solved Help me to answer to question about the  my

Help me to answer to question about the  my Educational Plan             

Your degree, certificate, and/or transfer plans. Explain how your program of study relates to your chosen career path. If you are unsure, what career options have you considered? Here’s a great page with a ton of resources available to you at Cuyamaca. Here are some more resources:

Recorded Industry Interviews (Links to an external site.)
Online Workshops (Links to an external site.)
Interest Profiler Quiz (Links to an external site.)

A summary of the classes you will take during the upcoming semester whether at Cuyamaca/Grossmont or your transfer university

For students who are transferring, include a timeline of your application process. Include all steps in your transfer process (application, applying for Financial Aid, acquiring transcripts, supplemental applications, etc).

Research different resources on campus (either Cuyamaca/Grossmont or your transfer university) that can help you stay on track and explain how you plan to utilize that resource (Hint: the syllabus is a great place to start!)
Include any questions that you still have about your academic goals and progress 

solved Step 1: ReadReview Case Problem 2: Predicting Winnings for NASCAR

Step 1: ReadReview Case Problem 2: Predicting Winnings for NASCAR Drivers Download Case Problem 2: Predicting Winnings for NASCAR Driversfrom Chapter 15 of the ebook.Step 2: DoRun a Regression for the Data File NASCAR (Chapter 15) using the video How to Add Excel’s Data Analysis ToolPak (Links to an external site.) for assistance.In a managerial report,Suppose you wanted to predict Winnings ($) using only the number of poles won (Poles), the number of wins (Wins), the number of top five finishes (Top 5), or the number of top ten finishes (Top 10). Which of these four variables provides the best single predictor of winnings?Develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict Winnings ($) given the number of poles won (Poles), the number of wins (Wins), the number of top five finishes (Top 5), and the number of top ten (Top 10) finishes. Test for individual significance, and then discuss your findings and conclusions.Step 3: Discuss:What did you find in your analysis of the data? Were there any surprising results? What recommendations would you make based on your findings? Include details from your managerial report to support your recommendations.350 words

solved Reflect on what you learned this week about empowerment in

Reflect on what you learned this week about empowerment in organizations. In this week’s YouTube video we look at empowerment and discuss differences between empowerment and control. What are your thoughts about the video and its message? If empowerment is so effective, why don’t we see more of it in the workplace?undefinedundefinedNOTE: Remember that your discussion response must include the following:A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us a summary of things you learned about this concept from your assigned chapter readings.A thorough example/discussion to support your reflection.A final statement that tells us what you take away from this week’s lesson.Properly formatted in-text citations and references.Strong grammar, spelling, and mechanics.In total your discussion should be at least 250 words.When responding to your peers, be sure to connect on both personal and theoretical level by reacting to what was said, supporting your reactions with scholarly sources (e.g., your textbook), and identifying potential additional concepts or communication strategies to consider. End your responses with open-ended questions to extend conversations.Reply Email Author

solved I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and need

I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and need an explanation.

The Argument:To Vape or Not to Vape? Is Vaping a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes?Choose to be Pro or ConProponents (pro) believe- Vaping is a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. They do not contain the many known carcinogenic ingredients that cause chronic disease and death. They also allow people a method of smoking cessation that will help them quit the use of nicotine altogether. Opponents believe (Con)- E-cigarettes are potentially explosive devices that addict teens and young adults to nicotine and most likely cause unknown serious health problems.Research 3 Key Pro or Con points about the Vaping debate depending on what position you choose. You will only represent either the Pro side or the Con side. NOTE: You can take either side of the issue despite your personal beliefs. Make sure you indicate whether you are representing the Pro- position or Con(example: I am taking the Pro -position because……) position then:List/describe your 3 key points. Make sure you include why you believe these points (you must back up your opinion with at least one reference for each point!).

solved Step Two – Putting Revised Outline in Presenter’s Notes: Next,

Step Two – Putting Revised Outline in Presenter’s Notes: Next, you will revise your outline from Module 5 based on your instructor’s feedback. Put your revised outline in the Presenter’s Notes of your slideshow. This will allow you to develop slides based on your presentation’s content. A good rule of thumb is to only share one main idea per slide, so use this best practice to incorporate your outline into the Presenter’s Notes.Step Three – Create Slides: After you’ve incorporated your outline into your Presenter’s Notes, develop a slideshow based on the best practices for visual design you’ve learned from your Module 5 and 6 readings, videos, and lessons. Be sure to apply the following slide design rules:Limit the amount of text on each slide. You will speak the information in the Presenter’s Notes, so there is no need to include that information word-for-word on the slides.Apply the picture superiority effect by finding one large, clear image to include on each slide. Add a little bit of relevant text on top.Stick to one main idea per slide.Eliminate “noise” and clutter (too many fonts, too many colors, overlapping images, etc.). Instead, focus on simplicity and tidiness

solved I’m working on a nursing question and need guidance to

I’m working on a nursing question and need guidance to help me learn.

Topic: Psychosocial
The psychosocial aspect of female health is just as important as the management of Diabetes and Hypertension. The World Health Organization (WHO, n.d.) addresses women’s mental health facts as follows: 
Depressive disorders account for close to 41.9% of the disability from neuropsychiatric disorders among women compared to 29.3% among men.
Leading mental health problems of the older adults are depression, organic brain syndromes and dementias. A majority are women.

An estimated 80% of 50 million people affected by violent conflicts, civil wars, disasters, and displacement are women and children.
Lifetime prevalence rate of violence against women ranges from 16% to 50%.
At least one in five women suffer rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. Select a mental health illness as a diagnosis for a female patient, perhaps one you have encountered in the clinical setting. Describe the illness, how is it treated? What is your follow-up? Discuss how the WHO’s comprehensive mental health action plan 2013 – 2020 addresses a strategy for change in the mental health illness you selected.

solved Health care organizations are successful when they create value for

Health care organizations are successful when they create value for patient and stakeholders. Choose a health organization of your choice and complete the following:A brief description of a service that is offered by the organization which you believe creates value. Refer to pages 125-132 for a discussion on value creation in health care organizations.Using the value chain framework provided in Exhibit 4-2, list two value adding activities (one sentence for each activity) for each component of the service delivery system and two value adding activities for each component of the support activities system.In addition, for each system (service and support) briefly describe one non-value adding activity along with a recommendation on how to improve it.Finally, describe two activities (one paragraph each) the organization should consider to construct a better marketing brand. When constructing your paragraphs, you must consult and cite at least one outside source. If necessary, see the MHA program definition of outside and peer-reviewed sources in MHA Information and Resources. Using the MHA adaptation of APA citation, your reference page will contain only your outside sources.

solved Your article should accomplish the following: • Introduce and address

Your article should accomplish the following:
• Introduce and address a key area within sports which ties to your marketing theme shown above.
• Articulate not only a summary of the issue, but expand with other relevant research, key insights, and strategic recommendations.
• As with most projects in marketing, start out by thinking about your reading audience. What area does this fall within? If industry members are reading this article, what do you want them
to get out of it?
• Include links to at least three (3) other articles within SBJ that would be relevant or helpful to your reader. These links and article titles should be placed in the section “More To Explore”
as noted in your template.
• The template provides suggested length, but if you need to remove or add pages that is up to you; however, please ensure your content adequately tells your story (e.g., it should be longer
than at least one page).
• For ease of developing your article, I suggest writing your text out in word and then copying and pasting it into the template when complete.
• Make sure to find relevant images for your article. Those included in the template are just placeholders.

solved Instructions: Watch the videos and read the articles. Answer ALL

Instructions: Watch the videos and read the articles. Answer ALL the questions. Simply copy and paste the questions and write at least 4-5 sentences in response to each question. All answers must be written in your own words. Do not cut and paste text from books or websites.Explain the connection between mercantilism, the slave trade and plantations in the Americas? (Links to an external site.)What were some of the key principles of mercantilism? Where were slaves for the transatlantic trade obtained and how were they transported and treated? (Links to an external site.)What were some of the fundamental differences between earlier forms of slavery and slavery in the Americas? (Links to an external site.)What was the impact of the transatlantic slave trade on African societies? (Links to an external site.)Why did Britain push for the abolition of the slave trade in the late 18th and early 19th century? (Links to an external site.)ResourcesMercantilism (Links to an external site.)Facts About the Slave Trade & Slavery (Links to an external site.)Q & A: Transatlantic Trade (Links to an external site.)Emory University’s Digital Project (Links to an external site.)Khan Academy

solved Read Understanding how we can help children succeed – Session

Read Understanding how we can help children succeed – Session IV. Reflect and respond to the following questions: (For Fall 2019 CD 1 students, incorporate what you learn about Habits of Mind in your response to these questions.)In our Understanding how we can help children succeed sessions, we have focused on how your brain grows including the learning strategies you use, which we called intelligent practice. Considering those ideas, how have our discussions changed your mindset?Learning from criticism and feedback is one of the most important parts of practicing a growth mindset. Share a time when you used feedback to learn from a challenging situation. Share a time when you did not learn from criticism or feedback. How might you respond differently in the future?Share a time when you used a fixed mindset to respond to a challenge. What could you have done differently to practice a growth mindset? What advice would you give to someone facing that challenge? How does learning about fixed and growth mindset change your perspective about children’s development and ability? What strategy or guidance approach can you use to foster growth mindset in the children in your care?