solved Prompt: As you continue to research your topic and develop

As you continue to research your topic and develop your line of inquiry, your next writing assignment is to write a research abstract for your term paper.
An abstract is written  double-spaced and uses Times New Roman, 12 pt.  It is a one-paragraph summary of a research project that details a research question and your proposed methods of approaching it, in terms of sources used, theoretical approach, etc. Abstracts generally precede papers in research journals and appear in programs of scholarly conferences. In journals, the abstract allows readers to quickly grasp the purpose and major ideas of a paper and lets other researchers know whether reading the entire paper will be worthwhile.
An abstract should include:

The purpose and research problem that motivates the project.
The methods used to address this research problem—i.e. documents or evidence analyzed, theoretical framework, and the scope therein.
The conclusions reached, or, if the research is in progress, what the preliminary results of the investigation seem to suggest.
The significance of the research project. Why are the results useful? What is new to our understanding as the result of your inquiry?

Topic: Depression

solved I’m working on a sociology writing question and need guidance

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

Link for the movie to watch  

While watching the film, you should take notes on the themes listed below. You do not need to write paragraph responses, you can simply submit pictures of handwritten, bullet-point style notes or typed notes. 

Take note of the role of deregulation. Where do we see it occurring? What are the effects? How did it facilitate an environment that enabled the 2008 crisis? 
Take note of how/why the housing market came to be understood as a ticking time bomb in the 1990s and early 2000s. 
Take note of industry wide deviance in the world of finance. How do greed, abuse of trust, concealment/conspiracy fester in financial institutions. 

Reflection Prompts

Do you remeber the 2008 financial crisis? What are your memories of it? Were you or your family impacted? How? Did you understand the magnitude of the event before watching the film? 
Why should we understand the 2008 financial crisis as a case study of white collar crime? Use concepts, terms, and theories from throughout the semester (as well as evidence from the film) to support your response.  

solved After reading chapter 12, please complete the following1) choose two

After reading chapter 12, please complete the following1) choose two of the (a)etiological theories of anxiety that align with your beliefs on the development of anxiety in children and two theories that do not align with your beliefs2) briefly describe the theories and why you do or do not agree3) respond to at least two of your peers about their conceptualizations of anxiety in children Please do the initial post first, after I post that I will need 2 responses to students in which I will extend the time and send them to you. I cannot view them until I turn in the initial post so this will be a 2 part assignment.For the discussion it must be 3-4 substantial paragraphs with at least 5 sentences per paragraph. At least 1 reference. Single-spaced. No cover page. Cite the text as well. I will provide the book log in details here after a tutor is chosen.This is for a Clinical Mental Health Counseling course to become a counselor so please keep that in mind. I would like the tutor to have some experience with Psychology/Counseling. For the 2 responses, please write 2-3 paragraphs per response with at least 4 sentences per paragraph and 1 reference for each. Single-spaced. No cover page needed.APA.

solved Case Study 5: Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function Marcee is a

Case Study 5: Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function
Marcee is a 52-year-old woman who worked at a reception desk at a company head office. She took some time off when she was treated for colorectal cancer. The Dukes classification was stage I, and the treatment protocol involved surgery and radiation therapy. No one in her family had a history of the disease. Marcee does not drink or smoke, but she does not pay close attention to her diet. At work, her meals consisted mainly of the foods she got from vending machines at the cafeteria. At home, she preferred to heat up frozen dinners or any prepackaged food that required minimal preparation time.

Review Marcee’s diet. What factors in her dietary choices might contribute to the development of colorectal cancer?
Colorectal cancer often arises from adenomatous polyps. What are the development and histologic features of these polyps?
Colorectal cancer may be a complication in individuals with ulcerative colitis. How are the “pseudopolyps” seen in this disease different from the polyps discussed above?
Why is a fecal occult blood test used as one of the screening tools for colorectal cancer? Explain the procedure for administering the test.

solved This week’s resources provide a great deal of information regarding

This week’s resources provide a great deal of information regarding the impact that organizational systems have on unethical behavior. For example, researchers note that rivalry can often increase unethical behaviors (Kilduff et al., 2016). This week, you will explain how an organization’s culture (e.g., systems and practices) can unknowingly or unintentionally increase unethical behavior among employees.
Assume you have been tasked with researching these concepts for your organization’s management team, who are concerned about possible cases of unethical behavior stemming from organizational systems in place. Prepare a professional business memo to share with managers at the next team meeting. Be sure to include the following in your memo:

Explain the importance of organizational culture and codes of conduct in encouraging ethical behavior.
Assess three organizational policies or practices, as found in the readings and outside research, which can increase unethical behavior among employees.
Propose informal and formal system solutions to reduce unethical behavior in your organization. Explain the benefits of these system solutions, as well as possible implications for these solutions.

solved Chapter 1 Review QuestionsRead Chapter 1: Defining Human Communication and

Chapter 1 Review QuestionsRead Chapter 1: Defining Human Communication and thoroughly answer the questions below.Why do we communicate?What is the Communication Process?What re the types of of Communication? What type do you enjoy the most and why?How can you become a more successful communicator? Why is this important to you?What does it mean to be an “Ethical Communicator”?Why is it important to understand the value of diversity in communications?Upload a word document or type answer directly into the given text box. If using Google Docs, make sure the link works.Chapter 2 Review QuestionsRead Chapter 2: Having Communication in a Multicultural Society and World and thoroughly answer the questions below. Explain the Melting Pot Philosophy and how diversity is shaping the future of communication.Give a personal example of how multicultural communication has effected you.Discuss the issues related to ethnocentrism.What are the differences between high and low-context cultures.What are the challenges facing inter cultural communication?How can technology influence a community? Upload a word document or type answer directly into the given text box. If using Google Docs, make sure the link works.

solved As described on the MEMORY SLAM home page (created by

As described on the MEMORY SLAM home page (created by Nick Montfort), the first three pieces (Love Letters, Stochastic Texts, House of Dust) are re-implemented computational poems, “electronic literature, and digital literary art that was originally developed on batch processing systems” during the 1950s and 60s. House of Trust is a contemporary re-make of one of them. Cent mille millards de poèmes (or “A Hundred Thousand Billion Poems” or “One hundred million million poems”) is technically not originally a work of Electronic Literature, but a piece of writing that was created in book form that represents the type of composition that was happening in certain places in the era before computers became ubiquitous (see… (Links to an external site.) for more info,this book– (select English as the language): For your primary response you can discuss these works as a group, but it is probably best to focus on one or two pieces that interest you most. (2 paragraphs) In your secondary response you should try to discuss works (or characteristics of works) that are not addressed in your initial post. (1 paragraph)

solved In this assignment, you identify and describe a current social

In this assignment, you identify and describe a current social problem. You also identify a policy created and implemented to address the problem. This is the first part of your Social Change Project final assignment.
By Day 7
Complete Part 1 of your Social Change Project.

Address the following items in a 3-4 page paper:

Describe a current social problem. How might this problem be incongruent with social work values/ethics?
How/when has this problem been identified historically, and what were the actions taken to address this concern?
How have the groups affected by this concern changed over time?
Describe the policy area related to this social problem.
Is the policy identified by you dictated by local, state, or federal statute—or a combination thereof?
What are the different aspects of the policy?
How long has the current policy been in place?
Who supports and who opposes the policy?
What changes/amendments have been made to the policy?
Explain how this policy affects clients you might see in a clinical setting and why, as a clinical social worker, it would be important to advocate for change.
Make sure that your assertions are supported by appropriate research and reputable resources.

solved This discussion is about sharing technologies that you already use

This discussion is about sharing technologies that you already use with students and how you use them (or plan to with future students). If you don’t use any technology with your students, you may need to do some internet research for a potential technology you could/would use. These may be resources you use just with your English Language Learners, or with an entire class.For this discussion you will complete a POST and RESPONSE.For your POST:Give the title of the technology and the link. This could be an app, software, website, etc. It should be suitable for in the classroom or out of class K12 student work. It can be a communication tool, quiz system, a learning management system, a blog or website, a game, etc.. And yes, we totally want to see something you created if you have something we could access (I know in some cases that’s not possible). (2 pts.)Give a sample context in which you use (or would use) this technology. In other words, what do you have students do with it? (min. 2 sentences) (2 pts.)Tell why you use this particular technology, and how it might be especially helpful with ESL students (although you would do it with all students in your class). (min. 2 sentences) (2 pts.)

solved This discussion is about sharing technologies that you already use

This discussion is about sharing technologies that you already use with students and how you use them (or plan to with future students). If you don’t use any technology with your students, you may need to do some internet research for a potential technology you could/would use. These may be resources you use just with your English Language Learners, or with an entire class.For this discussion you will complete a POST and RESPONSE.For your POST:Give the title of the technology and the link. This could be an app, software, website, etc. It should be suitable for in the classroom or out of class K12 student work. It can be a communication tool, quiz system, a learning management system, a blog or website, a game, etc.. And yes, we totally want to see something you created if you have something we could access (I know in some cases that’s not possible). (2 pts.)Give a sample context in which you use (or would use) this technology. In other words, what do you have students do with it? (min. 2 sentences) (2 pts.)Tell why you use this particular technology, and how it might be especially helpful with ESL students (although you would do it with all students in your class). (min. 2 sentences) (2 pts.)