A well-written paper (spelling, grammar, APA format, title page, headings, reference page, proper introduction and conclusion), and organized presentation. All Relevant Parts of the title page are included. APA style is completely correct throughout the entire paper (10 points)Reference page includes all cited articles. The articles are appropriately scholarly and appropriate to the topic. Sufficient RECENT sources make the paper also current, and classic studies/information are included if applicable and available (10 points)There is clear organization to the paper, and transitions are smooth and effective. Tone is appropriately formal. Topic sentences are appropriate for paragraphs, and key ideas are explained/described as needed. Punctuation and grammar are at college level and correct, including proper tenses and voice. Sentences are concise and word choice is precise with use of non-biased language (10 points)Paper clearly and thoroughly explains what is being investigated. Attention is given to detail, examples are used to support your thoughts and ideas and the paper flows logically. Discuss your portrait character, history of drug use, how person’s life was affected by drug use behaviors, consequences, outcomes, brief history/explanation of drug choice etc. (10 points)
solved A well-written paper (spelling, grammar, APA format, title page, headings,
/in /by adminA well-written paper (spelling, grammar, APA format, title page, headings, reference page, proper introduction and conclusion), and organized presentation. All Relevant Parts of the title page are included. APA style is completely correct throughout the entire paper (10 points)Reference page includes all cited articles. The articles are appropriately scholarly and appropriate to the topic. Sufficient RECENT sources make the paper also current, and classic studies/information are included if applicable and available (10 points)There is clear organization to the paper, and transitions are smooth and effective. Tone is appropriately formal. Topic sentences are appropriate for paragraphs, and key ideas are explained/described as needed. Punctuation and grammar are at college level and correct, including proper tenses and voice. Sentences are concise and word choice is precise with use of non-biased language (10 points)Paper clearly and thoroughly explains what is being investigated. Attention is given to detail, examples are used to support your thoughts and ideas and the paper flows logically. Discuss your portrait character, history of drug use, how person’s life was affected by drug use behaviors, consequences, outcomes, brief history/explanation of drug choice etc. (10 points)
solved (Due May 27th)Chapter 2 literature of dissertationTopic-Political Employee EngagementPart 1Go
/in /by admin(Due May 27th)Chapter 2 literature of dissertationTopic-Political Employee EngagementPart 1Go to the CTU Library and then the ProQuest Dissertation and Theses database. Locate 2–3 dissertations that resonate with your topic and that you feel have excellent literature reviews. The dissertations should have been published within the last 3 years, and they should be from CTU or other practitioner doctoral programs that educate scholar-practitioners. For each dissertation, provide a citation and 100–200 words that discuss what makes the literature review superlative. Also, ask yourself what the three excellent literature reviews have in common.Part 2Submit a draft of your own literature review (Chapter 2 of a dissertation) that meets the following requirements:• Exclude your introduction to the chapter• Exclude your introductions for each section• Exclude your summary of the chapterBe sure to include the following:• Ensure that there are headings for each section.• Your submission should be a minimum of 28-30 pages, not including references (leaving room for introductions to be added later).• Make sure you have clearly discussed the gap in the body of knowledge.• You should have 80 or more references cited within the narrative.Your OV score should not be above 80%.
solved Supernatural         Â
/in /by adminSupernatural
           Thales Vs. Homer:
Thales, the first scientist and the first philosopher on planet earth (said Aristotle), thought the world should be explained in terms of the natural world, whereas Homer (The Odyssey and Iliad) argued that the world should be thought of in supernatural terms.
“Thales of Miletus (fl. c. 585 BC) is regarded as the father of philosophy. He is also considered the founder of Milesian school and one of the seven sages. Only few fragmentary sources survive from Thales’ work. Some ancient authors ascribe to him, without serious justification, a work with the name Nautical Star-guide while according to some others he wrote only two works: On the Solstice and On the Equinox.”Â
“Homer is best known as the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. He was believed by the ancient Greeks to have been the first and greatest of the epic poets.” Â wikipedia.orgÂ
INQUIRY: Should we explain physical things in terms of physical things (Thales),
                   or should look to supernature for causes in the world (Homer)??
1st – Research Thales Vs. Homer
2nd – Pick a side – Thales’ science/philosophy vs. Homer’s supernatural
3rd – Argue for that side over the other one.
             Simple, eh?
solved 1.In 2017, David Donoho wrote a paper examining the history
/in /by admin1.In 2017, David Donoho wrote a paper examining the history and development of the emerging field of Data Science.  In it he describes the common task framework (CTF), as “the crucial but unappreciated methodology driving predictive modeling’s successâ€.  More recently Makridakis et al. (2020) summarized the outcomes of the most recent M competition.Â
Explain what the CTF methodology is and how it improves upon previous approaches to similar challenges.Â
Detail your own opinions about the centrality of CTF in the development of predictive modeling. Â Review the M competition and outline its findings.Â
Describe the similarity or differences of the most recent M competition to the CTF framework.Â
Finally, consider the emerging field of data science and share what other methodologies do you believe will be core to data science.Â
Donoho, David. “50 Years of Data Science.†Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26, no. 4 (October 2, 2017): 745–66. https://doi.org/10.1080/10618600.2017.1384734.
Makridakis, Spyros, Evangelos Spiliotis, and Vassilios Assimakopoulos. “The M4 Competition: 100,000 Time Series and 61 Forecasting Methods.†International Journal of Forecasting 36, no. 1 (January 2020): 54–74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2019.04.014.
solved Write a 3–5 page paper in which you do the
/in /by adminWrite a 3–5 page paper in which you do the following:Compare and contrast the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) of the selected local government entity with the government entity identified in the Week 1 homework.In your comparison, include the following:The publication method of the CAFR.Audit and budget information in the CAFR.The type of audit report issued.The existence or nonexistence of an internal audit function within the government entity.Prepare the analysis for the selected local government entity, including information on the introduction, financial section, and statistical section prepared in the Continuing Problem CAFR from Chapter 2.Analyze the methods used by the selected local government entity in comparing the budget-to-actual reports.Include in your analysis an evaluation of the basis of accounting used for the budget and financial statements.Analyze the sources of revenue for the selected local government.Include information on both governmental and business-type activities, examining:Information about the general fund.Various management discussion and analysis items of note.Year-to-year variations in the tax levels of income.Deferred revenue.Property taxes and how they are accounted for other sources identified as primary revenue for the entity.
solved G.K. is a family nurse practitioner in the health department
/in /by adminG.K. is a family nurse practitioner in the health department of a large city. She is responsible for following up with infants and children who have been referred to the health department. Most of her referrals come from the hospital upon discharge of an infant going home to a potentially high-risk environment.G.K. follows up with each child to ensure he or she is in a safe environment and is growing and developing adequately. She provides education and support to the parents so they can anticipate and respond appropriately to the challenges of raising children. QUESTION: Define and describe the following influences that can affect an individual’s potential for growth:• genetic factors• prenatal and postnatal exposures• nutritional factors• environmental factors• lifestyle• health care practices.Describe the relationship between culture and growth and development. Assess whether all growth and development milestones should be applied to all children regardless of cultural background.Design a teaching plan for parents regarding injury prevention during infancy. In your teaching plan you must include the home of an infant injury proof.Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources
solved  essay How (or in what ways) does the Constitution
/in /by admin essay
How (or in what ways) does the Constitution reflect a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists? (i.e., How does the Constitution reflect the willingness of the Federalists to address the concerns of the Anti-federalist?) Why did we need a new constitution? What were the concerns of the Anti-Federalists? What were the concerns of the Federalist? What plans were involved in this compromise? Which part of the Constitution reflects the interests of the Federalists/Anti-Federalists? (Be Specific–you should list at least 4 examples here; maybe more!) Â How does it differ from the Articles of Confederation?
What are the core principles of the Constitution? Why has the Constitution endured for over 200 years? (Please use the lecture notes in Canvas). Â How is the nature of federalism influenced by the early debate between these two groups?
Conclusion–What can you conclude about the debate between the Federalist/Anti-Federalist and its impact on the framing of the Constitution? Â Â Do you think the Constitution needs to be amended? Why or why not? (Cite an example and find a current event (from a national newspaper/news source) to support your answer –either way, you should support your argument with the current event). CITE CURRENT EVENT IN YOUR CONCLUSION.
solved Imagine that you work in a hospital as a Health
/in /by adminImagine that you work in a hospital as a Health IT specialist. This is that problem in front of you:You got an information that a laptop is stolen. The laptop was in a secure building, in a locked room, with a security cable attached. The researcher who was using the laptop had several thousand patients on the registry and was authorized by the IRB to use this data for research. The PC had a password to the file. Your team concluded that it was an inside job.There were numerous devices in the room. The person broke into the room, cut the cable, and stole a lot of equipment. They then passed it on to someone else. Once the hospital knew it was stolen, they knew what was on the PC because they had an IRB for the researcher. It still took two weeks to figure out how to notify everyone affected. One of the recipients realized he had a stolen device, which he then gave to his attorney, who returned it to the hospital. They verified that the laptop had never been turned on using an outside security firm. No data was accessed They notified the affected people that the data has not been accessed and therefore their privacy was not compromised.Estimated cost at $100,000.Your job is to develop a new security protocol. What are your first steps and what are solutions that you will propose?
solved Use this discussion sample pdf as a guide when completing
/in /by adminUse this discussion sample pdf as a guide when completing your own analysis.There are many regulations and legal considerations impacting business decisions; let’s work to narrow down that list. In this discussion, you will work on the following critical elements of the final project: Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations. Consider the following options to find four measures of government influence on trade and employment:Use Wage Indicator to identify various employment laws in the country. These might include minimum wage, medical leave, holidays, discrimination laws, and so on. You may need to use the translation service through Google Chrome when accessing various sites. Additional resources can be found in the Reading and Resources section of this module.Search VAT and/or GST rates for your country.Use the Treasury.gov Sanctions Programs List to identify various sanctions influencing business in the country.Use various government websites to learn more about tariffs, labeling, restricted items, and other barriers to trade. Consider using the International Trade Representative to identify trade regulations.Taking this one step further, discuss the significance of these four regulations. What do they mean for daily business and why do governments employ these methods?
solved Use this discussion sample pdf as a guide when completing
/in /by adminUse this discussion sample pdf as a guide when completing your own analysis.There are many regulations and legal considerations impacting business decisions; let’s work to narrow down that list. In this discussion, you will work on the following critical elements of the final project: Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations. Consider the following options to find four measures of government influence on trade and employment:Use Wage Indicator to identify various employment laws in the country. These might include minimum wage, medical leave, holidays, discrimination laws, and so on. You may need to use the translation service through Google Chrome when accessing various sites. Additional resources can be found in the Reading and Resources section of this module.Search VAT and/or GST rates for your country.Use the Treasury.gov Sanctions Programs List to identify various sanctions influencing business in the country.Use various government websites to learn more about tariffs, labeling, restricted items, and other barriers to trade. Consider using the International Trade Representative to identify trade regulations.Taking this one step further, discuss the significance of these four regulations. What do they mean for daily business and why do governments employ these methods?