Instruction:In “Laying a Foundation for Studying Race, Gender, Class, and the Mediaâ€, Rebecca Ann Lind notes that, “ultimately, the media helps maintain a status quo in which certain groups in our society routinely have access to power and privilege whereas others do not†(2019, 2). She asks, “How can the media not affect us in some way?†(2019, 1).For this activity, you are going to discuss audience, content, and production, with respect to the documentaries featured in this Module, all the while speaking to the quotes noted above. You do not need to discuss each term with regard to each film, nor each film or concept equally BUT, make sure each concept and each film are discussed, AND that each term is defined, as per Lind (2019). In other words, you will answer: How do each of these (3) documentaries demonstrate how the media affects us, and maintains the status quo (among certain populations)?Your thesis should speak directly to one or both of the quotes above, the documentaries as a whole, and the 3 concepts. This should be 300-500 words in length, and use in-text (Author date, page number) citations. As you will only use course materials, I do not need a References section.-end
solved You can organize your statement any way you like, with
/in /by adminYou can organize your statement any way you like, with bullet points or paragraphs. Be sure the document communicates your most important principles while offering an honest portrayal of who you are as a teacher. Clarify your core values and capture them on paper. (2 pages)Consider and including the following on the paper:
The passion, inspiration, joy, and/or skills about music and your instrument, singing, or conducting that you want to pass along to your students.
The environment you will create to support learning and growth, including your relationship to your students, both individually and as a community.
Who you want to be to your students, as a teacher and as a person.
The single most important thing your student will take away from having studied with you.
Specific ways that your teaching life will reflect your philosophy.
Specific strategies you will use to ensure that learning will happen.
Any aspects of learning music that you believe develop the whole person, or life skills that are cultivated in students by the way you teach.
Anything unique or special that you bring to your profession as a musician and teacher.I also attached all the requirements below for you to check, thank you!
solved  Create a 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on organizational culture.
/in /by admin Create a 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on organizational culture. Title and reference slides do not count toward content. 14 slides total or 10 content slides plus title and references=12
Use the needs assessment from your Week 1 organization, and the assessment tools created in Week 2.
Include the following:
Describe one issue of diversity in the workplace you chose.
Discuss how diversity impacts the organizational culture.
Identify potential cultural impacts of change.
Identify the government regulations and rules that apply to your workplace and the resulting effects on organizational culture.
Explain why leaders and the organization must follow government and industry regulations when making decisions and demonstrating ethical behavior. Consider laws as outlined by Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Communications Commission and National Labor Relations Board.
Present the usefulness of IO/P principles, and the theories and techniques that could be applied in the assessment and creation of organizational culture.Â
solved Assignment: Stakeholder Register.undefinedThis assignment is the second step in your
/in /by adminAssignment: Stakeholder Register.undefinedThis assignment is the second step in your Informatics Project. Please refer to the project outline and instructions provided in week 1: undefinedThe purpose of the Stakeholder Register worksheet is to discover who the key players will be for your project. If you are currently working in the clinical setting, you may use names and roles of those in your workplace. However, if you do not have an current organization to refer to, utilize common roles and titles of people who work in a healthcare organization – you may “make-up†the actual names for this assignment. Access the Stakeholder Register Worksheet document. Fully complete all text boxes, include scholarly references if appropriate, utilizing resources provided in the project outline and instructions document. Unit 4 in your textbook focuses on informatics project management and is also a great resource. Attached is the work sheet to be filled out, I also provided the first part of the project from last week where you will get some of the information from, and I also attached the assignment instructions.Remember this assignment is focused on the stakeholder portion and not the entire project.
solved Instructions: All essays must be written in your own words.
/in /by adminInstructions: All essays must be written in your own words. You may consult additional reliable sources if you wish to. Do not cut and paste paragraphs from books or websites. No need to use footnotes unless you have a direct quotation. Simply list all sources at the end of your essay using the format in either the Chicago Manual of Style or the MLA. You could either paste your essay in the submission box in Canvas or upload it as a.doc (MS Word document) or .pdf file (Adobe Acrobat). No other file formats are acceptable. . Write at least 4-5 sentences for each question, especially Q. 5.Who was Bartolome de Las Casas?How did Bartolome de las Casas’ background influence his views of the Native Americans?What were the New Laws of the Indies?What was the impact of Las Casas’ work in Spain?Explain the differences between the views of Las Casas and Sepulveda (Valladolid Debates) regarding indigenous peoples?ResourcesSepulveda and Las Casas Debate (Links to an external site.)Las Casas-Sepulveda Controversy (Links to an external site.)Gilder Lehrman Institute (Links to an external site.)New Laws of the Indies (Links to an external site.)Bartolome de Las Casas (Links to an external site.)
solved Assignment ContentChoices of how to present the assignment: You can
/in /by adminAssignment ContentChoices of how to present the assignment: You can present this assignment in an alternative format if you wish: Examples: Word Document, Power Point, Prezi, Google Presentation, Near Pod, or another alternative format. Please review the different Web Tools in the University’s Technology Resource Library.Explore the “Checklist for Assessing Children’s Literature” in the Assessing Children’s Literature resource and the “Checklist for Assessing Children’s Books and Book Collections” in the Anti-Defamation League document. Also, explore other checklists for evaluating children’s literature and poetry. Consider ways that checklists can assist teachers in determining how text complexity and selection influence reading comprehension. Create a checklist to help you evaluate appropriate texts for English learners and readers with varying experiences, interests, and abilities. Write a 260- to 350-word reflection on how your checklist will help you identify ways that readers approach, interpret, and connect with literature and informational texts.Submit your assignment.Title and Reference SlideResourcesCenter for Writing ExcellenceReference and Citation GeneratorGrammar and Writing Guides
solved NO PLGARISM Readings:
/in /by adminNO PLGARISM Readings: 1: 2: 3: After watching the videos and completing the readings, summarize and reflect on these sources. Compare and contrast the ways that forest preschools are presented. Did anything surprise you? In what ways do these schools provide a different way of learning than traditional preschool environments? How were these similar or different from your childhood experiences (if you wish to share)? 2) Then research on your own: Are there forest or prairie school options around this area? Identify one school in the Northern Illinois region and tell how it is different from conventional schools. What grades does it serve? Are there additional costs involved? Why do you think parents would seek out this type of school for their kids? I will be showing examples but you canNOT PLAGIARIZE.
solved Instruction:In “Laying a Foundation for Studying Race, Gender, Class, and
/in /by adminInstruction:In “Laying a Foundation for Studying Race, Gender, Class, and the Mediaâ€, Rebecca Ann Lind notes that, “ultimately, the media helps maintain a status quo in which certain groups in our society routinely have access to power and privilege whereas others do not†(2019, 2). She asks, “How can the media not affect us in some way?†(2019, 1).For this activity, you are going to discuss audience, content, and production, with respect to the documentaries featured in this Module, all the while speaking to the quotes noted above. You do not need to discuss each term with regard to each film, nor each film or concept equally BUT, make sure each concept and each film are discussed, AND that each term is defined, as per Lind (2019). In other words, you will answer: How do each of these (3) documentaries demonstrate how the media affects us, and maintains the status quo (among certain populations)?Your thesis should speak directly to one or both of the quotes above, the documentaries as a whole, and the 3 concepts. This should be 300-500 words in length, and use in-text (Author date, page number) citations. As you will only use course materials, I do not need a References section.-end
solved Define a problem affecting a community that you belong to
/in /by adminDefine a problem affecting a community that you belong to and research the causes of thatproblem. Then, propose a specific solution, taking care to define the parameters of your proposal and explain how it can be implemented. Finally, defend your proposal by discussing how it will address theproblem and outlining any additional potential benefits. 3 to 5 pages. regular sources such as nytimes and any other source, reliable source. reference page and do not forget in-text citation. Topic: you can make a proposal to end racism. (you can choose another topic.) proposal should:Provide adequate background information regarding the problem you intend to solve. This may include a description of the problem, a discussion of what makes the problem significant, and an enumeration of some of the solutions already proposed by others.Propose your own solution in a clear thesis statement.Discuss how your solution will be implemented.Provide support for your proposal by explaining how it will alleviate the problem and by enumerating any additional benefits.Account for and respond to possible objections.Conclude by summarizing your proposal, discussing its significance, and offering a powerful emotional appeal.
solved I don’t understand this Writing question and need help to
/in /by adminI don’t understand this Writing question and need help to study.
Fundamental Leadership Dynamics
Topic: Lesson 4
Understanding the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and how they impact individual morale is critical for leaders. Focus must be given to what motivates current and future generations to improve recruitment and retention efforts of those that serve in our military.
Learning Outcomes
Integrate      an understanding of how personnel are motivated differently in order to      provide significant impact on each individual.
Two issues for discussion are posed for each lesson. Learners must individually address the issues—initial response—through college-level, succinct and insightful paragraphs.Â
Do you typically use an intrinsic or extrinsic reward system, and do you use differing systems for each individual?
 (In need of a 250-word initial post)
What role do you think a leader plays in an individual’s determination to remain with the military?
(In need of a 250-word initial post)
Learning materials:
Military Motivation: Special Challenges And Techniques | Betterhelp
solved You will be reading Chapter 13. I would say that
/in /by adminYou will be reading Chapter 13. I would say that this chapter is quite powerful… I hope you have gained some information about using the documentation for child abuse suspicions and looks at self-concept. You will need the book Week by Week: Plans for Documenting Children’s Development 7th Edition by Barbara ann Nielsen. I do not have this book but the topic is based on Ch 13: Using Documentation for Child Abuse Suspicions and Looking at Self-Concept13-1: Using Documentation for Child Abuse SuspicionsYou will have one topic but it has multiple parts. You must discuss all. Should be 3 pages Topic 1:Discuss your reaction to this chapter. What information stood out to you? Give page number.Did you learn something you didn’t know before? Give page number.Name your favorite thing overall about this chapter. Provide page number.What did one new fact you learn from reading this chapter? What part of this chapter inspired you in some way? Explain.Describe/write how you will the knowledge gained from this chapterWhat specific skills do you think you have gained from this chapter? (Be specific)Be sure to support your discussion with specific pieces of chapter information and include in-text citations.