All health care organizations must be aware of cost controls, regardless of their nonprofit or for-profit status. Managing costs at all levels of the organization affects the bottom line, which has a direct effect on all aspects of the organization. This assignment is designed to help you analyze why organizational policies are put in place.
Find a policy at a health care organization related to cost controls.
Summarize the details of the policy:
When was the policy put in place?
Was it adopted system-wide, in one department, or in multiple departments?
What does the policy address?
What are potential ramifications of not following the policy at the organizational level? Unit level? Individual level?
Explain how the policy impacts fiscal aspects of the organization:
How does the policy act as a cost control?
Describe how the policy impacts the quality of patient care:
Does the policy improve efficiency?
Are the goals to improve care and reduce cost?
Explore the unintended consequences:
What secondary affects does the policy have on the organization? Unit? Staff? Patient?
Does the policy need revision?
Suggest alternatives to the policy:
In your opinion, is the policy the best way to address the issue? Support your position by explaining why or why not.
solved According to Lee Horsely in The Noir Thriller, “the hard-boiled
/in /by adminAccording to Lee Horsely in The Noir Thriller, “the hard-boiled tradition so inextricably bound up with noir is in part defined by the gritty realism of its style, its faithful representation of the contemporary life and its hard-bitten response to socio-political corruption …. (H)owever, both literary and cinematic noir also have strong affinities with the literature of fantasy and romance, blending realistic representation with non-realistic and expressionist elements that are heightened, distorted, stylized and excessive … Indeed, it is often this pull towards excess which gives noir its unsettling power, its savage intensity and its haunting sense of irreversible fate…†(qtd. in Bukoski).
Which key noir elements does Edgar G. Ulmer employ in his film Detour to develop suspense and intrigue? In your response be certain to define a noir-themed story. Consider the discussion of one or more of the following elements, as they typify a classic noir: atmosphere, cinematography, music, characterization, theme and plot. Develop a strongly supported discussion of this topic in a 1,200-word essay.
Please include at least two direct quotations from **the two assigned readings in support of your argument and at least four direct quotations from Ulmer’s Detour.
solved 1) This course was designed to introduce you to the
/in /by admin1) This course was designed to introduce you to the ways of thinking about religion that you likely had never encountered before. Reflect on how your understanding of religion has changed over the course of the semester. What are some of your biggest takeaways? Which of the readings (if any) struck you the most?2) In our final unit, we’ve looked at the problem of religious freedom. Using material from any point in the semester, explain why religious freedom is a problem (or, at least, a potential problem.) You could, for example, explain the vagaries of the “invented” religions we discussed (the science fiction religions, anti-religion religions). You could show how most Western conceptions of religious freedom center “belief” and, therefore, tend to not protect practice-centered traditions that well (e.g. Vodou, SanterÃa, or a tradition that you grew up in or are more familiar with). You could also explain how governments are regularly put in a position of defining “religion” even as they are defending the anti-establishment of religion. Finally, you could look at the case of Japan and how idiosyncrasies in their understanding of “religion,” “secular,” and “superstition” demonstrate the difficulty or impossibility of a universal conception of religious freedom.
solved I’ve prepared an abstract and two single spaced pages into
/in /by adminI’ve prepared an abstract and two single spaced pages into the document; however, I’m sick. I need someone who isn’t afraid to write uncomfortable realities on paper. The abstract is included below:Often times there is the belief but daunting misconception that African American service members are exempt from the microaggressions that their civilian counterparts experience daily. There is also a misconception that serving our country exempts you from the rugged nature of the world around us. While the stride of equality seems obvious from someone lacking lived experiences, reality tells a story of how the most common exchange between service members and civilians, “thank you for your service,†Is respect and grace that African American service members wouldn’t otherwise receive as civilians (Janda, 2001). This respect is given because they’ve chosen to die for a country that sees them as superhuman while regarded as subhuman. The truth is, the microaggressions experienced is just like the uniforms they wear, camouflaged. This conclusion rests on a review of institutional analyses in three areas to which researchers have paid close attention: appearance standards, officer promotion rates, and the administration of military justice (Burk & Espinoza, 2012).
solved Assessments for Reading Complete the “Assessments for Reading†chart by
/in /by adminAssessments for Reading Complete the “Assessments for Reading†chart by defining and describing details and examples related to the following types of literacy assessments.General screening assessmentsDiagnostic testing assessmentsProgress monitoring assessmentsOutcome assessmentsSupport your findings with 2-4 scholarly or other professional resources.While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Resources Read Chapter 12.URL: “Digital Formative Assessments in Literacy,†by Sevensma and Schuhmacher, located on the International Literacy Association website (2017).URL: “Early Reading Assessment: A Guiding Tool for Instruction,†by The Access Center, located on the Reading Rockets website (2018).URL:
solved La vida de alguien famoso/a.TEMA: Imagina la vida de una
/in /by adminLa vida de alguien famoso/a.TEMA: Imagina la vida de una persona famosa. ¿Cómo era esta persona de niño/a? ¿Qué hacÃa con frecuencia o qué no hacÃa? Para usar el pretérito, puedes pensar en la vida de esta persona la semana pasada, durante la cuarentena (quarantine). También puedes hablar del año pasado cuando no estuvimos en cuarentena, o puedes hablar de anoche, por ejemplo. Recuerda que las detalles como la hora, el tiempo y otra información del fondo (background) requiere el imperfecto. INSTRUCCIONES:La idea de esta composición es usar los dos tiempos del pasado: el pretérito y el imperfecto. También, debes incluir vocabulario de Lección 3 y, si quieres, o si te ayuda, el vocabulario extra.Las oraciones deben ser a un nivel de segundo año (S203) y debes incluir entre 10-15 oraciones. ¡Sean creativos!Debes usar el libro y tus apuntes pero NO DEBES USAR UN TRADUCTOR (translator). Si necesitas una palabra de vez en cuando, puedes usar (Links to an external site.), pero no debes usarlo mucho. Concéntrate en lo que tú sabes en español y la Lección 3.NO DEBES USAR/PREGUNTAR OTRA PERSONA para ayuda.OJO: If I have any doubts about the appropriateness of the level of Spanish and your work, I will simply assign a zero grade.
solved This review should be 3-5 pages and include references to
/in /by adminThis review should be 3-5 pages and include references to course material. Â Citations should all be done in APA. Â This assignment will assess your knowledge of the following course outcomes:
Connect the concept of criminal enterprise and organized crime in gangs.
Evaluate methods used by law enforcement to control gangs
Select and watch a movie, preferably a documentary or one based on a true story, on gangs. Â Then prepare a thorough and critical movie review. Â The review should include at least the following:
What gang and gang type the movie is based on
What the major themes were in the movie as they relate to course materials
How was gang life portrayed, i.e. sensationalized?
Describe any criminal activity and or organized crime that the gang was involved with
Critically analyze the way in which law enforcement and or corrections attempted to control the gang activity.
Remember this should be written as a movie review so you also want to include information on the characters, plot, script, themes, special effects, and music and how they added or detracted to the content.  A helpful resource for writing a movie review “Academic writing tips: How to Write a Movie Review†Academic Writing Tips : How to Write a Movie Review (Links to an external site.)
solved All health care organizations must be aware of cost controls,
/in /by adminAll health care organizations must be aware of cost controls, regardless of their nonprofit or for-profit status. Managing costs at all levels of the organization affects the bottom line, which has a direct effect on all aspects of the organization. This assignment is designed to help you analyze why organizational policies are put in place.
Find a policy at a health care organization related to cost controls.
Summarize the details of the policy:
When was the policy put in place?
Was it adopted system-wide, in one department, or in multiple departments?
What does the policy address?
What are potential ramifications of not following the policy at the organizational level? Unit level? Individual level?
Explain how the policy impacts fiscal aspects of the organization:
How does the policy act as a cost control?
Describe how the policy impacts the quality of patient care:
Does the policy improve efficiency?
Are the goals to improve care and reduce cost?
Explore the unintended consequences:
What secondary affects does the policy have on the organization? Unit? Staff? Patient?
Does the policy need revision?
Suggest alternatives to the policy:
In your opinion, is the policy the best way to address the issue? Support your position by explaining why or why not.
solved Please answer each question. Explain why you chose the answer
/in /by adminPlease answer each question. Explain why you chose the answer that you did by drawing on the concept of heuristics and biases in decision making in Chapter 15. Please reference the relevant concepts and theories in your response.
The assignment must be 1 ½ pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins. Please remember to number each response.
1. Fortune magazine ranked the following 10 corporations as being among the 500 largest United States–based firms according to sales volume for 2013:
a. Group A: McDonald’s, Visa, Amazon, Target, Coca-Cola
      b. Group B: Berkshire Hathaway, General Electric, Valero, McKesson, Hewlett-Packard
      Which group would you say had the larger total sales volume, A or B? By what percentage (10 percent, 50 percent, 100 percent)?
2. The best student in your introductory MBA  class this past semester writes poetry and is rather shy and small in stature. What was the student’s undergraduate major: Chinese studies or psychology?
3. Which of the following causes more deaths in the United States each year?
   a. Stomach cancer
   b. Motor vehicle accidents
4. Which would you choose?
   a. A sure gain of $240.
   b. A 25 percent chance of winning $1,000 and a 75 percent chance of winning nothing.
solved Think of an unmet medical need that exists in the
/in /by adminThink of an unmet medical need that exists in the world today and write about it. Topics can be anything within the realm of medical science. For example, you can discuss a need for a better Human Papillomavirus (HPV) to protect our women of the world, an HIV vaccine, or a new diet therapy to combat irritable bowel syndrome or the nastier version, Crohn’s disease. You pick the topic and research what is known in the field today and how you would fight this condition in the future.Be sure to include the following in the paper:1. Brief background on what you are talking about, history of the condition, its discovery and who discovered it etc. This section should be a minimum of one paragraph and no more than two. 2. What the field knows about the topic currently. This section should be a minimum of one paragraph and no more than two. 3. If you were a scientist in the field, what you would do in an attempt to cure the said condition. Be specific here. Statements like “I’d create a therapy to make it stop” will not be acceptable. Some examples are: vaccine, antibody therapy, gene silencing etc. This section should be the bulk of your paper. 4. A works cited section in proper MLA or APA format citing all sources you used to construct the paper. -doc, docx format only
solved I’m working on a English question and need guidance to
/in /by adminI’m working on a English question and need guidance to help me study.
Describe a place that has significant meaning for you. (Describe it using strong sensory words and figurative language).
Imagine that Nebraska is considering getting a professional sports team (you decide: NFL, MLB, NBA or MLS). You are an influential sports journalist. Write an article persuading your readers to be for or against (take a stance) getting this professional sports team.Â
Take a position on a current political or social issue. Thoroughly explain and support your position.
You are writing an article for the world-renowned magazine CATZ BOI. You have been commissioned to write an essay describing why cats are better pets than dogs.Â
The up-and-coming online journal Oh No You Di’nt specializes in writing contradictory articles aimed at arguing with whatever main-stream magazines put out. You have just been hired to write an essay rebutting a recent publication in CATZ BOI that claimed cats are better pets than dogs. Your job is to write an essay describing how and why dogs are better pets than cat.                                          **Each thesis statement should have a clear topic, an arguable claim and 3 supporting points.Â