solved This is a practical application assignment. Address the following in

This is a practical application assignment. Address the following in a 500-750-word application essay:
Think of how you as a leader can develop your skills around team leadership. What are the key elements for a leader to “lead” a team of individuals? What are some of the pros and cons?
How would you approach team leadership if you were given the opportunity? In addition, how can you as a leader increase collaboration among your teammates and/or within your department organization to make it higher performing or more effective?
Use chapters 11 and 12 (Credentials attached) in the text as a guide and also ensure you are researching external articles to support your work.Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all sources used.
References to your textbook and at least two additional scholarly sources that are no more than five years old are required for graduate-level work. In addition to your 500-750-word essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page

solved Extra Credit Policy: A student may choose to write an

Extra Credit Policy: A student may choose to write an analysis or opinionarticlefor extra credit. The additional points earned through this extra credit assignment will beadded to thelowest of the twotest grades up to a maximum of 100%.Extra credit assignment is due on 7/25by midnight ET.The article should be ona contemporary topic from the listbelow. When writing this article, the student should imagine that the targeted readers would besubscribers of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or The Economistmagazine. Topic # 1:What are the prospects for the US dollar in the remaining of 2021 and in the long run (until the next US election)?Topic # 2:What are the risks associated with doing business in a country like Brazil, Taiwan, or South Africa (choose one) from the perspective of US, European, and Chinese MNCs?What are some of the ways to manage these risk exposures?Topic # 3:Have US MNCs faredbetter than domestic firms during the pandemic? What firm (MNC or domestic) do you expect will emerge stronger in the long run and why?

solved The purpose of this discussion forum is to encourage you

The purpose of this discussion forum is to encourage you to visit a local museum and perhaps view works of art from the cultures and civilizations we have covered in our course. For this discussion please complete the following tasks:
1) Conduct some research on a museum you would like to visit. The museum does not have to house art covered in our course, although you might find it interesting to view some examples of works of art we have covered in class, in person. The best museum to do this at is the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles also has a wonderful collection of art from the Americas. I also recommend the Asia Pacific museum which has a small, yet fascinating collection of oceanic art.
2) Post which museum you would like to visit and why. Also include the time frame during which you might complete your visit. You are not required to complete the visit for this class. The purpose of this discussion is to raise awareness as to the incredible resources we have here in the Los Angeles area

solved I need an explanation for this Psychology question to help

I need an explanation for this Psychology question to help me study.

View the videos The 81-Year-Old Bodybuilder who Inspires Others to Get Fit (Links to an external site.) and Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds (Links to an external site.

In this journal,

Reflect on the knowledge, based on theories of development, 
Discuss what skills can be developed from having this knowledge.
Analyze how knowledge about lifespan development theory can be applied to your goals and career.
Evaluate what ethical considerations should be taken when applying these skills.
Your journal this week should be 400 to 500 words and have an introduction and a conclusion

Study Material:
Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2019). Understanding development: A lifespan perspective. Bridgepoint Education.

Chapter 15: End of Life: Death and Dying
Chapter 16: A Thoughtful Approach to Life: Aspects of Successful Aging

Shriner, B., & Shriner, M. (2014). Essentials of lifespan development: A topical approach. Bridgepoint Education.

Chapter 13: Death, Dying, and Grieving

solved I’m studying for my Political Science class and don’t understand

I’m studying for my Political Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

John Rawls argues that Public Reason is public in three different senses. Identify and explain one specific way that Public Reason is public. (one point)
John Rawls generally seeks to limit the role of comprehensive doctrines in debates over public matters. However, he qualifies this limit on the role of comprehensive doctrines with his Proviso. Explain what the Proviso stipulates concerning the use of comprehensive doctrines in public debates. (one point)
Briefly explain what is generally meant by the Politics of Recognition and provide one specific example from contemporary politics. (one point)
What does Nancy Fraser mean by the Politics of Representation? In your response, explain what this form of politics is about (or what exactly it challenges in theories about politics). (one point)
In what sense or senses, according to Charles Taylor’s argument in Multiculturalism, is identity a fundamental human need? (one point)

solved Need help with my Humanities question – I’m studying for

Need help with my Humanities question – I’m studying for my class.

Pick 2 questions to respond to#1 a simple request – explain why Schein is or isn’t making sense to you#2 Explain how organizational charts are (or aren’t) artifacts#3 I have been know to tell students the lines between the boxes on an Org Chart represent relationships…How would you define those relationships in terms of organizational culture?#4 Explain how communication within an organization can be an artifact, a value, both, or neither#5 You have an employee who doesn’t necessarily share the same value as the organization – for instance, the organization may value making a sale at any cost, but the employee values making the sale in a honest, forthright way, and subsequently, the employee gets high customer satisfaction ratings, but doesn’t make as many sells as other (less scrupulous employees with lower customer satisfaction ratings)What are the potential dangers/benefits in this scenario of un-shared valuesView: Culture Fundamentals from Edgar Schein – YouTube

solved Choose one of the text + video selections (linked above).

Choose one of the text + video selections (linked above). You may read/view multiple.1. Identify your common reading habits up to this point in your educational and personal journey.Do you or have you read with purpose outside of school?What have you identified about writer’s purposes or rhetoric in the past or present?Is there anything in Bunn’s essay that you want to try or think would help with reading comprehension; perhaps there is a strategy you have tried and very much disagree with?2. Discuss your confidence in academic writing knowledge (writing process, paragraph and sentence structure, common grammatical rules) coming into this class. Using the “10 Ways” essay, choose a section + explain how you might use the author’s tips to help with a writing task that you’re doing this week or in this class.3. Based on this week’s essays, has your current knowledge or understanding of writing been challenged or confirmed? Choose one of the readings that you feel supports your answer, then explain why.*Word Count: roughly 200-300 words*

solved Michael is a personable and charming young EU citizen and

Michael is a personable and charming young EU citizen and a committed, qualified and talented + professional gardener. His girl-friend has just left him because he (yet) refused to settle down, get married and found a family. Now he wants to explore gardens (and other aspects of life) in other European countries and therefore live and work for a while abroad. In his national monthly gardener journal he reads a job offer of a big national gardening company which pro- vides gardener’s services all over the European Union and sends its national employees to inter- esting foreign places to do the job. Michael is excited but wants to know if there are other options for him, in particular opened up by the economic fundamental freedoms in the EU. What options does he have, due to what fundamental freedoms, and where are they guaranteed? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each particular option?so this is the the case study and the questions , what I need is a one paragraph of answers to these questions regarding to the case study .

solved read the Under Armour case and answering the following questions

read the Under Armour case and answering the following questions in a short essay format:What Corporate Components did you apply to the opportunity that reflect and support Under Armour’s company’s mission and strategy? What / if any development/growth strategy was applied to the opportunity?How will you promote the Under Armour opportunity you are recommending? Is there an opportunity to use more digital content for this opportunity? Under Armour has had success with one of their campaigns with multi-channel platform–should this type of media strategy continue with your opportunity?How will you apply the Market Domains to the Under Armour opportunity you have identified? Include at the Macro-level and Micro-level to the opportunity.How will you apply the Industry Domains to the Under Armour opportunity? At the Macro-level and Micro-level — please provide details to support your thinking.Team Domains — should be applied to the Under Armour opportunity–How will the Team Domains impact your opportunity? Are there concerns to execute?

solved Your task here is to conduct an External Analysis/GECE and

Your task here is to conduct an External Analysis/GECE and the five-Force analysis using the material given to you. GECE = General Environment and Competitive Environment 5-force analysis: Power of buyers Power of suppliersThreat of new entryThreat of substitutes Rivalry BE AS DETAILED AS POSSIBLE -THINK OF ALL forces and their elements. Make sure to define your industry first. Careful not to confuse rivals and substitutes. Remember to FORGET totally about the company in the case after you decide on the industry. MAKE SURE TO PROVIDE A SYNTHESIS. MAKE SURE TO PROVIDE AN EXECUTIVE CONCLUSION: In GECE tell us how a random company in this industry could make me or key success factors. On page writing up and one excel spreadsheet. Below I attached the excel spreadsheet that you are going to work on it. Use the two articles for your writing-up