Assignment Description
Create a strategy memo for communicating and educating the citizens of the community that you identified in the previous week about their risk portfolio.
Assignment Guidelines
Address the following in 2-3 pages:
Are there existing public       communication programs, processes, systems, efforts, and plans in place       for the purposes of public education? What are they? Explain in detail.
Has the effectiveness of any of       these existing efforts been measured? Explain.
Are they effective? Why or why        not?
What gaps currently exist? Explain       in detail.
What programs, processes, systems, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â or efforts should be implemented to fill those gaps? Explain.
How do you measure the       effectiveness of new or existing programs? Explain.
Many communities and states provide       recommendations that outline preparedness activities that families and       businesses should take. Generally, they are provided via the Internet       (see Supporting Materials) and flyers.
What other steps can, and should        emergency management officials take to encourage community preparedness?        Explain in detail.
solved To: Chief Executive Officer (Tom Hiller) From: Johnny Subject: Update
/in /by adminTo: Chief Executive Officer (Tom Hiller) From: Johnny Subject: Update Seminar on Legal Issues for ManagersDate: August 11Tom, we’re planning a two-day training seminar on “Legal Issues for Managers.†This memo updates you on the speakers. We’ve asked Ms. Jeannette Boot to give the keynote address, and she’s trying to fit us into her schedule. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear from her. We expect she will be able to give the address, but just in case she can’t, we have a list of alternates. Frankly, though, Ms. Boot would be hard to top. We have arranged for the following speakers for our other sessions: Judge Elizabeth Melton, State Supreme Court; Mr. Joseph Hiller, American Bar Association (Section of Environmental Management Issues); and Professor Gera Brown, Professor of Law at the University of Michigan. They will all give their views of important legal issues that managers must deal with today. Because we believe it is beneficial to have fresh viewpoints on these issues, we have asked all outside speakers, including the keynote speaker, to participate in a panel at the end of the confer-ence. They’ve all tentatively agreed. We haven’t had such a panel before, but it seems a naturalway to use our speakers’ expertise and to tie things together at the end.
solved…This is 2 assignments in 1. Assignment #
/in /by admin…This is 2 assignments in 1. Assignment #1: Copy and paste the website below to view the article: The first article below:… Please read this scientific article carefully. Then fill in the answers to the assessment. Save this as pdf, doc or docx and submit. Please email me your answers for credit. Read the abstract to get an overview of the article. Read the entire article and write notes from each section. Then answer following questions: a)Who did the research and where? b)How was the research conducted and with what materials and methods (experimentally or otherwise)? c)What were the results of the research? Assignment #2:Copy and paste the website below to view the article:… Please read this scientific article carefully. Then fill in the answers to the assessment. Save this as pdf, doc or docx and submit. Read the abstract to get an overview of the article. Read the entire article and write notes from each section. Then answer following questions: a)Who did the research and where? b)How was the research conducted and with what materials and methods (experimentally or otherwise)? c)What were the results of the research?
solved You may choose to focus on 1 of the 3
/in /by adminYou may choose to focus on 1 of the 3 conditions (knowledge, non-compulsion, rationality) for discussing the differences, but make sure you cover all 3 when you set out Holley’s account.The question asks you to explore potential differences between the cases. It’s perfectly fine to argue that there is no difference. (Spoiler: I think there are plausible arguments that there are no differences as well as plausible arguments in opposition.) What matters is that you set out your reasoning and show that you’ve really thought this through.It’s fine to raise a difficulty which you find you can’t answer. I want to see you explain why potential answers won’t work. (Some good advice I got long ago: If you start out an essay saying ‘I will prove x’ and run into a problem you can’t solve, go back and change the beginning to ‘You might think that x is true, but I will show it is not’.)You need to discuss at least one potential difference between the cases. You may discuss more than one difference. However, quantity does not substitute for quality. One potential difference that is carefully explored —where multiple reasons for and against are considered—is much better than just tossing out several potential differences.…
solved Running head: RISK COMMUNICATION AND EMERGENCY ALERTING Assignment Description Create
Assignment Description
Create a strategy memo for communicating and educating the citizens of the community that you identified in the previous week about their risk portfolio.
Assignment Guidelines
Address the following in 2-3 pages:
Are there existing public       communication programs, processes, systems, efforts, and plans in place       for the purposes of public education? What are they? Explain in detail.
Has the effectiveness of any of       these existing efforts been measured? Explain.
Are they effective? Why or why        not?
What gaps currently exist? Explain       in detail.
What programs, processes, systems, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â or efforts should be implemented to fill those gaps? Explain.
How do you measure the       effectiveness of new or existing programs? Explain.
Many communities and states provide       recommendations that outline preparedness activities that families and       businesses should take. Generally, they are provided via the Internet       (see Supporting Materials) and flyers.
What other steps can, and should        emergency management officials take to encourage community preparedness?        Explain in detail.
solved Hello, need help with the case study. I have attached
/in /by adminHello, need help with the case study. I have attached the case study, the Excel template that needs to be used for the calculations, and there also should be a Word document with all the explanations. Please, answer the questions below: Using budget data, what was the total expected cost per unit if all manufacturing and shipping overhead (both variable and fixed) were allocated to planned (using 200,000 units) production? What was the actual (using 180,000 units) cost per unit of production and shipping? Include rationale.Prepare a flexible budget for 180,000 iPhone 4s, and calculate flexible budget variances using actual costs for August. Include rationale.For the month of August, calculate the following variances (assuming the standard labor rate is $0.92 per hour): Material price variance for flash memoriesMaterial usage variance for flash memoriesLabor rate varianceLabor usage (efficiency) varianceOverhead spending variance – Include rationale for all sections.What are some strategies or decisions that Wentao Chen should consider when trying to solve the problems with the Apple iPhone 4 contract in the next 9 months? How would these change the costs and profitability of Danshui Plant No. 2 and the iPhone 4 contract? Approach this from both Danshui’s and Apple’s point of view.
solved Can you help me understand this Writing question? Pre-assessments help
/in /by adminCan you help me understand this Writing question?
Pre-assessments help guide instruction. Educators use pre-assessments to identify current student knowledge and identify student needs. This data can be used to set learning goals and guide instruction. Assessment in an early childhood classroom is often done in a small group.
Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.
For this assignment, you will administer one of the pre-assessments you developed in Topic 3 for your group activities. Work with your mentor teacher to identify a group of 3-5 students to administer the pre-assessment.
After administering the pre-assessment, creat e a table that includes:
Grade level
Description of the pre-assessment
First name of the student
Analysis of the pre-assessment results
One learning goal based on the pre-assessment results
Next steps to achieve the learning goal
Share the information with your mentor teacher and determine if one of the group activities you developed for Topic 2 could be adapted to help students achieve the learning goals identified. Arrange a time to implement that activity with the small group during a future field experience.
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.
solved I’m working on a communications question and need a reference
/in /by adminI’m working on a communications question and need a reference to help me learn.
select a public figure who overcame adversity due to any one of the qualities of spirituality, altruism, or humor. The adverse event should be a personal health condition (mental, physical, or both) the person experienced or a public health issue the person worked to improve. The person can be from any country or time period. Find reliable, factual data that will answer the following questions, and make sure to credit your sources in APA style.
Very concisely, give basic information about the person’s background, with emphasis on life events that may have influenced the person’s decision and/or ability to face the adverse condition.
Describe the adverse condition. Be sure to clearly state what the problem was.
Give examples of the person’s actions, preferably from before the adverse event, that testify to their spiritual, altruistic, or humoristic quality.
Explain how the person’s spiritual, altruistic, or humoristic quality contributed to resolving the problem.
Try to report on any measurable, tangible, or lasting outcomes that were a direct result of the person’s efforts.
Give an explanation of why you chose to write about this person and how you might apply this person’s example to your own life.
solved Experimental designs are the gold standard of research because they
/in /by adminExperimental designs are the gold standard of research because they help eliminate any other explanation for why an intervention does or does not work. However, experimental designs are difficult in social service settings for many reasons. For purposes of practicality, we often opt for quasi-experimental designs that introduce limitations to our research (threats to validity). While it is nearly impossible to eliminate every threat to validity, there are ways to mitigate those threats.Instructions- Create an original discussion post where you identify two potential threats to validity and craft ways to mitigate those threats.Discussion: Identifying Threats  Mental Health Treatment
A nonÂprofit serving children who have witnessed family violence wants to know if their counselors should use
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or traumaÂinformed cognitive behavioral therapy (TFÂCBT).
They have two counselors trained in CBT who have been working at the agency for 15 years each. They also
have two new counselors straight from an MSW program who have been trained in TFÂCBT. The CBT
counselors have a current caseload of 20 children each.
All new children will be assigned to the TFÂCBT counselors. When a child is done with therapy, the counselors
will ask the parents if their child
solved Activity 8: Stages of Relational Development88 unread replies.88 replies.Below you
/in /by adminActivity 8: Stages of Relational Development88 unread replies.88 replies.Below you will briefly describe a previous, or current, relationship for each of the stages found in Knapp’s Model of Relational Development from Chapter 8 located in the “Modules Section”. The relationship you choose could be an acquaintance, co-worker, family member, friend, or romantic partner. You may also choose a different relationship for each stage; you don’t have to use the same one for all of them.Your responses don’t need to be lengthy. They can be a few sentences or so. An example would be: “Stage 2: Experimenting – My wife and I were in the experimenting stage years ago when we first met. I remember getting to know each other and trying to find out what common interests we had. It was exciting and a bit nerve-racking, but in the end it was a good stage for us.”You can write a bit more if you want, that is fine, just not necessary. You will have a week to complete the activity. It will close Sunday at 11:59pm.Describe an example from a relationship you have experienced for each of the stages below (again, you can find descriptions for each stage in Chapter 8 in the Modules Section):Stage 2: ExperimentingStage 3: IntensifyingStage 5: BondingStage 8: StagnatingStage 9: AvoidingStage 10: Terminating
solved Throughout this course we explored how each body system responds
/in /by adminThroughout this course we explored how each body system responds to bouts of aerobic and resistance exercise. In this final paper, you will use knowledge from each week to craft an Exercise Plan for a fictitious client. Please include the following components in your paper, citing all resources you use in the text as well as in your reference list.1. Your client’s baseline information (age, sex, BMI, percent body fat, resting HR and estimated VO2max). Since this is fictitious, you can use your own data or make it up as long as it’s realistic.2. Your client’s goal(s). Some examples include increasing their aerobic fitness, increasing muscular strength or muscular endurance, improving their body composition, etc. Remember that goals should be “SMART” – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely.3. A detailed 4-week exercise plan that you design to help them reach their goal(s). Include the modes of exercise, intensity, duration, frequency and how the individual would progress as they saw improvements. You can summarize these components in a table or use bullet points for clarity.4. Include a summary describing the rationale for your plan. Include data from at least 3 research articles that support your proposed exercise plan and its ability to meet your client’s goal(s).