Submit your P2 Packet including your outline, an annotated bibliography, and the grid.
Can be a formal outline (think Roman numerals and various indentations)
Can be an informal outline (starts with ideas for  intro/thesis, and features the three major section headings with some  ideas for each, and ideas for conclusion)
Whether you use formal/informal outline structure, title the  outline with the type of lit review structure you plan to use (and stage  your bolded section headings as such throughout the outline)
Annotated Bib (six sources total):
three academic, two public, one primaryÂ
These should be the same sources you’ve already annotated. Now, you’re just collecting them into one document
The academic sources should be two paragraphs each (four sentences or more per par.)
The popular/primary source annotations can be one paragraph each (four sentences or more per par.)
Each source should be consistently formatted using APA/MLA
Each source should start with the reference/works cited for the source at the top
Each source should feature at least one in-text citation (correctly formatted)
Include a picture of the entire grid (should be clear)
a sharable link that opens to the completed grid (should feature six or more sources)
solved Here is a link (Links to an external site.) to
/in /by adminHere is a link (Links to an external site.) to a live performance sung by Christian Gerhaher on YouTube.
Here is a spotify list (Links to an external site.)…of two performances, Lorraine Hunt Lieberson as a soloist, and a recording by the Oxford Schola Cantorum with an uncredited soloist. (The Oxford recording uses Baroque tuning and will sound a half step lower than Hunt Lieberson’s recording.)
1) Read the article and listen to the music. Â If you can’t access Spotify or YouTube, a search of “BWV 82” will lead you to a recording.
2) Reflect on your own response to the music in light of Mark Swed’s commentary. Â How are your responses similar and how are they different?
3) Reflect on the music you have been listening to the past 4 months (since mid-March). Â Select one piece that has somehow brought you peace of mind, catharsis, or an emotional outlet. Â Identify that piece and the artist(s) who created/produced it. Â Write about the way in which the music affected you, and, assuming that you have listened to this music more than once, whether you ritualized it into your life routines or just reach for it when you have a specific need. Â In either case, talk about that need.
solved Assignment Objectives Explain how to manage pricing programs Assignment Details:
/in /by adminAssignment Objectives
Explain how to manage pricing programs
Assignment Details:
Pricing is a complex and often intimidating aspect of the marketing strategy. It is extremely important to price your product to sell and to make a profit. This blog details a pricing process designed to help any company create the best pricing strategy.
Marketers use a pricing analysis to help them price their product correctly in the marketplace for profit and revenue.
Choose 1 brand of shampoo. Pretend you are the marketing manager for this brand. You have been asked to establish a new pricing strategy in the marketplace. Conduct a pricing analysis for your shampoo. Use the following format to complete this assignment:
How would you describe the product’s current pricing structure, and who is the target market?
Do you need to consider any legal or ethical constraints related to pricing?
What new pricing strategy would you use for your shampoo? Select the strategy from the following:
Penetration pricing
Skimming pricing
Premium pricing
Why do you think this new pricing structure is the correct strategy for your shampoo?
Decker, A. (2021, February 1). The ultimate guide to pricing strategies. HubSpot.
solved Submit your P2 Packet including your outline, an annotated bibliography,
/in /by adminSubmit your P2 Packet including your outline, an annotated bibliography, and the grid.
Can be a formal outline (think Roman numerals and various indentations)
Can be an informal outline (starts with ideas for  intro/thesis, and features the three major section headings with some  ideas for each, and ideas for conclusion)
Whether you use formal/informal outline structure, title the  outline with the type of lit review structure you plan to use (and stage  your bolded section headings as such throughout the outline)
Annotated Bib (six sources total):
three academic, two public, one primaryÂ
These should be the same sources you’ve already annotated. Now, you’re just collecting them into one document
The academic sources should be two paragraphs each (four sentences or more per par.)
The popular/primary source annotations can be one paragraph each (four sentences or more per par.)
Each source should be consistently formatted using APA/MLA
Each source should start with the reference/works cited for the source at the top
Each source should feature at least one in-text citation (correctly formatted)
Include a picture of the entire grid (should be clear)
a sharable link that opens to the completed grid (should feature six or more sources)
solved Describe the Aggregate Begin the assignment by describing your aggregate.
/in /by adminDescribe the Aggregate
Begin the assignment by describing your aggregate. Include the following information:
Name of the aggregate
Geographical location and size
A brief history
Basic vital statistics
Crude birth rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, leading causes of death, and any other relevant statistical information related to the health of the aggregate from the windshield survey.
Explain, giving at least two reasons, why you selected this particular aggregate for your Capstone project.
Windshield Survey
With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, you can assess the common characteristics of the community of your selected aggregate.
Key observations to make during your windshield survey include the following:
Age and condition of the homes in the community
Location and condition of parks and other recreational areas
Amount of space between homes and businesses
Neighborhood hangouts
Transportation in the community
Quality of streets and sidewalks
Types/numbers of stores and other businesses
People out in the community
Cleanliness of the community
Billboards or other media displays
Places of worship
Availability of services—doctor, dentist, social centers, recreation centers, hospital
solved W2D1: Repetition and Contrast—The Contextual RiverRepetition and Contrast—The C
/in /by adminW2D1: Repetition and Contrast—The Contextual RiverRepetition and Contrast—The Contextual RiverThe video lectures we have had describe the nature of the Old Testament as a book of contrasts and repetition. We have seen the Bible as a river of context, giving us turns that we both expect and those that surprise us. By now, in your reading, you’ve seen these characteristics in the Old Testament.How have you seen at least one example of either repetition or contrast in the Old Testament?You can emphasize either the repetition of a similar action, character, or place; or you can show how we are surprised when a new action, character, or place occurs when we expected a repetition of what had happened before.Please review what is already posted and add an example which is not yet been shared.________________________________________________________________________W2D2: Leaders Come and GoMoses and Joshua are the two crucial leaders in this period.Briefly describe the distinct challenges each of them face. How do they each demonstrate remarkable faith?Who has the more difficult task: the one who goes first or the one who has to follow in very large footsteps? (You might discuss this in terms of which is harder: to be the first-born in the family or to be the last born?)
solved How did modern Japan (1868-present) use war as a strategy
/in /by adminHow did modern Japan (1868-present) use war as a strategy to “catch up†to the West? When, if ever, did Japan feel it had accomplished this goal and gained acceptance as an equal partner among the great powers of Europe and the United States?Your essay should be no less than four and no more than five full pages, double-spaced. Your heading should consist of nothing more than your name and a title (points will be deducted for non-compliance). The use of course readings is highly encouraged, and essays that do not engage meaningfully with one or more assigned texts (not including the textbook) are unlikely to earn a grade in the A range. If you refer to the course literature, you may use any recognizable citation style with which you are comfortable. If in doubt, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style (available online). Full citations for all course materials are available on the syllabus. Points will be deducted for incorrect citations. If your citation style requires a bibliography, please note that the reference page is not included in the page count. Do not cite lectures. No additional research is expected or required, though you may choose to use outside sources (cited appropriately). Essays do not need to be polished papers, but should be carefully proofread.
solved  POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT   Identify three political conditions
/in /by adminÂ
Identify three political conditions in the city that can have a negative influence on the health of the Sentinel City community
Observations What signs of political activity do you see (e.g. posters, meetings)? What building(s) give you an indication of active government? Why? What is the form of government in your community? Identify three politically active organizations within your community
A community assessment begins with a basic windshield survey where each community subsystem is explored. Â Explore the political influences on determinants of health
Click on the Enter Sentinel City® and continue your virtual experience by taking a bus tour of Sentinel City®.  Since this is your second tour, feel free to choose any bus speed and/or get off the bus at any time to walk around.  As you take the tour, write down your observations, specifically focused on the subsystem: politics and government.  Meet with Mayor Hill to discuss the subsystem: politics and government.  Compile your observations and any demographic information addressing each item listed in the first column of the rubric.  We encourage you to add other relevant characteristics you observe that may not be listed in the first column as you complete this activity.Â
solved Nevil Shute has introduced us to a variety of characters
/in /by adminNevil Shute has introduced us to a variety of characters all of whom seem very “normal†despite the fact that the situation in which they find themselves is NOT at all “normal.†He has provided insight to the reader as to how they interact, and he has also included us in how and what they think. As you have observed their “interactions†with each other, you now have the opportunity to analyze, explain, and determine not only how they deal with their predicament but also how they have accepted (or not accepted) the cards they have been dealt. Think deeply about these two characters; specifically, who they are; with what they have to deal (personally) and formulate a hypothesis by connecting how they have prepared for the end and justifying the steps you believe or can prove they have taken to “settle.†By way of example only, you DO NOT have to limit yourself to these “ideas†as they are only meant to serve as “examples†to endless possibilities with which you can begin or elaborate. Examples: INTEGRITY, FATE, ACCEPTANCE, DENIAL, HATE, TRUST, SATISFACTION, LOVE, etc.Peter Holmes AND Mary Holmes REQUIREMENTS: DO NOT USE CONJUNCTIONS. AVOID YOUR OWN OPINION. CITE YOUR SOURCES. DO NOT END SENTENCES IN A PREPOSTION. AVOID BASIC WORDS OR VOCABULARY.
solved Instructions:Read the case study for this assignment, The Case of
/in /by adminInstructions:Read the case study for this assignment, The Case of the Belated Lab Test.For this Assignment you will take on the role of the assistant administrator as described in the case study. You will create a communication plan for the team created to address the current problem the hospital is facing. Create this plan as if you were going to give it to your supervisor. It should be a formal plan that is labeled and organized in a logical way to communicate your ideas. Your plan should include the following:needed membersmeasurable goalstimelines of communicationbenefits of the projectYour overall plan can be in bulleted format, and should also include an informative essay describing the plan.Note – Be sure to complete the Unit 2 Learning Activity to review critical elements of a communication plan prior to completing your final draft of this Assignment.Requirements:Your communication plan should:include a title and reference double spaced, with 12 point Times New Roman font.establish and sustain a clear viewpoint and purpose.follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling).be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.Visit the APA Central link for help as needed with APA citation style.
solved I don’t understand this Anthropology question and need help to
/in /by adminI don’t understand this Anthropology question and need help to study.
Familiar To Strange Project
The last question of the Strange to Familiar project was, “How will this experience help you see something from your everyday, familiar life in a different way?†Â
That last question is where this next project begins. Now that you have had a “strange†experience, hopefully it got you thinking about how your own life, even the most mundane aspect of it, is actually quite strange if you look at it from outside its cultural context. Remember, the whole point of this course is to get you to begin to consider the possibility that EVERYTHING that you do and every material thing around you, even things that you consider to be “natural,†are fabrications built by the cultures you inhabit. This project will require you to step outside your culture (impossible, but try) and see a mundane object as a crystallization of your culture. Choose an object and figure out how it is a physical manifestation of something that is important to “your culture†(or one of the many cultures of which you form a part).
Anthropology is the science of writing the strange into the familiar and the art of seeing the familiar as strange. For example, watch this 4-minute mini-lecture: