solved The assignment is to write a financial plan for a

The assignment is to write a financial plan for a client. It requires understanding and knowledge in financial planning. The case is that I work as a professional financial planner, and make a financial plan for a client. Info in the case and clients is attached.Use the template below to construct your recommendation report to your clients. Complete all parts that are highlighted with blue color. MLA Format, 5pages. Make sure you are answering every question and making every recommendation with solid and detailed analysis. Show details of calculations where necessary. You can use tool such as equations, tables, charts to help you explain your calculations. But do NOT just paste any screenshot of any calculation software such as Excel to show your calculation process. You need to show everything formally in the report as it is to be presented to your clients. Remember, this is the goal of financial planning – to issue a financial plan with recommendations to solve the problems your clients are facing. You need to construct your report with professional language and clear/reasonable explanations so that your clients can understand and accept your recommendations/responses.

solved Please see attachment for assignment 2.4.As noted, visual representations are

Please see attachment for assignment 2.4.As noted, visual representations are great additions to research that enable your reader to digest the information you are trying to present at a glance. Specific tables and graphs are utilized depending on the type of data you are displaying and the overall message you are trying to convey to your audience.In assignment 2.4, you located three research articles applicable to the role you are assuming for the opioid crisis in Dayton. Choose the visuals from one article and follow the instructions below. DISCUSSION INSTRUCTIONSAnswer the following questions about your article: Describe the visuals in your article (tables, graphs, etc.) and briefly explain the data they are displaying.Are the visuals from your article being used appropriately or not? How did you determine this?Are the visuals the best representation of the data? Why or why not?Make suggestions for alternate ways the data from your article could have been displayed visually. Explain why you would make these recommendations. Justify your alternatives.In your responses to peers, but sure and comment on their critique and recommendations and add suggestions of your own.

solved Decolonization Sports and Ritual Warfare The question to answer in

Decolonization Sports and Ritual Warfare The question to answer in your post:Context of the questions- Given the political climate in the United States and the present day movement of Black Lives Matter, how has article and the film/video that you have chosen to read and watch help you to better understand the present day social movements in the United States? The Question is a theoretical game: You just begun working at DVC and you attend a Football game. At the start of the game some players kneel during the National Anthem. Sitting next to you is your boss who got you the ticket. Your boss is clearly upset and stands up in a rage and complains that what they are doing should be illegal and is UnAmerican and makes the argument that the students playing for the school team should get kicked out of school. Based on your chosen material, what would you tell your boss? Think that you want to keep your job, but that you are also informed of the larger context of what is to be an American. Write at least 400-500 words sharing with us what would you do considering that your interest as an anthropologist is to put your knowledge to use to help build a bridge of understanding.

solved Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an

Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention. Provide a summary of the study, focusing primarily on the intervention.

Was the development and implementation of the intervention described in detail?
• Based on a theoretical framework?
• Did the design of the study promote investigation of the effects of the study—for example, was there comparison of experimental and control groups?
• Were there variables that could have impacted the findings that were not part of the intervention?
• Was there evidence of efforts to monitor the safety of participants?
• Are there any ways that the study could have been improved?

Locate a nursing study that utilizes some aspect of the internet (for instance, for recruitment, delivery of an intervention, or completing online assessments.

What challenges did the researchers face, and how were these challenges overcome (or not)?
• How could future research efforts be improved?

Using your computer’s office tools, develop a pie, bar, or plot chart to represent the following population estimates:
European American
African American
Native American
Hispanic American

solved I’m working on a nursing writing question and need an

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Briefly define your personal definitions of the 4 concepts of the Nursing Metaparadigm.
Having learned about many philosophies, historical theorists, nursing models, & caring theories, write your definitions of the metaparadigm concepts.
Share briefly about the patient care area/population in which you provide nursing care.
Describe briefly what you value in nursing and what personally guides your practice.
Share a brief patient example (case)  from your practice area.
Share the clinical situation the patient was in
Example: non-compliance, knowledge deficit, lack of caring, lack of cultural awareness, etc.
Briefly describe a problem you encountered while caring for this patient.
Discuss the specific problem you the nurse encountered while caring for the patient, not the theory you selected to apply to the problem.
Develop the beginning of a theory to care for that specific patient scenario/problem/population in general
List concepts applicable to the situation
Define at least one concept
Make a theoretical statement that connects concepts
Give a rational for why the concepts connect

solved Please answer TWO of the following questions. Please limit your

Please answer TWO of the following questions. Please limit your answers to 800 words for each question. Do not copy directly from the text, whenever possible use your own words. This is NOT a research assignment so outside sources are not needed. Grading will focus on critical analysis and depth of examination of the questions presented. Please insure you answer ALL parts of the prompts selected. I will give you the text to help you answer those question Compare and contrast the Pennsylvania prison system to the Auburn prison system. What were the advantages and shortcomings of each system? Should any of the lessons learned from these two systems be considered in today’s prison practices? Explain your answer.Discuss two constitutional amendments that have been asserted in the area of prisoner rights. Fully explain each of these rights and how Court interventions in these areas influence the relationship between an inmate and the correctional institution.Common sentencing options include probation, intermediate sanctions, and prison sentences. How does California’s current sentencing scheme attempt to achieve the goals of corrections by utilization of these options?

solved I’m working on a sociology question and need an explanation

I’m working on a sociology question and need an explanation to help me learn.

The reading Top Heavy: Increasing Inequality of Wealth in America and What Can Be Done about It ‘reveals the unprecedented rise in recent years of wealth inequality and shows how it is one of the major forces challenging democracy and economic opportunity in America. [It] vividly illustrates how the gap between the haves and the have-nots in terms of wealth is greater now than at any time since 1929, immediately preceding the Great Depression. [It] takes a sobering look at how the wealth of the top 1 percent of households continues its heart stopping expansion while the current distribution of wealth in America invites the surprisingly apt comparison with the class-dominated societies of nineteenth-century Europe.’ The book Social Inequality and the two video lessons also show such and similar tendencies in wealth as well as income inequality and its effects on democracy and society.
Discussion Question:
Discuss and explain when and why wealth inequality has risen and whether and how it challenges democracy and economic opportunity in America, including Texas or your own state?

solved Operations are composed of many different processes to fulfill customer

Operations are composed of many different processes to fulfill customer needs and requirements. The value chain is a higher-level view of those processes from a customer view. In order to meet customer requirements like quality and cycle time, organizations need to identify the value chain, subprocesses and measures needed to meet the customer needs. Consider a process from an organization you are familiar with. In 500-750 words, complete the following:Identify the steps in the high-level value chain required to fulfill the customer requirements from beginning to end. From the high-level value chain steps, identify the operational subprocesses. Identify those metrics that the organization should monitor at both the value chain level and subprocess level. Based upon the process you described above, if an organization needs to improve a process within the value chain, how would you analyze the process and metrics to know that the process is not workingExplain what steps the organization could take based upon your analysis for value chain improvement.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. Proper citations and references required.

solved Instructions: you need to use the text Perspectives on Early

Instructions: you need to use the text Perspectives on Early America to answer at TWO of these questions. Each answer should be 2-3 fairly long paragraphs and you need to use examples from the essays in your answer. 1. Newman-Slave Revolts. Describe the slave revolts and attempted slave revolts during the 1600s and 1700s. Show the various revolts and leaders from the British period through the Southern plantations. 2.Gudelunas- American Politics. Describe the evolution of the two party political system in our early history and use examples from this essay in your answer for the various political parties towards the Civil War period.3. Adams- Ensuring National Security. Describe the evolution of American foreign policy in our early history and use examples from this essay in your answer.4 Hunt-American Revolutionary war. Write a narrative that shows the evolution of the military action in the American Revolution including military leaders and battles in the Revolution.5.Ennis-Coming of the Civil War. How does Ennis describe the major causes of the Civil War? Use examples from the essay in your answer to show the various events and laws leading to the Civil War.Previous

solved Employment and Labor Laws As in most industries, employers in

Employment and Labor Laws
As in most industries, employers in health care are dealing with a vast and growing number of employment and labor law challenges. These laws are critical for the health care manager to understand, as they provide structure to the workplace and clearly define what employees and employers are responsible for. When there is compliance, legal protection is ensured and both parties are assisted in finding the necessary direction for resolving workplace conflict.
Read textbook Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration, by Pozgar, G. D. (2019). Chapter 19” Labor Relations”, pages 516-534, Chapter 20 “ Employment at Will, Rights, and Responsibilities”, pages 537-560, and Chapter 21 “Professional Liability Insurance”, page 564-571. In your main post answer the following questions in full detail. Give example in your response.

Identify and briefly summarize key employment and labor laws (acts and policies) that exist to protect both the employer and employee.
Choose one of these laws and highlight its key components.
Provide and justify a credible source that a health care manager could access to gain a deeper understanding of this law.