solved Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is an outstanding tool

Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is an outstanding tool for evaluating potential sources of failure, the possible effects of failure, and mitigation actions that would reduce the consequences of failure for a given process. As a current or future health care administration leader, FMEA is a necessary tool to help your aim in reducing errors in health care delivery.For this Discussion, review the ASQ article and the application of FMEA discussed in the article. Then download the free FMEA template. Using this template as a mental guide, think about a process in your health services organization, or an organization with which you are familiar, that might fail.Post a description of a process in your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar, that might be subject to failure. Explain the potential failure modes and effects as well as the criticality associated with failures. Also, suggest mitigation techniques that will address the failure. Be specific and provide examples. Calculate risk priority numbers for various failure elements of this process using your own assessment of severity, likelihood of occurrence, and detectability. From your analysis, do you believe your organization is prepared for this process to fail? Why, or why not?

solved Week 4- Finding EvidenceEvidence that supports a conclusion is part

Week 4- Finding EvidenceEvidence that supports a conclusion is part of the research process. Literature reviews often accompany research papers in the form of a summary and synthesis of the published information about the research topic. Although this week’s assignment is not a literature review, it is designed to familiarize you with the practice of finding appropriate sources and information on a topic.Find three original research articles that apply to your research topic. The articles must bepeer reviewed,recent (published within 5 years), andstatistically significant.Write a 260-word summary of each article in which you identify (include these as headings).participantsindependent variable(s),* Students have difficulty with variables, I have added a guide for you under Week 4.dependent variable(s),methods, andresults.For each of the articles, determine if the article is suitable for inclusion in a literature review for your research topic.If it is not, explain why. If it is, explain how the information can be used to inform practice.Compile all summaries in one document.Do not include the entire article, but include a link to the articleInclude the APA citation for each article before each summary.Submit the APA citation, link to the article and summaries.

solved Popular culture may lead one to believe that law enforcement

Popular culture may lead one to believe that law enforcement and juveniles are in a perpetual state of conflict—neighborhood delinquents who are one step ahead of the police officers who track them with single-minded focus. Or another concept you may not see portrayed but may be familiar with in your own professional practice are programs designed to assist youth and create positive relationships.It might surprise you to learn that many in law enforcement focus more on keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system.In this Discussion, you compare your conception of juvenile and law enforcement relationships with popular perceptions.To prepare:Your Instructor may post a contemporary news story or other current example of a positive juvenile and law enforcement relationship; alternately, your Instructor may invite you to find your own example.Read the Instructor’s posted contemporary crime story or refer to a story you researched.By Day 3 of Week 4Post a response to the following:To what degree do media portrayals of juvenile/police relationships reflect your professional or personal experience?Refer to the contemporary or current event example to illustrate your position.You may also incorporate professional or life experience to illustrate your position.

solved Each question should be answered in two or three concise

Each question should be answered in two or three concise paragraphs.
1 – On page 147 Césaire writes: “I want to add a certain number of considerations related to my position as a man of color.” How is this related to “the right to initiative” mentioned at the bottom of page 149?
2 – On page 149 Césaire refers to “civilization with a capital C and progress with a capital P.” What does this mean? How is it related, if it is, to what he refers to (on the same page) as “fraternalism’?
3 – On page 152 we read: “My conception of the universal is that of a universal enriched by all that is particular, a universal enriched by every particular: the deepening and coexistence of all particulars.” What does this mean? How is it different from the perspective advocated by Kant, Hegel, and Marx?4 – What does Cabral mean by “re-Africanization” (mentioned on p. 45 and p. 47)? Why is it necessary in the context of the African liberation struggle? Is it in any way related to what Césaire refers to as “the right to personality”? (“Letter to Thorez,” p. 150)
5 – What does Cabral mean by “return to the source” (p. 63)? Is it related to what he refers to as “a frustration complex” (p. 62)? Who is affected by this “complex”?

solved In this assignment, you are going to listen to several

In this assignment, you are going to listen to several Depression Era songs and analyze their meaning in the context of the Depression. Do not do outside research! You need to listen to the songs (read the lyrics) and interpret them yourself. You can use the information from your textbook.The song lyrics are attached in a document in chronological order by the year they were released.The links for the songs are posted below the Assignment tab in the Canvas home page. They are also pasted into the lyrics sheet, and you can copy and paste them into your browser.***Write an essay that discusses the songs, the meaning of the lyrics, how they fit with specific historical events, New Deal programs, etc. What are some of the differences you see from the start of the Depression toward the end in 1939? Why do you think these songs were popular? Why are some upbeat and others negative? Do you think people would rather have been entertained and uplifted, or did they want music that reflected their reality? Make sure you think about race as well. Make sure you mention specific New Deal programs and events from the Depression. While you do not need to write about every one of the posted songs, you need to write about at least 4 from Group A songs and 4 from Group B songs.

solved I need help with a English question. All explanations and

I need help with a English question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Lil Red is walking along, minding her own business. The Wolf approaches her—not the other way around. Hansel and Gretel stumble upon the witch’s house—or get their heads cut off by their father. Neither of these kids is seeking out danger, per se. Prietita doesn’t end up meeting anything scary. (Jack & Sally aren’t actually kids, so let’s forget them for a moment.)Unlike most of the other child characters we’ve encountered, Coraline HERSELF seeks out the “thing” that will eventually become her enemy—she doesn’t just happen upon it; rather, she courts danger in many instances in the book (and in this way, she IS like some of the kids Gorey presents).How does this “flirting with danger” element of Coraline’s personality impact your reading of her? Is she Gothic or not? Is she relatable? Is she to blame for her actions—especially at the end of the novel—for perpetuating evil?You may answer any or all of the questions posed above, but the main focus of this journal is to explore your views on Coraline’s identity. Requirements: 2-3 pages (though longer is fine), using a minimum of two quotes from the novel. When citing, use MLA format.

solved School of Thought Alignment With Your Research PaperFor this week’s

School of Thought Alignment With Your Research PaperFor this week’s discussion, the task is to further explore the theoretical foundations that underlie your research topic. You started this in the past discussion, Application of Schools of Thought to Research, with a focus on the school of thought. For this week’s post, turn your attention to how the research topic is embedded in the context of your chosen school of thought.Clearly demonstrate how your research project will use the values, principles, and methods of your chosen school of thought. Expand the discussion of the topic area to include questions that arise for you as you think about exploring this topic in research. Be sure the questions you wish to explore fit within the context of your chosen school of thought. For example, questions about measurement and comparison might fit a behaviorist model well, but would not align well with a humanistic model. Use this as a teaching opportunity to enlighten your peers about your area of interest. Be clear and specific in your writing.Use at least two of the articles you intend to include in your bibliography to illustrate how your school of thought supports your research paper. You may also use the supplied articles from the syllabus to support your paper.

solved After reviewing all the films in Week Two’s content, discuss

After reviewing all the films in Week Two’s content, discuss at least 5 storytelling/narrative/plot devices or editing choices that you have seen in recent films or TV shows. How did these devices or choices help drive the story? Link those narrative techniques to the films you watched from the content this week.For example: In Walk, – You, Walk! (1912) Rose gets the help of friends to teach someone who mistreated her a lesson. This is common plot device in today’s situation comedies.Resources:…

solved I’m trying to study for my Business course and I

I’m trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question.

PART 1: Ask a member of the Human Resources team (or the person who does the hiring) at your work what they see as the key characteristics of a successful manager. In the discussion thread, provide a summary, answering the following questions:

What company do you work for and what is the role of the individual you interviewed?
What are the key characteristics of a successful manager that your colleague described?
What are your thoughts on your colleague’s response?

Part two on a separate word document
Step 1 – Read the Information Below
Organizations are cutting costs and making decisions to offer employees remote work. In this week’s discussion, your boss just informed you that you will work remotely starting Friday. You are concerned you will have a difficult time building and maintaining relationships. The following are areas of concern for you:

Leader-member relationships.
Coworker relationships.
Boundary-spanning relationships extending outside the organization.

Step 2 – Post a Response
Respond to the following.

Choose one area and explain how you will maintain the relationship you identified with specific steps you will take to build the relationship.

solved identify various forms of terrorism Based on the readings, prepare

identify various forms of terrorism

Based on the readings, prepare a 3- to 5-slide PowerPoint presentation identifying and explaining the three different types of terrorism. Your presentation should address the following:

Terrorism has sometimes been interpreted as a way of fighting between those in power and those seeking power. How have ideas and perspectives on terrorism changed over time?
Identify and describe different types of terrorism and give examples of each.
The term “terrorism” has many definitions, and even official definitions of the term differ. Describe in detail why definitions vary yet have great importance and significance in how terrorism is viewed. Use several examples of the definitions from the book and analyze them. 


Your 3–5 slide requirement is excluding your introduction and reference slides.
Use Scholarly sources to support your presentation.
Include at least five sources to support your presentation.
Use one basic slide design and layout.
Limit slides to between 6 and 8 lines of content.
Use bullets for your main points.
Use speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience.
Assume you will make your presentation to an international audience.