With hospitals facing financial struggle, they must determine ways to cut costs without compromising quality care. This articles states “Strong financial performance is associated with improved patient reported experience of care, the strongest component distinguishing quality and safety†(Akinleye, McNutt, Lazariu, & McLaughlin, 2019, para. 1).  For this week’s discussion, please review this article:
Akinleye, D. D., McNutt, L.-A., Lazariu, V., & McLaughlin, C. C. (2019). Correlation between hospital finances and quality and safety of patient care. (Links to an external site.)PLoS ONE, 14(8), 1–19.
Respond to the following:
Briefly summarize the article.
Describe and discuss two pressures hospitals struggle with and how this impacts them financially?
What hospital financial measures/indicators were used within the article to determine results? Describe three of them in-depth and how they helped in defining results (e.g. operating profit or loss, net profit margin, return on total assets, cash flow margin, working capital, current ratio, days cash on hand, net asset position, equity financing, fixed asset financing, debt coverage, total debt ratio, long term debt ratio, salary ratio, total asset turnover, or average operating margin and average total margin).
solved a) Indicate what the main points of all of your
/in /by admina) Indicate what the main points of all of your readings for this week are.
b) Comment on a specific passage from one of the readings. Quote the passage and comment on it. The words in the quotation do not count towards the 500 words limit.
c) Provide a personal insight on one aspect that surprised you or that you think is particularly striking about the theme.
If you do not do any of these parts of the assignment, you will of course not receive the full points. So be explicit about what you are doing in each paragraph.
Your readings for this week are:
1. Sneed. “Favela utopias — The bailes funk in Rio’s crisis of social exclusionâ€Â
2. D’Angelo. “Sampling the Sense of Place in Baile Funk Musicâ€.
i want you to write it in a similar format to this
a). As I read this week’s chapters, I was able to understand the following information. First, from reading Sneed. “Favela utopias — The bailes funk in Rio’s crisis of social exclusionâ€, I learned that ….
Secondly, from D’Angelo. “Sampling the Sense of Place in Baile Funk Musicâ€, I learned that…
b.) A specific passage in which triggered my interest is ” ……. (quote) , comment…..
c). A personal insight in which I have is the following. I found it surprising how there ……..
solved After you have read Robert Frost’s poem “Out, Out!” (in
/in /by adminAfter you have read Robert Frost’s poem “Out, Out!” (in the text or online), please answer the following questions, and, as always, please respond to at least TWO other student posts with strong substantive discussions.Frost took his title from Act V, Scene V of Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. What do you think prompted Frost to select those words from Shakespeare? What is going on at that point in the play? People from William Faulkner to Elton John have used images or words from this same passage, so perhaps we might infer that there is something there. What do you think? What is the poem about?Why does the boy die? Be careful. He does not bleed to death, and he dies way too soon for infection to have been a factor. What do you think? Does the boy himself give us a hint in some of his last words?Some readers are disturbed by the final lines: “And they, since they / Were not the one dead, turned to their affairs.” How do you take the ending of the poem?Does the ending bother you or not? If so, in what way?What does the quotation from Shakespeare bring to the poem?If the poem had a different title, perhaps “The Death of the Wood Cutter” relating to another Frost title “The Death of the Hired Man,” would the poem change? Does the allusion affect the poem’s plot? theme? tone?
solved ***In 300 WORDS OR MORE address all the question below**Complete
/in /by admin***In 300 WORDS OR MORE address all the question below**Complete the values exercise from the Fowler video in the readings section. Include the results of the exercise in your response, and the process you used to collect and validate the values data.Seek out others who you trust and share the results of this exercise with them. You may choose to work with family, friends, and anyone who you trust to provide good feedback to you. Ask them how they view your values. Where are the similarities and differences? Add this information to your list.Think about the decisions that you have made over the past year. They could be personal or professional, large or small.Select at least two, one that you were happy with and one that you were not.Analyze these decisions in light of the values exercise. What changes would you want to make to improve the quality of your decision making?Determine an action plan to make the changes you have identified. Include individual steps and how you would measure the success of your plan. ****Include at least one source from your readings for this week as well as at least two others you discover in your research*****Please see link below for additional readings or information that may be needed.https://purdueglobal.skillport.com/skillportfe/ass…
solved With hospitals facing financial struggle, they must determine ways to
/in /by adminWith hospitals facing financial struggle, they must determine ways to cut costs without compromising quality care. This articles states “Strong financial performance is associated with improved patient reported experience of care, the strongest component distinguishing quality and safety†(Akinleye, McNutt, Lazariu, & McLaughlin, 2019, para. 1).  For this week’s discussion, please review this article:
Akinleye, D. D., McNutt, L.-A., Lazariu, V., & McLaughlin, C. C. (2019). Correlation between hospital finances and quality and safety of patient care. (Links to an external site.)PLoS ONE, 14(8), 1–19.
Respond to the following:
Briefly summarize the article.
Describe and discuss two pressures hospitals struggle with and how this impacts them financially?
What hospital financial measures/indicators were used within the article to determine results? Describe three of them in-depth and how they helped in defining results (e.g. operating profit or loss, net profit margin, return on total assets, cash flow margin, working capital, current ratio, days cash on hand, net asset position, equity financing, fixed asset financing, debt coverage, total debt ratio, long term debt ratio, salary ratio, total asset turnover, or average operating margin and average total margin).
solved Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the
/in /by adminStudents are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice.
This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Each week students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).
In each week’s entry, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. Journal entries should address one or more of the areas stated below. Â In the Topic 10 graded submission, each of the areas below should be addressed as part of the summary submission.
New practice approaches
Interprofessional collaboration
Health care delivery and clinical systems
Ethical considerations in health care
Practices of culturally sensitive care
Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients
Population health concerns
The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
Health policy
Leadership and economic models
Health disparities
solved A systems thinking approach is necessary when leading a public
/in /by adminA systems thinking approach is necessary when leading a public health initiative in a culturally and economically diverse community. On the other side, it is important to not ignore the individual aspects of health. Given the influence of political or economic systems, reflect on how focusing on broad social, political, and economic factors might blind us to the interpersonal aspects of health and the small individual impacts that can change a person’s world. In a 500-word reflection, comment on how a systems-based approach helps bridge gaps in providing necessary public health services but needs to be balanced with a personal holistic approach to transform communities. View the “Start Small, Change the World: Lori DiPrete Brown at TEDxUWMadison” video on YouTube to provide additional perspective.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Watch “Start Small, Change the World: Lori DiPrete Brown at TEDxUWMadison,” by TEDx Talks (2014), located on the YouTube website.URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HE9SypCzXU
solved Only answer one questionGo to your eBook (pp. 475-479) and
/in /by adminOnly answer one questionGo to your eBook (pp. 475-479) and select Case 2: Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson: “I’m not Howard Schultz.” For this discussion you will read and then answer ONE the following five questions for the case by Friday at 11:59 PM MST. Your discussion post to one question below should not exceed 200 words. Questions:How did Starbucks create its uniqueness in the first place? Why was it so successful?To be a source of competitive advantage over time, core competencies need to be honed and upgraded continuously. Why and how did Starbucks lose its uniqueness and struggle in the mid-2000s? What strategic initiatives did Howard Schultz, following his return as CEO in 2008, put in place to re-create Starbucks’ uniqueness?What is your assessment of Howard Schultz as a strategic leader? Where on the Level-5 pyramid of strategic leadership (see Exhibit 2.2) would you place Schultz? Why? Explain. Howard Schultz, as the creator of the Starbucks brand that we know today, is a larger-than-life figure in the company and business community. Do you think it is difficult to follow such an iconic leader? Why or why not?How is Kevin Johnson as CEO different from Howard Schultz? What leadership style is Johnson pursuing? Do you think he will be successful? Why or why not?
solved “Fan Tourism and Pilgrimage,†Rebecca Williams (2018) & We Are
/in /by admin“Fan Tourism and Pilgrimage,†Rebecca Williams (2018) & We Are Wizards (2008)Please respond to the following prompts in full sentences. Each response should be around 100 words. When possible, make specific references to the original text and/or incorporate short, relevant quotes.1. What are some of the reasons that Williams says that fans engage in fan tourism? What do they get out of the experience?[Place your response here]2. If you could make a fan “pilgrimage†to one place, where would it be? Would media franchise or work does it relate to? What would make it meaningful for you personally to visit?[Place your response here]3. One of the themes of We Are Wizards is the tension between fan expression and corporate control of IP. Describes how this manifests in the documentary. How do fans in the documentary express themselves and how does a company strike back?[Place your response here]4. In recent years, J. K. Rowling has become a problematic figure. If you are a Harry Potter fan, how do you feel about Rowling and your relationship to her books today? If you are not a Harry Potter fan, who is another problematic person whose work you’re a fan of? How do you reconcile liking their work when you may not like the person who made it?[Place your response here]
solved Essay Prompt:You have watched Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film The Shining,
/in /by adminEssay Prompt:You have watched Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film The Shining, and as a class we analyzed various aspects of the film (psychoanalysis, filming, auditory, mise en scene). Now you are to provide your own interpretation of the film as well as what strategies and appeals the film uses to support your thinking.Introduction:Include rhetorical situation (i.e. set the story/provide context)Thesis Statement:Name an argument that the film makes and the interpretation you’ll provide. Is the film effective in getting viewers to agree with this argument? What rhetorical techniques contribute to why it’s effective?Body Paragraphs and Scene Analysis:Pick out and analyze key scenes that help make the film’s argument, pointing out which techniques are used, why they are used, and what their effect is on the viewers.Reflection:What’s the importance of this argument? What’s at stake if views believe this argument? If they don’t believe it?*You are allowed to use outside sources to support your interpretation, but they must be included in the Works Cited. I prefer (for your own ethos) to use scholarly sources over random online posts. Do NOT give me conspiracy theories!Requirements:4-5 pagesMLA formatDouble spaced, 1†marginsTimes New Roman, 12 fontWorks Cited page
solved Answer questions in complete sentencesName the top three criteria for
/in /by adminAnswer questions in complete sentencesName the top three criteria for adulthood according to young people across cultures.Summarize the cultural variations in criteria for adulthood.Describe the ways and reasons in which people begin aging in young adulthood.Summarize the criteria, effects, cultural variations, and best treatments for obesity.Explain the benefits of exercising in young adulthood.Summarize the relationship between IQ scores and job performance.Define expertise and how it is reached and demonstrated in young adulthood, as well as its relationship to creativity.Describe Erikson’s stage of intimacy vs. isolation in young adulthood and its relationship to identity.Describe the three qualities in Sternberg’s theory of love and how they change with age.What are the main qualities we look for in a mate and explain gender differences that may apply?Summarize the cultural views of marriage, and the main objectives behind marriage across cultures.Describe the basic marital satisfaction pathway and what factors may help or hurt marital satisfaction.How are other non-Western cultures view marriage and how are those views changing with globalization?What are the risk factors and consequences of divorce?What is the most common leisure activity in young adulthood?