Social competence is a complex concept consisting of social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills. For example, one might change social interactions based on the situational perspective of another individual.
Cultural competency enables organizations to work in cross-cultural situations based on skills, attitudes, behaviors, and policies. For example, it is important to provide health care services that meet the needs of all patients and addresses diversity issues.
In 500-750 words, address why social and cultural competency is critical in the research process. Be sure to address the following prompts:
Define social and cultural competency
Evaluate the importance of these concepts in terms of social psychological research.
Give an example of a social psychological concept that can be understood from a cross-cultural perspective (e.g., social self, emotion, attitudes, fundamental attribution error, etc.)
Why does cultural competency matter when researching a concept like the one you chose?
Discuss problems that might occur if cross-cultural perspectives are neglected in the research. Be sure to share an example(s). Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.
solved Why is it important that those being evaluated fully support
/in /by adminWhy is it important that those being evaluated fully support the evaluation? Beyond what was done in Marian’s evaluation can you think of other ways to gain buy-in from program staff being evaluated? How might managers staff members, have different interpretations of the data? What do you think the maximum length of the questionnaire should be?2. Identify what the question wants to do (in this case, you need to read the case study presented in chapter 3)4. Before you sit to write your answer, write an outline: a. Remember you are focusing on the case study b. Once you decide what your answer is, make sure you provide examples c. If you can, talk to your classmates or friends about the question.5. Your essay should be at least a page and a half and two pages at mosty successfully completing the assignment, you will deepen your understanding of critical aspects and terms used in policy analysis.By successfully completing the assignment, you will practice identifying key terms and definitions that comprise policy.By successfully completing the assignment, you will acquire a critical thinking lens to identify and analyze policies that affect you, your loved ones, your clients, and society.
solved Social competence is a complex concept consisting of social, emotional,
/in /by adminSocial competence is a complex concept consisting of social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills. For example, one might change social interactions based on the situational perspective of another individual.
Cultural competency enables organizations to work in cross-cultural situations based on skills, attitudes, behaviors, and policies. For example, it is important to provide health care services that meet the needs of all patients and addresses diversity issues.
In 500-750 words, address why social and cultural competency is critical in the research process. Be sure to address the following prompts:
Define social and cultural competency
Evaluate the importance of these concepts in terms of social psychological research.
Give an example of a social psychological concept that can be understood from a cross-cultural perspective (e.g., social self, emotion, attitudes, fundamental attribution error, etc.)
Why does cultural competency matter when researching a concept like the one you chose?
Discuss problems that might occur if cross-cultural perspectives are neglected in the research. Be sure to share an example(s). Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.
solved Research Report 4: Academic Journals and their Articles: Articles written
/in /by adminResearch Report 4: Academic Journals and their Articles: Articles written by professionals in the field for other professionals in the field to readTOPIC: POLICE BRUTALITYYou will need to use bibliographical resources intended for use in specific fields, the article databases available by Internet access to the GBC Library. For example, specialized indexes exist for research in history, literature, education, psychology, medicine, business, etc. From a field-appropriate database, use keywords to find an article on your topic, being careful to note the journal in which the article was first published. The article must come from a peer-reviewed (refereed) professional or scholarly journal. When you find the article, if the database does not have it in full text, you will need to find another article with full text available. Provide APA or MLA citation for your article.Summarize the contents/ argument of the article in 4-5 fully developed paragraphs.Provide a useful (unique, not already said in other sources, not already thought by you) quotation with in-text citation.Explain why this is a relevant/valuable quotation.Evaluating the authority of the source–What makes this a reliable source?
solved For this question, review the Virgin America short case study
/in /by adminFor this question, review the Virgin America short case study at the end of Chapter 5. Prior to 2016, Virgin America was consistently rated as one of the top U.S. airlines. It served 20 destinations out of its main hub in San Francisco. Known for its leather seats, cocktail-lounge-style lighting, on board Wi-Fi, in-seat power outlets for electronics devices, full-service meals, and spacious legroom, the key competitive issue the company has been facing is that it is a niche player in a much larger industry where low-cost carriers such as Southwest Airlines and Jet Blue are putting constant pressure on prices and crowding out routes with multiple flights a day. After reviewing the full case, please answer the following questions. What was Virgin America’s segmentation strategy? Whom did it serve?Regarding its core segment, what did Virgin America offer its customers?Using the Porter model, which generic business-level strategy was Virgin America pursuing?What actions, taken at the functional level, enabled Virgin America to implement its strategy?Do you think Virgin America would have been able to survive had it remained independent? (The company was acquired by Alaska Airlines in 2016).
solved Journal activities in this course are private between students and
/in /by adminJournal activities in this course are private between students and the instructor. Journal assignments will serve as a personal reflection on your knowledge and experience relating to leadership and healthcare. This journal is only graded for compliance with completing it.  If you provide a thoughtful and nicely developed response you will receive all the points. (See the grading rubric) If you only provide answers with no real reflection, you will only receive partial credit. If you use in-text citations, you must provide APA formatted references. The journal does not require a title page, but your name and the title “Journal Week _†should appear on the top. Also, you do not need to provide a separate reference page; any references may be placed at the end of the journal.Topic: Identify three leadership Best Practices (supported by evidence) that help create an engaged staff. Discuss challenges to the development and implementation of the identified Best Practices. Be specific. For example (not all inclusive), what setting would the identified best practice be most effective in, the rationale for choosing this strategy over others, and any other comments you deem pertinent.
solved Choose any topic related to young children with disabilities (ages
/in /by adminChoose any topic related to young children with disabilities (ages birth through five). Write a (8-12 page) paper on that topic. Cite a minimum of 10 references, including at least eight from professional journals and at least one from the Internet (other than/in addition to the websites listed in this syllabus—NOT Wikipedia!). You may use your textbook as a resource for primary sources, but do not cite your textbook. Use the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) (2020) for correct format guidelines for citations in the body of the paper and in the reference list. You may use subheadings to help you organize the information in your paper. Sample topics:o Increasing Communication Skills in Preschool Children with Autism [or Down syndrome, etc.]o Creating a Supportive Environment for Preschool Children with Autismo Including Young Children with Disabilities in General Education Classroomso Best Practices for Adapting the Learning Environment for Preschool Children with Disabilitieso How best to Integrate Therapy into Classroom Activities for Preschool Children with Disabilitieso Alternatives for Communication for Preschool Children Who are Unable to Speak
solved In Unit V, you selected your favorite brand and described
/in /by adminIn Unit V, you selected your favorite brand and described the reasons why this brand is so appealing to you. For this assignment, you will use your favorite brand to create an analysis that identifies the strategic direction of price and promotion.In this assignment, you will research and provide pricing examples that compare and contrast various factors that influence promotional strategies for each of the five pricing strategies: premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, psychological pricing, and promotional pricing.Next, you will determine which pricing strategy is represented by your brand’s price and discuss why (or why not) the pricing strategy is effective.Finally, you will discuss if the pricing strategy is aligned with the messaging strategy in the promotions. For example, if the pricing strategy is premium pricing, do the promotions communicate the high value of the brand?You must reference at least two articles from business-related or news websites. All paraphrased and quoted material must be cited and referenced. You will create a four-page Word document, not counting the title and reference pages.I have attached the Power Point of the favorite brand I choose
solved This assignment consists of two parts and you are required
/in /by adminThis assignment consists of two parts and you are required to prepare and submit two (2) separate documents as part of this activity. You will prepare and submit an annotated bibliography of three sources from the research you will gather for your country presentation. You will also prepare and submit a draft of your country presentation outline. First, refer to any instructor provided feedback from your Module 3 Country Presentation Selection to ensure that your country has been approved. Should you need to select another country to avoid duplication, be sure to do so by the second day of this module week!Next, search the Hunt Library databases (Links to an external site.) and locate three (3) sources on your country. These sources will come from books, book chapters, peer-reviewed scholarly journals, reports, and other scholarly sources. Wikipedia and other similar sources without named authors are prohibited. Create a Descriptive Annotated Bibliography in current APA format listing each of your three sources.To learn more about how to create a Descriptive Annotated Bibliography, please navigate to the Annotated Bibliography page (Links to an external site.) found in the Hunt Library.
solved I need support with this Criminal Justice question so I
/in /by adminI need support with this Criminal Justice question so I can learn better.
Review the sample report from the Arizona Department of Corrections website by clicking on the most recent month and year.
Research the Department of Corrections in your state, or another state of your choice. Do not use Arizona unless you currently reside there.
Review the most recent report from this department.
Analyze the report to determine the types of inmates and offenders in the correctional system in your state.
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation discussing your results from the analysis. Include the following:
Outline the five offenses with the highest occurrence.
Outline the ethnic distribution of the population.
Outline the occurrence of assaults on staff. (if you cannot find this info for your chosen state, be sure to research assaults on staff from another source and include this information instead)
Describe communication strategies for working with the population within this department, including considerations for culture and gender.
Describe how a better understanding of language and communication can improve safety in the department
Include a minimum of two sources.
solved 1) Coding and Complianceundefined Name and describe three of the
/in /by admin1) Coding and Complianceundefined Name and describe three of the seven OIG elements of an effective compliance plan. Explain how you would implement these three elements at your facility if you were the compliance officer. Propose at least three policies and procedures that would be appropriate in a coding compliance plan. Choose one and elaborate on its importance in being included in the coding compliance plan. undefined Blooms Level 6 – Createundefined2) OIG Work Plan EvaluationundefinedYou are the new Coding Manager. Locate the current Office of Inspector General Work Plan Active Issues on the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General website. Review these Active Work Plan Items and choose three that you would like to audit in your coding department.undefinedWrite a memo to your Compliance Officer outlining the three key areas you have chosen to audit for your facility. Identify which areas would be appropriate for the auditing schedule, which areas would be appropriate for the education schedule, and which areas would be appropriate for both schedules.undefinedThis document should be 1-2 pages and references should be cited in APA format.undefinedBlooms Level 5 Evaluate