solved Week 3: Discussion Board PostingSocial determinants affect access to health

Week 3: Discussion Board PostingSocial determinants affect access to health care, foster or interfere with the ability to practice health behaviors, affect physiology through influences on stress hormones, and result in ecological/epidemiological changes that can affect multiple generations. Culture and lifespan have a profound effect on designing a health promotion program.Discuss how health disparities can be reduced through the application health promotion research in a specific culture or population aggregate (such as an Ethnic Group, low socioeconomic community, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning or any population that has health disparities ).What are the advantages of using logic models when planning and evaluating health promotion programs?

solved I don’t know how to handle this English question and

I don’t know how to handle this English question and need guidance.

1/In Chapter One of the Odyssey,
when asked by Athena/Mentor if he is Odysseus’ son, Telemachus responds
“My mother says that I am his son, but I cannot be sure, since no
one knows his own begetting (line 213). How do you evaluate this
response? What, in your opinion, prompts Telemachus to momentarily doubt
his own father? Write about 200 words. 2/Evaluate the relationship of Odysseus with Calypso, as described in Chapter 5 of the Odyssey. How long has Odysseus been with her and why/how does the affair end so abruptly? Why
do you think Homer chooses to begin the story of Odysseus on Calypso’s
island and not somewhere else? Is there any strategic meaning to this
choice? Write about 200 words.

solved Having read the novel, The Final Bet and the chapter

Having read the novel, The Final Bet and the chapter from MoroccanNoir, you can see that there are several overlaid cultural conflicts playing out in this text: religion, justice, love and marriage, colonialism, economics, to name a few. Which one struck you most forcefully? Reflect on the issue, and drawing from your life experience, information learned in other courses, or research into the issue, elaborate the conflict as you see it. Reinforce your reflection with at least two quotes from the novel. You may also choose to cite information from the book chapter or another source (be sure to document the source). For your discussion post a 250-275 word reaction to the prompt.  Please note, you must first post your answer before you can see classmates’ posts. 

solved Please write a made-up diary for a new aloe vera

Please write a made-up diary for a new aloe vera plant. There needs to be 12 journal entries in total, each should be at least 150-200 words. Each journal entry is a week apart from each other. You can write about how you think the plant would grow, how long/thick the leaf would be, how the color would change, how wet/dry the soil will get, as well as changes in weather and environment (basically anything you can think of if you are recording a growth of a small plant). Keep in mind that it is not allowed to add water during these 12 weeks, so it is okay to say the plant is losing leafs or even dies in the end. I’ve attached a past example and a picture of an aloe vera for your reference. Please make the diary realistic and let me know if you have any questions.

solved Complete the following:Review the assigned reading for this phase.Watch this

Complete the following:Review the assigned reading for this phase.Watch this video.Provide 3 examples of businesses that do something similar to what you hope to do, and include a response to each of the following questions:What is the business’ “why” for its venture?What is your “why” for your choice of business?Clearly articulate what your business will do, including the following:Explain your production–distribution chain.Identify your suppliers.Describe your ideal location, and explain why it is ideal (this will help to create your mission and vision statement for your business plan).ReferenceSinek, S. (2009, September). How great leaders inspire action [Video]. TED. Retrieved from

solved My Name is Roimer Gomez J and I’m taking classes

My Name is Roimer Gomez J and I’m taking classes for Family Nurse Practitioner. This is a homework for next friday May 28. The class start at 6 pm.Assignment 2.1 – Ethical DilemmaInstructions:The student will prepare a written essay regarding one (1) ethical topic on healthcare, where you will:Explore and analyze the inconsistency factor of nursing within the selected topic.Identify potential solutions to the selected ethical dilemma topic.The essay will consist of 2-5 pages in length (not counting the cover and the reference page), with a minimum of three (3) professional, current references (not older than five years).Use the APA manual (7th ed.) style and send it via Blackboard for evaluation.Observe and avoid plagiarism by submitting your work to SafeAssign

solved Imagine you’ve been asked to help a group of new

Imagine you’ve been asked to help a group of new elementary school teachers better understand the developmental changes from early childhood to middle childhood. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on the expected developmental changes children experience when transitioning between early and middle childhood. Your paper will be part of the training materials new elementary school teachers receive in the summer before they start teaching. Address the following: 

Describe early childhood. 
Describe middle childhood. 
Discuss the transition from early childhood to middle childhood in healthy developing children. Include a discussion and examples of the following: 
Physical changes 
Neurological changes 
Cognitive changes 
Moral changes 
Social changes 

solved For this activity, I want you to make a list

For this activity, I want you to make a list of changes that you know  about or have learned about in the humanities. Make a list of changes  from early 1900s to current for each of the humanities we studied as  well as four other categories. These can be any type of humanities, even  pop culture — that will give you a total of ten categories Art,  Architecture, etc.).
Highlight changes that relate to technology.
Submit  your list — there’s no need for explanations or development here. Do  be sure to group your changes under the humanity they relate to (Art,  Music, etc.).
the humanities topic that I covered in the class is:
1) Art
2) Architecture
3) Music 
4) Dance
5) Litruture
6) fashion
so you need to use the above topics and add 4 more to be 10

solved -Weber’s conceptual framework for understanding race, class, gender, and sexuality

-Weber’s conceptual framework for understanding race, class, gender, and sexuality outlines the way in which the politics of identity functions in our larger social order allowing for some to be privileged in terms of the American Dream and others denied based on race, class, gender, and sexuality. -Addressing each of Weber’s six common themes explaining how each connects the American Dream from a point of inclusion and exclusion. -Be sure to provide detailed examples (either from the readings or the real world) and explain their connection.Please address the readings and learning modules as part of your response. Avoid, phrases such as: “I think,” “to me,” “in my opinion,” and “I agree.” Simply present your argument with supporting material from the course.

solved Instructions For this assignment, imagine you will be presenting at

For this assignment, imagine you will be presenting at a conference for an audience of newly hired human resource professionals. You are to share your knowledge about how to evaluate the effectiveness of different recruiting and employee selection methods by applying human resource management (HRM) principles.
In your introduction, include one type of position you would like to hire for and the KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) required for that position.
Include examples of methods used in recruitment efforts that foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Consider the diverse cultures and social practices that surround your specific local or regional community.
Include an explanation of steps used in the employee selection process.
