solved IntroductionIn this assignment, you will evaluate the condition of a

IntroductionIn this assignment, you will evaluate the condition of a specific healthcare market on the basis of the competition present. This will require that you research two healthcare organizations in a similar geographic location and either conduct a SWOT analysis or use Porter’s five forces model.You will have the flexibility to select any two healthcare organizations (which offer similar services) that serve the same geographic location.For example, you may be interested to research two skilled nursing facilities (a type of service) in Minneapolis, Minnesota (location). In this example, you would need to research two existing skilled nursing facilities in Minneapolis and complete an assessment tool for each.TasksSelect a type of healthcare service (acute care, rural health clinic, long-term care, home healthcare, etc.) and a location (city/state) that interests you.Provide an overview of the two healthcare organizations and location you selected.Either conduct a SWOT analysis or use Porter’s Five Forces model for each of your selected healthcare organizations.On the basis of your findings, recommend which of the two organizations you identified has the competitive advantage in the specific geographic location you selected.

solved I don’t know how to handle this Humanities question and

I don’t know how to handle this Humanities question and need guidance.

Overview:After analyzing the skill requirements and personnel availability, the project team is staffed. This process usually involves negotiation to match the best people with the project tasks. Successful negotiation results in win-win outcomes. Teams will not begin as a unified body but rather go through a five-stage approach of forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. High performing teams have a clear sense of mission, an understanding of interdependencies, cohesiveness, trust, enthusiasm, and a results orientation. Teams that are motivated to collaborate positively impact the project task outcomes and the psychosocial project team results. Achieving cross-functional cooperation in teams is challenging, especially if the team is virtual and thus must rely on electronic media. Conflict can occur and can be addressed through mediation, arbitration, control, acceptance, or elimination.“Trust can actually encourage disagreement and conflict among team members.” Explain why this could be the case.Identify the five major methods for resolving conflict. Give an example of how each might be applied in a hypothetical project team conflict episode.

solved The theme of one of our texts is God’s generosity

The theme of one of our texts is God’s generosity to us in creation, the giving of the Son and Spirit, salvation, etc. The goal of your paper is to display God’s generosity through Spirit-motivated generosity. Therefore, you will do the following:

Spend time praying about how you might be generous — with your time, money, energies, and/or gifts — towards someone in need. Ask the Lord how you might display his kind of abundant generosity to others in a way that would display his goodness. Ask the Lord to stretch you out of your comfort zone. This may be an ongoing or a one-time (or anything in between) display of generosity.
Implement whatever it is you believe the Lord placed on your heart.
Write a 4-5 page report detailing (1) what you did, (2) in what specific ways you think it reflected God’s generosity (e.g., “God takes initiative in these ways, so I took initiative in these ways”), (3) how the recipients responded, and (4) what you learned/gained from doing the project.

The hope is that when we, in practice, reflect God’s character, we experience him in fresh ways as a result. May that be the case for us. Grades will be based primarily on the thoughtfulness of the project itself and the resulting reflections. 

solved Guidelines for the Reflections on Life in Another Culture General

Guidelines for the Reflections on Life in Another Culture
General requirements
-Watch one of the following videos:

“Nomadic Tribes of the Sahara.” (Links to an external site.)
“Ten canoes” (Links to an external site.)
“Cunnamulla” (Links to an external site.)
“Cannibal Tours” (Links to an external site.)
“Traveling through the Australian Continent” (Links to an external site.)
“Men of the fifth world” (Links to an external site.)

–The reflections should be a brief essay that summarizes how you contemplate about living in that culture and discuss what you see as universals based on the four levels of universality as described in the textbook: nonuniversals, existential universals, functional universals, and accessibility universals.
1. Discuss how you would see yourself living in that environment as a member of that culture  
2. Discuss the various levels of universality of cultural elements 

solved Open this Outline Template for Research Argument Essay Download Outline

Open this Outline Template for Research Argument Essay Download Outline Template for Research Argument Essayand use it as a template to create your sentence outline for your research paper on fracking OR offshore drilling. (Remove direction sentences as you complete your sentence outline.)
Review the thesis statement you created for the Annotated Bibliography assignment. Refine your thesis statement as needed.  Make sure it includes your topic, a clear key argument (claim) and 2-4 focused main ideas that prove the argument.
Using your thesis create a topic sentence for each main idea in your thesis. This creates unity (Links to an external site.) in your outline.
Once you have unity between your thesis and topic sentences, develop each topic sentence idea using adequate supporting evidence from your research and explanation/analysis from your own thinking. Make sure your quotes are integrated as modeled in the quote sandwich (Links to an external site.).
Remember, if you have a great deal to say about one main idea in your thesis, you might consider developing more than one paragraph for this main idea when you write your essay.  So pay attention to the amount of evidence you have for each main idea as you develop your outline.

solved Key building blocks of good decision making include the ability

Key building blocks of good decision making include the ability to visualize, analyze, and verbally communicate ideas effectively. Large volumes of data can be particularly complex to understand and present. However, if data is visually presented through a combination of meaningful charts, text, and a verbal narrative, the intended audience can better engage in the discussion of the facts, patterns, and findings that must be acknowledged before moving to the decision-making stage.In this discussion, you will take on the role of a new restaurant owner who is checking on sales since the opening of your establishment in January. You have just downloaded the following sales data from your financial software: Module Four Discussion Sales Data. It includes sales by food item for each month you have been in business. You would like to create visualizations that illustrate which items are selling well and how the business is doing month by month.In your initial post, make sure to include the visualizations you created and address the following:What have you been able to identify through the visual representation of the data?What kind of graphic have you selected and why?How would this visualization need to be changed based on your audience?

solved Please read the readings and choose one of the following

Please read the readings and choose one of the following questions and react to it briefly.
1. Simple question with potentially difficult implications for American democracy:  Are American voters informed enough to select their representatives and hold them accountable for their actions in office?  Why or why not?
2. Over the past several decades, some states have introduced policies that make it easier to vote (e.g. mail-in ballots), whereas others have implemented restrictions (e.g. requiring photo ID to vote). In general, which type of policies do you support? Why?
3. Twenty-seven US states, including California, have some form of direct democracy, where citizens vote directly on policy. There are many proponents and critics of this process; do you think it is beneficial or harmful to allow citizens to vote directly on policy, rather than their views being represented by elected officials?
4. With  a record $14.4 billion spent in the 2020 federal elections, many often decry the large amount of money spent in American electoral campaigns. Do you believe this is a problem? Why or why not? What could be done about it, if so……

solved (50 points)Based on your exploration of the data websites in

(50 points)Based on your exploration of the data websites in this module’s learning activities, pick a specific primary pollutant (VOCs, NOx, CO, S0x, PM, lead) and discuss their possible health effects from exposure. Include statistics to outline the prevalence of the health issues. Expand on how to limit or avoid exposure. Provide examples of what your local or state health departments do to protect the communities from these pollutants. Include measures aimed at the mitigation of pollution sources and those aimed at improving public health.The first response post should expand on the air quality aspect of one of you peer’s post and identify influencing variables that can exacerbate health effects and if the issue is a biological, chemical, or physical issue. Indicate targets associated with Healthy People 2020. For the second response, discuss the correlation between the pollutant and a medical condition/ illness (For example- sulfur dioxide and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or particulate matter pollutant and autism or carbon monoxide exposure and stillbirth or nitrogen exposure and asthma. Be sure to provide references for the principle points you are making.)For this discussion:
Initial post: 250 wordsTTwo references

solved As a way to synthesize the materials for the week,

As a way to synthesize the materials for the week, please write a 300-500 word paragraph that engages the important ideas and themes for the module. You are required to cover the following areas:In your post, you must include reference three of the materials for the week — two of the three starred materials for the week are required as material you are references, plus one other video, reading, podcast etc. of your choice, which could be the third starred source. Please BOLD the names of the readings/concepts in your post. (Academic citation is NOT necessary in this Weekly Post)A significant connection of one of these concepts to your individual life must be included.Proper grammar and spelling is required.In a SECOND section of the post, at least one key term must defined in the writing using your own words (simply copying and pasting a definition from a reading or lecture is not acceptable).In a THIRD section create a discussion question that engages module concepts and invites people to think critically about connections with other material or their lives. You will post this discussion question (and only the discussion question) to your assigned group discussion board for other classmates to respond to.SOURCES ARE ATTACHED BELOW

solved I’m working on a writing discussion question and need guidance

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need guidance to help me study.

PART 1Write a 300- to 500-word response to the following:What are the steps in the overall data collection process within qualitative research?Include your own experience as well as two citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite your sources using APA formatting.PART 2Write a 300- to 500-word response to the following:Discuss at least three different data collection methods used in qualitative research. When would they be appropriate? What are the limitations inherent in those methods?Include your own experience as well as two citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, and/or other sources. Cite your sources using APA formatting.PART 3TWO 200 Word responses to the following questionsFocus groups are interested ways to collect data. What sort of research question would best be answered using a focus group?Based on your knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research, are the data collection steps different or similar in the different methodologies?