To prepare for your Professional Reflection:
Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:
Personal Leadership Journal Assignment Instructions
Canwell, A., Dongrie, V., Neveras, N., & Stockton, H. (2014, Fall). Developing 21st century leadership skills. American Management Association. 13(3), 38–43.
Cohen, E. (2015). How should today’s leaders behave? Chief Learning Officer. Retrieved from
To complete the Personal Leadership Journal Assignment, compose a cohesive document that addresses the following:
Reflect upon the weekly Learning Resources relating to effective 21st century communication strategies.
Discuss how you would implement the 21st century communication strategies in your current organization or community.
Discuss how you will be flexible and innovative, grow from your own mistakes, and be bold enough to abandon unsuccessful communication strategies.
Be sure to support your Personal Leadership Journal using this week’s readings or other credible and relevant resources. You may also include quotes from the weekly Discussion ok that you think support your journal entry.
solved Resource: Business Financing Grading Guide Purpose of Assignment The purpose
/in /by adminResource: Business Financing Grading Guide
Purpose of AssignmentÂ
The purpose of this assignment is for students to access the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) website for the purpose of discovering various sources of financing for their proposed business. Also, the mix of equity and debt financing should be considered. Students will also grasp the single most important thing about managing to maximize firm value which is to pursue excellence in the creation, production, and delivery of the firm’s products and/or services.Â
Assignment StepsÂ
Resource: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) website is perhaps the most valuable resource for any new entrepreneur in America for all aspects of starting, operating, and growing a business, and it would help the students in this class to use like a handbook. It is especially useful in learning more about financing a business and obtaining a loan.Â
Assess stages of financing in a minimum 1,400 words which includes the following:Â
Explain the different stages of financing.
Analyze sources of financing through the lifecycle of a firm.
Assess the trade-offs between debt and equity financing for an entrepreneur.Â
solved Week 4 Assignment – Pricing Strategy Overview Imagine that you
/in /by adminWeek 4 Assignment – Pricing Strategy
Imagine that you work for a pricing strategy consulting business. Select a business to be your next client. Think of a scenario that would result in your client seeking advice from your consulting business. You will use this same business or client for the Week 10 assignment: Pricing Strategies and Decisions.
Develop a 2–4 page report about your client for your boss that includes the following components:
Company Description.
Describe the company, the products it makes or services it provides, and the problems or issues that the company is facing related to its pricing strategy.
Pricing Strategies.
Evaluate the pricing strategies relative to the product life cycle for your client’s three top-selling products.
Summarize the critical factors (for example, technology, regulation, market information, and consumer preferences) that affect your client’s pricing decisions.
Describe the impact value has on the company’s pricing strategy and profitability, and the importance of market segmentation.
Determine the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of your client’s price and value communication strategies.
solved Read the case given below and answer the questions:undefinedThe Fusion
/in /by adminRead the case given below and answer the questions:undefinedThe Fusion Electric Company worked day and night to develop a new current regulator designed to cut the electric power consumption in aluminum plants by 35%. They knew that, although the competition was fierce, their regulator could be produced more cheaply, was more reliable, and worked more efficiently than the competitors’ products.undefinedThe owner Momena, eager to capture the market, personally but somewhat hastily put together a 120-page proposal to the three major aluminum manufacturers, recommending that their regulators be installed at all company plants.undefinedShe devoted the first 87 pages of the proposal to the mathematical theory and engineering design behind his new regulator, and the next 32 to descriptions of the new assembly line she planned to set up to produce regulators quickly. Buried in an appendix were the test results that compared her regulator’s performance with present models, and a poorly drawn graph showed how much the dollar savings would be.undefinedFusion Electric didn’t get the contracts, despite having the best product. Six months later, the company filed for bankruptcy.
solved I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an
/in /by adminI’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
1.) Explain in detail, where do you you think Baldwin felt it more difficult to deal with racism, in the Swiss village he writes about in his “Stranger in the Village” essay or in New York City where he grew up? Explain in detail. 2.) Explain in detail the contrast that Baldwin makes when he compares the first “white man” encountered by African villagers to his experience as the first “Black man” the Swiss village that he visits has ever seen. Explain in detail, what is the difference in how each man would be treated by the villagers.3.) Explain in detail, why do you think James Baldwin continued to go back and vacation in the Swiss village even after his first experiences of being called the “n-word” by some of the Swiss villagers?4.) Explain in detail, where do you think many of the Swiss villagers received their negative expectations and stereotypes about Black people from?5.) What do you think Baldwin means when he writes, “this world is white no longer, and it will never be white again” (102)? Explain in detail. 6.) Share your feelings thoughts and impressions of Baldwin
solved To prepare for your Professional Reflection: Review this week’s Learning
/in /by adminTo prepare for your Professional Reflection:
Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:
Personal Leadership Journal Assignment Instructions
Canwell, A., Dongrie, V., Neveras, N., & Stockton, H. (2014, Fall). Developing 21st century leadership skills. American Management Association. 13(3), 38–43.
Cohen, E. (2015). How should today’s leaders behave? Chief Learning Officer. Retrieved from
To complete the Personal Leadership Journal Assignment, compose a cohesive document that addresses the following:
Reflect upon the weekly Learning Resources relating to effective 21st century communication strategies.
Discuss how you would implement the 21st century communication strategies in your current organization or community.
Discuss how you will be flexible and innovative, grow from your own mistakes, and be bold enough to abandon unsuccessful communication strategies.
Be sure to support your Personal Leadership Journal using this week’s readings or other credible and relevant resources. You may also include quotes from the weekly Discussion ok that you think support your journal entry.
solved This paper is a detailed and specific forum for you
/in /by adminThis paper is a detailed and specific forum for you to consider the ethical, legal, applied, and philosophical issues relevant to counseling. Â
(1) in-depth reaction to a specific concept(s) covered in class discussions and/or readings, (2) alignment of the concept(s) with specific ethical codes of ACA, ASCA, or NAADAC/APCB (3) relevant scholarly literature that supports the discussion of the concept(s), and (4) two reactions of the student related to how this concept covered shapes their professional development.
Though these papers are your opinion they must be informed opinion. Thus, you must reference and discuss specific ethical code(s), cases, articles, etc discussed in class. Each paper must be at least 5-8 pages long. What you state in these papers are your informed opinion. You are graded on how you interpret and think about the ethics of counseling as per the specific topic of the week.Â
Ethical Decision Making fro the 21st Centurny Counselor Book by Donna S. Sheperis, Michael M. Kocet, and Stacy L. HenningÂ
Needs- ACA Ethical Standard Casebook!Â
Needs- Peer Reviews Journals to back upÂ
Needs- files below!!!!! Â
APA 7th professional paper!
solved For this assignment, you are going to pretend that your
/in /by adminFor this assignment, you are going to pretend that your are having a friendly debate with a friend or colleague. She or he is trying to convince you that in today’s world of technology, reading, discussing, and thinking about literature is obsolete: we just don’t need to do it anymore because we have so many other options for thinking about life, human nature, self, society (she/he is arguing). However, you must incorporate A Raisin in the Sun.You will compose a response to this individual, essentially arguing that we do still need to read, discuss, and think about literature. You will develop 3-4 reasons why and use at least two of the literary works we studied this semester as evidence/support.Requirementsintroductory paragraph, getting your audience, the hypothetical friend, ready to hear your argument.Your thesis is done for you: Studying literature is still a valuable and important endeavor in to today’s society. 3-4 reasons supported by at least two works we studied this semester. You can use more than two, and you can use one more than once. concluding paragraph, creating closure.Sentences must be free from frequent and distracting errors in grammar and mechanics.
solved Please make a Activity Plan and answer in an easy
/in /by adminPlease make a Activity Plan and answer in an easy and simple way, and I will attach two different copies that I have for some colleagues to get an idea from them, but please make sure there is no matching, because that affects the evaluation1. Title of activity: Remember this should be something catchy to catch the children’s attention2. Concept or primary language and literature focus: Include any specific language skills or vocab you want to be sure get highlighted during the activity3. Two specific language and literature learning objectives:4. Detailed list of materials needed and provide author and title of the book you are using or basing the activity off of. 5. Describe in detail how you will present or share the activity with children.a. how will you organize your materials, gather the children, present the activity and or book, story or concept to the children?b. what directions will you give the children?c. what are some open-ended questions you can anticipate you will ask to engage the children and extend their connection to the book/story or concept? d. how might you include a child who has a difficult time sharing and staying in their own space?Annotations
solved You read about the concept of language, listened to James
/in /by adminYou read about the concept of language, listened to James Kim video, and explored the Linguists website. Please analyze the language you speak at home. Interview your siblings, parents, grandparents, or any other relevant family members to learn concepts regarding the historical change of the language in your family across generations.Â
Create a list of interview questions for your analysis. Prepare three sets of interview questions; questions must be changed depending on the generation of your family you are going to interview. Ideally, please involve three generations in your research. You will submit your notes along with the assignment.Â
Write a two page analysis of the historical change of the language in your family across generations. Focus on concepts from chapter: Language such as: globalization, language shift, language death, the impact of the Digital Age on language, connection of your family language with social class, gender, economic inequality, etc. Support your analysis with in-text citations and references. Please format your paper according to the APA style (no need for abstract). The historical language change (1)
The historical language change (1)
solved For this assignment you are to focus on the ways
/in /by adminFor this assignment you are to focus on the ways in which abstract art can make meaning . As we will have discussed , “abstract ” art is usually defined by reference to the absence of any method of picturing some object from the real world , and thus is often defined against “realism .” This definition , however , privileges picturing as a method of constructing meaning in the visual arts at the expense of other forms of signification , including indexical references to the artist and other subjects , the significance of “deformed ‘ or “unformed objects , the suggestiveness of color, etc. For this paper, you will take one work where the subject is pictured and another work that fits the conventional descriptions of “abstract art” and do a comparative analysis that reveals how the abstract work constructed its references to subjects in the real world . A big part of the trick for this assignment will be to pick a work of pictorial art that makes for a good comparison . Don’t just pick two random works of art -think about how the work of pictorial art suggests avenues for the interpretation of the abstract work.
The art pieces: Abstract
Victorian realism
Time: Contemporary