solved I don’t know how to handle this Business question and

I don’t know how to handle this Business question and need guidance.

Choose TWO of the questions below and write a response to each question.Section 1: To what extent is it fair or unfair to punish people for unethical behavior, as long as they were operating within the law?Section 2: If you were interviewing for multiple jobs, and you could not find a future employer with both of these traits, which would be more important to your employment decision…working for a boss with character or competence? Explain your opinion.Section 3: If you answer business emails and phone calls during your personal time during nights and weekends, is it okay to arrive at work late, leave early or take extended lunch breaks? Why or why not?Section 4: Do agree that ethical leaders can have unethical conduct present in any part of their organizations? Why or why not?Section 5: If you were an employee at any of these organizations, what (if anything) could you have done to be a positive ethical influence at these companies, even in an entry level position?

solved Using Camera Raw: Enhance the image labeled Couple in park

Using Camera Raw: Enhance the image labeled Couple in park using the same techniques as in the “Color correction in camera raw” tutorial. Do not crop the image.
Levels: Enhance the image labeled Lighthouse using the same techniques used in the “levels” tutorial.
Shadows: Take the image labeled Rooster in shadow and use the Highlight/Shadow tool to balance high and low lights of the image (Image > Adjustments > Highlight/Shadow).
Sharpening: Sharpen the image Motion bear using the method shown in 0:00-4:14 of the “How to Sharpen Images in Photoshop” tutorial.
Object Removal: Remove the people and signs from the GoldenGate image using the Photoshop instructions in the “clone/stamp tools” tutorial.
Selection and Placement: Select just the flower from the image Even more magic and just the front pumpkin from Pumpkin head (using quick selection) and place (paste) them creatively in the Lighthouse picture you edited earlier. You’re going to have to use the transform tool to make them fit. Save this file as “Even more magic” when submitting.

solved I’m trying to study for my History course and I

I’m trying to study for my History course and I need some help to understand this question.

This is the third discussion assignment worth eight points. You are to read Chapter 7 in the text, the Indian lecture and Baydo “Indian Wars of the West: An Overview in Reader book. This essay will help with your study of Chief Joseph and Red Cloud and give you a good overview of Indian leaders of the west. Then you choose ONE Indian leader from the following: Pontiac, Tecumseh, Chief Joseph, and Red Cloud. You are to read about this leader in the module area and watch the video on this leader(You are to become this leader and describe how you challenged the English or the United States government and what type of tactics your used and your level of success.Finally you are to review all the Indian leaders covered in lecture and Chapter 7 along with your chosen leader and tell which Indian leader do you feel was the most successful and why. You are also to comment on two other students’ choices of leaders.Good luck on this Early Indian discussion

solved Help me study for my History class. I’m stuck and

Help me study for my History class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Discussion Board: “The World Turned Upside Down:” Atlantic Revolutions – Reading & Study Info if needed.

Forum 2: “The World Turned Upside Down:” Atlantic Revolutions
Topic: Olaudah Equiano’s life was extraordinary on many accounts. Born in Africa, captured and taken into the Atlantic slave trade, he managed to escape that life and become an Evangelical, a world-renowned author, and a much sought-after speaker. Along with William Wilberforce, he was instrumental in presenting evidence condemning the transatlantic slave trade that led to the British Empire banning the trade in Africans in 1807. 
For this discussion board, present to the class your impressions of the life and significance of Equiano. What stood out to you and why? You might explore the following:

life in Africa
his description of the middle passage
the role of Christianity in his life
his escape from slavery
life in the Atlantic
his role in the anti-slave trade movement

solved Use the first person (I, me, my). This is all

Use the first person (I, me, my). This is all your work and opinion, but my BS detection meter as well as my plagiarism decoder ring will be operating at full capacityFor part one, I am Gary Brown, a visitor to Texas from another country. You and I are meetingfor lunch (I’m sticking with you with the tab). As though we were sitting down to have a conversation about politics, I want you to explain to me the process by which the United States elects its president. Use Texas as your focal point (this is a Texas government course, after all). In other words, tell me step by step how the electoral college works, and, if it doesn’t work, what is the backup mechanism in place to choose a president and vice-president?For part two, tell me in your opinion if you think the electoral college should remain intact, or should the United States like other world democracies go to the direct popular vote in electing its president? Either way, give me your reasons. Or, as the saying goes, do you have another plan to build a better mousetrap? What is i

solved SCENARIOYou are the International Acquisition Specialist for your company. Your

SCENARIOYou are the International Acquisition Specialist for your company. Your organization is looking to acquire a competitor that has a presence in China and India. Due to your international experience, the board has asked for you to assess the practices within these countries compared to the United States as it pertains to corporate social responsibility and ethics.INSTRUCTIONSWrite a brief in Microsoft Word (minimum three pages) that analyzes the ethical differences of these countries compared to the United StatesAddress the following:How do ethical practices in both China and India impact organizational decision-making?How do human rights laws differ in China and India compared to the United States?How do the culture and values within these countries differ from the United States?How do economics impact ethics and corporate social responsibility in these countries?What ethical organizational issues within China and India, if any, are involved in this situation?Provide attribution for credible sources used in the professional brief.

solved I’m working on a social science practice test / quiz

I’m working on a social science practice test / quiz and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Drugs were not always illegal, and in fact, a person could buy dangerous narcotics over the counter and by mail. But by the late 19th and early 20th century, state officials began classifying certain drugs as dangerous and made them illegal. Explain how this change took place? Give specific reasons. 

How did race and ethnicity affect the way drugs were criminalized? Think about how state and federal authorities criminalized Opium and Marijuana? 
After watching The House I Live In, how does the War on Drugs directly relate to incarceration? Think about how prisons were initially intended to be used (think Auburn and Eastern State). How did the War on Drugs directly challenge the idea of rehabilitation and short-term incarceration? 
Whether you agree with The House I Live In or not, how do filmmakers argue that the war on drugs targeted people of color? How did drug laws, politicians, and law enforcement target black and brown communities? 

solved You are a new graduate, and you just started work

You are a new graduate, and you just started work at a medium-sized hospital with an attached clinic. You have been asked to review the five different types of health care insurance plans—that is, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, worker’s compensation, and commercial insurance—and the characteristics of each to make sure that the central business office (CBO) is up-to-date on all of the rules and regulations. It is important to be familiar with these plans and the characteristics of each because they play a vital role in the reimbursement process for your health care organization. Discuss the following:List 2 characteristics of each of the five different types of health care plans. What are some of the differences between the plans?Note that it is important to remember that health insurance is a contract between a policyholder (the insured) and a third-party payer or government health program that reimburses the policyholder for all or a portion of the cost of treatment or preventive care given by a health care professional or physician.

solved Class this week your task is to find one article

Class this week your task is to find one article (from any major city newspaper, or news feed, or YouTube video regarding a juvenile matter. Either an incident with the police, or a juvenile crime major story case, a child abuse or neglect case, positive stories involving juveniles, or any story that relates to the class material.Your responses must be typed and must be three paragraphs. Please include the link to the article, news feed, or YouTube video with your submission. Your responses should include the following headings before responding1). Your summary of the article/news feed, YouTube video.2). Your opinion statement of why you agree or disagree with the actions of the parties involved i.e., the courts, officers, juvenile institution personnel, parents, guardians etc.,3). Justify your response by providing a support statement from what you have learned in class or textbook or from additional research. Also, please include in the paragraph how you would have handled this matter in the capacity as a Criminal Justice professional.

solved Guidelines for reflection papers The main aim of the reflection

Guidelines for reflection papers
The main aim of the reflection papers is to provide you with a written means of engaging with the readings and class discussions. Reflection papers are written in response to readings and class discussions that have already taken place, and are due the Monday after the preceding Wednesday class.
Your papers should show an attempt to understand the material accurately, but should not merely be a summary of course material – they should be a response.
There is no strict rule for how to write your papers, as long as they reflect an attempt to critically and creatively engage with, and make sense of, the ideas and topics raised for the week.
For example, you can write about links between history, theoretical ideas and personal life experiences; you can reflect on connections between course content and ideas in other courses you are taking, or in other disciplines; or you can engage with course material on its own terms, using theory and philosophical concepts from the readings and other parts of the course.