Guidelines for Preparation of an Informative Abstract
An abstract is a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, and reviews the writing’s contents in abbreviated form.
An informative abstract is an abbreviated version of a journal article- no longer than 1 single-spaced page, or approximately 10% of the original article. Abstracts should contain enough detail to allow the reader to understand and use the information.Â
Reliable professional journals are the preferred souce for selection of articles for abstracts. The following are some guidelines for writing an informative abstract:
Cite bibliographic information at the top of the page. Carefully follow this example:
Misra, S., Daly, B., Dunne, S., Millar, B., Packer, M. & Asimakopoulou, K. (2013). Dentist-patient communication: What do patients and dentists remember following a consultation? Implications for patient compliance. Patient Prefer Adherence, 7(1), 543-549. http://doi: 10.2147/PPA.S43255
Note that the bibliographic citation is not double spaced (as in APA style)
Also, do not use “hanging indent”
After the citation, double space and begin your abstract
Abstracts are single-spaced, and generally no longer than 1 page
solved Discussion 1Consider a time when you, someone you know, or
/in /by adminDiscussion 1Consider a time when you, someone you know, or someone with whom you have worked has felt discriminated against as a result of gender bias or sexual orientation. Were there other diverse issues present, such as religion or racial background that made the situation even more difficult, due to family traditions and culture or other related concerns? Describe a scenario, using appropriate citations, that demonstrates how a culturally sensitive human service worker would manage such a situation towards achieving a positive outcome in 250-300 words. Remember that discrimination and prejudice can have many looks and perspectives not just the obvious or publicized. Support your comments with two references. Discussion 2Watch the media segment on Teen girls open up about the ‘constant pressure’ of social media (Links to an external site.) and read the article about Melanie Benn, Social Worker Earns more than Medals at Athens Paralympics (Links to an external site.). In a 250-300 word post, consider the following questions:undefinedHow does the focus on beauty and youth affect us as we age or if we are disabled?How does it affect our ability to work with someone who does not share our perspective or condition relative to these terms?undefinedSupport your comments with two references
solved Learning Goal: I’m working on a management project and need
/in /by adminLearning Goal: I’m working on a management project and need support to help me learn.
Topic is salesforce organizationÂ
Be prepared to discuss how this organizational concept is applied in your own workplace – or could be applied
Description of the organizational behavior concept. The history and theories behind the use of this concept, as well as any negative opinions or theories against the concept.
What benefits do you see with the use[MS2] of this organizational behavior concept?
one organizational known to successfully apply the chosen organizational behavior concept to their organizational structure. *At least one of these organizations should come from Forbes 100 Best Places to Work list for this year. Please provide a description of the organizations chosen, their background, and how/why this OB concept was applied. Be sure to include examples of concept applied within each organization (answers may vary based on the organization)
How has this concept impacted the organizations? (answers may vary based on the organization)
Describe how the organizations are viewed as leaders in their industry because of the use of the organizational behavior concepts? (answers may vary based on the organization)
Compare and contrast the organizations’ use of the organizational behavior
solved The final assessment of this course is a Case Study
/in /by adminThe final assessment of this course is a Case Study project with your team consisting of five major sections:Â
Company Situation Analysis – Internal Assessment
External Situation Analysis of current industry – Environmental Scan
Tools for Analysis & Recommendations
Problem Solving Model with Prescriptive Strategy Action Plan
Oral Presentation of Problem-Solving Model for Action Plan
By the end of this intersession week you should complete and submit the following component of the project:
Section III: Situational Diagnostics & Recommended Strategic Action(s)In this section, you present the analysis that integrates the internal and external factors that demonstrate the current condition of the organization. What type of competitive strategy do you determine to be appropriate based on their resource capabilities, environmental conditions, and competitive position? Use some of the diagnostic tools for analysis and evaluation to support your premise, and then conclude this section with one major strategic action item that you deem to be appropriate for the company to undertake.Â
Diagnostic analysis of current condition using strategic tools:Â
Industry Growth rate & Market Share position in BCG Matrix
SWOT Analysis
Ratio Analysis of financial condition
Recommended Strategic Action
solved Assignment DetailsScenario: You are an intern assigned to a special
/in /by adminAssignment DetailsScenario: You are an intern assigned to a special agent for your state’s investigative bureau with a specialty in criminal intelligence. A representative for the Governor’s Office would like you to write a paper explaining how someone who is not a forensic psychologist is able to fill the position of criminal profiler in the State Investigation Bureau (SIB).To meet this request, you will prepare a 3–5-page white paper (in APA format) for the Governor and her staff so that they understand your training and why law enforcement personnel are used for this position rather than forensic psychologists.You will start by explaining what a forensic criminal profiler does and how investigators may be best suited for this position. Relate how the criminal profiler targets serial crimes involving murder, sexual assaults, and rare arson types. Explain the appropriate background for a criminal profiler.Create a 3–5-page paper including such issues as the following:The way the crimes were committed Where the crimes were committed How the victims were chosen The crime type The times the crimes were committed If the offender was/is communicating with the police or other individuals (press, victim’s family, and so on) The circumstances and condition of the actual crime scene(s)
solved Guidelines for Preparation of an Informative Abstract An abstract is
/in /by adminGuidelines for Preparation of an Informative Abstract
An abstract is a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, and reviews the writing’s contents in abbreviated form.
An informative abstract is an abbreviated version of a journal article- no longer than 1 single-spaced page, or approximately 10% of the original article. Abstracts should contain enough detail to allow the reader to understand and use the information.Â
Reliable professional journals are the preferred souce for selection of articles for abstracts. The following are some guidelines for writing an informative abstract:
Cite bibliographic information at the top of the page. Carefully follow this example:
Misra, S., Daly, B., Dunne, S., Millar, B., Packer, M. & Asimakopoulou, K. (2013). Dentist-patient communication: What do patients and dentists remember following a consultation? Implications for patient compliance. Patient Prefer Adherence, 7(1), 543-549. http://doi: 10.2147/PPA.S43255
Note that the bibliographic citation is not double spaced (as in APA style)
Also, do not use “hanging indent”
After the citation, double space and begin your abstract
Abstracts are single-spaced, and generally no longer than 1 page
solved Questions to Answer What is Southwest’s strategy? When a firm
/in /by adminQuestions to Answer
What is Southwest’s strategy?
When a firm is able to offer low prices, in many cases it is due to that firm experiencing lower costs. One technique to identify whether a firm’s cost advantage is a result of economies of scale is to examine the relationship between some measure of volume (such as market share or total output) and a firm’s profitability. What does that relationship look like in the airline industry?
Why is Southwest able to outperform its much larger competitors?
The individual aspects of Southwest’s strategy don’t seem incredibly difficult to imitate. Let’s assume you are one of Southwest’s competitors. Why can’t you simply begin to copy Southwest’s strategy and experience the same profits that they do?
Southwest and all of the major airlines are achieving record profits as oil prices have dropped. How should Southwest grow, given the fact that it has largely saturated its short-haul markets with point-to-point service? Â
Will long-haul flights be as profitable for Southwest as short-haul flights? Â Why or why not? Â Will they be as profitable for Southwest as for Delta or Jet Blue? Â Why or why not?
What will limit Southwest’s pricing on long-haul flights? Will they be able to charge as much, or even slightly below, competitors? Why or why not?Â
solved The capstone project for the course leverages the exercise from
/in /by adminThe capstone project for the course leverages the exercise from M2 Data Manipulation Project. Just like your work in Module 2, your task is to take a set of raw data and “convert†it into information by adding meaning to the data.
This time you will choose your data source and create the data manipulation necessary to transform your source from raw data into meaningful information. Doing so will require an added layer of creativity as you choose the data source, the vehicle to give it meaning, and the format by which to present it.
The goal is to develop your skills as a new community health informatician, while further ingraining in you the foundational principles driving health informatics. You should develop your project in a manner similar to what you did in the M2 Data Manipulation Project. Be sure to include how data differs from information and demonstrate that difference in how you present your project.
Briefly summarize the data set used. What information and/or knowledge can be extracted based on the transformations you’ve performed? How does this project relate to the various other module topics you’ve learned about (privacy/security standards under HIPAA, online medical resources, ethics, EHRs, PHRs, EBM, or HIE. Look at all those acronyms you now know so well!).
solved Research one of the exhibitions of Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami,
/in /by adminResearch one of the exhibitions of Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami, and Joana Vasconcelos  \at the Palace of Versailles and review it based on the documentation you can find and the readings we’ve done for class. Are these exhibitions in good taste, or bad? Are they ironic representations of our current culture, or do they just pander to the lowest common denominator? Can be written in the first person.
Melissa Potter, Material Engagements: Craft and Feminist Futures,
Avant-Garde and Kitsch,
 (Links to an external site.)
Socialist Evening Realistic Post,Â (Links to an external site.)Â (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
and watch:Â
solved This discussion item is part of the Analysis of Alternatives
/in /by adminThis discussion item is part of the Analysis of Alternatives exercise.Your CISO has asked you to lead a Brown Bag lunch discussion about the costs and benefits of investments in security technologies. The reading assignment for this discussion is: Introduction to Return on Security Investment: Helping CERTs assessing the cost of (lack of) security. You have been asked to prepare a short discussion paper to be used to spark discussion amongst the attendees. Your paper must address the following:What is the ROSI calculation?How is it used to evaluate cybersecurity technologies?What are the limitations of this metric?How can this metric be used to evaluate one or more of the technologies selected for study? (refer back to Week 6)Post your three to five paragraph short paper as a response to this discussion topic. Include APA format citations and references as appropriate to the information used and the sources from which you obtained that information.ReferencesEuropean Network and Information Security Agency. (2012). Introduction to Return on Security Investment: Helping CERTs assessing the cost of (lack of) security. Heraklion, Crete, Greece: Author. Retrieved from
solved Term PaperAnalyze the international theory of realism. What are the
/in /by adminTerm PaperAnalyze the international theory of realism. What are the tenants of classical and neorealism? How is realism different from other international theories such as liberalism, constructivism, and Marxism? What are some of the criticisms of realism? How do other theories criticize realism? Are these criticisms valid or not? Are the claims of realism supported or undermined by the record of important events in the history of international politics (Give specific examples)? Does any other theory explain the world better than realism? Why or why not? Discuss.Assignment requirementsYour essay should be 4-5 pages in length double spaced (not including work cited).You should use at least 2 outside sourcesInclude a work cited page.The textbook should be cited at least once in your essay.FormatUse a standard font and margin spacing (Times New Roman, Calibri).Your header should be single spaced, include your full name, student ID number, and class.Include a title.Be sure to cite when you quote or paraphrase.Your paper should be written in a clear and concise manner. If your grammar or phrasing distracts from your work you will be marked down.You may use internal citations, footnotes, or endnotes.Please use a professional style of citation Be sure to complete the minimum number of pages