persons who have been hospitalized 20
times over a 10 year period. Tragically, there are more persons with
mental illness in jails and prisons than there are in state hospitals
(4).” These 5 cons can fuel existing social problems such as those
mentioned; homelessness, increased suicide rates, overcrowded prisons,
higher violent crimes. Without properly treating mentally ill
individuals, throwing them into jails, the systems basically set these
individuals up for failure. They deserve more attention, special
treatment, and better approach methods, not the loss of
individualization which is what prisons are made for. Write reply here…

solved I’m studying for my Communications class and need an explanation.

I’m studying for my Communications class and need an explanation.

Instructions: This assignment is the 3rd part of an Discussion Post. Posted below is Part 1 and Part 2 for you to refernce, you must keep to the same CPC(Dog Owner) and be sure you are staying in tune with the other two discussion posts.Must be between 400-800 words.Remind us of your Class Proclaimed Culture (CPC)Explain where your CPC falls with regards to Power Distance (Low Power Distance OR High Power Distance)Then, in a separate paragraph, explain where your CPC falls with regards to it being Individualistic OR Collectivistic.Be sure to be specific for each categorization. It does not help us to understand your culture when we say, “It is a little low power distance AND high power distance” – select one. Think about where your CPC leans to help us to really understand the culture. This is the same for individualistic and collectivistic. Select one to really help us to see how your CPC operates.One category is not better than the other, they are simply ways to understand how the culture operates. Don’t place values on the categories. Being low power distance isn’t better than high power distance, or vice versa.Think about your culture. If there are competitions, one person gets paid more than the other, certain people get offices, and/or one leader – really think what that says about the culture with regards to power distance and being individualistic or collectivistic.You can give us examples to help us to understand how these play out.REMEMBER: This is about your CPC, not YOU. We don’t want to hear if you are high power distance or if you are individualistic or collectivistic – we WANT to hear how your CPC operatesCPC: DOG OWNER CULTURE: Discussion Board Part 1What I will use for myself is the dog owner culture as my CPC. I grew up with dogs and have now had my dog for over 12 years. My dog is honestly like my right arm, I feel very lost without her. As time has gone on people have made their pets more and more like humans in their lives opposed to just animals and that is how I feel about my dog. The dog owner culture is is made up of anyone who has a dog and treats it within the boundaries of a very important part of their life. People in the dog culture range from any ethnicity, age, demographic, and breed. There is no set rule for this culture but it is known without discussion that in the dog culture your dog is one of your top priorities. The dog culture can be found throughout anywhere in the US, with over 70 million US homes owning a dog. I know this because of some research I did on my own prior to this assignment about dog owners for another class. There are also sub cultures within the dog culture. This can be bred specific or it can be based on the area. When we look at San Diego alone, it is known to be a place where dog culture is huge. Most places you go are going to be dog friendly and are going to embrace the dog culture, some restaurants even have dog menus. No matter on the city, town, or state there will be a community of dog owners who are a part of the dog owner culture.I would title dog owners as a low context culture. There is lots of communication, engagement and verbal cues between dogs and owners as well as within the dog owner culture. You wouldn’t just meet someone and know oh they have a dog unless that open line of communication happened and you would discover they were part of your culture. Bonding over pictures of animals, petting each other dogs, and telling stories about your pets to one another is a large part of dog owner culture. You want to be open and friendly and participative when a part of the dog owner culture, one can not just assume they are a part of it just by walking into the dog part. Part 2 Discussion BoardThere is a huge piece of camaraderie in the dog culture. People want the connections, they want the relationships between other dog owners. It is a culture that is warm, welcoming, and always happy to see another dog owner become a part of it.The full stimulus-response model retains its focus on having a quantitative response based on a quantitative stimulus. It forms part of class conditioning concepts that insist on pairing a response with a subject’s stimuli mechanism. In dog cultures, the geographic sub-culture intimates that some areas apply their system and mechanism of stimuli prompting the dogs to answer in specific ways. San Diego operates a different dog culture from Texas. San Diego awards priority to a dog’s feeding mechanism leading to such dogs displaying a high level of closeness to their owners. In Texas, the state has a reputation of having many loose dogs due to the rather lax attitude visible between the owners, community, and society in feeding these dogs (Hallman, 2018). Food has remained one of the most reliable tactics of classical conditioning in dogs, and its provision across various geographies can determine how the dogs activate quantitative responses. The full stimuli process gives way to the full perception process. The full perception process works on information processing and filtering within the process of aiding interpretation. Under this mechanism, organisms achieve full perception based on previous experiences(Caeiro et al., 2017). People treat dogs according to breed, leading to breed-specific sub-cultures. Chihuahuas bred in Europe and transferred in Africa will apply a consistent and constant perception process. The German shepherd has always brought up a remarkably consistent behavioral mannerism regardless of the physical location. The breeds may bring out a slight differentiation reaction to a change of environment. However, the biological factors in the perception construction process remain supreme. A grand case study of the perception presence as relevant in the dog culture remains the aggression displayed by some breeds and passive responses brought out by others. At no given time will a Chihuahua react in a similarly aggressive manner as a German Shepherd. Breed-specific areas go beyond the low context subcultures of communication.The standpoint theory promotes the low context subcultures through the insistence on knowledge formation as the foundation to socialization. Low context sub-cultures inform how a dog relates with the owner creating a unique relationship (Caeiro et al., 2017). If a dog’s owner allocates time to the dog, invests in close communication such as non-verbal cues and becomes emotionally responsive to the dog’s needs, the dog will positively respond to such a relationship. It is easily possible to detect dog-owner intimacy based on the forms of knowledge exchange between the dog and its owners. Creating a social system proceeds to then define how an owner communicates to their dog. If they whistle every day upon reaching home, the dog will absorb that kind of socialization. The standpoint theory qualifies dogs as social animals willing to firmly participate in owner-dog socialization processes.

solved Conduct a health information technology needs assessment. Introduction Note: Each

Conduct a health information technology needs assessment. 
Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.
Nurse leaders play a key role in the decision-making processes associated with the purchase of a health information technology and any subsequent technology upgrades and improvements. A thorough and accurate needs assessment establishes a foundation for evaluating the overall value to an organization of the various technologies that can be used to support nursing and improve patient care.
The needs assessment you will conduct in your first assessment enables you to take a systematic approach to developing knowledge about a new or upgraded telehealth technology that would impact nursing practice. The needs assessment also identifies assessment work that may already have been completed and any gaps that still exist and must be addressed. The goals of completing the needs assessment are to:

Identify gaps in practice that must be addressed to improve patient care.
Understand the nature and scope of needed changes and identify associated opportunities and challenges.
Enable a thoughtful and systematic approach to change implementation and management.

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to work through the needs assessment process and present your findings in a way that will help you gain the support of executive leaders.

Telehealth technology can be representative of many different scenarios. For example, the technology could be designed to assist nurses with providing care, such as chronic disease management, to rural patients. It could also be designed to enable physicians to access enhanced care strategies from other providers in another part of the United States, or internationally. Such care strategies might include radiology readings or assistance in an operating room with a new procedure.
For this assessment and all remaining assessments, choose any new or upgraded telehealth technology that you would like to see implemented in your organization or practice setting. Be creative and imagine what it would be like to have any telehealth resources that would benefit your community. Then, imagine that executive leaders in your organization or practice setting are considering the purchase of those resources to improve the quality of care provided to patients and enable medical and nursing staff to extend coverage for patients in the region.
Finally, as a nurse leader with responsibilities in upper management, imagine that you have been asked to determine whether this purchase will adequately address key issues in patient care and lead to improved outcomes.
To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to reflect on performance gaps in your organization, what outcomes are measured, and how telehealth technologies can help to improve outcomes. Also, consider how you would effectively communicate the need for a new or upgraded technology to executive leaders in a way that will help you obtain their support. In addition, you may wish to:

Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
Review the Guiding Questions: Technology Needs Assessment [DOCX], which includes questions to consider and additional guidance on how to successfully complete the assessment.

Note: Remember that you can submit all or a portion of your draft needs assessment summary to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24-48 hours for receiving feedback.
Determine the need for the new or upgraded telehealth technology. Present your findings and recommendations in an executive summary. Include any available assessments and gap analyses that may have been conducted previously.
Complete the Vila Health: Preparing for a Technology Needs Assessment simulation. Vila Health is a virtual environment that simulates a real-world health care system. In the various Vila Health scenarios, you will apply professional strategies, practice skills, and build competencies that you can apply to your coursework and in your career. The information you gather in this scenario will help you to complete the assessment.
The executive summary requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the Technology Needs Assessment Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Technology Needs Assessment document linked above provides additional considerations that may be helpful in completing your assessment. In addition, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting evidence.

Explain the relevance and importance of a needs assessment.
Identify the key issues in nursing care affecting patient outcomes that the new or upgraded telehealth technology will address.
Identify the safety requirements and regulatory considerations when using this technology.
Identify the patient confidentiality and privacy protections that this technology must address.
Describe the potential impact of internal and external stakeholders and end users on the acquisition of this technology.
Support assertions, arguments, conclusions, and recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Evaluate technologies used to gather patient data; inform diagnoses; and enhance care quality, safety, and outcomes.

Explain the relevance and importance of a needs assessment.
Identify the safety requirements and regulatory considerations when using a new or upgraded telehealth technology.

Competency 2: Develop a collaborative technology integration strategy.

Describe the potential impact of internal and external stakeholders and end users on the acquisition of a new or upgraded telehealth technology.

Competency 3: Develop a strategy for managing technology use that enhances patient care and organizational effectiveness.

Identify the key issues in nursing care affecting patient outcomes that a new or upgraded telehealth technology will address.

Competency 4: Promote effective technology use policies that protect patient confidentiality and privacy.

Identify the patient confidentiality and privacy protections that a new or upgraded telehealth technology must address.

Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.

solved Genre and Format Adobe Spark Page/website, 750-900 words of written

Genre and Format
Adobe Spark Page/website, 750-900 words of written text, including MLA in-text citation of print sources, and a works cited page. If you use free photos made available through Spark, they are licensed for fair use, so no citations are required. If you upload videos from YouTube or other sources, you will need to add them to your works cited page. You can also upload your own photographs or videos.
Sources: 8-10 sources, minimum 5 (popular and scholarly)
By now, you have defined and narrowed your particular research question, located strong sources on your issue, and developed a solid academic argument on the issue. Your purpose for this multimodal assignment is to first research a specific public audience (rather than the academic audience that you were addressing in essay 2). Thereafter, you will develop a project that engages this public audience by presenting your issue in a way that highlights its importance, your stance on the issue, and the action that you want your audience to take on the issue. For instance, if my topic/issue this semester is gender bias, and in essay 2 I wrote about the problem of gender bias in the workplace and how it leads to discrimination and inequality in terms of salary and promotion, this assignment will be about what can be done to solve this problem.
You will need to think through the following elements of your rhetorical situation:

An Audience that has the potential to take the action you deem necessary on your issue.
A Purpose or specific action that you would like to see taken on your issue.
A compelling Context for your issue that will enable readers to understand the social importance of your argument.
Rhetorical Strategies that will move your audience to take up your call for action.
A Genre of writing (multi-modal) that will fulfill your purpose and move your specific audience.

Multimodal Composition
A multimodal text is composed by using one or more “modes” of communication such as a combination of “moving and still images, sounds, music, color, words and animations” (Takayoshi and Selfe 1). You have worked with integrating print and visual modes throughout the semester in your Spark Video Reflection journal. In choosing a blue background versus a photo on your slide, and adding print text onto that background, inserting music and recording your voice, you have really experienced what it means to engage in multimodal composition. For this assignment, I am asking you to make specific design choices by using Adobe Spark Page to convince your audience of the many ways in which the problem (from essay 2) can be solved.
Visual Design
As we will learn in class, there are several elements to effective visual design, and I will be asking you to focus on the most important of these as you develop your Public Argument.

Visual Function: A clear purpose for the text and design elements in your project. Each element will need to be “functional” rather than ornamental.
Visual Impact: visual images work with the text to create a persuasive overall effect, one that engages the viewer/reader and moves them to consider the argument.
Visual Coherence: clear and coherent connections between the visual elements of the text are connected by color, framing, font, shape, etc.
Visual Organization: visuals and text are arranged in a way that makes them easy for viewers/readers to comprehend.


Purpose and audience: Start by approaching the short assignment, which will enable you to narrow down your specific focus and audience. In any argumentative writing, you need to be clear about the audience that you are seeking to persuade because it enables you to think from their point of view and address their concerns. By a public audience, we mean any segment of the population, not just restricted to the academia. As such, when I am looking for solutions to my problem of gender bias in the workplace, my audience could be all kinds of employers who are unaware of such biases and/or unwilling to do anything about it.
Genre: Since you till be making a Spark Page, which is a website that works like a vertical scroll (like this assignment), you can start this step by posting on the discussion board about the design and color choices that you are considering. For instance, for my topic on gender bias, I might want to use colors along the pink/blue spectrum to signal the inequality in the workplace, and then switch to pink or purple as I emphasize the solutions.
Drafting: The most effective way to compose in a multimodal genre is to write out the print text in a Word document, and select images/make layout choices based on that content. So, while I have a general idea of what colors and what kind of images I will use, I will set up my writing along these lines:

Thesis (Gender bias in the workplace continues to impact the wages and wellbeing of women; unless more specific action is taken by employers, the inequality in the workplace will impact its overall productivity)
Background information (from the synthesis essay to show the prevalence of gender bias across workplaces in the US)
Summary of the problem (from the academic argument to show why it is a problem)
Analysis of several solutions (use videos, images, and scholarly sources to support your claims)
Refutation of the counterargument (workplaces are doing so much already in terms of providing training for employees; however, the practical implementation of such training has been slow and there is need for routine updates, rather than a one-time session).
Recommendation for action: what would be the best course going forward and how will it be beneficial to everyone.
Conclusion: Refer back to the thesis and emphasize the need for action and its long term benefits.
Making the Spark Page: Now that I have my content ready, I will start making the Spark Page by choosing the layout (how many split screen, how much glideshow, grid etc.). I will have a workshop session on Friday to help you create the Spark Page.

Feedback: More than any of your works this semester, the multimodal project benefits the most from peer review and any feedback that you can gather. Since your audience is more open, you can also gather feedback from friends and family, just to see if the layout works for them, what they say about your choice of colors/font etc. As always, I will also be providing feedback on the drafts.
Revision and evaluation: Like all your previous drafts, you will revise the draft on the basis of the feedback that you have received. The evaluation for this assignment counts for more points because I am hoping that you will discuss your process as well as the choices that you made in about a page. This evaluation is also your chance to justify what you did, how you went about it, and why it matters.
Submission: You will need to publish the Spark Page and then copy and paste the link in the text box. You can upload the self-evaluation page separately as a Word document.

solved Module 4:Â Application of Theory to Practice: Discuss how the

Module 4: 
Application of Theory to Practice:
Discuss how the theory might be used to support nursing practice  (clinical, education, or administration).  Include in the discussion the  purpose of the practice application and how the concept of interest  might be operationally defined in practice.  Provide an example of how  you might use the theoretical and operational definitions of your  concept of interest in your future practice or research.  Include a  potential research or practice question based on the propositions of  your theory.
Style & Format:
The paper will be written using APA standards. The paper will include  a title page (using specified format), 2-3 pages of text, and a  reference list.  It will be double-spaced, written in 12-point Times New  Roman font, and have 1-inch margins.  Professional and orderly  presentation of ideas (precision, clarity, format, headings, grammar,  spelling, & punctuation) with appropriate citation of sources in  text and reference list is required.  Up to 0.5 points will be deducted  for each type of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or format error.
Submission Instructions:
Secondary sources such as, textbooks, literature reviews, systematic  reviews, dissertations and concept analyses are NOT to be used. Only primary sources and empirical research articles are to be used for this assignment.
Submit as a Word document.
Module 4 Assignment: Application of Theory to Practice 

Module 4 Assignment: Application of Theory to Practice 
 Criteria Ratings        Pts         
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Brief discussion of purpose of practice application (20 pts) 
20                    pts                                  Clear, correct discussion (20 pts)

15                    pts                                  Correct, limited discussion (15 pts)

10                    pts                                  Identified purpose without discussion (10 pts)

5                    pts                                  Purpose does not fit with theory (5 pts)

0                    pts                                  No purpose identified (0 pts)

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Brief discussion of how concept of interest might be operationally defined in practice (20 pts) 
20                    pts                                  Clear, correct discussion operational definition (20 pts)

15                    pts                                  Correct, limited discussion of operational definition (15 pts)

10                    pts                                  Identified definition without discussion (10 pts)

5                    pts                                  Incorrect operational definition (5 pts)

0                    pts                                  No operational definition (0 pts)

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Example of how  theoretical and operational definitions of concept of interest might be  used in your future practice or research (25 pts) 
25                    pts                                  Clear, correct discussion of use of theoretical and operational definitions of concept (25 pts)

20                    pts                                  Correct, limited discussion of use of definitions (20 pts)

15                    pts                                  Correct discussion of use of theoretical or conceptual definition (not both) (15 pts)

10                    pts                                  Incorrect discussion of use of definitions (10 pts)

0                    pts                                  No discussion of use of definitions (0 pts)

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identification of potential practice question based on the propositions of the theory (25 pts) 
25                    pts                                  Clearly stated practice question congruent with theory proposition (25 pts)

20                    pts                                  Vague practice question congruent with proposition (20 pts)

15                    pts                                  Practice question with limited fit with proposition (15 pts)

10                    pts                                  Practice question with no fit with proposition (10 pts)

0                    pts                                  No practice question (0 pts)

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style &  Format (10 pts) Style includes: Professional and orderly presentation of  ideas (precision and clarity). Grammar, spelling and punctuation.  Minimal use of direct quotes (1-2 max.) Format includes: Proper use of  title page (using specified format), spacing, font, margins, and  headings. Appropriate citation of sources in text and reference list.  A  minimum of 2 references are required. Up to 0.5 points will be deducted  for each type of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or format error. Up to  two points will be deducted for poor headings /insufficient  headings/formatting 
10                    pts                                  0-2 types of errors (9-10 pts)

8                    pts                                  3-4 types of errors (8 pts)

7                    pts                                  5-6 types of errors (7 pts)

6                    pts                                  7-8 types of errors (6 pts)

0                    pts                                  > 8 types of errors (5 or less pts)

10 pts

        Total Points:                            100