solved…Formative Questions:1. Which two schools…Formative Questions:1. Which two schools are the most attractive to you and why? 2. Which three schools do you think any of the authors we have studied so far would most admire
and why? 3. How have any of these model schools helped you envisage your own ideal school?Synthesis Question:
You have been invited by a newspaper to provide an article about future schools. 1. Summarize some current trends concerning future schools and provide examples. 2. Identify what features you particularly like with regard to the schools you have reviewed. 3. Conclude by answering the question –is there an ideal school –i.e. a school that can serve all
needs or do we need to build different schools for a variety of student abilities?

solved I have my final project for my Pathophysiology & Pharmacology

I have my final project for my Pathophysiology & Pharmacology class and need help with my papers: Complete your record inaccuracies identification and submit your completed patient record analysis. You should incorporate feedback from the course. To be sure you have completed all of the required elements of the final project, use the Final Project Checklist.7-3 Final Project Submission: Patient Record Analysis. Please read the guidelines and rubric before you begin writing. Use the feedback from previous milestone submissions. When composing, follow the “Prompt” in the guidelines. There are 3 required sections:Section 1 – Patient HistorySection 2 – Recent Visit AnalysisSection 3 – Identification of InaccuraciesAttach are all the necessary documents for this paper Thanks

solved Please watch the following short (5 minute) video.Reza Aslan discusses

Please watch the following short (5 minute) video.Reza Aslan discusses how religion is an identity and how people insert their identity and political beliefs into the Bible. We have talked this week about the importance of hermeneutics (interpretation) and how power has been used to uphold one interpretation while forcing others out. (In other words, erasing the voices and experiences of marginal identities).What are some ways that you have seen marginal identities (women, people of color, minorities, Latina/o, Black communities, LGBTQI+) use the Bible or religion(s) to give them strength? You can use examples that you have seen in media or in course readings. If there is anything in the readings or lectures that excites you, please feel free to comment on that as well.

solved I’m stuck on a Criminal Justice question and need an

I’m stuck on a Criminal Justice question and need an explanation.

We learned this week that the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly provide for the right to privacy.
Do some research into this issue — here is a good place to start:
Explain your thoughts on this matter — should the U.S. Constitution be amended to specifically define a right to privacy or, do you feel that the holdings of the U.S. Supreme Court (and tell me which cases) are sufficient protection in this matter; why or why not? Is there perhaps a specific privacy right that you feel particularly strong about personally; explain.  Make sure that you use specific examples and at least two resources to substantiate your opinion.

solved I’m working on a business discussion question and need an

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Choose a journal article related to project status reporting, budgeting, or risk analysis Write a 2-3 page review of your chosen journal article. Please choose a peer reviewed journal, and an article that has been published in the past five (5) years.The review should contain the journal article title, author’s name and year of publication. Your paper should contain the following headings: Introduction Summary of the article Relevant points made by the author Critique of the article Application of the concepts in the articlePlease find link to an example website below just to give you an idea about what you should be looking for:

solved I’m working on a art exercise and need guidance to

I’m working on a art exercise and need guidance to help me learn.

Analysis – videos from Mime & Clown video playlistWrite a one-page, double spaced analysis (submitted as a PDF) after watching the videos on Kaltura from the “Mime and Clown” video playlist. (There are FOUR videos in total, which all together come to less than two hours.)Remember to analyze the theatrical elements of the video (the acting, the staging, the costumes, the props, the sound design, the lighting design, the scenic design) and cite specific moments that you liked and why you think those moments were effective. Also, discuss how stories can be told without words being spoken by the characters.Here is the link to the Kaltura video playlist:…

solved topic is about Covid19 Specific Issue is about Economic impacts

topic is about Covid19
Specific Issue is about Economic impacts
A proposal is a short paper which indicates to your reader your plan for addressing your topic. For your proposal, you will address the following in a 2-4-page narrative-style proposal, meaning you will not yet conduct any research: 

What is your topic and your stance (opinion) on your topic?
What is your personal and/or scholarly investment in your topic? Why is your topic important to address, given the current social and political climate?
What are 2-3 main arguments that support your stance on your topic?
What are 2-3 main arguments that counter (go against) your stance on your topic?
If your topic centers around a specific problem, what is the problem? What do you see as some viable solutions?

solved Assignment Type: Thesis / DissertationKEEP ME POSTED ON YOUR PROGRESS

Assignment Type: Thesis / DissertationKEEP ME POSTED ON YOUR PROGRESS I WILL NEED A DRAFTDescriptionPlease follow my instruction thoroughly.1.All sources (40 sources) must come from peer-reviewed journals.2. The paper must be 1. Introduction (2 pages), 2. Literature review (5 pages), 3. Solutions (6 pages), 4. conclusion and implication (2 pages), 5. Limitation of the study (1 page).3. Literature review section must be written with 20 resources.4. Solutions must be made up of five solutions based on 20 resources5. The chapter of the Literature review must include one summarized table and, the chapter of solutions also must include one table which can summarize the solutions.Sources: 40 sources requiredCitation Style: APA 6th edition16 pages / 4400 words (Double spacing)

solved (500 words minimum)Identification of the Packaging componentsI know you have

(500 words minimum)Identification of the Packaging componentsI know you have worked hard the last few weeks on your Marketing Plan so this discussion forum will be a bit different from the previous two but should also be fun :-). Look in your pantry, dressing table, garage, the baby’s room, etc. and pick out a product (see page 218-219, and describe the packaging in light of the intended deliverable. Did the company do a great job, good job, or fall short in meeting the purposes of packaging. Why? If the product had a secondary package (like the two pack of milk at Costco), describe that too. Have some fun with this, look at the colors (key emotional trigger) used, the materials, the actual containers too :-). What catches your eye and draws you to considering the item.

solved Question I – The year is 2012 and the light

Question I – The year is 2012 and the light bulb has not yet been invented. Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla are in a bitter feud to see who can bring electricity to the masses first. In this alternative history, it is indisputable that Tesla invented the lightbulb first. However, Edison filed his lightbulb patent prior to Tesla. According to the law in 2012, who holds the patent to the lightbulb?Question II – In May of 2013, Jesse plans to open a law office named “Peace Law” and uses the peace symbol as part of the logo for the business. That same month Jesse registers the trademark with the Patent and Trademark Office. Jesse opens the law office for practice in July 2015. Assuming no one contested registration of the trademark within 5 years, is the trademark valid?