solved What Is the Theoretical Foundation for the Plan?After many discussions

What Is the Theoretical Foundation for the Plan?After many discussions and a few assignments where you have directly engaged the strategic planning process, you are now ready to inspect the various theories on which strategic planning, or planning, depend. Vojelij (2015) offers a debate about planning theory versus planning practice in your readings for this unit. Consider this challenge as you identify the theoretical basis for your strategic planning process.In your readings of Yarger (2006) and Anderson (2004), you can see there are various perspectives on theory. One set of theories undergird big strategies that government leaders use to assess trends, ideas, concepts, and threats that may confront a government like the United States. While your plan may not operate at this level, it is useful to understand that there are different theories for strategic planning affected by the scope of the organization. The Anderson reading takes a more commonly used perspective of change theory applied in the community-based context.Focus on Section 3 (pages 10–15) of Anderson and “A Theory Stated: Strategic Logic” (pages 5–16) of the Yarger reading. State what you consider to be the theory on which you base your plan. (Simply discuss this in your own words.)

solved Hi! I need a memoir to be written. It will

Hi! I need a memoir to be written. It will be a personal situation and i have decided to write about the time a failed a test. It will be a chem test and you can talk about how hard i stuided for it and still failed. I ended up becoming a science major in college so that is ironic and now stuck in chemsitry. Obviously w a memoir there needs to be details of the scenario and a plot. I was in high school at the time this happened. Here are more detailed instructions! If possible can you make this a tad bit comical I do not want it to sound to boring.Remember that you’re writing NONFICTION here, which means it’s a TRUE story, not a made-up story, not a partially true story with made-up parts. Fictional stories will receive no credit.Also, make sure your memoir essay has a great title, something much more engaging than “Memoir Essay” or “Essay #1.” The draft should be a minimum of 1000 words, and should include at least one scene (setting, dialogue, characterization, action) if you want full credit.for setting it could be highschool , dialouge between my friends or teacher, characterization could be possible conversations w my teacherRemeber this is a memoir so it has to be personal! There has to be one scene with setting, dialouge, characterization action

solved Table of ContentsModule 4: The Symbolic FrameDiscussion: University of Missouri

Table of ContentsModule 4: The Symbolic FrameDiscussion: University of Missouri (A) – Symbolic FrameDiscussion: University of Missouri (A) – Symbolic FrameundefinedPrevious Next Using the Symbolic Frame, choose some symbol – or some other situation in which organizational meaning was at issue – in the University of Missouri case, and discuss in-depth how the Symbolic Frame can be used to inform our understanding of the University of Missouri case. How significant of a role do you believe symbolism played in the University of Missouri case study. Be sure that you incorporate 1 or 2 assumptions of the Symbolic Frame in your response. Remember to perform some outside research, to properly cite your sources, and to demonstrate evidence of critical thinking in your response. Before the end of Module 4, be sure that you have responded to a minimum of two of your classmates’ postings. Remember that the Discussions are an assignment – they equate to a full 20% of your final grade; consequently, they require a minimum of 20% of the total effort you put forth into the overall course. In this context, the Discussions require additional research on your part, critical thinking, and graduate-level presentation (grammar, spelling, proper citation, etc.).

solved لإhe controller at Ranyah Corporation analyzed a proposed equipment purchase

لإhe controller at Ranyah Corporation analyzed a proposed equipment purchase for the firm and decided that the investment met all the firm’s criteria regarding payback, net present value, and internal rate of return. Notwithstanding the positive results, top management decided to reject purchase of the machine. Elaborate on why a firm might reject a project even though it satisfies all the capital budgeting analyses.Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (requires supporting citations) along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in supporting your answer. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Electronic Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references.ReadingsRequired:Chapter 12 in Managerial AccountingSarwary, Z. (2019). Capital budgeting techniques in SMEs: A literature review. Journal of Accounting & Finance (2158-3625), 19(3), 97–114.Recommended: Chapter 12 PowerPoint slides SEU_ACT500_Module11_PPT_Ch12.pptx – Alternative Formats in Managerial AccountingNikias, A. D. (2019). An experimental examination of the effects of information control on budget reporting with relative project evaluation. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 31(2), 177–196.

solved Visit the websites for the four professional associations listed in

Visit the websites for the four professional associations listed in the “Professional Organizations” section below. Locate and review the professional standards/competencies for each organization. As you review the standards and competencies, look for overlap among the organizations, and identify three currently hot topics related to the school counseling profession that you would like to explore further.Enter your three hot topics into the assignment worksheet. Then, select one of the three topics for further investigation and analysis.Once you’ve chosen your hot topic, watch the National University Library Orientation video below. Then, access the School Counseling Library Guide, and locate two resources in the National University Library that relate to and support your hot topic.Finally, use your chosen resources and the ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards & Competencies document to complete the assignment worksheet, in which you will identify: three ASCA Counselor Mindsets that relate to and align with your topic,eight behaviors for each of the three Mindsets that relate to and align with your top** Website are: , , ,

solved DiscussionBuilding self-awareness of our verbal and non-verbal communication allows us

DiscussionBuilding self-awareness of our verbal and non-verbal communication allows us to grow in our communication skills. What resources do you use to improve your awareness of your communication skills in the professional setting?Interprofessional collaboration to improve patient outcomes depends on our professional communication skills. What are the most effective communication skills that nurses bring to collaborative interactions? Why are those so important in your own practice?READING MATERIALSMasters, K. (2020). Role development in professional nursing practice (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.Chapter 10: Patient Education and Patient-Centered Care in Professional Nursing Practice pp. 268-274Chapter 13: Teamwork, Collaboration, and Communication in Professional Nursing Practice pp. 355-366AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education: pp. 22-26. (Go to the Webliography to find a link to this file.)Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies©: pp. 10-13, 32-41. (Go to the Webliography to find a link to this file.)NOTE: All items on this page are considered Assigned Readings for the week and may not be used for Scholarly Outside Sources in Discussions. For scholarly outside sources, please explore the Chamberlain Library or Webliography.

solved A. Need a 9 page APA format paper presenting Â

A. Need a 9 page APA format paper presenting  a comprehensive social media marketing plan on your chosen company.  Throughout my course I used CISCO, so you can use that company to write the paper. 
Following are the topics needs to be covered:
1.Explain   how Social Media differs from traditional offline marketing, and why it’s   important to the global business mode
2.Define   a social media plan, its contents, and how to create social media strategies
3.Explain   the concept of content marketing, detailing best practices for content   selection and key issues marketers face
4.Describe   how consumer user of television and video are changing, and the benefits of   online videos for marketing
5.Explain   how marketers can integrate photo sharing sites into the organization   branding campaign
6.Describe   social bookmarking and its importance to marketers
7.Explain   the growth of mobile usage, and explain how social media fits into the mobile   environment
8.Demonstrate   how Metrics are used by the social media marketer to achieve the   organization’s business objectives and ROI. 
B. Make a 15 slides presentation reflecting the  paper with intext citations and references minimum of 10.

solved Please answer the following Discussion Question. Please be certain to

Please answer the following Discussion Question. Please be certain to answer the four questions and to provide a well-developed and complete answer. Case Study Chapter 5, Evidence-Based PracticeTwo professional registered nurses are interested in evidence-based practice and have developed research questions to study. The nurses discuss what evidence-based practice is all about and are trying to determine if the organizational culture supports nurses who seek out and use research to change long-standing practices that are rooted in tradition rather than science.1. What is the best explanation of the difference between evidence-based practice and best practices?2. The two registered nurses review a variety of research studies to answer their proposed research questions. What is the difference in the efficacy of randomized controlled trials, integrative reviews, or meta-analysis with practice-based evidence for continuous process improvement?3. The registered professional nurses must consider alternative support mechanisms when searching for the best evidence to support their clinical practice. What are possible mechanisms of support for evidence-based practice?4. Describe the challenges that exist today for nurses in implementing evidence-based practice?

solved Literature and books provide us so much in the way

Literature and books provide us so much in the way of exploring different concepts about our lives and in early childhood they provide the base for how children explore different concepts. As I discussed in the overview it is important that we as educators continue to broaden our knowledge of books that are quality for utilizing in early childhood classrooms. So I challenge you this week to find a several books you did not know existed that can support the broad topic of personality development. I encourage you to brainstorm this topic as it is influenced by the temperament a child has and temperament is part of the emotional development and emotional development is influenced by peers and social interactions. So you can see how broad the topic is and why it is important to brainstorm to help narrow your search for books. For the discussion this week I want you to share 3 books you find in your search (at the libraries or web based search) to share with your groupmates. Not only are you to share the book but you must discuss how each one supports a topic within the umbrella of personality development and provide evidence from the text and learnings as to why the concept you choose is so important to the support of personality development of the child.

solved Description: For this assignment, you will critique a persuasive or

For this assignment, you will critique a persuasive or informative speech.
Analyze guidelines for critically evaluating speeches.
Evaluate teh suggested guidelines for informative speaking, teh supporting materials of a speech, and teh varied types of presentation aids.
Analyze the goals and guidelines of a persuasive speech.
Explore the three types of persuasive speeches and the fallacies of logical, emotional, and credibility appeals.

Review the guidelines for critically evaluating speeches given in the textbook and in the learning activities.
View one of teh following speeches:    (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)
Minimize VideoDepression is an Illness, Not a Weakness  (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)
(Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)Tyler Perry Gives | BET Awards 2019 (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) Admiral McRaven | University of Texas at Austin Class of 2014 (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) Priyanka Chopra | Full Power of Women Speech (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)Â