solved IntroductionIn 2012, Psychologist Heather Butler studied the importance that critical

IntroductionIn 2012, Psychologist Heather Butler studied the importance that critical thinking plays in our everyday lives. “Critical thinking is not just the new buzzword in education. Critical thinking involves real outcomes that can be measured, predicted, and—perhaps for the negative life events—avoided” (Butler, 2012, p. 725).In 2013, studies by Grossmann, Varnum, Kitayama, and Nisbett concluded that wise reasoning, rather than intelligence, was a predictor of well-being. In 2017, Dr. Butler and her colleagues, referencing the Grossmann study and based on their own research, determined that the ability to think critically was a better predictor of effective life decisions than was intelligence (Butler, Pentoney, & Bong, 2017).Initial Post InstructionsFor the initial post, address the following:Do you agree that wisdom/critical thinking is a better predictor of well-being than intelligence? To answer, you will have to define what the following terms mean for you:Critical thinkingWisdomIntelligenceWell-beingReflect on what you read in the text this week. Think of the people you know.Are the good people smart?Are the smart people good?How do you define “good”? How do you define “smart”?Can we use our intelligence to become “good”? If yes, how? If no, why not?1apa cited resource

solved In the 1997 case of University and Community College System

In the 1997 case of University and Community College System of Nevada v Farmer, Farmer was initially awarded $40K in damages for violation of the Equal Pay Act. The university won an appeal in front of the State of Nevada’s Supreme Court. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case, leaving the lower court’s verdict in place. Defend or critique the finding of the Nevada Supreme Court using a deontological or teleological approach.
The WatchMark-Comnitel Corporation has undergone significant changes since their case of outsourcing. They were renamed Vallent Corporation, and later were acquired by IBM. This shows the competitive nature of the software industry. Based on this knowledge, examine the outsourcing actions taken by Watchmark-Comnitel from the deontological and teleological perspectives.
Present an argument that it is easier for employers to comply with diversity legislation in Canada than it is in the United States.
Select a source of media as outlined in Exercises in Media Diversity. Comment on the questions listed in the textbook for the media option you selected.

Harvey, Carol P., Allard, M. June. (2014). Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises, (6th Ed). Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0133548198

Section V Introduction
Essays 37 – 44

solved Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology question and need

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Part II of AI Hypothetical StrikeResource: Automotive Inc. Case StudyRefer back to what you learned in PS390: Intro to Industrial and Organizational Psychology about training and development, recruitment and appraisals. Approach this assignment as an industrial and organizational psychology professional that is to advise and help the management and employees at AI following the hypothetical strike.For Part II of your case study, you will examine the training needs of the AI employees. You will write a 3–4-page expository essay (excluding cover page and reference page) that looks at the employee needs due to job relocation, hiring new employees and employee challenges.Include the following in your essay:Identify training needs for front-line supervisors and employees.Describe the goals and objectives of the training you identified.Consider the impacts and needs of employees who have had to relocate due factory or division closures.Consider the impacts and needs of employees who have been impacted by a new influx of employees into factories or divisions that are still operational.Provide the pros and cons for creating a gateway for temporary employees to become permanent employees.

solved Contenidos principales: Los Derechos Humanos y El Feminismo.Documentales: “Nuestros Des

Contenidos principales: Los Derechos Humanos y El Feminismo.Documentales: “Nuestros Desaparecidos” y “Nosotras, Centroamericanas”Canción: “Todas juntas,Todas Libres” por Gaby Baca, Clara Grun y Elsa BasilObras de Teatro: “La Mujer que Cayó del Cielo” de Víctor Hugo Rascón1. Documental “Nuestros Desaparecidos” (link en el syllabus)a. Leer las citas y dar tu interpretación personal con relación a los desaparecidos en Argentina y el impacto en la historia. (p. 151)b. Hablar sobre los desaparecidos y sus historias individuales. (pp. 148-150)c.Hablar sobre el impacto en la audiencia del formato del documental con entrevistas a sobrevivientes, familiares y amigos de los desaparecidos, imágenes reales de archivo, la voz narradora, el sonido de fondo, etc.CAPÍTULO 7: FeminismoCONTENIDO: 1. Documental “Nosotras, Centroamericanas” (link en el syllabus)a. Hablar sobre los diferentes personajes, las organizaciones, testimonios, historias presentadas en el documental. (pp 206-208)b. Leer las citas sobre documental y dar tu interpretación personal con relación al tema de la violencia y discriminación contra las mujeres. (p. 209)c. Analizar y reflexionar sobre el impacto de las primeras escenas, imágenes y acciones presentadas en la primera parte del documental.

solved Please read The Below FirstI’m looking for someone who does

Please read The Below FirstI’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Heroetc.Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.I have word documents attached with the instructions.Then let me know. Thank you.Subjects are:Criminal JusticeText books that are used for this class: Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 5th EditionISBN-13: 978-1452242569Reference:Yin, R. K. (2013). Case Study Research: Design and Methods (5th ed.). Sage Publications.Your answers will be original?The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?Please answer:1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.2. Your answers will be all original?3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.

solved 01 | 08 – Gilgamesh’s Hero’s JourneyObjective: Determine themes (or

01 | 08 – Gilgamesh’s Hero’s JourneyObjective: Determine themes (or central ideas) and analyze development, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account.Gilgamesh is the first hero we know of. Many have been told about since. They all fit a similar pattern. After viewing the video below keep reading and answer the assignment questions.Take a moment and reflect on this concept of the Hero Journey. Each of us is supposed to see ourselves in this journey. That is why it has such a universal appeal across time, culture, gender, etc. We are each the hero of our own story.AssignmentHow does Gilgamesh fit this pattern? Explain his journey along the hero’s path in your submission below. Make sure you focus on the following areas:Extraordinary BirthCall to ActionAvoidance of the CallGuardian/GuideThresholdTrialsDecisive VictoryReturnThis essay/presentation must be thorough and explain each stage with examples from the story. You should also include your own commentary about how well you think that stage fits a particular area. Feel free to include images that help identify your stage or part of the story.Include support for why you think Gilgamesh was a hero or not. Also, what type of qualities do you think might be added to this list to identify heroes?

solved Please watch the video then answer the question.Andrew Jackson’s brand

Please watch the video then answer the question.Andrew Jackson’s brand of government was very different from those leaders who came before him. What made him different? What was the appeal? What parallels can you draw from the Jacksonian “era” to our former presidential administration?Answer the question and remember to follow all discussion guidelines per the syllabus.10 points: The discussion posting demonstrates excellent understanding of the material by completely answering the entire discussion question, and considers the implications of the question. Posting gives thoughtful analysis. Posting has excellent synthesis of material with proper citation where appropriate.8-9 points: Posting demonstrates an above average understanding of the material by completely answering entire discussion question. The posting gives good analysis. Posting attempts to synthesize materialwith proper citation where appropriate.6-7 points: Discussion posting only answers the question by doing the bare minimum required. Offers little to no analysis.4-5 points: Discussion posting is below average. Does not meet the minimum requirements. No analysis, nor synthesis.1-3 points: Posting is an attempt to merely complete the assignment. Summation or regurgitation ofthe reading and/or other students’ posts.

solved Death and Dying This assignment has three parts: 1) Research

Death and Dying
This assignment has three parts: 1) Research and summarize an Advance Directive, 2) share your reaction to the Advance Directive, and 3) provide your opinion about Advance Directives. Write three paragraphs, as follows:
Summary (150 words minimum)
Research and locate an example of an Advance Directive form. Find a blank form, not just an article about Advanced Directives, unless there’s a blank form attached to it. Be sure to review the Research Help materials. Summarize the Advance Directive, and identify whether it is Substantive or Proxy. In the Works Cited, be sure to include your Advanced Directive, properly formatted including its title, date of publication, and link.
Reaction (150 words minimum)
Share your reaction to the Advance Directive. What was something that surprised you, or that you found interesting? How do you feel about the kind of information the form asks for? Is there something you agree with, or something that should be handled differently?
Opinion (150 words minimum)
Share your opinion of Advanced Directives, in general. Is having an Advanced Directive a good idea, or is there a better alternative? Do you believe Advance Directives are important? Why or why not?
Use the Dropbox Grading Criteria to help guide your completion of this assignment.

solved write a compare and contrast short essay about The Emperor

write a compare and contrast short essay about The Emperor Triumphant and The Justinian Mosaic. The comparison essay should answer the question, “How are objects similar?” and “How are objects different?” The key to a good compare and contrast essay is to organize the sentences by theme where both works of art are discussed all the way through. What are the themes? You can choose any of the formal qualities – such as style, material, size, use of line, etc. that you already read about in Assignment #6 (Week 1 Module). You also should include a discussion of the objects’ functions and meanings. So what was the object used for? who used it? where was it originally located? who was supposed to see or not see the works?The essay should be at least two pages in length, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins. **Remember, the most important thing is to discuss the works together. So for example, if you make a point that the subject matter is similar – you need to explain why that is important and talk about both works together. Or if the subject matter is different – why is it different? what is being portrayed in each work? Here are the links that will help you compare and contrast the two:

solved Over the last three and a half weeks you have

Over the last three and a half weeks you have been learning about the business side of sport and recreation.  Now it is time for you to showcase what you have learned. For your final exam you are to complete the following:
You are to pick one of the following:
1) Your own brand/company (representing yourself)
2) A brand/company (e.g., Nike/National Park Service)
Once you have picked one you are to create a strategic management plan to generate a revenue stream. For this project you are concentrating on one revenue stream. Within your strategic management plan you must include the following:
1) Identify is the brand/company along with background information (one page approximately) with the mission statement, vision statement, what the company/brand stands for.
2) Identify the revenue stream and the need for it. Do not forget the need as it may be the most important part of this project (one page approximately).
3) Create short term and long term SMART goals. Make sure you are specific as possible using dates, dollar amounts and details (one page approximately).
4) Complete a competitor analysis. Who in the market is already doing this? What will make your revenue stream stand out (one page approximately).
5) Conclusions and wrap up. Make your final pitch to me. (about half a page).