1. Dicussion about protean&organizational careers
Protean career paths tend to be directed by the individual employee, are strongly guided by personal values, and define success based on the individual’s definition rather than the company’s or society’s definition. For this week’s discussion, please answer the following question: You are a new employee in your first year on the job. Your company has a new client and brand new, high-profile project that they would like you to take on the lead role as project manager. However, there are aspects of the project that go against your values (this can be related to anything that you value: politics, religion, family, personal time, compensation, autonomy, etc.). How would you respond and handle the situation if you were asked to take the lead on a project that went against your values? Please explain why you would respond in this way, and what factors influenced your decision.
2. Read the Case 2: Ethics Dilemma: Pay for Performance Disconnect. Then discuss the following questions
a. What do you think is the more ethical decision to make — fire the manager or not? Explain your view.
b. What factors in this ethical dilemma might influence a person to make a less-than-ethical decision?
solved Please, answer for your INITIAL posting and discuss ALL the
/in /by adminPlease, answer for your INITIAL posting and discuss ALL the following questions in great detail: .Detailed – Comprehensive Summary for this reading. . How to Write a Summary of an Article https://owlcation.com/academia/How-to-Write-a-Summary (Links to an external site.). Your Detailed – Comprehensive Summary for THIS article post should be no less of 1,700 words..Which are the three most CRITICAL ISSUES for this reading? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …. For EACH Critical Issue please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphs.Which are the three most relevant LESSONS LEARNED for this reading? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …. For EACH Lesson Learned please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphs.Which are the three most important BEST PRACTICES for this reading? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …. For EACH Best Practice please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphsUsing APA Style and Tips in Writing.You can find several readings and support material for your writing learning assignments and APA Style use at our Canvas Learning Management System section:Course Content: 1.2 Using APA Style and Tips in Writing
solved Module 6 (Chapters 17-19) Chapter 17: Corrections for JuvenilesChapter 18:
/in /by adminModule 6 (Chapters 17-19) Chapter 17: Corrections for JuvenilesChapter 18: Incarceration TrendsChapter 19: Race, Ethnicity, and CorrectionsRespond to the following prompts it in at least 200 words. At the end of your response, provide at least one question or comment for further thought on the topic, for your peers to answer, to continue the conversation.DISCUSSION BOARD Part 1:(a) Respond to the prompt below in at least 200 words, and reply to two of your peers in at least 100 words, per response. Using your textbook, list the ways juveniles are sanctioned. Research a juvenile court in your home state (either where you are from or where you are currently residing).What types of sanctions are available to juveniles in that court?(b) Cite your source(s) using APA format. DISCUSSION BOARD Part 2: (a) Respond to the prompt below in at least 200 words, and reply to two of your peers in at least 100 words, per response. Using your textbook, explain how varying visions of race and punishment influence our thinking on this issue. What do you think is the most important step to take to reduce racial differences in punishments? Why?(b) Cite your source(s) using APA format.Respond to at least TWO people in at least 200 words per response.
solved I’m trying to learn for my Education & Teaching class
/in /by adminI’m trying to learn for my Education & Teaching class and I’m stuck. Can you help?
The inquiry-based classroom provides children with an environment that promotes curiosity and higher order thinking. Â Consider the early childhood classroom environment. Â Develop 10 inquiry-based activities for learning centers or whole group within the classroom. Â Learning centers to consider are dramatic play, blocks, manipulatives, math, science, discovery/sensory, light table, writing table, art, library, sand/water table, or other center/interest area that you might find in the early childhood classroom.
Compose a brief description of each activity including the center where it will be housed or the time of day in the schedule and a materials list.Include any graphic organizers for the learning experiences.
Mixing colors
In the science center children will mix colors in clear plastic cups/containers to discover which colors make which. Â Children will use a pipette to mix two or more colors together. Â Children will record their findings on a graphic organizer. Â
clear cups or containers
liquid water color or food coloring
wide tape (to secure cups/conntainers to table)
graphic organizer
paper towels
solved Format: one (1) page, single-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman
/in /by adminFormat: one (1) page, single-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman font, with 1†margins either in APA format (preferred in psychology) or MLA format. No title page or reference list is required, however, any outside sources (articles, book chapters, talks, or presentations) should be properly cited in the text. Short Essay Assignment Instructions: Please all the article before starting the Assignment.1.The first paragraph should address the concepts and ideas the researchers are interested in and should articulate the research questions being addressed2.The second paragraph should detail the methods, results, and conclusions drawn by the researchers and the third paragraph should provide a critique or evaluation of the strength of the argument the researchers are making. 3.These critiques must be in your own words and should address important points of a scientific argument, such as but not limited to, the appropriateness and falsifiability of the research questions, operationalization of concepts, appropriateness of research methods, the validity and reliability of the results, possible limitations or confounds of the study, or the appropriateness of the researchers’ conclusions (should their conclusion be seen as believable?).
solved Something you might want to consider adding to your paper
/in /by adminSomething you might want to consider adding to your paper are your policies and procedures on sexual harassment, drugs, workplace violence…. This is if you are short on pages.
For your paper you are to explore in depth the questions below creating you own Private Security firm, or agency;
1.Choose a what type of private security firm or agency ie.. Fire investigation, private investigation, personal security firm., etc….
2.Who are your target clients?
3.You will create a code of ethics for your agency
4.What are the services you offer and why?
5.What are your qualification requirements for employees ~ must haves and preferred qualifications and why. For example Military experience, college degree etc… Be very specific
6. You will also write a vision and mission statement for you “Companyâ€
Everything needs to be in paragraph form except for your code of ethics which can be in bullets but needs to be in sentence form. Remember your paper is in a way a sales pitch for your company so remember that as you are writing that.
My firm is based of blackwater secuirty firm but it is not blackwater so please dont name it blackwater just dont name it at all my services are to protect interest overseas like embassies and oil stuff.
solved 1. Dicussion about protean&organizational careers Protean career paths tend to
/in /by admin1. Dicussion about protean&organizational careers
Protean career paths tend to be directed by the individual employee, are strongly guided by personal values, and define success based on the individual’s definition rather than the company’s or society’s definition. For this week’s discussion, please answer the following question: You are a new employee in your first year on the job. Your company has a new client and brand new, high-profile project that they would like you to take on the lead role as project manager. However, there are aspects of the project that go against your values (this can be related to anything that you value: politics, religion, family, personal time, compensation, autonomy, etc.). How would you respond and handle the situation if you were asked to take the lead on a project that went against your values? Please explain why you would respond in this way, and what factors influenced your decision.
2. Read the Case 2: Ethics Dilemma: Pay for Performance Disconnect. Then discuss the following questions
a. What do you think is the more ethical decision to make — fire the manager or not? Explain your view.
b. What factors in this ethical dilemma might influence a person to make a less-than-ethical decision?
solved Case Formulation PresentationFor this assignment, the graduate student will apply
/in /by adminCase Formulation PresentationFor this assignment, the graduate student will apply research to develop and present a case and treatment plan for a fictional client. The student will present a PowerPoint presentation in week 8. The graduate student will teach on the chosen topics and create a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation.The following should be included in the case study presentation:Two to three learning objectivesDefinitionsDifferential DiagnosisBiopsychosocial, cultural, developmental assessment and screening tools with validity and reliabilityDSM-5 criteriaPsychotherapeutic optionsPsychopharmaceutical management with detailed pharmacological analysisCurrent evidence (not published more than three years ago) related to topicLegal/ethical considerationsCase studyTopic Selections – Pick a TopicADHD verses Oppositional Defiant DisorderBody Dysmorphic Disorder verses Gender DysphoriaPTSD verses Adjustment DisorderBipolar II Disorder verses Major Depressive DisorderBipolar I Disorder verses Disruptive Mood Dysregulation DisorderSchizophrenia verses Schizoaffective DisorderSchizophrenia verses Delusional DisorderSomatic Symptom Disorder verses Factitious DisorderBrief Psychotic Disorder verses Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder
solved For this assignment, I need you to pick an argument
/in /by adminFor this assignment, I need you to pick an argument and then write three statements to support it, one that would appeal to a person’s sense of pathos, one that would appeal to a person’s sense of ethos, and one that would appeal to a person’s sense of logos. I will give an example, which you can use as a model.
ARGUMENT: Illegal drug use is detrimental because it encourages gang violence.
PATHOS: 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton performed with her school band at President Obama’s inauguration one week before she was shot and killed by gang members targeting rivals over a drug feud.
ETHOS: Â I have examined research both for and against legalizing drugs, and I have reached the conclusion that legalizing drugs will most likely reduce both the violence related to trafficking and increase public safety and health when society sees drug addiction as a disease and not a crime.
LOGOS: Discriminatory enforcement of drug possession laws has produced racial disparities at all levels of the criminal justice system. Black people comprise 13% of the U.S. population and use drugs at similar rates as other groups, but they comprise 29% of those arrested for drug law violations and 35% of those incarcerated in state prison for drug possession.Â
solved Read the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect
/in /by adminRead the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.
Before writing your comments:
Review the Discussion grading rubric to see what is expected for an excellent discussion, in order to earn full credit.
Review some resources to help you synthesize, such as the following:
Sullivan, J. (2011). Strategies for Synthesis Writing. Retrieved from http://www.findingdulcinea.com/features/edu/Strategies-for-Synthesis-Writing.html
NOTE: You are required to cite sources and include a reference list for the second post if it is simply your opinion. However, if your opinion is based on facts (as it should be), it is good practice to strengthen your position by citing sources. (PLEASE PROVIDED REFERENCES)
Be sure to meet all of the criteria in the rubric, as noted in the instructions above.
Third post for each module discussion:
Read the initial and secondary comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.
Directly respond to at least one classmate in a way that extends meaningful discussions, adds new information, and/or offers alternative perspectives.
Comment on those provided by your cohorts.
Note: Some expressions may be politically sensitive. It is not the intent of this exercise to stir controversy.
solved Mail Merge For this assignment, we will be using the
/in /by adminMail Merge
For this assignment, we will be using the mail merge functionality of Word to create a form letter and use an Excel spreadsheet to personalize the information for each customer.
We will start by opening the business letter we created in Class Assignment 9.> in your document.
Download the Excel spreadsheet attached to this assignment and save it.
After the date, remove the address, city and state lines.
Click on the Mailings tab in the menu bar
Click Start Mail Merge -> Letters
Click Select Recipients -> Use an Existing List
Select the database.xls file you downloaded in step 2. If you get a warning pop-up window, select yes to open the file.
In the pop-up window, make sure Customers is displayed in the top box and leave the bottom box blank. Click OK.
Place your cursor below the date and click Insert Merge Field. Select Customer Name. You should see <
On the next line, insert Address.
On the following line, insert City, State PostalCode
In the salutation, delete the owrd Customer and insert ContactName
Click on Preview Results in the menu bar. You can use the arrows to scroll through the letters. If there are any errors, you can correct them at this point.
Click on Finish & Merge -> Print documents.