solved I’m working on a history discussion question and need a

I’m working on a history discussion question and need a reference to help me study.

The events leading to the Civil War caused chaos in the emerging U.S. political parties as the second party system gave way to new, sometimes temporary parties.
To complete your discussion assignment, please do the following:

Consider how slavery and sectionalism affected U. S. politics. Write two paragraphs that addresses the following:

Based on the different parties that emerged from 1846 through 1861, what do you think were the three most prominent events that affected U. S. politics?
Why does each of the events you’ve chosen seem prominent to you? Support your response with evidence from the text or other sources found in MindTap’s Resource Center. Cite any sources you use.

solved I’m working on a accounting discussion question and need an

I’m working on a accounting discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Visit a website such as
that compares several alternative ERP systems.
Select a company with which you are familiar and examine the recommended choices for
your company’s industry. How do the packages
you’ve selected compare to one another? Which
system(s) do you think you’d examine further if
you were actually shopping for an ERP system
for your company? Do any of the choices offer
hosted options? (Hint: You may have to visit
the websites of the software developers themselves.)Additional resources, if wanted or needed:Book Title: Core Concepts of Accounting Information SystemsAuthors: Mark simkin, James Worrell, Arline SavageChapter 5, problem 5-21

solved Your discussion should be in narrative format, not in a

Your discussion should be in narrative format, not in a list and it should be a discussion, not simple yes, no, or sometimes answers. using the questionnaire attached answer the following questionsWhat was your test score and how do you feel about it?Analyze your results and list the possible reframes that you can use to turn around any negative thinking that may apply to you. Identify the reframes by number. Be specific. This is not a general discussion. It is specific as to what you learned in the questionnaire. You may support your analysis with research from your reading of the textbook.Has completing this exercise changed your ideas about positive thinking, negative thinking, frames, and reframing? Your opinion on this assignment: was the assignment helpful to you?

solved I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

In order to have a successful IG program, one of the eight (8) Information Risk Planning and Management step is to develop metrics and measure results. From your required readings, discuss the value that metrics brings to the organization, and identify critical measures of success that should be tracked.
Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:
Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor

Provide extensive additional information on the topic
Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
Share an applicable personal experience

solved For this week’s reflection paper, you will complete the Heinz

For this week’s reflection paper, you will complete the Heinz Dilemma (link below). This is a classic tool used to analyze what stage an individual may fall in Kohlberg’s Moral Development model (pg. 29).
Please read the Heinz story, answer honestly, and scroll down the page to see your stage.
In the reflection paper you will document The following: your selection and rational for the choice, as well as if you agree or disagree with the stage you aligned with and why. 
Papers should be 2-3 pages, written in a scholarly manner, and in APA format. This is for a graduate clinical mental health counseling major studying to be a therapist in the US. This is DIFFERENT than a psychiatrist or psychologist. Please write from this perspective!
Child Psychotherapy
by: Adler-tapia

solved Write a book report that analyzes this book based upon

Write a book report that analyzes this book based upon information you have learned in your courses and your own experiences.What do you agree with? What do you disagree with? Cite specific passages to support your beliefs and provide detailed examples to support your opinions.What challenges do you anticipate with implementing culturally & linguistically responsive instruction? What are some solutions to overcoming these challenges?Create a plan for implementation of culturally & linguistically responsive instruction, including your grade and content area of licensure. Explain how this book can be used as a resource in your plan. Reflect on your own biases that could stand in the way of effective implementation. How will you use the resources included in the appendices?

solved reflection to the discussion board connecting Tuesday’s readings with one

reflection to the discussion board connecting Tuesday’s readings with one or more reading from the previous week. These are not meant to be summaries of the readings but opportunities for you to a) connect with the materials through your own ideas and experiences; b) develop critical reading practices; and c) practice synthesizing course readings and concepts. Questions you may address but are not limited to include: How do readings and course concepts relate to your own experiences within and outside of the university, your communities, families, and peers? How can you make connections between readings/course concepts and contemporary political contexts? I ask that you provide specific passages and page numbers using appropriate citation practices (MLA, Chicago, APA).

solved You are required to identify a performance problem or challenge

You are required to identify a performance problem or challenge in an organisation based on your personal experience. This can be an organisation in New Zealand or in another country. You are to apply the AMO framework and related literature from this course to (a) explain the nature of the performance problem or challenge, (b) analyse what you think is causing the problem or creating the challenge and (c) to make recommendations on how performance could be improved. Your proposed recommendations for dealing with the problem or challenge should have a high likelihood of assisting you, the team or the organisation to perform better. Typically, they should also be consistent with improving employee well-being. This is to be expressed in an essay of no more than 2000 words.

solved This is the second part of the SMART goal assignment.

This is the second part of the SMART goal assignment. Here you will answer the questions found on the part 2 worksheet and submit. You will be summarizing how you did with your SMART goal that you set in part 1. The key here is to be honest- remember that this process is for YOU- the grade will be completing the assignment and following the instructions. Write down what honestly happened. We can learn a lot from goals that don’t seem successful at first glance. You can also get a boost to your self-esteem if you set a challenging goal and you accomplished it. The emphasis on goal setting is to use this as a tool to help you achieve what you desire, and learn from the process.
I am excited to hear about your experiences. Enjoy the journey! 
PDF version of the worksheet

solved Presentation Topic: To achieve the Vision 2030 at the fullest

Presentation Topic: To achieve the Vision 2030 at the fullest level. Saudi companies are striving towards the improvement in the area of customer services.“Customer-Centric Supply Chains. Too Risky to Build? Or Too Risky Not To?”For the presentation there are some requirements which you need to follow: There should be a minimum of 10 slides in the presentation with a good background design, readable font size, and style with the appropriate color.The presentation must have the following format:Student’s Info Page descriptionIntroduction of the topicDescription of SCM and Future approachSCM and Customer Centric approachReason for choosing the topicDefine customer centric processChallenges being faced by experts Possible solutions and suggestionsConclusionReferences