solved Response to Joshua Gilliam Introduction to Evidence-Based Corrections  Overall,

Response to Joshua Gilliam
Introduction to Evidence-Based Corrections  
Overall, prison has been seen as a form of punishment to the American criminal justice system. In some instances, prison is only utilized for serious and dangerous offenders. On the other hand, there are repeat offenders who have exhausted all other options that prison only remains. As mentioned, incarceration can be used in a number of ways. One way that has played a significant role in the use of policing is the theory of deterrence. In some capacity, prison has been used as a deterrent and currently is still in use. The following paragraphs will examine the theory of deterrence. In addition, the theory of deterrence will be assessed in its application in the realm of corrections. Also, the long-term effects of deterrence can have on correctional practice will be discussed. Additionally, deterrence and correctional practice will be analyzed through a Christian worldview as it relates to the above will be discussed. Lastly, the conclusion will recap all highlights of this discussion and what recommendations should be made going forward.
Deterrence Theory
The theory of deterrence is meant to teach offenders who violate the law to desist from crime through means of punishment. In a theoretical context, deterrence places a heavy emphasis on rational choice theory (Cullen & Johnson, 2017). In other words, the authors suggest that under deterrence, people consider a cost benefit analysis when committing a criminal offense. This term is otherwise known as “hedonistic calculus.” Cullen and Johnson suggest that two things follow: either people will calculate that the risk is not worth the arrest or that they already understand the consequences that come with the territory. The authors make note that there are two types of deterrence which is specific and general deterrence. They state that specific deterrence is to deter an individual from committing future crime through criminal sanctions. In addition, general deterrence is the philosophy that other people will resist the opportunity for criminal opportunity when observing another individual be sanctioned for similar crime according to them. For example, if a third drug offense landed a person a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years, then others would either consider finding other means of finances or be more cautious of their activity at best.
Application of Deterrence within Corrections  
           The practice of deterrence has played a major role in corrections. It is a utilitarian theory which seeks to prevent as much crime as possible and maintain social order within facilities (Cullen & Johnson, 2017). With that being said, deterrence has brought along many of the get-tough on crime policies and procedures that have led to increased surveillance and security within prisons. In addition, even the programs and their requirements became more stringent. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that this approach is successful in deterrence. For example, the Scared Straight program is an infamous example of how to scare offenders straight and turn away from crime (MacKenzie, 2000). The author notes that these types of programs are not effective at reducing the risk of recidivism. At the juvenile level, these programs such as shock and bootcamps did quite the opposite in that it actually increased the risk of recidivism rather than its focus on crime prevention (Cox et al., 2018). These authors suggest that children placed in these programs were being introduced to criminogenic environments.   
Long-Term Effects of Deterrence   
           One of the most glaring issues of deterrence that can have an effect is the lack of discretion. On one hand, this can be a positive aspect as there is no discriminatory or biased practices. On the other hand, majority of criminal sanctions are fixed or determinate under the theoretical frameworks of deterrence. In other words, the circumstances surrounding offenses are not considered. Simply put, the punishment of a criminal act is based on severity, certainty and swiftness. Discretion is claimed by deterrence proponents to weaken the overall process of controlling crime (Cullen & Johnson, 2017). The authors make note that despite the nature of offense, it will carry a fixed sentence and punishment with no room for appeal. Ultimately, the long-term effect of that has been the wave of mass-incarceration. Cullen and Johnson represent this as the American correctional system has imprisoned approximately 1.5 billion offenders as it is the highest in the world. This is why the use of discretion has been exercised to provide housing relief for our overpopulated prison system.     
Christian Worldview
Throughout history, the use of detention is well documented. From a Christian perspective, there have been instances where prophets and criminals alike have awaited trial sitting behind bars. However, deterrence is meant to punish the crime and not the criminal. Scripture tells us about the true spirit of Christian love and that is “remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body” (King James Version, 1930/2016, Hebrews 13-3). The Christian perspective teach us to love the sinner and not the sin. Also, this verse teaches objectivity and compassion. For example, imagine oneself being placed behind bars and dealing with this type of suffering. One would ideally wanted to be treated fairly and not punished more so than they already have dealt with. If scholars and professionals were to adopt this Christian approach, then perhaps the system could take not necessarily a more relaxed approach but adopt a less strict theory of punishment.  
           In conclusion, the theory of deterrence does seem to be supported by traditional corrections practitioners. However, the application of deterrence and its long-term effects have otherwise shown ineffective results on controlling and deterring crime. According to evidence-based corrections, rehabilitation and cognitive behavioral programming have produced positive results in the reduction of recidivism (MacKenzie, 2017). From a Christian perspective, deterrence and correctional practice should only be used in instances for serious and dangerous offenders. Discretion should be utilized as not all cases are the same or one punishment is a universal fit for all. It is recommended that future studies continue to specifically demonstrate what works and what doesn’t in corrections.
Cox, S., Allen, J., Hanser, R., & Conrad, J. (2018). Juvenile Justice: a guide to theory, policy and practice. Sage.
Cullen, F. T., & Johnson C. L. (2017). Correctional Theory: context and consequences. Sage.
King James Bible. (2016). Christian Art Publishers. (Original work published 1930)
MacKenzie, L. D., (2000). Evidence-Based Corrections: identifying what works. Crime & Delinquency 46(4), p. 457-471. Sage.  
CJUS 703 Evidence Based Corrections.docx download 

solved . Review the mapping Note taking method2. Then read “society

. Review the mapping Note taking method2. Then read “society and the sacred”3. Complete The “Mapping Note-taking” method on ” concepts of the divine”* See the attached The “Mapping Note-taking” method I have provided. Use the template word documentE-Lecture: Society and The SacredE-Lecture: Society and The SacredSocial practices influence religion and religion influences society. In other words, society andreligion have a dynamic relationship. Religion can strengthen traditional society but it can alsobe an agent of change and reform of society.There are several types of religious communities:1. Natural religious communities are usually characterized by kin relations and there is not alarge difference between the religious and sociocultural life of the community. Natural religionsare maintained through blood, procreation, marriage, ancestor worship and rituals tend to link thefamily for generations.Natural religions can be linked by race or nationality because the people believe they share acommon ancestry, history or tradition. Often, natural religions trace their origins to a sacredhistory.2. Voluntary Religious Communities are religious communities that have a partial break with thenatural ties. The religious unity is based upon spiritual unity but also upon sacred or spiritualpower. Marriage to another believer is usually important within these communities. Instead ofrelying upon procreation for new members, voluntary religious communities rely on conversion andproselytizing. Rituals centered upon ancestors do not play a large role within these groups.2b. Founded Religions are a type of voluntary religious community but with distinctivecharacteristics. The community is usually established through a charismatic religious leader whois a witness to a new revelation or spiritual wisdom and then acts as a powerful reformer, buildingupon existing religious foundations in order to build upon his/her new revelation.Upon the death of the founder, many founded religions fail, but some survive. If the religion is tosurvive, the oral teachings must be recorded and transmitted into an established canon. Thefellowship of believers must organize themselves, establish a constitution, lines of authority,etc.The english word “church” has a Christian origin. Not all large voluntary religions haveorganizational structures similar to Christianity. What they do have in common is that they areeach concerned with doctrine, discipline, and cult, and can be called church-type organizations.All human institutions, including church-type organizations, experience stresses and strains aspeople believe and practice differently. This leads to protest, conflict and division. Protest,reform and renewal can be on an individual or collective scale.Some reforms occur and the reformer and his/her followers stay within the larger voluntarychurch-type community. Often, a smaller group within the larger group becomes concerned with thelaxity of the larger group. They do not wish to leave the larger church (ecclesia) but insteadform a small group [or little church (ecclesiola)] to be extra pious. If this protest is toopronounced or goes on too long, eventually the smaller group will probably leave and separate.Another response by someone who may need more piety within the larger church is to join a monasticorder. Within the Roman Catholic church, monasticism helped channel those who rejected the laxityof the larger group, as well as rejected the larger world, into spiritual leaders who could channeltheir gifts for the larger group.Some reformers separate altogether from the larger church, usually because 1) they have discoveredpractices and beliefs of the original church that are being overlooked now and want to go back tothe original ways, 2) they claim a new, independent revelation that stands as a challenge to boththe church and the larger society and culture. The new teachings (whether old and recovered, or anew revelation) become the new standard of the community. Often, once new teachings or revelationsare established, new teachings and revelations are forbidden.Once the reformer has gained a following, they encourage those who also believe him/her to leavethe larger community and establish and independent, separatist sect, or church.Scholars use the word “sect” to distinguish certain voluntary religious communities from others.Max Weber first noted the difference between church and sect. Since then, sociologists of religionhave worked on developing a typology of religious groups.Sects differ from churches and denominations in these ways:they tend to be exclusive• they claim to have a monopoly on religious truth• they tend to be lay-organizations that reject religious divisions of labor• rely heavily on voluntarism• demand total allegiance and membership in the sect is often the individual’s most importantmeans of personal identification.• exercises sanctions against the wayward, including expulsion• is a protest group, protesting against the larger church (that they left) but also againstthe wider culture.Some scholars have claimed that within one generation, sects turn into denominations. They citethe lack of zeal that second generation members have, the upward mobility of first generationmembers and believe that eventually sects turn into denominations.However, scholars such as Bryan Wilson, have critiqued this typology and stated that it is basedstrictly on American types of development. He points out that sometimes, sects remain sects, butdivides sects into four categories:1. conversionist sect- believe that an emotional conversion experience is needed in order totranscend the evil of the contemporary world. This is typical of fundamentalist and pentecostalgroups within Protestant Christianity, especially in America.2. revolutionist sect- believe that salvation will come soon but only with the destruction of thepresent social order. These operate mainly in less developed countries, according to Wilson.3. gnostic or manipulationist sect- sometimes called a cult, these sects fully accept what otherssee as worldly goals- health, money, success, status. New Age movements are an example of this, asis Scientology.4. utopian sect- believe that human reconstruction of the world is needed according to a divineplan. The Oneida Community in the 19th century is an example of this.The last type of religious communities is the cult, or more often called new religious movement(NRM).NRM do not conform to dominant characteristics of traditional sects, they are loose knit and amixture of beliefs and practices. They appear estranged or indifferent to older religioustraditions and many do not resemble the pattern of sectarian separation from an older church.NRM are characterized by private religious worship that is unconcerned with social issues andpublic affairs, the psychology driven culture we live in now, and an obsession for genuinecommunity.Many NRM offer therapies for believers and teach mind control, taking responsibility for one’s ownactions and promise their followers community and kinship.

solved reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be

reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 200 words and contain at least 1 reference properly cited in current Bluebook format. All posts must show integration of a biblical worldview.—————————————————————————————-Student #1In order for information to qualify as a trade secret, it can’t be known to others and efforts should be made to maintain and keep its secrecy. Trade secret means information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process that: (1) derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use, and (2) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances o maintain is secrecy. Deborah E. Bouchoux, Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets, Section 22-1a (5th ed. 2018).In Buffets, INC v. Klinke, Buffets Inc., operating as Old Country Buffets, filed suit against Paul Klinke for inappropriately using its recipes and job training manuals, which claim to be trade secrets of Buffets, Inc., for the start of their own buffet style restaurant. The main issue was determining if the trade secrets considered by Buffets, INC., were actually trade secrets. The court used the Hangman’s rule to make the decision in this case. The district court held that the recipes and job manuals were not trade secrets because the recipes were well known recipes that most all buffets use, and the job manuals were not subject to reasonable efforts to maintain their secrecy. The court of appeals affirmed the decision of the district court. The court found the trade secret status to be improper because of the Hangman’s test. Paul Klinke’s conduct was not to injure anyone else or cause a public interest impact. Hangman Ridge Training Stables, Inc., v. Safeco Title Ins. Co., 719 P.2d 531, 538 (Wash. 1986). The relationship between the two parties does not appear to be of the sort contemplated by the Hangman test.——————————-Student #2 KABA trade secret is information of a commercial nature used in the course of business that: (1) has inherent economic value derived through its usage in the commercial activities of that business; is not generally known to the general public or any other people not affiliated with the business, nor to people within the business that lack the need to know; and (3) is subject to the maintenance of heightened levels of security. (Bouchoux, 22-1a, 2012)Trade secrets law is mainly the prerogative of state law. Until recently, with the passage of the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016, trade secrets law was a Wild West with judges relying solely on common law principles. However, with the federal legislation and the trade secrets definition being incorporated into Restatement, 3rd, for adoption by several dozen state legislatures, trade secrets law is beginning to take precedential shape. (Bouchoux, 22-1b, 2012)An example of a trade secrets case is that of Buffets, Inc., et al. v. Klinke, et al., 73 F.3d 965 (1996). In this case, Buffets, Inc., and others joined to sue a few members of the Klinke family and their business in federal district court. Buffets, Inc., doing business as “Old Country Buffets,” accused the Klinke’s of misappropriating their recipes and job manual under Washington state trade secrets and consumer protections laws. The district court ruled in favor of the defendants after finding that the the recipes and job manual were not trade secrets as is defined at Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) § 19.108.010 (Definitions). The district court also ruled that Buffet, Inc., was not entitled to a consumer protection claim under Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) § 19.86.020 (Unfair competition, practices, declared unlawful).The Circuit Court held that the District Court did not err in making its determination. The rationale for this holding was in the text of the Washington state laws themselves.Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) § 19.108.010(2) (Definitions; Misappropriations) reads:”Misappropriation” means:(a) Acquisition of a trade secret of another by a person who knows or has reason to know that the trade secret was acquired by improper means; or(b) Disclosure or use of a trade secret of another without express or implied consent by a person who:(i) Used improper means to acquire knowledge of the trade secret; or(ii) At the time of disclosure or use, knew or had reason to know that his or her knowledge of the trade secret was(A) derived from or through a person who had utilized improper means to acquire it,(B) acquired under circumstances giving rise to a duty to maintain its secrecy or limit its use, or(C) derived from or through a person who owed a duty to the person seeking relief to maintain its secrecy or limit its use; or(iii) Before a material change of his or her position, knew or had reason to know that it was a trade secret and that knowledge of it had been acquired by accident or mistake.Since it was the policy of the business to allow their employees to take their job manuals home, those employees could not be held to have had any reasonable level of knowledge that the job manuals were considered trade secrets.Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) § 19.86.020 (Unfair competition, practices, declared unlawful) reads:Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce are hereby declared unlawful.It was never established definitively that the acts, practices, or methods of competition that the defendants was accused of exhibiting were, in fact, unfair or deceptive in that the recipes in question were so ordinary that they were said to be available almost everywhere in American society.Kwami Abdul-BeyREFERENCESBouchoux, Deborah E.. “Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets.” (2012).Buffets, Inc. v. Klinke, 73 F.3d 965, 1996 U.S. App. LEXIS 436, 96 Cal. Daily Op. Service 315, 96 Daily Journal DAR 507, 37 U.S.P.Q.2D (BNA) 1449 (United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, January 16, 1996, Filed), available at Unfair competition, practices, declared unlawful., Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) § 19.86.020 (Statutes current with effective legislation through c332 of the 2021 Regular Session), available at Definitions., Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) § 19.108.010 (Statutes current with effective legislation through c332 of the 2021 Regular Session), available at

solved Discussion Week 3: Describe your clinical experience for this weekDid

Discussion Week 3: Describe your clinical experience for this weekDid you face any challenges, any success?It was another very busy week in the community health clinic in West Perrine. The weather here in Miami has been very stormy and my assumption, was that less patients would arrive to the clinic. But indeed, the scheduled patients did arrive along with several walk-ins that are never turned away. My challenge this week was with a male patient who was obviously uncomfortable with me in the room. But having an established relationship with my preceptor for many years, the patient agreed to allow me to accompany them in the evaluation.Describe the assessment of a patient.S.) CC: “I am here for erectile dysfunction.” HPI: J.S. is a 61-year-old Cuban-American male who presented to the clinic with complaint of sexual dysfunction due to the inability to sustain a penile erection. He reports that for the last 5 years, he has noticed an inability to maintain an erection intermittently, but it was not bothersome until most recently. Six months ago, he reports committing to a relationship with his girlfriend and feels self-conscious and down, that he cannot perform sexually the way he used to. He states he was concerned that she is unsatisfied, and he feels embarrassed. PMH: J.S. reports a past medical history hypertension and tachycardia (2017), for which he takes lisinopril and atenolol. He also reports a history of hyperlipidemia (2012). FX: He reports a family history that is significant for paternal death at age 65 due to cardiovascular disease (CVD). His mother also passed away one year ago from respiratory complications related to Covid-19. SX: The patient reports that he is divorced and has two, healthy adult children. He admits to a 20-year, on and off again, smoking history (cigarettes) at work only (construction foreman), drinks ETOH socially 3-5 nights per weeks, and has caffeine daily. Sexual HX: Pt reports ED began 5 years ago but he attributed it to stress and lack of intimacy. He states he has never had an STI and experiences no pain with ejaculation. He reports that he is unsatisfied with his sexual performance and feels embarrassed. He has not tried any treatment for ED. Psychosocial: Pt. states he has a lot of stress with regard to his work and loss of his mother one year ago, but feels he is coping with the support of his daughters and girlfriend. He denies illicit drug use and denies any known allergies. His medications atenolol 25mg PO BID & lisinopril 20 mg daily (HTN), and atorvastin (hyperlipidemia). Health Maintenance: Pt. states his PSA screening and colonoscopy were normal one year ago. He is up to date with immunizations, including Covid-19 (Pfizer x2, 3/2021).O.) VS were within normal limits for temperature, pulse, respiration, and pulse oximetry. BP was 139/80. BMI within normal limits for height and weight. Pain level 0/10. General: 61-year-old, Cuban-American male appears healthy and in no apparent distress. He is AAOx3, well groomed, and makes good eye contact. A focused physical exam was conducted. HEENT: Normocephalic. Clear, white sclera. PERRLA. Throat without swelling or erythema. Slightly raspy voice noted, no lesions noted. Neck: Trachea midline without enlargement or pain. Chest: No gynecomastia noted. No lesions or masses bilaterally. Pulmonary: Symmetrical chest rise, with lung sounds clear to auscultation. No cough. CV: S1 S2 noted with regular rate and rhythm. No gallops or murmurs. No edema noted in upper or lower extremities. GI: Abdomen slightly rounded, with good bowel sounds x4. No tenderness appreciated, and no enlargement of spleen or liver noted. GU: Uncircumcised penis without lesions or discharge. Testicles descended bilaterally, no atrophy. Cremasteric reflex positive. No evidence of palpable masses or inguinal hernias noted. A.) Erectile dysfunction, hypertension, hyperlipidemia. Differential diagnosis includes testosterone deficiency, decreased libido, anorgasmia, diabetes mellitus (Cash & Glass, 2019).P.) This patient’s plan begins with lifestyle modifications which include increased physical activity, limiting or cessation of alcohol consumption, and complete cessation of smoking. The patient was encouraged to improve his nutrition and seek healthier coping mechanism for his work-related stress. Pt. was also offered bereavement counseling referral in relation to the loss of his mother for which he has accepted.According to Kennedy-Malone et al. (2019), diagnostic testing is not indicated specifically for drug-induced ED but performed to eliminate other possible causes of impotence. Diagnostics ordered for this patient included testing for total testosterone, free testosterone, TSH, lipid panel, serum prolactin, and diabetes screening (fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c). Pt. was made aware that ED can also be a side effect of the medications he is taking for hypertension and tachycardia (Beta-blocker). He will be referred to his cardiologist for ECG monitoring of his cardiac status and possible substitution (or weaning) of his medication as well as clearance to take a PDE-5 inhibitor. Possible referral to urologist for further evaluation may be warranted in the future.According to Cash & Glass (2019), first line drug therapy after lifestyle modification is with PDE-5 inhibitors which are shown to improve erections and successful intercourse with approximately 80% success rate. The patient was prescribed sildenafil citrate 25 mg PO to take on an empty stomach 30-60 minutes prior to sexual intercourse. Side effects were discussed with the patient and he is to continue his BP log and heart rate monitoring, as well as see his cardiologist. Pt. will follow up in 1-3 weeks to discuss effectiveness (and possible titration) and health status. Pt. was educated on emergency situations in which priapism that may last for more than 4 hours require emergent urologic attention (Hollier, 2018). What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?It was very beneficial, as a female healthcare provider, to understand and empathize with our male patients who are experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED). It can be an uncomfortable situation for them as he stated he felt embarrassed and ashamed. ED is often accompanied by low self-esteem, performance anxiety, depression, stress, and effects on one’s quality of life. I learned there are tools to assist the practitioner in assessing sexual dysfunction like the Erectile Hardness Scale (EHS) and the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), to name just two, that help to open the conversation and guide our assessment and treatment plan. ReferencesCash, J. C., & Glass, C. A. (2019). Adult-gerontology practice guidelines. Springer Publishing Company, Llc.Hollier, A. (2018). Clinical guidelines in primary care (3rd ed.). Advanced Practice Education Associates.Kennedy-Malone, L., Lori Martin Plank, & Evelyn Groenke Duffy. (2019). Advanced practice nursing in the care of older adults (2nd ed.). F.A. Davis Company.

solved As a professional nurse, you are expected to apply your

As a professional nurse, you are expected to apply your expertise to patient care. On occasion, you will also be expected to share that expertise.With evolving technology and continuous changes to regulations designed to keep up these changes, there is usually a need to share information and expertise to inform colleagues, leadership, patients, and other stakeholders.In this Assignment, you will study a recent nursing informatics-related healthcare policy, and you will share the relevant details via a fact sheet designed to inform and educate.To Prepare:Review the Resources on healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics related to health and nursing informatics.Consider the role of the nurse informaticist in relation to a healthcare organization’s compliance with various policies and regulations, such as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).Research and select one health or nursing informatics policy (within the past 5 years) or regulation for further study.The Assignment: (1 page not including the title and reference page)Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific.Use APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, and reference page.Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.Submit your completed Policy/Regulation Fact Sheet. RUBRIC Create a 1-page fact sheet that your healthcare organization could hypothetically use to explain the health or nursing informatics policy/regulation you selected. Your fact sheet should address the following:· Briefly and generally explain the policy or regulation you selected.· Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on system implementation.· Address the impact of the policy or regulation you selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.· Highlight organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at your healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation you selected. Be specific.77 (77%) – 85 (85%)A fully developed and detailed Fact Sheet is provided for the Assignment.The responses accurately and thoroughly explain in detail the policy and regulation selected.The responses accurately and thoroughly explain in detail the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation.The responses accurately and thoroughly explain in detail the impact of the policy or regulation selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.Specific and accurate responses thoroughly highlight in detail the organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at a healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation selected.Includes: 3 or more peer-reviewed sources and 2 or more course resources.68 (68%) – 76 (76%)A developed Fact Sheet is provided for the Assignment.The responses explain the policy or regulation selected.The responses explain the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation.The responses explain the impact of the policy or regulation selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow.Accurate responses highlight the organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at a healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation selected.Includes: 2 peer-reviewed sources and 2 course resources.60 (60%) – 67 (67%)A vague or inaccurate Fact Sheet is provided for the Assignment.The responses explaining the policy or regulation selected are vague or inaccurate.The responses explaining the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation are vague or inaccurate.The responses explaining the impact of the policy or regulation selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow are vague or inaccurate.The responses highlighting the organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at a healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation selected are vague or inaccurate.Includes: 1 peer-reviewed source and 1 course resource.0 (0%) – 59 (59%)A vague and inaccurate Fact Sheet is provided for the Assignment, or is missing.The responses explaining the policy or regulation selected are vague and inaccurate, or are missing.The responses explaining the impact of the policy or regulation selected on system implementation are vague and inaccurate, or are missing.The responses explaining the impact of the policy or regulation selected on clinical care, patient/provider interactions, and workflow are vague and inaccurate, or are missing.The responses highlighting the organizational policies and procedures that are/will be in place at a healthcare organization to address the policy or regulation selected are vague and inaccurate, or are missing.Includes: 1 or fewer resources.Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:Paragraphs make clear points that support well developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused–neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance.5 (5%) – 5 (5%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.4 (4%) – 4 (4%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%- 79% of the time.0 (0%) – 3 (3%)Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time.Written Expression and Formatting - English writing standards:Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation5 (5%) - 5 (5%)Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.4 (4%) - 4 (4%)Contains a few (1-2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%)Contains several (3-4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.0 (0%) - 3 (3%)Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.Written Expression and Formatting - The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running head, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.5 (5%) - 5 (5%)Uses correct APA format with no errors.4 (4%) - 4 (4%)Contains a few (1-2) APA format errors.3.5 (3.5%) - 3.5 (3.5%)Contains several (3-4) APA format errors.0 (0%) - 3 (3%)Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.Total Points: 100

solved Respond to two colleagues by doing all of the following:Identify

Respond to two colleagues by doing all of the following:Identify the stage or stages of the program to which your colleague’s selected question relates.Suggest an additional question or concern that stakeholders may have about program evaluation.Recommend an alternative model for the evaluationDB1–DavidPost a brief summary of the program that you selected. One program involves increasing the number of home visits for at-risk families. Typically, visits occur once a month, but under this program, the social work checks in every two weeks. The program also connects at-risk families to services designed to repair the family as well as address individual needs. Many parents are suffering with substance abuse issues or domestic issues that are addressed separately from the family. The social worker coordinates services to support improved family outcome. Recommend a program evaluation model that would answer a question relevant to the program. Program evaluation is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer questions about the effectiveness of social work programs (Logan & Royse, 2010). Outcome evaluation are designed to determine if the program reached its goals. The goal in this program is to repair the at-risk family. The at-risk family involves poverty, violence, addiction, unemployment, and mental health issues. These issues heighten the risk for child abuse and neglect. The research question in this case is “does the program reduce the risk for child abuse and neglect?” When performing an evaluation, a quasi or experimental design can be used to determine it effectiveness. A control and intervention group are used to determine if there was any change on the intervention group. Explain the potential benefits of the program evaluation that you proposed (both process and outcome). The proposed outcome model will benefit the evaluation because it will help determine if the goals of the program have been met. Understanding the outcomes is key to determining the programs ability to serve the population. If the program does not meet the intended goals, it can be the result of the process. The evaluation provides an opportunity to determine if the program meets goals and if not what needs to be changed to meet the goals (Dudley, 2014). Identify 2–3 concerns that stakeholders might have about your proposed evaluation and how you would address those concerns. Outcome evaluations are beneficial for understanding if the program is working. Even though this approach is beneficial for yielding important answers, stakeholders could have concerns about this approach. For one, it does not yield information on the impact or direct information on what is failing in the process. Outcome evaluations are formative. They can be used throughout the program. This will help understand what is failing in the program. Secondly, stakeholders would be concerned about any potential ethical implications involved with working with at-risk families. Then explain 2–3 concerns that stakeholders may have about your proposed program evaluation and how you would address those concerns. The proposed program evaluation is a quasi-experimental design using a cohort study. One concern is the at-risk families in the control groups would not have access to the program. this can create ethical implications. To address the concerns, the families not in the program will still be monitored using traditional social work practice. The second concern is what criteria will be used to judge program effectiveness and the expected standards of performance. To address this concern, the criteria should be established prior to the evaluation. ReferencesDudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.Logan, T. K., & Royse, D. (2010). Program evaluation studies. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp. 221–240). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)Copyright 2010 by Sage Publications, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.DB2–EmilyThe program that I chose is the Treatment Alternative for Sexualized Kids (TASK) program at a local non-profit organization here in the Charlotte Mecklenburg area. The TASK program model is a treatment model designed to meet the complex needs of youth who have caused sexual harm. Problem sexual behavior can be symptomatic of underlying mental health issues, including trauma and dysregulation. Youth who cause sexual harm or engage in sexually problematic behavior come from a variety of backgrounds and are often involved with the justice system. Many times, these youth and their families are unable to find adequate treatment that serves their individualized needs and circumstances.TASK services are provided by highly qualified, licensed staff specifically trained in the TASK model of care. The Average length of service is 9-12 months. Treatment occurs primarily through an in-home, outpatient model that provides structured family, individual and group therapy, with an emphasis on safety planning. All youth receive a Comprehensive Evaluation of Sexual Harm (CESH) TASK serves youth ages 8 to 20 who have a history of sexual harm, are adjudicated of a sexual offense, are experiencing dysregulation that is influencing sexually problematic behaviors requiring development of skills related to self-regulation, communication, healthy sexuality, family conflict, school behavior problems, peer relations, or risk management. The youth that successfully complete the program are less likely to offend and more likely to report the abuse of others.It is essential that the evaluator has a firm understanding of the short- and long-term objectives of the evaluation (Kellogg Foundation). Concerns that stake holders might have is will there be a visible change in the child behavior and how the safety planning will benefit the child. The TASK model works with the child and their families to assist the child in altering their way of thinking when they feel like acting out sexually. The team will work with all parties involved to gather information and inform he child as to why their behavior is un acceptable and unsafe. The safety plan with take account for the child whereabouts at all times. The safety plan also requires that the parent be involved in the treatment process and know where the child is at times. The stake holders may have some concerns with the CESH; however, they will notify that the CESH is a way to determine if they are really a good fit for the TASK program. It a full background history of the kids as well as the parents to see where the problematic behavior began.Children’s Hope Alliance. (2020). Task Services (Treatment Alternative for Sexualized Kids). Retrieved from…W.K. Kellogg Foundation. (2017). The step-by-step guide to evaluation: How to become savvy evaluation consumers. Retrieved from…

solved For this task I am considering PubG a mobile based

For this task I am considering PubG a mobile based MMOG game. A. General Social Issues: 1) What is the purpose of the MMOG? A massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) is a form of video-game that allows a large number of people to play at the same time over the internet. These games are typically set in a shared environment that the player can join after buying or downloading the game software. Many game designers have integrated online multiplayer modes into many typically single-player games as a result of the exponential growth of MMOGs. The MMOG allows users to build custom avatars and communicate with them through audio and visual imagery. Battlegrounds is a player versus player shooter game in which up to 100 players compete in a battle royale, a form of large-scale last man standing death-match in which players compete to be the last one standing. Players will join the match as a solo, duo, or small team of up to four players. The match is won by the last individual or team standing. Every match begins with players parachuting from a plane onto one of four maps, each of which has an area of approximately 8 8 kilometres (5.0 5.0 mi), 6 6 kilometres (3.7 3.7 mi), and 4 4 kilometres (2.5 2.5 mi). The plane’s flight path across the map changes with each round, necessitating rapid decision-making on when to eject and parachute to the ground. Players begin with no equipment other than personalised clothing choices that have no effect on gameplay. After landing, players can search houses, ghost towns, and other locations for guns, cars, armour, and other objects. At the start of a match, these objects are procedurally distributed across the map, with higher-risk areas usually having better equipment. Killed players may also be looted for their gear. Players can choose to play in first-person or third-person mode, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages in battle and situational awareness; however, server-specific settings can be used to push all players into one viewpoint, eliminating any advantages.2- What kinds of conversations are supported? Via audio, text, one to one, one to many, and many to many. PUBG Mobile has an in-game voice channel with controls to switch off the microphone or speakers for voice, as well as change the volume levels. The controls can be found under settings > audio. If you wouldn’t want to listen to any nonsense, simply turn it off. When you begin the match, you can also toggle your own microphone as well as the voices of other players on and off. You can silence a specific player starting with version 6, but you can’t disable text chat for your entire squad. 3- How is awareness supported of the others in the MMOG? The players are shown on a map interface. As a result, you can see your own position as well as the positions of other online users. It is possible to listen in on other people’s conversations when they’re not having a private conversation.4-What kinds of social protocols and conventions are used? Talks are initiated in a manner much like real-world interactions in comparison with other kinds of text-based discussions. As in real life, users are aware of their presence in the game. The avatars created by the players can be seen by others.5-What kinds of awareness information are provided?Visual prompts and triggers, audio, in-world dialogue boxes, control panels, and situational details such as telling you where you are and preventing you from accessing those restricted areas/if you do not have an invite. The red zone, that is an artillery barrage, is also depicted on the map. When you’re in the red zone, there seems to be a fair chance you’ll be struck, though if you’re in a house, you’ll be fine.6- Does the mode of communication and interaction seem natural or awkward?If you get used to it, the method of communication appears reasonably normal, but obviously, you must get used to it! If you’re shy and awkward in real life, this Could be a way to fix it, or it could be the same!7. How do players coordinate their actions in the game?When you arrive on the island, you can organize your landing zone by accessing the map and pressing to remove a marker. Otherwise, you’ll waste half the match trying to meet up. Continue to place markers to guide players in the same position during the game. If you’re not together, the locations of your squad will be labeled on the map and in your UI, making it easy to find your way back to them. B. Specific interaction design issues.1. What form of interactions and communication is supported, e.g. text/audio/video?The following modes of interaction and communication are supported: Text, audio, instant messaging, and the Virtual World all allow for the development of art installations and personalised venues for socialising among specific interest groups. Users can certainly continue their interactions outside of the Virtual World if they wish; many have done so by developing additional web-based pages, posting to related blog forums, and publishing art, music, and literature on specialist websites.2. What other visualizations are included? What information do they convey?The map also depicts the red zone, which is an artillery barrage. When you’re in the red zone, there’s a decent chance you’ll be hit, but if you’re in a building, you’ll be fine. The light blue zone shows that you are far away from the center of the game and in case you stay in the light blue zone your life will be lessened so you go to the main battle zone to get into action.3. How do users switch between different modes of interactions, e.g. exploring and chatting? Is the switch seamless?Many of the guns are adaptable, and holographic sights and scopes make reaching the target much easier. At the start of the game, manually catch any sights or scopes you come across so they can be attached to the guns you collect. In the game, you can easily switch between weapon scopes. Although you could always do this in the inventory, if you go to settings > scope, you’ll see a “fast scope turn” option. This helps you to switch between scopes with a single button click. That means you can quickly and easily turn that 6x scope from your sniper rifle to your assault rifle.4. Are there any social phenomena that occur specific to the context of the MMOG that wouldn’t happen in face-to-face settings?People prefer to unleash their inner demons in sports, which they may not be able to do in real life. As a consequence, many people simply come to annoy other players for the sake of annoyance.C. Design Issues1. What other features might you include in the MMOG to improve communication, coordination and collaboration?Allowing users to choose their own moods and emotions. A individual who wants to communicate will assess the responses of the other player in this manner. Because of personal problems, we can seem rude to others at times.References:1.… -play-blue-wall-white-red-circle-map-weapon-vehicle-inventory-air-drop 2.…

solved For this assignment you will need to find a drug

For this assignment you will need to find a drug or medical product/device that is FDA approved (or was FDA approved at some point in time) and has been subjected to litigation claims that the drug or medical product/device caused harm to patients that used the product or device.The goal of the assignment is to have you work your way through the FDA approval and post-approval processes, and then see how the processes and the information from the processes is incorporated (or not) into litigation.To complete this paper, you will need to do outside research to find a drug or medical product/device that was approved by the FDA and that was subsequently subjected to litigation. There are a number of resources that you can use to find a drug or medical product/device. One resource is Westlaw to search for cases involving drugs or medical products/devices. There are a variety of databases that will provide information about cases involving drugs or medical products/devices.
There are also some internet websites that may have helpful information including:
The Findlaw website regarding prescription drug litigation
PBS Frontline webpage listing prescription drugs that were FDA approved and later withdrawn from the market due to safety problems
The FDA’s webpage on recalls and safety alerts:
After you find your drug or medical product/device, you need to perform the following tasks and answer the following questions:
Question #1
Go to the FDA website for Drug or Product/Device approvals. Review the approval documents and labeling for the drug or product/device and answer these questions:
1.What side effects, adverse reactions, or possible risks or dangers associated with the use of the drug or product/device were noted in the approval or in the labeling of the drug or product/device?
2.What did the FDA require the manufacturer to do about them (i.e. conduct post-approval studies, provide warnings, etc.)?
3.Do you think the FDA’s approval requirements (the studies, warnings, etc.) seemed to address the possible side effects, adverse reactions, or possible risks or dangers that the FDA was aware of at the time it approved the drug?
Question #2
Search the internet (including the FDA’s website) and other sources (like news articles, etc.) and gather information about the problems that started to develop with the use of the drug or product/device after FDA approval. Answer these questions:
1.What problems started to develop with the use of the drug or medical product/device?
2.What harm or injuries were the problems causing patients?
3.Were the problems the same or similar to the side effects, adverse reactions, or possible risks or dangers associated with the use of the drug or product/device that the FDA was aware of when it approved the drug?
Question #3
Search the FDA’s website and you may want to search other sites as well and answer these questions:
1.Did the FDA issue any recalls, warning letters, safety alerts, Dear Doctor letters, labeling changes, or take any form of post-approval action regarding the problems noted in question 2?
2.If so, explain what the FDA did and whether you think the action(s) was sufficient to address the problems that the FDA was aware of at the time. Are there any additional actions you think the FDA should have taken?
3.If the FDA did not take any action, explain what you think the FDA should have done given its authority in this area.
Question #4
Find a court case regarding the drug or medical product/device and answer these questions:
NOTE: one case may have a number of reported decisions and sometimes the reported decisions on Westlaw or a court database will involve preliminary or collateral issues like jurisdiction, standing, intervention, experts, class action status, etc. You can use these decisions as long as you are able to answer the questions. You may need to find a decision that deals with a substantive issue regarding the plaintiff’s liability claims in order to answer the questions. Westlaw now often has the parties’ pleadings from the case online and you may need to review those documents to answer some of the questions if the information is not in the decision.
1.What is the decision(s) about? In other words, what issue or issues does the decision discuss and resolve and what is the court’s reasoning in resolving the issue(s).
Provide a citation for the decision(s) and be sure to address the following:
A.What were the plaintiff’s claims in the lawsuit (failure to warn, design defect, manufacturer defect)?
B.What were the defendant’s defenses to the claims?
2.What role if any did the FDA’s actions play in the litigation? For this question, be sure to address the following:
A.What arguments, if any, the plaintiff and defendant made regarding the FDA’s actions. For example, did the plaintiff assert that the FDA’s post-approval administrative actions demonstrate that the product was defective, or did the defendant assert that FDA approval shows that the product is not defective, etc.?
B.Describe how the court addressed and resolved the arguments regarding the FDA’s actions. If the court did not address and resolve the arguments, describe how you think the court should have resolved them based on the arguments that were made and what you have learned about these topics in class.
C.What do you think about the parties’ arguments and the court’s resolution of the arguments? Were they consistent with what you learned in class regarding regulatory standards and products liability and related topics like preemption?
3.If the FDA’s actions were not mentioned in the decisions or the parties pleadings, then discuss what arguments could be made given the facts of the case and how the court should have resolved them based on the arguments that were made and what you have learned about these topics in class.
Question # 5
Review the information you have put together to answer the prior questions and answer these questions:
1.If you were to think about all of the information you gathered in the prior questions and throughout this course as describing a process that begins with FDA approval and ends with litigation, how well do you think the current process works to prevent harm to consumers and to provide redress to those who are harmed?
2.What changes do you think could improve the process?
3.What do you think about the role that litigation plays in the process of ensuring the safety of drugs or medical products/devices? In answering this question consider:
A.Whether litigation and the potential remedies from litigation such as monetary damages or punitive damages provide any incentive for drug and medical product/device manufacturers to make safe drugs and products/devices.
B.Whether litigation provides a sufficient or satisfactory remedy to those that are injured by drugs.
C.Are there other options are there besides litigation that might work better?

solved Outline of Final EssayYou must include the following (in a

Outline of Final EssayYou must include the following (in a single file):- a title for your paper that shows clearly the topic you are examining- a revised version of your abstract- a revised version of your references at the end of your outlineAfter your title, the outline should include the following elements:1. Your revised abstract as the opening paragraph (this is standing in for your introduction)2. A clear set of headings for 2 to 4 sections (showing how you will organize your paper), in addition to “introduction and conclusion”Think of each of these headings as sub-titles for each sub-section of your paper. Although it is ok to include “introduction” and “conclusion”, the most important thing is to think carefully about the substantive sections of your paper. Each heading should be a few words long, not just a single word or two3. Within each sub-heading, write about two or three sentences explaining what exactly it is that you will cover in this section, and how this sets up your argument. You can also include a sentence that indicates which references you expect to use in that section (you don’t need to write the full reference here, just cite it by the last name of the author and year of publication, e.g. Oliveira 2019).4. Make sure that at least one of these sections (usually the last one before the conclusion) is explicitly dedicated to your own argument of what a political ecology approach to this topic critiques, reveals, and/or recommends.*****************Here is are two BAD examples of an outline (this is what you should NOT do):Example 1:IntroductionAgriculture and industrySoil pollutionPolicy recommendationsConclusion(This is a BAD example because it does not actually help you develop your structure and argument much at all, and does not show me anything to help you prepare and advance your research paper. It also shows no evidence of how your essay is comparing political ecology and other approaches to this problem.)Example 2:IntroductionI will argue that soil pollution is a major global problem, and that we need to get more people well educated to solve this problem. In this paper, I will list all the ways that soil pollution happens, and recommend solutions for each type of problem.Agriculture and industry- fertilizer- livestock manure- erosion- toxic chemicals- plastics and e-waste- municipal solid wastePolicy recommendations- education- government regulations(Although this is slightly better than the first bad example, this is STILL INADEQUATE because it simply lists out more keywords without developing the structure of the paper, showing what references you will use, and most importantly, it does not actually provide a political ecology approach (“more education” is not a political ecology approach, at least not without going further to discuss why people are not well educated about this in the first place, and what it would take to change the education system so that people could become better educated about this), and it also does not show how a mainstream approach is being compared and contrasted with a political ecology approach – remember, the point is not to make “policy recommendations”, but to identify the differences between political ecology and other common approaches to environmental problems.*************This is a GOOD example of what a suitable outline SHOULD look like:Name: Gustavo OliveiraDate: Feb 18, 2020Course: IS 106A: Global Political EcologyAssignment: Outline of Final EssayTitle: Profits, not overpopulation, are the real driver of soil pollution1. IntroductionIn this paper, I will examine the problem of soil pollution using a political ecology approach. I will focus on the specific issue of soil pollution from agriculture, since that is one of the main sources of soil pollution. In the first part of this paper, I will show the mainstream explanations of soil pollution from agriculture as resulting from the excessive application of chemical fertilizers and the excessive demand for meat consumption. This mainstream explanation identifies the problem, but attributes its main drivers to overpopulation, the idea that there are too many people in the world now, and people are consuming too much meat, which is why we must rely on chemical fertilizers and factory farms to feed the world. In the second part of the paper, I will show what a political ecology approach reveals, shifting the examination from overpopulation to the forms of agricultural production based on chemical fertilizers and factory farms for livestock. In this political ecology account, it is the commodification of food and farming that drive soil pollution, not overpopulation. In the conclusion, I show how my argument focused on agricultural soil pollution can lead to a reevaluation of soil pollution more generally, and a broader critique of mainstream views based on false neo-Malthusian ideas of overpopulation causing resource scarcity and environmental degradation. (This would be a revised abstract from the assignment previously submitted)2. The mainstream (neo-Malthusian) view of agricultural soil pollutionIn this section, I will draw on the journal articles of Smith (2005), Wang (2010), and Kramer (2012) to describe how modern agriculture and factory farms cause soil pollution. I will then use the articles by Borlaug (2000) and Yuan (1995) to show the mainstream explanation of these problems, as rooted in a neo-Malthusian idea of overpopulation. This will include a discussion of the “green revolution”, especially the use of chemical fertilizers, and also a discussion of growing meat consumption, drawing on the chapters by Smith (2005) and Wang (2010).3. The political ecology of agricultural soil pollutionIn this section, I will draw on the book chapters and journal articles by Foster and Magdoff (2002), Patel (2013), and Guthman (2004) to critique the mainstream view outlined above. I will explain how reliance on chemical fertilizers and the unsustainable concentration of livestock in factory farms are two sides of the same coin, and that these transformations have taken place due to farmers seeking greater profits from their production. I will also argue that these farmers are not necessarily greedy, but pressured by a system in which their agricultural inputs are commodified, and in which they have to generate cash income to pay for growing expenses (like land rentals, hybrid seeds, new machinery, etc.). I will also show that consumption of agricultural products is highly uneven between countries, and between rich and poor people within countries. In the end, I will argue it is not population pressure, but the pursuit of profit that drives these farming practices that pollute the soil.4. ConclusionI will briefly argue that my argument can also be expanded to apply to other forms of soil pollution, and broader critiques of neo-Malthusian views regarding resource depletion and environmental degradation.References:Guthman (2004)…. etc.etc. (This would be a revised list of references from the assignment previously submitted.)

solved Product Pricing RecommendationIntroductionThis portfolio work project will help you to

Product Pricing RecommendationIntroductionThis portfolio work project will help you to assess a request, complete an analysis to understand the impact on an organization, provide a recommendation, and communicate that recommendation.ScenarioThe Acme Pickle Company has distributed pickles under the “Florida’s Best” brand for eight years from its production facility in Jacksonville, Florida. It sells the pickles to stores in the southeastern United States. Acme normally produces between 8,000 and 10,000 cases of pickles a month but has the capacity to produce 12,000 cases without adding equipment or personnel.The owner of a twenty-store supermarket chain in Wisconsin, called Super Deals, visits friends in Florida and is impressed with the quality of “Florida’s Best” pickles. He approaches you, an Acme Pickle account manager, with an offer to buy 2,000 cases of pickles to use in a special promotion at his stores. He is thinking of something such as:”Free jar of Florida’s Best pickles with every purchase of forty dollars or more—this month only!”He offers Acme a price of $9.50 per case, knowing that it is a very substantial discount from the normal selling price of $20 a case. Acme’s management is inclined to turn the offer down, because their cost is calculated at $10.00 a case. They believe they would lose money if they sold at $9.50 a case. You, on the other hand, believe that some errors have been made in the cost accounting.Your RoleYou are the account manager for Acme Pickles.RequirementsYour analysis for the Controller and Sales Manager is needed to suggest a different way of calculating the pricing of the pickles that may be lower. As part of your analysis, address the following items:Explain why some production costs are variable and some are fixed.Analyze the benefit of recalculating the cost of pickle production.How would you recalculate it?What would the result be?What is the benefit to the company of recalculating the cost?Analyze how financial accounting of production cost differs from managerial accounting of production cost.Explain the difference between the two accounting methods.Identify the benefits and drawbacks of each method.Recommend a plan of action to management regarding Super Deals’ offer.Below is the cost report for a recent month. In this month, Acme produced 9,000 cases and sold them at $20 per case, which is Acme’s normal selling price. Nine thousand cases are well beyond Acme’s break-even point, enabling Acme to record a substantial profit at the nine-thousand-case level.Acme Pickle Company Cost ReportItemCostCucumbers$15,000Spices and vinegar11,000Jars and lids10,000Direct labor, paid by the case30,000Line supervisors, on salary10,000Depreciation on factory10,000Property taxes on factory3,000Insurance on factory1,000Total Costs:$90,000Cost per case (9,000 cases produced) $10.00Deliverable FormatYour team lead wants to share this analysis across remote locations of the organization and is hoping you will set the standard for how analyses and decisions of this type should be presented and supported. Your team has requested either a recorded presentation (including slides and notes) or a presentation and supporting reporting that can be distributed as a model. Prepare a presentation of at least 9 slides using PowerPoint or software of your choice detailing your recommendation and the information you used to make your recommendation. You can either record the presentation or prepare a separate report supporting the presentation.If you choose to record your presentation, you may use Kaltura Media or another technology of your choice that produces a shareable URL.Recommendation requirements:Presentation slides:Create at least 9 slides detailing your recommendation and the information you used to make your recommendation.Include additional details as slide notes.Supporting information. Choose one of the following options:Record your presentation.Create a 2–3 page report to support your slides.Related company standards:The recommendation report is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.In addition to the presentation or report materials, include:Title (slide or page).References (slide or page).Appendix with supporting materials.At least two APA-formatted references.EvaluationBy successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Explain how accounting concepts and practices impact financial reporting.Explain why some production costs are variable and some are fixed.Competency 2: Apply principles of accounting to assess financial performance.Analyze how financial accounting of production cost differs from managerial accounting of production cost.Competency 3: Analyze accounting information to support business decisions.Analyze the benefit of recalculating the cost of pickle production.Recommend a plan of action to management.Competency 4: Communicate financial information with multiple stakeholders.Communicate accounting information clearly.Your course instructor will use the scoring guide to review your deliverable as if they were the Controller or Sales Manager. Along with reviewing the content, they will also review the way you present this content. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assignment.Production and Price DecisionsWhirlpool has been involved in a trade dispute with South Korean manufacturers LG and Samsung, alleging that they are being unfairly harmed by the South Korean companies. Whirlpool claims that Samsung and LG are using unfair trade practices by illegally undercutting prices on washing machines sold in the United States by selling the units for less than their production cost.For this week’s discussion, prepare 4–5 paragraphs about this dispute. Consider for your post:How can Samsung and LG profit by selling their products for less than production cost?What remedies do you think the International Trade Commission (ITC) will recommend?Imagine you are selling a product, which currently has no tariff, to Canada or Mexico. How could you sell to Canada or Mexico for much less than the sales price in the United States and still make a profit? Discuss how some U.S. companies may suffer unforeseen negative consequences if a tariff on washing machines is imposed. What companies may be hurt, and how? Are you aware of any U.S. products that are known to be sold for less in foreign countries than the United States? If so, mention them in your posting.The following articles provide in-depth information about the dispute.Yu, R. (2017, June 1). Whirlpool says LG, Samsung dumping washers: Appliance maker asks Trump administration for import barriers. USA Today, B4.Packard, C., & Arnold, B. (2017, October 17). Broken trade laws and rising protectionism: Whirlpool fights imports, but who are they really helping? The Examiner.