I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Organizational Culture: Describe the organizational culture of the organization of your choice. Consider the following in your response:
What is the organization’s mission and vision?
How have you seen the organization’s mission and vision reflected in daily activities such as communication, management approaches, priorities, and so on?
What does the organization value?
Impacts of Culture and Leadership: Describe the impact of culture and leadership on the employees and day-to-day business, providing examples. Consider the following in your response:
How did organizational culture play a role in the examples you provided?
In the examples you provided, was the communication or behavior aligned with the culture the organization promotes? Why or why not?
Leadership Style and Personality Traits: Discuss your leadership style and personality traits; focus specifically on how your leadership fits into an organizational culture. Consider the following in your response:
What traits make you a strong leader, and how does this connect to the organizational culture you described?
solved I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how
/in /by adminI’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Organizational Culture: Describe the organizational culture of the organization of your choice. Consider the following in your response:
What is the organization’s mission and vision?
How have you seen the organization’s mission and vision reflected in daily activities such as communication, management approaches, priorities, and so on?
What does the organization value?
Impacts of Culture and Leadership: Describe the impact of culture and leadership on the employees and day-to-day business, providing examples. Consider the following in your response:
How did organizational culture play a role in the examples you provided?
In the examples you provided, was the communication or behavior aligned with the culture the organization promotes? Why or why not?
Leadership Style and Personality Traits: Discuss your leadership style and personality traits; focus specifically on how your leadership fits into an organizational culture. Consider the following in your response:
What traits make you a strong leader, and how does this connect to the organizational culture you described?
solved Read chapter 13, 14 and 15. Identify what you thought
/in /by adminRead chapter 13, 14 and 15. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:Your company is hoping to outsource some of its work constructing a new development of condominiums. What would you use as selection criteria to narrow down your list of potential sellers?Give specific examples of risks on a project that are within the team’s control, partially within the team’s control, and outside the team’s control. Tell how you would deal with each. Give two examples of why a project might be terminated early for cause and two examples of why a project might be terminated early for convenience.The sponsor of a large multi-phased project you are managing suddenly decides to terminate the project early. How do you respond? How and when do you notify your team members? [Your initial post should be at least 600+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]
solved Instructions: To participate in this discussion, please respond to the
/in /by adminInstructions: To participate in this discussion, please respond to the prompt below based on Chapter 10. You must make your initial post by May 26th. After your initial post, you must reply to one classmates’ post. Your initial post is worth up to 25 points. Each reply post is also worth up to 25 points for a total grade of up to 50 points. You have until May 29th to post your reply. It will look as if the assignment is closed but it is open until the deadline.Marketing ResearchComputer technology has significantly changed the complexion of marketing research in key ways. (Exhibit 10-5a)In your initial post comment on a data collection method you like as a consumer and why. Give an example of an organization that uses the method and how that impacts your perception of them. Add a second comment on a data collection method you dislike as a consumer and why. Give a different example of an organization that uses the method and how that impacts your perception of them. When replying to your peer’s post, please be specific in why you agree or disagree with their comments. Professional language and manner is expected. Inappropriate language (as determined by the professor) will void an entry.
solved Workshop: Qualitative Research Workshop: Week 4 In this week’s Workshop,
/in /by adminWorkshop: Qualitative Research Workshop: Week 4 In this week’s Workshop, visit your unique
thread and carefully review how your research problem and purpose have
evolved and what you have learned about the different approaches. By Day 3Post a response to the following prompts:Present your research question as two or three versions, based on
the different approaches you have explored that seem most appropriate to
your research problem and purpose.Make a case for why each approach would work.Identify the approach you believe best fits your research question.
Then, re-formulate the question based on the approach you selected.Describe how the approach you selected will direct the procedures you will later develop.Summarize your choice of theoretical framework for your prospectus.
Justify how your choice aligns with your current choice of research
question and approach. If they are not aligned, choose a more
appropriate framework.Given your choice of approach, describe what data collection tools will be most appropriate to consider. Note:
This is not a commitment to use all of the tools you identify; rather,
it is meant to be a reflection on what is possible given your choice of
solved Answer any 2 questions from the list below.1 Based on
/in /by adminAnswer any 2 questions from the list below.1 Based on Chang’s book (Introduction chapter) discuss what were some of the important aspects of Chinese American experience.2. Discuss in what way their experience was similar to other minority groups in America.3 Discuss “middleman minority†as a term about overseas Chinese in places like Southeast Asia.4 Discuss how Chang defines Chinese American identity.5. Based on the article on Chinese railroad laborers, discuss some of the things that impressed you most about them and explain why.6. Discuss why people disagree with the death toll of Chinese laborers during the construction.7. Describe what were some of the most difficult challenges Chinese railroad laborers encountered during the construction.8. Discuss what was Chinese laborers’ life like when they were working on the railroad.9. Discuss why most of Chinese laborers or other Chinese chose to have their bones sent back to China if death occurred.10. Share your opinion or comment on Maxine Hong Kingston’s remark: “After the Civil War, China Men banded the nation North and South, East and West, with crisscrossing steel. They were the binding and building ancestors of this place.â€
solved Can you make it with the easy to understand one.
/in /by adminCan you make it with the easy to understand one. don’t want to make it too perfect because I am freshman and english is not my native language. Thank you.Part III: Essay (submit Part III as a separate assignment to Canvas Assignments – 80% of the final score)Choose one writing prompt to respond to with a well-developed 4-5 paragraph essay. Do not worry about a works cited/bibliography. Use THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEW (no use of I, we, our, us, you, your, etc.)Essay Prompts (to consider while reading/annotating):How has technology affected human interactions? What norms are changing throughout society so that socialization skills are becoming harder to develop? Describe smartphone etiquette and how people should work to overcome the challenges involved. Use 4-6 references to the evidence in the 2 articles given here in the assignment. Make sure to include parenthetical citationsSome individuals who have engaged in distracted driving in the past come to regret their behavior. What should a former distracted driver do to make amends? Give very specific measures. Use 4-6 references to the evidence in the 2 articles given here in the assignment. Make sure to include parenthetical citations.
solved In week one, you all took a pre-assessment on what
/in /by adminIn week one, you all took a pre-assessment on what you already knew and/or wanted to learn? This week, we will explore, “what did I learn?”Over the past several weeks you have learned a great deal about child and adolescent development which will help you in your work with parents, teachers, and students. After you complete your readings and assignments for your final week, take a few moments to share, in your own words, what you have learned from this coures. Also, include any remaining questions you may have about the content.This should be no longer than 2 pages, must have a APA style title page, does not need an abstract, but will need an APA reference page… you need to cite the book, other peer review articles are optional. Reminder this is what you know or what your learned so it is reflective but apply what you have learned, best way is to link it back to the book. This is a short and simple assignment. Do not overthink it. Click on the “Week Four: Post Assessment” link above to submit your assignment, as well as to get more information regarding the due date and grading rubric.The book is: Child and Adolescent Development, 2nd EditionBy: Woolfolk, AnitaISBN: 978-0-13-343979-3
solved need to total two pages essay. Word count at least
/in /by adminneed to total two pages essay. Word count at least 650OESSAY QUESTIONSIn each essay, be sure to mention and to identify (name and date) at least 5 artworks/monuments that were discussed in presentations, videos, and/or the readings. In addition, be sure to cite at least 1 reading.(Note: this is an open-book and open-note Take-home Midterm.)Each essay should be 1-2 typewritten pages. word count at least 650PLEASE WRITE ONE ESSAY THAT ANSWERS THIS QUESTION:1. How is ancient Mediterranean art and architecture multicultural?AND PLEASE WRITE ONEESSAY THAT ANSWERS ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:2a. What sorts of messages did Egyptian and Nubian rulers communicate in art and architecture?2b. What sorts of messages did Mesopotamian and Persian rulers communicate in art and architecture?2c. How was the body represented artistically in the Geometric and Archaic periods of Greek art?2d. What were some architectural developments and innovations in Egyptian, Nubian, Mesopotamian, Persian, and/or Greek architecture?2e. What narrative techniques appear in the art that you have learned so far in this course –in other words, how did the artworks tell stories about historical events and/or mythology?
solved The student is an APRN in the Free Clinic and
/in /by adminThe student is an APRN in the Free Clinic and is presented with the case below:Identify the case in the initial post. Do not repeat the case verbatim in the post.Identify the most likely condition that best explains the patient’s rash.Describe and explain the pathophysiologic process for the eruption of the patient’s presenting signs and symptoms.Describe the usual clinical manifestations associated with the condition.Identify the causes of the condition and risk factors if applicable.CaseA 30-year-old woman presents to the clinic complaining that she has “an itchy rash all over the place.†She noticed that her legs became red, itchy, and blistered about two days after she had been hiking in a heavily wooded area. She says that scratching broke the blisters and afterward the rash became much worse and spread all over. She is convinced that the rash could not be poison ivy because once before she was exposed to that plant and did not develop a rash. On examination, there are erythematous vesicles and bullae in linear streaks on both of her legs. Some areas are weepy, with a yellowish crust. There are ill-defined erythematous plaques studded with papulovesicles on the trunk and arms.
solved Write an article critique that begins by addressing the following
/in /by adminWrite an article critique that begins by addressing the following questions:What is Stuxnet, and what set it apart from other potential threats?How did Stuxnet get around standard computer operating systems?Then continue with your article critique by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the article by addressing the following items:Do you agree or disagree that Stuxnet could be considered a cyber weapon? Could nations consider this type of attack an act of war? Why, or why not?Do you agree or disagree with the author’s viewpoints on the ethical considerations and implications of Stuxnet?Do you believe that the United States should be able to use worms such as Stuxnet to counter unsanctioned nuclear programs? What consequences might result from such use?Do you believe that the United States has updated critical infrastructures to deal with potential threats similar to Stuxnet? At the end of the article, in the second-to-last paragraph, the author suggests two ways in which to judge the ethics of Stuxnet. Explain why you align yourself with one of the two focuses given, or offer your own focus and an explanation. Finally, answer the question posed at the end of the same paragraph.