solved You will write three stories today that are typical of

You will write three stories today that are typical of those found in newsletters produced by private and public organizations to communicate with their audiences. Two stories will be short, four lines each. The third story will be longer, eight lines. 
Each item should be a good, concise news story that follows The Associated Press print style. 
Each item will need a headline and a photo suggestion. Write the headline first on a line above the story, then write a photo suggestion on a line under the headline. The photo suggestion should be one simple sentence. The story’s line count does not include the headline or the photo suggestion. 

The headline should be 6-10 words, include an active verb and use presenttense.
The photo suggestion should draw from the material you are writing about and

offer an image related to that topic. For example, if the story is about a university
concert, the photo suggestion might call for an illustration featuring the musical
group performing the concert.
The suggestion should be one sentence that says something like:
Photo suggestion: Palouse quartet members practicing for their scheduled
Both the headline and the body of the story may refer to WSU. You do not have to spell
out Washington State University.

solved 1. Emergency preparedness is an important step in reducing the

1. Emergency preparedness is an important step in reducing the impact of a disaster on the community. Identify and discuss three major ways that a community can build resilience to disasters. 
Students are to choose ONE from the following questions to answer. Your response to the chosen question should be roughly 600 to 900 words. No references and citations needed. Each question is worth 50 points. 
2. Why do you think using a single spokesperson model will be more effective than a multiple-person model? To effectively answer this question, you need to assess each approach in terms of advantages and disadvantages in your response. OR 3. Though social media is an integral part of effective crisis response, it should not be considered or used as the primary system of mass notification. Why? 
OR 4. Terrorism poses a significant communication challenges to emergency management officials. Identify and discuss with examples three of these challenges. In what way(s) do you think crisis communicators can address each of the identified challenges? Note: For each of the two questions, you must provide a detailed and intellectual response. Avoid merely copying anything from the book, articles or website since that behavior will hurt your grade in a significant way.

solved Part 1: This project begins with an interview conducted on

Part 1: This project begins with an interview conducted on a member of a culture other than your own (the person you choose to use must be a first or second generation immigrant). Focus on patient centered care in the (QSEN competency). Please use pages 8-10 from your text when formatting your PowerPoint by using the seven slide headings: Culturally Unique individual, Communication, Space, Social Organization, Time, Environmental Control, and Biological Variations on the slides. Integrate your interview with the information you learned from your text (Giger) and 2 additional journal articles to give a summary of the culture you are studying. Before you interview your patient/client, you should have a list of several questions to ask that will help you build your PowerPoint. You can use “Giger & Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model” from you text, to help you with the interview questions you may want to ask. You will also select one of the tenets characteristic of Nursing Practice from the ANA Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice book and explain in this PowerPoint how this relates to transcultural nursing assessment. You will also include culturally responsive nursing interventions that are specific to the cultural group and your interviewee.

solved ReadingsRequiredIs Marijuana As Safe As We Think? The New Yorker

ReadingsRequiredIs Marijuana As Safe As We Think? The New Yorker NY medical society: Legalized marijuana is bad for public health, Medical Society of the State of New YorkThe Public-Health Case for Legalizing Marijuana, National Affairs The Health Effects Of Cannabis And Cannabinoids – Committee Conclusions, The National AcademiesHealth Impact Assessment, A Basic Guide, Health Resources in ActionVideo: Health Impact Assessment 101, Health Resources in Action What Advocates of Legalizing Pot Don’t Want You to Know, The New York Times OptionalThe Great Marijuana Hoax, The Atlantic MonthlyVideo: The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research, The National Academies Full Report: The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research, The National Academies InstructionsBy the mid-week deadline, answer each of the questions/prompts below with 2 paragraphs using concepts from the text or your own research (be sure to cite correctly).QuestionsWhat are the most significant concerns your community has regarding marijuana legalization? How do you know? Whose voices/opinions are heard the most? How has marijuana historically effected your community?

solved Workplace EthicsThis assignment will give you the opportunity to choose

Workplace EthicsThis assignment will give you the opportunity to choose an article and then write about the ethical implications and the impact of the events that are described. Read and reflect on one of the following articles.Body Count Grows at Georgia Crematorium Busted! Employer catches employee on social media abusing FMLA leave EVERYTHING THAT’S ETHICAL TO STEAL FROM WORK—AND WHY WE DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE Can Your Employer Require You to Get a Covid-19 Vaccine?Write a paper in which you:Analyze the following questions associated with your chosen article, and discuss them using concepts you learned in this course.What ideals, effects, and consequences are at stake?Have any moral rights been violated?What would a Utilitarian recommend?What would a Kantian recommend?Explain your rationale for each of your answers for your chosen article, with supporting evidence.This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Evaluate the ethical implications and impact of the events of selected business situations using predominant ethical theories and concepts.

solved Review the CDC’s page on Health-related Policies (Links to an

Review the CDC’s page on Health-related Policies (Links to an external site.).Now choose a health-related issue not mentioned on that page to be the topic of an executive summary. (An executive summary is a a summary of collected information into a concise document for review by others.)NOTES FROM PROFESSORAll,Please note that you all will need to create a policy topic or idea that is not already a policy. Please think outside of the box and come up with an unique policy issue. Also, think on a National level (Public Health Impact). NO COVID related issues this will take too long.Over the next 5 weeks you will be framing questions, analyzing the public impact, feasibility, economic, and budgetary impacts of the proposed policy. This is a challenging assignment and you need to spend time defining the problem, researching the problem (background), developing policy options, understanding who are the stakeholders/interest groups, and determine how he policy will be implemented. There are a number of factors you will need to consider when developing policies for individuals and populations: political, economic, social, cultural, and social determinants. As we advocate for our patients we also need to consider the effect the change may have on others. Dr. Swilley


CHAPTERS 7 & 8: BUDGET PREPARATION: EXPENDITURE SIDE AND DECISION PROCESSChapter 9: Budget Approval: The Role of the LegislatureWhat are the factors that constrain the budgetary role of the Legislature?What are the factors that may affect how legislatures budget? Chapter 11. Budget ExecutionWhat are the four main steps in tax administration?What are the tools that governments consider as a means for increasing the efficiency of operations?What is the role of procurement in the budget process?What is the role of information technology in making management systems in government more effective?Chapter 12: Financial ManagementWhat are the three general classes of public sector funds and the 11 different particular type of funds. What is the basic accounting formula in governmental accounting?What are the methods in governmental accounting for determining when a revenue or expenditure item is recorded?Distinguish between preaudit, post audit and single audit.CHAPTER 13 & 14What are the three main sources of financing capital assets?What are the main categories of long-term bonds?How do Rating Agencies Evaluate Municipal Bond Issues?Lee Jr., Robert D.,Johnson, Ronald W.,Joyce, Philip G.. Public Budgeting Systems (p. 384). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Kindle Edition.

solved Purpose of Assignment: Nurses need to understand their influence on

Purpose of Assignment:
Nurses need to understand their influence on healthcare policy and the importance of engaging in legislation that impacts healthcare and nursing practice.
Course Competency:

Debate current healthcare policy as it relates to nursing practice.

You are a nursing member of a healthcare organization on a policy subcommittee. The subcommittee has been asked to prepare an advocacy policy brief on a current policy that can be presented for facility adoption. As an active nurse advocate, it is important your voice is heard on a matter important to you as this is your chance to influence policy.
Prepare a policy brief. Identify and support your stance by addressing the following:

Explain your selected healthcare policy.
Address the background of the problem requiring the policy.
Address how the policy is relevant to your nursing practice or area of interest.
Identify if this policy impacts practice at the local, state and/or national level.
Evaluate how this policy could impact health care and further explain how this policy would influence nursing practice.
Provide evidence to support your stance on how you can implement the current policy.
Explain ways you can assist in implementing this policy as a nurse advocate.

solved Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: According to Hebda & Czar (2019), the successful implementation of clinical information systems is determined by the complex interaction between the technical features of the system and human, social, and organizational factors that determine whether the system will be used and whether it will prove to be safe and effective.Do you agree with the author’s assertion? Why or why not? Cite specific examples from your experience in practice or the literature to support your response.Take an inventory of the information systems found in your organization, and describe your experience with health information systems. How would you rate the information-technology status of your organization? What do you consider are the positive aspects, and, what in your opinion, are the negative aspects of health information systems? What is the basis for your beliefs?Please include at least one reference, in any one post for full credit.Reference:Hebda, T., Hunter, K., & Czar, P. (2019). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (6th ed.). Prentice Hall/Pearson.Currently, I work at St Lucie Medical Center as an Endoscopy nurse. I have also worked here as a Pre-op nurse. Our hospital uses Meditech software.

solved This task will require the student to write a 3,000-word

This task will require the student to write a 3,000-word report for an organization of his/her choice suggesting implementation of a specific agile or hybrid project management methodology. The students will provide arguments regarding an agile or a hybrid methodology they chose for this organization, and will base their arguments in terms of advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and risks. This assessment strategy has been chosen because it can help students improve work performance, productivity, report writing skills, and self-confidence as these skills are needed for master’s level study as well as for the workplace in the future. This report will also improve the students’ perspective and capability to assess the suitability of methodologies to match the organizational environment, which is important to develop decision-making managerial skills.To assist the preparation for these assessments, students will be able to undertake a series of formative exercises and gain feedback during the workshops in each session. Expectations concerning the report and poster will be discussed in these workshops, and students will also be able to present drafts of their coursework to the tutor once before submission.This report accounts for 50% of the final grade.