This essay assignment will focus on the case study HSBC in China (p. 563). We once again visit the country of China, this time to look at the financial and banking sectors. China acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, which was important to integrate China into the global economy. The WTO requirements guaranteed China entry into the important financial sector, setting it on a course to become a financial powerhouse.
Reflecting on this week’s content focusing on ethical leadership, strategy, and alliances, develop an essay responding to the following questions
1.How has HSBC adapted its global strategy to operate in China, both before and after China’s WTO accession?
2.Discuss HSBC’s strategy for entering and operating in other emerging markets. Where has it found success, and where has it faced setbacks? Why?
3.What are the pros and cons of HSBC’s “Managing for Growth†strategy?
Please use this citation: (Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P. (2018) International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior (10th ed.) McGrawHill Education, New York, NY ISBN 13: 978-1259705076). As reference for the case study.
solved Social competence is a complex concept consisting of social, emotional,
/in /by adminSocial competence is a complex concept consisting of social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills. For example, one might change social interactions based on the situational perspective of another individual.
Cultural competency enables organizations to work in cross-cultural situations based on skills, attitudes, behaviors, and policies. For example, it is important to provide health care services that meet the needs of all patients and addresses diversity issues.
In 500-750 words, address why social and cultural competency is critical in the research process. Be sure to address the following prompts:
Define social and cultural competency
Evaluate the importance of these concepts in terms of social psychological research.
Give an example of a social psychological concept that can be understood from a cross-cultural perspective (e.g., social self, emotion, attitudes, fundamental attribution error, etc.)
Why does cultural competency matter when researching a concept like the one you chose?
Discuss problems that might occur if cross-cultural perspectives are neglected in the research. Be sure to share an example(s). Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.
solved In addition, you will want to review APA guidelines for
/in /by adminIn addition, you will want to review APA guidelines for formatting and documentation before you begin. You should also remember to read your peer’s essay in its entirety before you begin responding to the questions below.Respond to the following questions:What do you like most about this essay? Be specific.How does the author make his or her main assertion or thesis clear in the essay? Is there anything the author can do to make the thesis statement clearer?Which paragraphs do you think provide the most effective evidence to support the thesis statement? Why?Which paragraphs do you think could be most improved? What could be done to make them stronger?What is one thing you think the author should consider as he or she revises this essay? In other words, what would be the one most important revision you think the author should address? Why?Did you notice any documentation or formatting issues? If so, what are they? If you see any errors, please list some specific places the author needs to make changes.Your responses to your peers should include evaluative comments that help your classmates revise their papers for final submission. All comments should be provided in a constructive manner.
solved I need 500 words discussion on the below topic, APA
/in /by adminI need 500 words discussion on the below topic, APA format and referneces are imp
Create a thread and answer 3 of the following questions
Enter your name as the Subject
Enter the question # you have chose at the start of each answer so that others know what question you have chosen. (i.e. Q2, Q4, Q5)
1. Describe a Data Dictionary and Data Repository.
2. Describe how data is represented (data type).
3. What are Process Specifications?
4. What is Structured English?
5. What are Structured Decision Analysis Techniques?
6. What is Business Process Management?
7. What is Business Process Re-engineering / Improvement?
8. Describe Decision Tables and Decision Trees.
9. What are Object-Oriented Concepts
10. What is Use Case Modeling and UML
11. What is an Activity Diagram – what would it look like when documenting the activities in Washing a Car or Fast-Food Purchases?
12. What is a Sequence Diagram – what would it look like when documenting the sequences in Washing a Car or Fast-Food Purchases?
13. What is a Communication/Collaboration Diagram – what would it look like when documenting the communications between players when Washing a Car or Fast-Food Purchases?
14. What is an StateChart Diagram?
solved This essay assignment will focus on the case study HSBC
/in /by adminThis essay assignment will focus on the case study HSBC in China (p. 563). We once again visit the country of China, this time to look at the financial and banking sectors. China acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, which was important to integrate China into the global economy. The WTO requirements guaranteed China entry into the important financial sector, setting it on a course to become a financial powerhouse.
Reflecting on this week’s content focusing on ethical leadership, strategy, and alliances, develop an essay responding to the following questions
1.How has HSBC adapted its global strategy to operate in China, both before and after China’s WTO accession?
2.Discuss HSBC’s strategy for entering and operating in other emerging markets. Where has it found success, and where has it faced setbacks? Why?
3.What are the pros and cons of HSBC’s “Managing for Growth†strategy?
Please use this citation: (Luthans, F., & Doh, J. P. (2018) International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior (10th ed.) McGrawHill Education, New York, NY ISBN 13: 978-1259705076). As reference for the case study.
solved According to the UCR data for 15-24 year old’s, the
/in /by adminAccording to the UCR data for 15-24 year old’s, the male homicide rate in 2013 was 18 times higher for Blacks than for Whites. Recent programs like “Becoming a Man†developed by Chicago nonprofit group Youth Guidance and policies like “My Brother’s Keeper†initiated by President Obama have made use of the data regarding Black crime rates in an attempt to find potential solutions. Read the following two articles that present recent crime data regarding urban youth crime and potential preventive measure that can be taken.Read “Youth Exposure to Violence Prevention Programs in a National Sample†and “Preventing Youth Violence: Opportunities for Action.â€In an essay of 750-1,000 words, address the following:According to David-Ferdon and Simon (2014), why is youth violence such a critical problem, and what are the costs?Describe the study design used by Finkelhor et al. (2014). Include the sample population, and data collection and analysis methods. What were the limitations of this type of study? What were the findings?Overall, what does the evidence show to be true about youth violence prevention programs, and how should they be implemented in the future to be most effective?
solved Read the above study titled as “An Analytic Hierarchy Process
/in /by adminRead the above study titled as “An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach in Decision-Making for Material Selection in an Automotive Company: A Case Studyâ€by Cheng Jack Kie, Ahmed Khalif Hassan, Norhana Mohd Aripin, Rafiuddin Mohd Yunus, and answer the following Questions:undefinedExplain the decision-making approach discussed in this study (300-400 words) 2 MarksWhat is the main purpose of this study and how it is helpful for Automotive Company?(200-300 words) 1.5 MarksWhat are your observations about this study and how it is related to the learning in course and beneficial for you? (200-300 words) 1.5 Marksundefinedundefined Rubric Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Unacceptable (2) Marks: (100%) Marks: (100%) Marks: (80%) Marks: (60%) Marks: (40%) Content (70%) Answer all questions and provide support for arguments. Answer all questions but no support for arguments. Answer two questions, but no support for Arguments. Answer only one question, but no support for Arguments. Writing and Format (30%) Perfectly written and formatted Adequately written and formatted Satisfactorily written and formatted Completely written and formatted
solved You will be required to write a Summary/Response Essays after
/in /by adminYou will be required to write a Summary/Response Essays after viewing one documentary on issues related to the course theme. The film we watched in class is called, The Social Dilemma. It has to be in MLA format and in either .docx or .pdf file formats. Below is a rubric.Is my essay at least 600 words and includes the word count in [brackets]?Did I use 1.5 spacing and include my info on the top left of the first page?Did I use MLA for any quotation, paraphrase, evidence, examples, etc?Did I use appropriate language? (Avoiding slang and contractions; using “I†is okay)Did I use the “How to Use Sources†templates to analyze the speaker’s position?Did I use evidence from the film for discussion? (quote, paraphrase, description, etc.)Did I clearly distinguish my ideas from those of the director or speaker interviewed?Did I keep each paragraph focused on one idea?Did I take a strong stance on issues from the film?Did I respond with my own ideas instead of reviewing the film?Is my response longer than the summary?Did I include details relevant to my response in my summary?Did I identify the director of the film?Did I begin with a brief summary?Did I use a creative and/or catchy title?
solved Case: Parable of the SadhuIn life or death situations, people
/in /by adminCase: Parable of the SadhuIn life or death situations, people rarely think about leadership or the ethical consequences of their decisions, such as whether the ethics of self-interest are as valid as the ethics of altruism, or how context affects our decision making. While most of the decisions we make at work do not have life/death implications, we are often faced with unexpected ethical dilemmas. Do you have a contingency plan to deal with them? These are the concepts you will consider with your peers in this discussion.To complete this discussion, first read Parable of the Sadhu; then, for your initial post, address the following:Explain whether you think McCoy did anything wrong. If so, what and why? If not, defend your argument.Consider what can be said in McCoy’s defense. Describe how you could construct a defense of his actions and argue he either did the right thing or at least did nothing bad?If this had been on a busy city sidewalk instead of on the top of the mountain, do you think McCoy’s decisions would be different? Why or why not?How would leadership have made a difference in this situation?To successfully complete this assignment, view the Discussion Rubric document.
solved Answer the following 3 questions correctly. Each question should contain
/in /by adminAnswer the following 3 questions correctly. Each question should contain 3 paragraphs with 6-7 sentences each.1. What was the “export boom†and what did it mean for the people of Latin America?2. What is populism? Provide at least two examples that demonstrate how populism functioned in Latin America.3. compose a reflection essay and consider any of the following questions in your response: How is it possible that a nation with democratic institutions like Argentina could plunge into a totalitarian predicament described by Jacobo Timerman in Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number? Do you agree with the Argentine military’s assessment that they are justified in governing the nation instead of civilian politicians? How would you react if comparable measures were employed in the United States against its citizens? What lessons can other nations, including the United States, learn from this episode in Latin American history and politics? Your answer is worth a possible 15 pointsUse the following PDF to answer the above question:…Requirements: 3 paragraphs with 6-7 sentences each.Requirements: 3 paragraphs with 6-7 sentences each.
solved PART AMinimum of 175 words:Which social institutions do you think
/in /by adminPART AMinimum of 175 words:Which social institutions do you think are most in need of change in the United States?Consider families, religious institutions, the education system, as well as local and national governments when selecting your institutions.Why do you think these institutions need reform and how would you work to change it?PART BReview *Which of the four major perspectives would be most helpful to you in studying religion?Write a 700-word response to one bullet at the end of the chapter:For full credit, your word count MUST be between 675 and 775 words. This is content. If you include the questions, and have not met the word count, you will lose credit.There is an excellent reason for the strict requirement. In the workplace, in your career fields, and in life, often there are requirements that must be adhered to regarding word counts. Word counts help us edit, and “cut to the chase” – get to the heart of the matter at hand. If we are not quite at the word count, that means we have not substantively addressed the issue at hand – examples may not be included, for example.Feel free to ask me about this requirement.APA FORMAT INCLUDE INTRODUCTION NO PLAGIARISMINCLUDE CONCLUSION