solved You will develop a strategy for new customer acquisition by

You will develop a strategy for new customer acquisition by using highly segmented and targeted direct marketing programs aimed at those prospects that are most likely to buy. Create and explain the following: a) A fictitious event that your group would develop/book b) Suitable fictitious public assembly facility such as an arena, stadium, theater or amphitheater * You may/should use an existing event and facility as a model for the assignment. c) Describe the actual market (state, city, population, demographics, climate and facility site) and support your location selection with verifiable market analysis. d) Create 3 strategies to attract new customers for your event by using highly segmented and targeted direct marketing programs to market your event. Example: The Providence Bruins attract young fans to build their base by using on-ice games for youth hockey organizations. Through e-mail marketing, direct mail and telephone sales to youth hockey organizations and coaches the PBruins promote the idea of their team playing on the ice either before or between periods of the game. Their goal is to reach the 6-14 year old and 25-55 (their parents) demographic. All participants and attendees must purchase a ticket ($20.00 value).

solved This assignment is the second milestone that you will complete

This assignment is the second milestone that you will complete for your final project. This is an important practice opportunity to draft this section now and get instructor feedback that will help you improve upon your final submission. This is graded differently than the final project given this is a practice opportunity. Review the rubric for full details.If you have not already reviewed your feedback from your instructor on Milestone One do so now. Make any corrections or adjustments to improve upon that section of your draft so that you are working from good premises before beginning this Milestone which depends on that information. (Feedback from the professor was: Overall, outstanding job with your Milestone One submission! Your document was well researched and written.To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Template and Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric documents.Additional reference materials to use:Decision Matrix What it is and How to Use ItDecision Matrix Analysis Decision Matrix Analysis VideoI included the blank template provided by the professor, not including milestone one’s submission. If you want the files that has milestone one’s submission in it, please let me know and I will provide it. Thanks.

solved Benchmark – Implicit Association TestsundefinedundefinedTake one (gender, age, race, s

Benchmark – Implicit Association TestsundefinedundefinedTake one (gender, age, race, sexuality, disability, or weight) of the Implicit Association Tests (IAT) at the Harvard University website. In 750-1,000 words, address the following: (APA 7th edition formatting of work is required)undefinedExamine how attitude is formed.Discuss how personal implicit biases can form understandings at a local, national or global level.Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the IAT as a research tool.Reflect on your personal results from the IAT.undefinedUse three to five scholarly sources to support your thinking, use textbook as one of the resources. Textbook: Branscome, N.R., & Baron, R.A. (2016). Social
Psychology. Boston: Person Publishing Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.undefinedBenchmark InformationundefinedThis benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:undefinedMS Psychology 2.2: Evaluate Interpersonal skillsundefined2.3: Propose values that build community at local, national, or global levels.undefinedTextbook: Branscome, N.R., & Baron, R.A. (2016). Social Psychology. Boston: Person Publishing

solved Social workers need to know best practice skills and how

Social workers need to know best practice skills and how to identify cultural bias in order to effectively support a client. This assignment will assist you in learning this skill.First, watch “Hanging with Hailey,” “Getting Back to Shakopee,” or “How Can I Help?” videos located in the Topic 2 folder in MindTap to evaluate the case manager’s direct practice skills using the “Assessing Verbal Barriers to Communication” and “Assessing Physical Attending Behaviors” tables in Chapter 7 of the textbook.Download the “Basic Direct Practice and Cultural Bias Worksheet” and complete the essay questions.While APA style is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.Turn in the completed assignment by the end of Topic 2.

solved In this discussion you’ll consider the past 100 years of

In this discussion you’ll consider the past 100 years of research and practice and examine the effectiveness of the current use of technology in education. Prior to completing this discussion read Mishra (2012).
Initial Post: Create an initial response that addresses the following:
Part 1: Research.

Locate one scholarly resource that examines the use of technology in education. This resource must be different than one you’ve already used in the course.
Provide the full APA citation for this source.
Provide a summary of the resource you’ve located. This summary should be at least 100 words, but not more than 150 words, in length.

Part 2: Reflect.
Answer the following:

In what ways has technology changed the way we teach in the classroom?
How effectively is technology being used in education?
How has technology improved classroom teaching? How has it made teaching more challenging?

Guided Response: Post responses to at least two classmates. In your response, reflect on your classmate’s responses. Questions you might consider in your response include:

Do you agree with your classmate’s assessment of how technology has changed the way we teach?
How does your view of the effectiveness of technology compare to your peers?

solved I’m stuck on a History question and need an explanation.

I’m stuck on a History question and need an explanation.

We tend to say that History always repeats itself. Everything’s been done before. There is nothing new under the sun. When it comes to historical trends, I would say that this is usually true in a general sense. There have always been great nations. There have always been oppressed peoples. Cultures rise and fall.But… if I had to point to one single instance of a civilization doing something unique, it would be Meiji Japan. The transformation that Japan undergoes between roughly 1860 and 1890 is nothing short of breathtaking. Japan essentially transforms itself from a medieval society into a modern one in a single generation. This magnitude of change in such a short time is truly unprecedented. There is so much to learn about Meiji Japan, so much history to dissect here. There is a lot that is left out of the video that I posted under “videos.”Just the same… watch the video (in 4.3) and take a stab at the following questions.1. Does Meiji Japan offer us a blueprint into how to revamp a society completely? What is something they did that impressed you and why? What can we learn from Meiji Japan?2. How would you compare Japan and China’s varying approaches to modernity?

solved Now that you are in  the final week of

Now that you are in  the final week of this course, reflect upon our journey: the approaches  toward leadership and change, the turbulent landscape generated by VUCA,  leadership calm within this chaos, the interior conditions of  leadership, Bell Jars and Blind Spots, conscious movement toward the  future, sensing, being, and doing. Our authors note that many  individuals may seek one of two paths, one of violence or of isolation.  What about you? Considering our journey and the voices and prompts  encountered along the way, respond to the following questions:    

How will you choose to spend your precious life energy? How will you choose to lead?   

What “divides” will draw your attention?
How will you attempt sustaining change within a VUCA context?
How has your thinking shifted from Week 1’s assignment prompt and what if you could address that challenge now?
How would you address this challenge and “lead from the emerging  future”? Provide specific examples of new mental models, behaviors, and  actions you would use as a result of your learning from our course. 
In what ways has your learning over the past 8 weeks been  surprising?  How do you see it being useful in your future work as a  leader?

solved Paper Motivational Theory  (800-1000 words) Discuss three different motivational

Paper Motivational Theory  (800-1000 words)
Discuss three different motivational theories and compare and contrast them. What are the benefits and drawbacks to each one? Which motivational theory do you think is the best for enabling internal motivation and why? Reflect on your experience. Avoid using quotes from the articles
Explain the concepts in your own words and use proper citations and references. Use personal voice e.g. I agree, I feel, I believe, etc. This paper should have at least 3 references and include one journal article.
Critical analysis:
Students should show their ability to compare and contrast at least three theories and show how to apply them with real-life examples. Clear persuasive development of argument should show logical connection between the thoughts and examples.
The sources that you researched should discuss motivational theories.  In depth analysis of the sources should show your ability to compare and contrast the theories, analyze implications of using different leadership approaches and apply the concepts on motivation to the real-life examples. Support your ideas with relevant outside references (at least 2 sources + 1 journal article).  Show your critical thinking and use your personal voice.

solved I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need an

I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For this assignment, watch “Face blindness” and write a short comment in response to the questions outlined below.
you may have seen this fabulous two-part video produced by “60 minutes” earlier in the course that describes the various aspects of prosopagnosia in an engaging and informative manner, as well as neuroimaging research on faces.
As you watch the videos, you will “meet” Dr. Nancy Kanwisher (Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT). As you’ll see, she conducted an fMRI study on people with congenital prosopagnosia. Pay special attention to the hypothesis that she tried to address in that study (part 2).
Use your knowledge of spatio-temporal stages of face processing to answer the following questions (in 250 – 300 words):

What is the basic hypothesis that the study was testing?
What part of the brain was in the study’s focus and why?
Using your knowledge of the spatio-temporal stages of face processing, explain why Dr. Kanwisher’s hypothesis was not supported?
What do you think is happening instead? How would YOU interpret these findings? (again, recall the stages of face processing)

solved In a few sentences, please respond to each of the

In a few sentences, please respond to each of the following questions. Up to 10 points can be earned for a completed assignment, with partial credit available for incomplete responses.What is nonverbal communication? Identify and describe the role that each of the following play: facial expressions; eye contact; bodily movements; touching. In your opinion, which one plays a greater role? Support your responseDiscuss what social psychologists have uncovered about facial expressions, microexpressions and deception. Define the term attribution and explain each of the following theories of attribution: theory of corespondent interference; Kelley’s theory of causal attributions; fundamental attribution error; the actor-observer effect; the self-serving biasDiscuss several examples of how attribution and the attribution errors might influence feelings of depression. Provide a personal example of when this may have occurred in your life.Define impression formation and provide several examples of variables that tend to influence our formulation of impressionsDiscuss the tactics for impression management such as self-enhancement and other enhancement. Do you believe these tactics can alter/modify an initial impression? Support your response