solved I’m trying to study for my Health & Medical course

I’m trying to study for my Health & Medical course and I need some help to understand this question.

In this time of limited financial resources and reduced government payments for health care services, what are the ethical issues of limiting care? How much uncompensated care can hospitals absorb? Where do people with no resources go for care? What is the state’s responsibility, if any, to ensure health care services? What is the community’s responsibility, if any? What are the ethical considerations that should be taken into account? ONLY USE the following as a resource. Legal and Ethical Issues for Health ProfessionalsPozgar, G. D. (2020). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284144185

solved After reviewing/reading Chapters 3 & 4 of the textbook, access

After reviewing/reading Chapters 3 & 4 of the textbook, access UC’s online Library and conduct research within the “Business Source Premier (EBSCO Host)” search engine and locate a Project Management Journal article among the thousands of journal articles made available within the many years of publications the Library holds.  The Project Management Journal article should tie directly into at least one highlight from the assigned chapters (Chapters 3 & 4) reading/review material for the week.  This weekly research paper should include at least 2 pages, but not more than 3 pages, in the narrative and it should be typed in APA formatting (title page, reference page, no abstract page, double-spacing, Times New Roman 12 font, 1 inch margins, in-text citations, etc…). 

solved For this bonus assignment, view the film Elizabeth and review

For this bonus assignment, view the film Elizabeth and review the primary source text First Blast of the Trumpet” by John Knox and the relevant sections of Merry Wiesner-Hanks’ chapter “Gender and Power”.In a two page essay discuss how female power is depicted in the film. With reference to at least two specific scenes from the film, address how the depictions of female power in your selected scenes reflect (or not) the concerns or challenges of gendered power in the Wiesner-Hanks reading. Keeping in mind that Elizabeth is a MODERN film, do any of the gendered depictions of power reflect Knox’s concerns in First Blast of a Trumpet? Do they reflect modern stereotypes or concerns of women in power? If you have watched the movie already it would be great but not required.

solved I’m working on a religion test / quiz prep and

I’m working on a religion test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1. The hadith on anger informs us of the following: The sources and causes that contribute to being angry, how this emotion can interfere with our daily life, and the remedies and methods that one can employ to avoid being angry and objectively avoid letting anger control us. (Length: Three Paragraphs)
2. The list of ranks of hadith narrators on pages 59-60 can be divided into fewer generalized categories. Based on the differences between these ranks, divide the list into three general categories. Give each category a title based on its uniqueness and include under it the ranks that belong to it. Finally, explain the reasons for your categorization. (Length: Three Paragraphs)

solved I’m working on a criminal justice practice test / quiz

I’m working on a criminal justice practice test / quiz and need guidance to help me learn.

When a young child dies, it has to be determined if the death was the result of an accident, natural causes, or non-accidental trauma. For this cause to be determined, there must be an investigation followed by an autopsy where the medical examiner will determine cause and manner of death. Provide one scenario from the following: accident, natural, or homicide. Describe the circumstances surrounding the death and how the investigation would be conducted concentrating on developing evidence that can be physical or testimonial from interviews of witnesses or possible perpetrators. Finally, describe what findings developed during autopsy would result in the cause and manner of death.

solved An oligopoly is characterized by a relatively small number of

An oligopoly is characterized by a relatively small number of firms offering a similar product or service. Oligopoly products may be branded, as in soft drinks, cereals, and athletic shoes, or unbranded, as in crude oil, aluminum, and cement. The main distinction of oligopoly is that the number of firms is small enough that actions by any individual firm on price, output, product style, quality, introduction of new models, and terms of sale has an impact on the sales of other firms in the industry. Review the Table 12.1 (pg. 416), select a dominant single firm, duopoly firm, and triopoly firm and discuss if you foresee any weaknesses in the three firms you selected that would allow entrance into this market or if one of the firm has enough strength to become a monopoly?

solved I’m working on a law discussion question and need an

I’m working on a law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

One of the most fundamental issues in business law involves the question of when a company can be held liable for the acts of an individual person, whether this involves a contractual obligation or a personal injury (meaning a tort). Choose one of the scenarios below and explain whether you think the business is liable for the acts under the principles of agency law.A real estate agent hires a handful of local kids to do the landscaping of homes that he is trying to sell. In addition to the general payment, he reimburses them for the cost of gasoline for lawnmowers and other equipment. While mowing a lawn, one of the kids loses control of a lawnmower and it mows down a neighbor

solved Week 3 DiscussionTextbook:… Read chapter

Week 3 DiscussionTextbook:… Read chapter 7 in the class text and respond to the following question:1. Review the Mini-Case titled, “Kikos and the South Korean Won,” and respond to Q#3 that followed the case. Read chapter 8 in the class text and respond to the following questions:2. If a financial manager is interested in hedging (managing the risk) of a floating rate interest payment due August 2021, she/he would need to sell a futures contract. State and explain the strategy that describes the manager’s actions.3. State and describe the usual motivation for a currency swap based on the information in the assigned chapter, NOT outside sources. Next, comment on the Mini-Case titled, “Argentina and the Vulture Funds.”

solved I want picture for the food or for anything first

I want picture for the food or for anything first and then can you write about it, but the picture just send to me like file because I want to upload it on canvesYour Discussion experience will come in three parts:Part 1: Take an artstic photo. Manipulation via app is optional. Embed the photo to your thread. Avoid using huge file sizes, they may not upload into Canvas.Part 2: Write a short essay describing how the Visual Toolbox and Principles of Design make your photo visually effective in a short essay format. If you wish to tell us a little about your photo, that is fine, but remember that the purpose of this assignment is to provide a visual analysisure and then can you write about it, but the picture just send to me like file because I want to upload it on canves

solved For this assignment, write a short essay in which you

For this assignment, write a short essay in which you explain how “Rip Van Winkle” is an excellent example of American Romanticism.
Identify at least two to three elements of Romanticism that are illustrated in the text.
Create a thesis that includes these elements. 
In your response, be sure to explain HOW the story illustrates those elements.

Each element should be fully discussed in its own body paragraph. 

You should include text evidence through both summary and direct quotations. 

Make sure your response is at least 300 WORDS
Points will be deducted for the percent missing if your paper does not meet the minimum word count). 

Use the attached rubric to be certain you are creating quality work.

Don’t forget to review your similarity report.Â