solved DirectionsWrite a 3-4 page paper on ONE of the following

DirectionsWrite a 3-4 page paper on ONE of the following topics:1. Think about the techniques that promote the health and safety in the early and middle childhood stage of development. Imagine that you have a friend or relative who has a child in the early to middle childhood stage of development. Write an essay persuading your friend or relative to use the techniques that promote the health and safety of his or her child.OR2. Write an essay explaining the social and emotional development of adolescents. Assigned paper must have a cover sheet and the bibliography/reference page. The cover sheet and bibliography are not part of the 3-4 page length requirement. Essay must also be 12 font, Times New Roman and double spaced. Essay will also be checked for plagiarism.

solved Instructions: For your writing assignment, you are to write a

Instructions: For your writing assignment, you are to write a review of Why Nations Fail identifying the author’s arguments, and very important, offering your comments on why you agree or disagree with these authors.
Grading: You will be graded on (1) did the students identify the arguments in the chosen work, identifying the political question and the causal variables? (2) Did the student demonstrate they read/watched the sources on the given work through quotes to support the arguments? (3) When expressing agreement or disagreement, does the student provide a clear reasoning as to why they agree or disagree (e.g. offering another variable not considered). (4) Page length there is about Three Double-Spaced Pages. The assignment is due on September 5 at 11:59 pm.

solved Select a Saudi Arabian company. Describe this company’s experiences with

Select a Saudi Arabian company. Describe this company’s experiences with mergers/acquisitions and alliances? Why did the Saudi Arabian company merge/acquire and/or make alliances with other companies? That is, what competencies and opportunities did the Saudi Arabian company seek from its association with the target company?Did the merger/acquisition and/or alliance create or destroy value? (Provide evidence to back the assessment of value creation/destruction.)What recommendations would you make to the Saudi Arabian company concerning this or future mergers/acquisitions and/or alliances?Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least 2 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article.

solved I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Option 1: Based on what is discussed in the book in Chapter 3, in the videos, and what you’ve read online, write a post and discuss the pressures for reform in the United States. Give examples, discuss specifics regarding the positive and negative outcomes.Readings:Planning History Timeline (Links to an external site.)Have you ever visited a park or neighborhood designed one of the Olmsteds? There are some here in Florida. You can find a list here (Links to an external site.), Read more about them here (Links to an external site.). Tenement Housing and reform: (Links to an external site.)

solved Instructions:Please watch the videos and read the articles. Answer ALL

Instructions:Please watch the videos and read the articles. Answer ALL the questions. Simply copy and paste the questions and write a 4-5 sentences in response to each question. All answers must be written in your own words. Do not cut and paste text from books or websites.You could either paste your essay in the submission box in Canvas or upload it as a.doc (MS Word document) or .pdf file (Adobe Acrobat). No other file formats are acceptable. 1. What are the Nazca Lines?2. Who created these geoglyphs?3. Discuss various theories that explain the purpose of the Nazca Lines.4. How were the lines made? The Enigma of Nazca Lines (Links to an external site.)National Geographic (Links to an external (Links to an external site.)A Mystery on the Plains

solved From Hank Kellner’s Write What You See, please use the

From Hank Kellner’s Write What You See, please use the attached prompt titled “Drops of Dew” as the inspiration/foundation for your journal entry this week. Be sure to read the Universal Journaling Prompt located on the Journaling Information page for full instructions before you begin.Journaling InstructionsPrompt: Twice a week, make time to sit down and write for approximately 15+ minutes (writing efficiency and thinking, of course, varies greatly). You can consider this to be a diary, a freewrite, a rant, a letter to me, a brain drain, a crafted personal narrative, or the terrible drudgery of busy work (I recommend any perspective except the last). Use this time to dig deep and use the medium of writing to explore self, world, conflict and/or environment.


IMPORTANT:  The website will be built using (There will be no fee to build your website.)
Research, identify, develop and present a business proposal for a new product, service, or business.
Your proposal should include:
1. A description of the new product, service, or business.
2. Key attributes including the following:
Mission and Vision Statement
Company Philosophy & Culture
Description of New Product or Service
General Financial Information & Budget
Description of the Team/Organizational Structure
Marketing Plan
Complete question attached:

solved I’m working on a history discussion question and need a

I’m working on a history discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Note to tutor: I provided a screenshot of students’ posts that are examples of this discussion, you can look at them and see their work to help you do this discussion. Please use basic English language not advanced because English is my second language. Questions to Consider:Who were the leaders of imperialism/anti-imperialism; what were their views?What contributed to U.S. emergence as a world power?Are any of these factors still with us? What do you think? Note: After our longest war, we have recently gotten out of Afghanistan. We are coming back as a world leader, rebuilding our alliances, and renewing our commitment to democracy. It could be a new era in foreign relations.

solved For this discussion we’ll explore chapters 20-22, The PublicTo complete

For this discussion we’ll explore chapters 20-22, The PublicTo complete this assignment:Read the chapters and choose the one theory that most speaks to you. Why did you choose this theory? Summarize it in your own words.Next, choose one of the discussion questions at the end of the chapter for the one theory you’ve chosen and respond to it here. Respond to three of your classmates in a meaningful and respectful manner.This is a small group discussion with about five to seven students in your group.Your writing should be academic, engage the concepts and terminology used in the study materials, and be about 200-400 carefully edited and proofread words in length. Make sure to answer all parts of the questions, and demonstrate your mastery of the assigned readings.

solved Assignment Instructions In this assignment, you will focus on the

Assignment Instructions
In this assignment, you will focus on the mission and budgeting process of your selected organization.
For this assignment:

Analyze the mission and vision of the organization.
Link the roles of mission and vision to the financial success of the organization.
Identify the budget format or process used in the organization.
Analyze the financial operations of this nonprofit by examining each of the financial categories reported. How does this approach compare with financial operations for-profit and government human service organizations?
Analyze the relevant rationale or theories and practices of organizational fiscal management and control, as related to the mission and budget of the organization. Is there a match? Is anything missing?