solved (1) Please go online and find a website which features

(1) Please go online and find a website which features details of the atmosphere of any non-gaseous planet in the solar system (except the earth) . Post the URL of the website, and provide a concise description of the essential data. You may also consider a large moon, such as Io (for Jupiter). You need to know the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the planet/moon and its radius, from which you find the escape velocity. You also need to know its surface temperature.(2) Do a calculation of the rms speed of the oxygen molecules on the surface of the planet/moon, and compare that with the escape velocity. Is the planet/moon able to hold on to oxygen in its atmosphere? Check your result with the actual content of the atmosphere. Provide the essential steps.

solved I’m working on a english question and need an explanation

I’m working on a english question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Examine the implied sexual politics of the poem, and answer one of the following:a) How do you reconcile the sexual content of the poem with the ostensible framing of the story as a children’s tale that draws upon genres such as the fairy tale and the fable? Consider the aural or musical elements of the poem, describing elements that work both with or against conventional ideas of children’s literature. b) Offer a reading in which “Goblin Market” can be seen as subverting heterosexist, patriarchal, and/or Christian norms of female sexual behavior (and gender roles more generally). Describe how this poem is more transgressive than its playful rhymes and imagery might suggest.

solved Choose industry (or sectors) that utilize cloud resources in some

Choose industry (or sectors) that utilize cloud resources in some way or another. Provide a brief overview of the companies—year founded; CEO; number of employees; yearly revenue; company’s main revenue source. CompanyName and Brief HistoryIndustry/Business Sector OverviewSpecific Technology Disruptors in industry/Business Sector over last Three YearsUtilization of Cloud Resources in Business OperationsHow Cloud Resources are Being Used to Gain a Competitive Advantage How the Industry/Business Sector is Changing Because of Cloud Utilization One Cloud Security Recommendation the CSO Should Utilize and WhyUse the following Level 1 and Level 2 Headings , and include at least one reference per Heading one reference per Level 1 Heading and APA 7 edition format

solved This news story must be about an online event or

This news story must be about an online event or meeting.
This exercise is designed to help you with the planning of your news story. Take a moment to start researching for an event or meeting (school board, city council, opening ceremony, award ceremony, press conference, lecture, panel, info session, workshop, conference, etc.) that you can attend. Keep in mind that the event date needs to be before your news story is due (check your syllabus for the specific due date).
The Planning Sheet (scroll down to find fillable PDF) will help you plan and narrow your focus as to precisely what you will eventually write about. Before you write, you must gather general information, and determine who you will need to speak to and when you will contact those individuals.

solved Your substantive post answering each discussion question in at least

Your substantive post answering each discussion question in at least 100 words. A substantive post reflects integration of all assigned content for that week.The answers to these questions are each Thursday at 11:59 PM.Note: Recycling information from other students is plagiarism, and will result in, at minimum, the assignment of a grade of ‘F’.Answer the following questions:The classic television show Sesame Street has a new puppet. Her name is Carly, I believe, but the point is that this puppet was added due in large part to the fact that the number of children placed in foster care has increased every year for the past 5 years. I would like for you to do a little research and identify reasons that might explain this increase and what we might do to fix it.

solved This is the topic of my essay:Dorothy Vaughn had to

This is the topic of my essay:Dorothy Vaughn had to make a difficult decision to leave her family to work in another city for a dream job. What are the causes for why someone would do something like this? Focus the causes on something specific, like causes from an individual, causes from society, or causes from the economy. These are just some examples.Spend some time gathering ideas the causes OR the effects of the topic of the paper. You only need to focus on causes OR effects, not both.Once you have some ideas, you can start the outline.Fill out The outline that I uploaded here by typing in your answers or by printing it and writing it by hand, or by writing it all by hand on another piece of paper, but if you do that, please label all parts of the outline.

solved 1. it is not unusual for researchers to naturally adopt

1. it is not unusual for researchers to naturally adopt a methodology (quantitative or qualitative) that is consistent with their own worldview. Explain your worldview when it comes to research.Write post around couple sentences. 2. My worldview concerning research is to be openminded and even killed. A researcher should be able to separate his or her personal sentiments from factual, biased or misleading information in order to present a honest, credible presentation of the information found. I find it is easy to start at a neutral stance and gradually gravitate to a viewpoint that favors ones feelings on paper. I think one must be diligent not to fall into that inclination.Answer post below within 2-3 sentencesNumber each answer this is not a summary.Thanks

solved I’m working on a psychology question and need support to

I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me learn.

We have been reviewing some technical information so far and comparing the differences and similarities between Classical (Respondent) Conditioning and Operant (Consequences and Reinforcement) Conditioning.Now it is time for you to do some research to see what resources are out there.Please go to the internet and find a resource (agency, organization or program, book, website, video, etc.) where Operant Conditioning principles are used (reinforcement/consequences). Please do not use the same Big Bang video clip I have already supplied you with in a prior lesson.Please copy and paste the source/link into your post.Explain the resource and how you see Operant Conditioning principles applied.

solved I need you to write a 4 page review and

I need you to write a 4 page review and analysis of (Jack ma) accomplishments, leadership style and philosophy, leadership impact, situational factors, and career influences. This is not a book report or a repeat of their resume, but a critical evaluation and synthesis of their accomplishments and struggles.Good case studies tell a story as well as analyzing and documenting. Think about how the individual probably experienced his/her own leadership as well as how those around the individual portrayed him/her. Was there drama in this story? Why did you find this person compelling enough to study? What did you learn about leadership from this profile? Does this person’s story reflect some of the leadership concepts discussed in this course or in your reading?

solved Discussion board responseIn your experience or judgment, what would be

Discussion board responseIn your experience or judgment, what would be the most effective specific practice that a controlling employer would require a subcontractor to perform, that demonstrates the controlling employer is meeting “reasonable care”?Research a specific industry other than one that will fall into manufacturing, and find specific terminology, methodology for management, special hazards, or special dynamics that make managing safety unique. Present and comment on your findings. You may also consider utilizing the “Industry at a Glance” section offered at Risk management in hospitals may use the term ERM in safety management. You could research the term and define and give examples of similar strategy in other industries.