solved Please list your 1st impressions of the wagon (and “+”

Please list your 1st impressions of the wagon (and “+” for positive or “-“ for negative in parentheses next to your 1st impressions):__________________________ ( )__________________________ ( )__________________________ ( )__________________________ ( )__________________________ ( )Include the count of your responses here:# of “+” responses: _____# of “-“ responses: _____==B. After completing the exercise, please briefly explain in your own words the differences between social change and cultural change for your discussion post.C. Briefly describe what cognitive dissonance is as well. Make sure that you define these terms with material from the course (and include in-text citations as needed – you can find more information about how to properly use in-text citations on the syllabus).D. In your discussion post, briefly answer the following questions:What about “The Wagon Exercise” caused you cognitive dissonance? Why? Please be clear in your explanation.When have you experienced cognitive dissonance in your life? What did it look like? Please briefly explain what caused the cognitive dissonance.How did the cognitive dissonance that you experienced lead to or result from a social or cultural change that you experienced? Please explain.

solved    Proposed   product or service: Engineering

Proposed   product or service:

Engineering Product Design Services
Why   is this company name significant?

As the name describes we bring new technology to the product we are that we’re one of the best in the industry.
Why   did you choose this product or service?

The type of capabilities we have is very different from other organizations. We have a set of creative folks and a set of engineering talent. This is a unique combination, which brings value to our customers. We bring design and technology together. 
the planner describes the offering and provides a brief rationale for why the company should invest in it. In other words, why is the offering needed? In addition, the company’s mission statement should be referenced. How does the offering and marketing plan further the company’s mission?
Remember, the focus of your marketing plan should center on a unique company and product or service. Essentially, you are an entrepreneur marketing your startup company’s unique product or service.
Keep in mind that some of the marketing plan guidelines in the PDF course book refer to existing businesses and product or services. Your focus should be a startup entrepreneurship; therefore, overlook requirements for an existing business.

solved Ambrose Akinmusire is a notable jazz musician trumpet player from

Ambrose Akinmusire is a notable jazz musician trumpet player from either the past or present. Study his/her life, art, and impact on society/culture. A quality research paper must also have a thesis (organizing argument) stating a proposition. The paper should begin with an introduction describing Ambrose Akinmusire, why you chose him, and stating your specific thesis. The middle of the paper will consist of background research on the music and culture pertaining to your chosen individual. The paper should end with a conclusion that revisits the original thesis, highlights what you learned through your research about the person you chose, and how the experience has impacted or altered your views about jazz, culture, and the world around you.
You must include a bibliography, showing that you used a variety of resources with at least 4 articles, books, and encyclopedias.  You must include at least one of each of those.  A good resource to start with is Oxford Music Online
You may also find articles from jazz publications or other news publications online, but please avoid websites such as Wikipedia or any website that does not cite its sources or provide credentials to show that its authors are experts in their subject.
Ambrose Akinmusire – trumpet player

solved Hi this is a discussion about a theory that is

Hi this is a discussion about a theory that is discussed in the book chapter 10 and in the two articles I will provide. My field of work is academic counseling. Please use the book ant the articles and for any questions refer to me thank you. The discussion should be in APA and please provide the references thank you. Make sure to identify three key practices and explain them and follow the prompt. Please answer all the points in the prompt. I will attach articles and provide a link to the book. Book link:… THEORY: Collaborative language systemPROMPTIdentify 3 key practices in this theory and explain them. Identify how these practices are drawing and implementing on which constructionist principles. Share your personal opinions and situate your position on these items.How does this theory conceptualize the self? How does it conceptualize change?In approximately 500 words, give an example of this theoretical orientation that you could apply to your current or prospective field of work and explore any limitations of this theoretical orientation (diversity, work setting, population). Feel free to use examples from personal world as well (family, friends, etc.), but please dis-identify and do not diagnose.

solved Write a descriptive answer (4-5 sentences) for each question below.Please

Write a descriptive answer (4-5 sentences) for each question below.Please do research on Confucianism, the idea of a deliberate tradition. Then express your opinions and give an explanation on your answers for the last 2 questions.-Attached is the copy of a book (focus on pg. 163) regarding one the questions-_______________________________________________________________________Describe the idea of a ‘deliberate tradition’. Why does Confucianism embrace this idea? What are some advantages of this type of tradition? Can you related to the quote on p. 163 of the reading regarding the United States as the most traditionless society?Describe one of the five key terms given in the sections titles ‘The Content of Deliberate Tradition’. What strikes you most about this term? Can you relate to this term in any way? Why or why not? Why is this term an important part of confucianism? Do you agree or disagree that this term is an admirable addition to the ‘deliberate tradition’? Why or why not?What are you overall thoughts on Confucianism as it relates to this course? Were there any quotes from Confucius in the reading that particularly jumped out at you? What made them stand out?Does any of this relate to your own life and how you feel the world is or ought to be?

solved Write your answer in complete sentences, with each major point

Write your answer in complete sentences, with each major point in a separate paragraph. Be careful to provide a basic chronology for the events you describe; this means you must put down the approximate dates in which they occur.A) What were the various motives for imperialism throughout the world? How did European nations justify continued territorial expansion and the exploitation of other cultures? What strategies did imperialist nations employ to conquer and control their colonies, and how did nations like Japan attempt to thwart these actions? Finally, how did imperialist ventures contribute to the outbreak of World War One? Draw on the specific ideas from lecture and discussion, as well as Things Fall Apart and other relevant assigned readings, to support your argument.C) What major underlying factors made the outbreak of the First World War in Europe almost inevitable by 1914?What kinds of conditions did people face both on the battlefield and at the home front? Who ultimately won the war, and what were the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles? How were Europe and other parts of the world changed as a result of the conflict? Utilize evidence from All Quiet on the Western Front, as well as your other source documents, to make a persuasive case.

solved Citing of references is also necessary in APA style. (

Citing of references is also necessary in APA style. ( You can choose Aramco Saudi company for the assignment, it is an oil firm that operates internationally )Learning Outcomes: Explain the forces driving and evaluate the impact of globalization (CLO: 1.3) Analyze the effects of culture, politics and economic systems in the context of international business (CLO: 2.1)Carry out effective self-evaluation through discussing economic systems in the international business context (CLO: 3.1)Report WritingSelect a Saudi company that operates in Europe and/or Africa, and write (a minimum of 500 word) report covering the following points:Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.Analyze the political, economic, cultural, and legal challenges the company currently faces in any of the country it operates (select one country in which the company operates for this analysis).Strengths: List the strengths of the selected company. Weaknesses: Describe the areas of weakness in the company’s operations. Opportunities: Examine factors that may improve the company’s chances of success. Threats: List the external threats to the business company’s success.

solved 1.)Who were the non-customers Marvel targeted?2. There are several attempts

1.)Who were the non-customers Marvel targeted?2. There are several attempts to explain Marvels Success via competetive strategy but they fall flat: competitve strategy, with this specific case neither predicts nor explains the outcome why?Formart:Executive Summary(If appropriate – should be written last to focus on key points/findings)IntroductionCurrent Situation Analysis and pertinent Background including a synopsis of the relevant information from the case analysis tool short form.BodyMay include:Target Market IdentificationMarket NeedsForms of IMC in useAnalysis of CaseKey Issues/GoalsRecommendationsShould include:Decision Criteria Assumptions Data Analysis (analysis in appendix and summary info in the body) Preferred Alternative with rationale.Justification/Predicted Outcome:It is important that all guesstimates or creative ideas be founded upon some marketing rationale and a solid understanding of the metrics related to the target market and anticipated financial changes/impact. Using target market analysis and education estimation of population, $, and units is appropriate.If you are not confident in your ability to do so…PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DISCUSS “HOW TO” as a team with the professor well in advance of your case presentation.Conclusion

solved Welcome to this week’s Discussions.Using either Chrome or Firefox as

Welcome to this week’s Discussions.Using either Chrome or Firefox as your browser, complete one of the two self-assessments. In order to earn full credit, you are responsible for three posts. By Wednesday, you should respond to one of the self-assessment topics. The second two posts (4-5 sentences each) are responses to your colleagues’ original posts. Self-Assessment Topic 1. How Strong Is My Motivation to Lead?Do results match your desire to assume leadership roles at school, work, and home? Explain.Which of the three dimensions do you think is most likely to affect your future success as a leader? Discuss.What things would you say during an interview to demonstrate that you possess the career readiness competency of leadership?Self-Assessment Topic 2. What Is Your Orientation: Toward Theory X/Theory Y?This self-assessment is designed to reveal your orientation as a manager—whether it tends toward Theory X or Theory Y.To what extent do you think your results are an accurate reflection of your beliefs about others? Are you surprised by the results?As a leader of a student or work-related project team, how might your results affect your approach toward leading others? Explain.If an employee doesn’t seem to show ambition, can that be changed? Discu

solved Was wondering if someone can create a google slides presentation

Was wondering if someone can create a google slides presentation on the antibiotic “Amoxicillin”. Make sure to get some medical template from a 3rd party site for google slide templates. Thanks.Here are the directions from the teacher -“Research Requirements – -What is the general or common name of the medication and what is the scientific name (they might be the same or they might also have a brand name you have heard of)-What does the medication do, what symptoms does it treat, what illness is it used to treat-What elements are in the medication-Show a picture of the chemical structure, explain any structures of the medication we have learned about-How does the medication work in the body (explain what biology and chemistry you can)-What are the proper dosages of this medication and how do you take it-How many people use this medication around the world-Are there any other medications that do the same thing or are any new medications being researched to treat the same problem-Why did you choose this medication”—————————————————–“Presentation Requirements – -Make a google slide presentation-Slides should have information in bullet points-Slides should be creative (not black and white, have pictures, have a background)