Answer the following questions about the assigned documentary, Dive (2009). Your responses (in total) should be at least 500 words. You can copy and paste these questions into a document, type your answer below each question, then save and upload. What audience(s) does the film address? How do you know?How does Jeremy Siefert (through what he says, does, etc…) demonstrate good sense – or not. How about his friends? How does Jeremy Siefert (through what he says, does, etc…) demonstrate goodwill – or not. How about his friends? How does Jeremy Siefert (through what he says, does, etc…) demonstrate good moral character – or not. How about his friends?Do you identify with Seifert, in the Burkean sense (see Jasinksi, p. 231-232). Do you think more background information about Siefert would change how you receive his arguments? For example, let’s say you knew he committed a terrible crime as a young man (not saying he did!), would that alter your perspective?Any other thoughts about the persuasive dimensions of this documentary?
solved This course has many components that lead to a high-performing
/in /by adminThis course has many components that lead to a high-performing culture, including creating an organization that minimizes stress, creates a motivating culture, sustainable strategy, etc. The organization’s documentation and the process are important in understanding its purpose. The first step for our HRM Consulting Project is the Situational Analysis. After reviewing the materials in Week 2 Module, complete the following two components:1. Based on the materials provided about our assigned organization, what documents do you believe are most pertinent for the situational analysis? What information helps to identify the paradox faced by the organization?2. What area of focus are you leaning towards for your project – Volunteer Management Process: recruiting, onboarding, engagement, or long-term succession planning? Why?Write in business editorial paragraph form, being as clear and concise as possible while supporting your points with cited evidence from the provided materials or research. Each submission should include proper APA format.
solved I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support
/in /by adminI’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me learn.
Chapter 15: Final SPOILER: . 1). Compare your answer with other group members—did the wording of the question seem to influence your answer to this question? What about some of the other “leading†questions in the assessment? (e.g. “Which car ran the red light?†“Was the animal that crossed the road moments before the accident a dog or a cat?†“Was the windshield completely shattered or just cracked near the driver’s side mirror?â€). Did you tend to answer in the way the questions led you, even though there was no red light, no animal, and no cracked mirror? 2). Explain why people might remember seeing things they didn’t actually see when they are asked such questions. 3). Does this demonstration change the way you would listen to testimony and consider eyewitness interviews in a trial if you were a juror? How so? In your follow up comment, make sure to highlight #1 above – compare and contrast with at least one other group member!Â
solved According to Colangelo (1999), “education and experience will teach you
/in /by adminAccording to Colangelo (1999), “education and experience will teach you how far you can trust your intuition” (p. 26). Additionally, in his video interview, Mr. Colangelo shares his outlook on a variety of topics such as business ethics, personal integrity, and professional development. Describe any key takeaways you have as a result of watching the video.As an entrepreneur or business person who is responsible for making decisions that impact your organization both internally and externally, describe how you make decisions when they conflict with your personal ethics and instincts? What personal values and ethical standards do you consider most important when making decisions? Provide an example that you have experienced or observed that supports the idea of trusting your intuition and ethical beliefs. Chapter 10.URL:
solved Fritz Perls (Gestalt) counselling session with Gloria is a third
/in /by adminFritz Perls (Gestalt) counselling session with Gloria is a third of a training film titled Three Approaches to Psychotherapy (1965). The other two sessions were with Carl Rogers (Client Centered), and Albert Ellis (Rational Emotive). Carl R Rogers; Frederick S Perls; Albert Ellis; Everett L Shostrom; Psychological & Educational Films. Further reading may be found by Googling: * Clients’ narratives in psychotherapy and therapist’s theoretical orientation: an exploratory analysis of Gloria’s narratives with Rogers, Ellis and Perls.Optional: Choose Your Own AdventureRead “The Gloria Films: Candid answers to questions therapists ask most (Links to an external site.)” by Howard Rosenthal, EdD (2016). InstructionsWatch the Fritz Perls and Gloria Counseling Session video and respond to the following prompts:Describe two main ideas of the Gestalt approach. Provide in-text citation(s) with page number. (5 pts)Describe two aspects of Gestalt therapy that you observed in the video. Explain. Remember, it must be specific to Gestalt therapy. (5 pts)
solved writing a thorough and thoughtful 300 word essay that answers
/in /by adminwriting a thorough and thoughtful 300 word essay that answers one of the following questions:Discuss the impact of technology on Medieval society and culture and the impact of society and culture on the development of Medieval technology. your Initial Post is expected to be a 300 word prose essay, with a thesis statement and 2-5 paragraphs supporting and explaining the thesis. Remember to base your response on information and analysis from the readings. Cite the information and analysis you provide. Explain what you learned in your own words, and do your best to synthesize the authors’ analyses into your own original analysis; do not rely exclusively on quotations from the readings to make your points. Please change the title of your post to something unique. Note which question you choose to answer. References:Vroedel, Hans P. The Medieval Period (500 to 1400 CE) – Europe., Lynn. 1962. Medieval Technology and Social Change. London: Oxford University Press.
solved Write a 150-200 word response on the following topic:What kinds
/in /by adminWrite a 150-200 word response on the following topic:What kinds of factors cause people to have a ‘foreign accent’ when they speak a second language? Mention at least one factor that has to do with phonetics and at least one that has to do with phonology. Give at least one specific example of a phonetic or phonological characteristic of a person’s speech that makes their speech seem foreign. Do you think that teaching people phonetics and phonology as part of second language instruction might be helpful? Why (not)?Be sure to represent sounds using the IPA. (If you want to refer to a non-English sound, you can describe it as best you can and you could consult the full IPA. We haven’t covered non-English sounds, so it’s fine it you guess the symbol or email us to ask.)You can access IPA symbols on your computer, but how it’s done depends on what system you’re using. If you don’t know how it works on your computer, you can use this link: Type IPA phonetic symbols – online keyboardRubric Name: RUBRIC for Phonetics/Phonology written response
solved Answer the discussion question based on the readings attached only.
/in /by adminAnswer the discussion question based on the readings attached only. No outside sources except the attached material. Secondary Source ResponsesAnswer these questions based on your reading and understanding of Units 1.4 and 1.5:List FIVE things that you learned.In a short answer (3-5 sentences), explain the difference between primary and secondary sources.In ONE word, describe yourself. Now, list FIVE things among your stuff that would be the evidence of this one-word description.Primary Source ResponsesDo a crib sheet for the primary source found in Unit 1.6:Primary Source: Jean Jacques Rousseau, “Separate Spheres†in On Education trans. Allan Bloom (Basic Books, 1979).Era or Year: 1762 CEBriefly summarize what is going on in the document. [WRITE 3-5 SENTENCES]Why was the document written down? [WRITE 3-5 SENTENCES]Analysis of what the document says about the society, culture, and/or time period. [WRITE 3-5 SENTENCES]Historical Force(s): [SOCIAL, CULTURAL, POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND/OR ENVIRONMENTAL; TRY TO NARROW IT DOWN TO 1 -2]—–
solved I’m working on a writing report and need support to
/in /by adminI’m working on a writing report and need support to help me learn.
Give an example of how Deborah Fallows used body language to get through a tough situation. Why do you think this worked? (Answer in one full paragraph)
(Not based on the text) If an international student were coming to America, what specific suggestion would you give them, as far as body language, in order to help them get by? (Answer in one full paragraph) [If you are from another country, how is body language different in the US than in your country?]
In your opinion, what was the strangest Chinese rule/law that Deborah Fallows came across? Why is it strange? (Answer in one full paragraph)
Describe an Instance where Deborah Fallows encountered a rule/law that was only selectively enforced. Why was it selectively enforced? (Answer in one full paragraph)
Name two rules/laws that are only selectively enforced in the US. Why are they selectively enforced? (Answer in one full paragraph) [If you are from another country, what rules/laws are selectively enforced at home?]
solved Answer the following questions about the assigned documentary, Dive (2009).
/in /by adminAnswer the following questions about the assigned documentary, Dive (2009). Your responses (in total) should be at least 500 words. You can copy and paste these questions into a document, type your answer below each question, then save and upload. What audience(s) does the film address? How do you know?How does Jeremy Siefert (through what he says, does, etc…) demonstrate good sense – or not. How about his friends? How does Jeremy Siefert (through what he says, does, etc…) demonstrate goodwill – or not. How about his friends? How does Jeremy Siefert (through what he says, does, etc…) demonstrate good moral character – or not. How about his friends?Do you identify with Seifert, in the Burkean sense (see Jasinksi, p. 231-232). Do you think more background information about Siefert would change how you receive his arguments? For example, let’s say you knew he committed a terrible crime as a young man (not saying he did!), would that alter your perspective?Any other thoughts about the persuasive dimensions of this documentary?
solved The purpose of this assignment is to explore how Carol
/in /by adminThe purpose of this assignment is to explore how Carol Gilligan’s description of different gender-based psychologies appears in the philosophers we have read.
Begin by summarizing by summarizing Gilligan’s psychology, being sure to make explicit how she describes the different ways of thinking of men and women.
Then apply Gilligan’s concepts to the philosophies of Mill, Kant, and Aristotle.  Determine whether Gilligan’s concepts apply and whether each philosopher is closer what she describes as masculine or feminine.
Application of Gilligan:
If your application is at least 250 words and makes a good faith effort to explain how her thought applies to at least two of the following: Mill, Kant and Aristotle, this part will receive 20 points.
If your application is less than 250 words and/or fails to make a good faith effort to explain how her thought applies to Mill, Kant and Aristotle (for instance, does not make connections between Gilligan and the philosophers or does not deal with at least 2), this part will receive 10 points.