solved Based on your stellar project management skills, the team was

Based on your stellar project management skills, the team was able to reach its goal on time (and within budget). The team’s performance was such a success that you have been asked to give a presentation to other managers on your approach to leading a team.Create a 6- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you:Explain the importance of leadership to a team.Explain leadership practices you incorporated into your leadership style.Provide examples of how you incorporated those leadership practices within your team.Discuss leadership strategies the other managers can use to motivate their own teams.Summarize the challenges you encountered through the team’s process and what decisions you would have made differently.Team formationConflict ResolutionResource Planning and allocationLeadershipPlease note that for this assignment you are not being provided with a template (as you were in Week 3), so you will be creating a new PowerPoint presentation. Also you MUST utilize the Speaker Notes functionality of PowerPoint. Specific Speaker Notes must be included in the correct Speaker Notes section for each slide of your presentation with a minimum of 100-to-150 Speaker Note words per slide in each slide’s Speaker Notes section

solved Complete your Week 2 discussion prompt: A Linear Equation is

Complete your Week 2 discussion prompt:
A Linear Equation is a rule that assigns to each number x on the x-axis exactly one number y on the y – axis so that the ordered pairs (x,y) form a line. We call y the Dependent Variable and we call x the Independent Variable because the value assigned to y by the linear equation will depend on the value selected for x.
Now consider this scenario: we can burn 4 calories by walking 100 steps. The linear equation modeling this scenario is C=0.04*S where C is the dependent variable and S is the independent variable. Here, C represents calories burned for some number of steps S walked.
You will create a new linear model that shows the amount of calories burned in a given day during some activity you choose, compensating for food intake. Produce a model with a reasonable rate of calorie burn for walking, running, or some other activity, and account for a daily calorie intake between 1200 and 3000 calories. Be sure to describe the detailed scenario for which your equation models. Conclude your post by rewording the following questions to fit your scenario:
1) How many calories have been burned after 1 typical session of activity?
2)How much activity does it take to burn all the calories eaten in one day?

solved InstructionsTransnational TerrorismFor this assignment, write an essay that must be

InstructionsTransnational TerrorismFor this assignment, write an essay that must be at least 500 words in length that discusses the affiliations between domestic terrorists and transnational terrorists. A point to consider is how the threats have migrated outside of Al-Qaeda and the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and Somalia.Traditionally, transnational terrorism groups are classified as heterogeneous groups, foreign fighters, and suicide bombers. Pick at least one terrorist group that fits the classification of transnational terrorism. Conduct research to provide an overview on the affiliations between your chosen group and domestic terrorist groups. How do these affiliations between your chosen terrorist groups relate to the various types of terrorist cells, the chain network, and terrorist organization models? You must use at least two sources in addition to the textbook.Please be sure to use headings and subheadings, as needed, to organize your paper and viewpoints. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. The title and reference page do not count towards the minimum word length requirements.

solved Healthcare organizations continually seek to optimize healthcare performance. For years,

Healthcare organizations continually seek to optimize healthcare performance. For years, this approach was a three-pronged one known as the Triple Aim, with efforts focused on improved population health, enhanced patient experience, and lower healthcare costs.More recently, this approach has evolved to a Quadruple Aim by including a focus on improving the work life of healthcare providers. Each of these measures are impacted by decisions made at the organizational level, and organizations have increasingly turned to EBP to inform and justify these decisions.To Prepare:Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle (2016); and Kim et al. (2016) provided in the Resources.Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare.Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements, such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery.To Complete:Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of:Patient experiencePopulation healthCostsWork life of healthcare providers

solved Use the strategic analysis as a method of organizing and

Use the strategic analysis as a method of organizing and evaluating case information
In this assignment we are seeking for you to research and analyze a global business mistake as well as provide recommendations as to how it could have been avoided or corrected.  To write a 5-7-page (excluding cover page and references) APA formatted paper with full citation and referencing

Select a well-known US Business that has had problems in the global marketplace.  It could be a cultural issue, or a legal issue or an ethical issue, or any issue that caused problems in or prevented them from being successful in that market.  
Research, Analyze and discuss the problem in detail, why did they make this decision, what could they have done differently in the planning process to avoid the issue?
Was the mistake offensive to the local population and were they able to regain the trust of the locals?
Analyze and discuss various solution to the issue, once the mistake had been made, what were there options, why did they select the new strategy, and did it work?
Provide a recommendation as to how other companies can learn from the mistakes made and how others could avoid the issues, as well as a conclusion that wraps up all the ideas presented.

solved please answer all parts of the prompt and be sure

please answer all parts of the prompt and be sure that your initial post reaches the full 400 word minimum requirement. Don’t forget to also post a response of at least 200 words to a peer’s post as well!1) Describe the trajectory of what happens in the textbook chapter, “From Sea to Shining Sea.” How does the term “Manifest Destiny” relate to the chapter? Be sure to provide specific examples from the textbook.2) How does your K-12 education relate to (or differ from) the experiences mentioned in Lim’s article “Educating Elementary School Students on California Missions”? What “myths” does Lim discuss in the article? What solution(s) is provided?3) According to the article “The San Diego Mission and Kumeyaay Revolt: A Decolonized Mission Project,” what happened during the Kumeyaay revolt? Also, how exactly was the author’s daughter’s modern-day 4th grade mission project “decolonizing” or an example of decolonization?4) In the article “What the ‘California Dream’ Means to Indigenous Peoples,” how does the author define the “California Dream”? What does the “California Dream” mean to Indigenous peoples? What solution does the author suggest?5) Lastly, please share your overall thoughts/reactions/reflections on this week’s materials.

solved As the study of human cognition and behavior, psychology can

As the study of human cognition and behavior, psychology can often be directly applied to everyday situations in our own lives.  Through an understanding of psychological concepts, we are able to gain insight as to why we behave in certain ways as well as how our thoughts can influence our behaviors.  One of the primary goals of this class is to provide you with a sufficient background in psychology so that you may be able to apply this knowledge to the direct experiences you will encounter in the remainder of your time at the university and beyond.The goal of this paper is to define four psychological concepts and use them to explain your behavior in situations from your past.  For example, I could use my knowledge of the bystander effect (Ch. 12) to explain why I hesitated to stop and help when I witnessed a car accident.  The concepts you choose may come from any of the sections we have covered in the book.  However, do not choose more than one concept from each chapter.You will have sufficient knowledge to complete this assignment through the chapters that we covered in the textbook.  Do not use any other sources.  Write the paper completely in your own words and do not use any quotes or even slightly reworded statements. 

solved read The Adaptive Value of Religious Ritual–Richard Sosisconnect to the

read The Adaptive Value of Religious Ritual–Richard Sosisconnect to the Symbols and CommunicationRitual and Religion, Social Order and Worldview Gender and Sexuality in World CulturesThe format for each reading response will remain consistent. You will use these questions to structure your reading response: Identify which reading you want to write about. You cannot choose a chapter from our course textbook, Perspectives.Summarize the reading: what is it about, who is the author, where was it published. Evaluate the claims made by the author in the article. What claims are made in the piece? How does the author support these claims?How does this piece connect to our class? Please identify at least one concept and explain how the article you’ve chosen to write about connects to the concept. Reflect on the piece. Here are some questions you can choose from to facilitate your reflection: What did you learn from this piece? What made you choose this piece to write about? What did you or did you not like about the piece? What could the author have done differently, or what questions would you have liked for them to resolve?Each reading response must follow the same general structureSummary Evaluation of claimsConnection to classReflection

solved According to the Asia Study, Global Competence is defined as

According to the Asia Study, Global Competence is defined as “the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance” ( Our goal in teaching global awareness is to encourage students to notice the world around them, how it may differ from the “world” they know and how they can function within it. In studying global issues we hope to also develop cultural sensitivity so we can transcend that sensitivity and awareness into our culturally diverse classrooms.For your first Global Competency activity:View this video:…Reflect on the video you saw, then use the following questions to guide you as discuss the video with your group members:What impacted you most about Ms. Chimamanda Adichie story?Have you ever caught yourself falling into a critical misunderstanding about a particular cultural group?How can making yourself become more aware of different cultures, cultural battles, and/or cultural prejudices, improve your practice as a classroom teacher?Then, analyze stakeholders involved in the video, select one that is different from yours and describe how this person views the world and particular issues examined.

solved Customer Centricity Without customers, businesses could not succeed. Â The

Customer Centricity
Without customers, businesses could not succeed.  The term “customer centric” has, therefore, become synonymous with proactive business strategy worldwide.  Primarily due to advances in technology, we are experiencing a fundamental shift in marketing – from a previous focus on companies to a spotlight on consumers.  This gives customers a much stronger voice in both the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) markets.
This core reading discusses how customer centricity fits into an organization in three ways: 

as part of a knowledge management system (understanding the customer);
as part of developing strategic competence as a learning organization (building a customer-centric culture); and
as a foundation for corporate strategy development and execution (serving the customer).

Following your review, prepare responses to the following discussion questions:

According to research, what are some of the key customer-centric characteristics of successful companies?
What are some of the ways that technology has shifted power from companies to consumers?
In discussing Net Promoter Score (NPS), why does Reicheld suggest doing surveys frequently rather than annually or just a few times a year?